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Rock Hard International Billionaire: A Second Chance Billionaire Rockstar Romance (Rockstar Billionaires Book 3)

Page 3

by Paris Rose

  “Aw, I don’t believe that. You’re far too cute to be a friend of Christoff’s. What are you really doing here?” He chuckled. I blushed.

  I had no idea what he meant by his comment, and I wondered whether he was hitting on me. My hair was tangled, my lipstick was faded, and I had a huge gash on my forehead, not to mention the fact that I was wearing the most unattractive neck brace. I started to think that maybe he was mocking me.

  Before I could respond, a gray-haired man wearing a white lab coat and carrying a clipboard came into the lounge.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. McCafferty. You all must be here waiting to see Mr. Hartmann?”

  “Yes. When can we see him? Where is he?” We all spoke over each other.

  “You’ll all be able to see him shortly, but, because of HIPPA regulations, I can only update his emergency contact on his status. Who is Johannes Hoffmann?”

  “That’s me.” Johannes stepped forward.

  “Would you step into the hall with me?” The doctor gestured toward the door.

  “Sure.” Johannes walked briskly behind the doctor. The rest of us sat in silence until they returned. When they walked back through the door, Johannes had a solemn look on his face. His expression made my stomach turn.

  “Is everything okay?” I spoke up. I tried to keep my composure, but my voice quivered.

  “Yeah, everything will be fine. It could have been much worse.” Johannes placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder before walking back over to Jasmine.

  Dr. McCafferty cleared his throat.

  “I know that you all must be upset that someone close to you is in the hospital, but please try to stay upbeat when you go in to see him. It will help his recovery. His face is bruised and he has stitches on his forehead. He’s hooked up to a lot of machines, but it’s not as bad as it looks. He just woke up, so he may be a little bit out of it. Just be patient with him. Usually, with someone in his shape, we would only allow one visitor in at time. However, because you all have been waiting so long, and considering that it is Christoff Hartmann, I’m going to bend the rules a little and let you visit three at a time. Who wants to go first?”

  Everyone raised their hands. We all stood in silence. Finally, Axel took a step back. “I’ll let you guys go first. You all have been waiting longer, and I want to sober up before I see him. I’m still a little tipsy. I was at a hotel party when I got the call. I’m going to have some coffee here in the lounge. Could one of you come get me when it’s my turn?”

  “Of course, Axel.” Jasmine smiled reassuringly.

  “All right, you three follow me.” Dr. McCaffrey led the way down the hall.

  Christoff’s hospital room was one of the nicest rooms I had ever seen in a public hospital. It was the size of four regular rooms put together. There was a huge flat screen television on the wall and a sofa in the corner. There were three big comfortable-looking chairs on either side of Christoff’s bed. He was hooked up to a heart monitor, an IV drip, and supplemental oxygen tubes. My heart sank. I had never seen him in such bad shape. But even though he had cuts and bruises all over his face, he still looked irresistible to me.

  “Mr. Hartmann, you have visitors.” Dr. McCafferty knocked on the open door. I pushed past the doctor and raced to Christoff’s side.

  “Christoff!” I kissed him on the cheek. He slowly opened his eyes.

  “Gia, I’m so glad you’re okay,” he croaked. I didn’t recognize his voice. “They wouldn’t tell me where you were.”

  “I’m right here, Christoff, and I’m not going anywhere until they let you out of here.” I squeezed his hand.

  “Hey man, you hangin’ in there?” Johannes approached the opposite side of Christoff’s bed.

  “Hans? Thanks for coming all the way out here. I swear it’s not that serious. You didn’t need to fly across the country. I’ll be fine.”

  “Aw, Hon. We’re happy to be here. We were so worried about you.” Jasmine kissed Christoff on the cheek.

  “Jas? You came out, too? I know how you hate flying. You get even more antsy than Gia. I can’t believe you got on a plane to come see about my little bumps and bruises.”

  “I wouldn’t have been able to sleep not knowing what was going on with you.” Jasmine stroked Christoff’s hair before turning to me. “Giavanna, you’re afraid of flying, too?”

  “Heck yeah. I usually try to hide it, but I’m a pretty big baby on planes.”

  “Girl, I don’t blame you! Flying is horrifying. But when your husband is a rock star, it’s kind of a necessity.” Jasmine nudged Johannes. He smiled.

  “Well, I’m not sure if it was worth the trip. I hope they let me out of here by tomor—” Christoff began coughing uncontrollably before he could finish his sentence. He grabbed his chest and winced. I hated seeing him in so much pain.

  “Babe, are you okay?” I caressed Christoff’s shoulder.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. My chest just hurts when I talk.” Christoff grimaced. He squeezed my hand hard as he tried to reposition himself in the bed. He let go of me and rolled over on his side

  “Fuck, my back,” Christoff grunted. “Fuck,” he groaned under his breath. I felt a lump grow in my throat as I saw his eyes start to tear up. I could tell he was in more pain than he wanted to let on.

  “Christoff, let me help you.” I moved his pillows out of the way and placed my hand on his shoulder.

  “I don’t need any help. I’m an adult. I can roll over on my own,” Christoff snapped. “But thank you,” he added sternly.

  “Christoff, I know you’re uncomfortable, man. But stop moving around and let her help you,” Johannes spoke up. “Actually, they should have a full back brace on you. One of your doctors told me you had a spinal fracture.”

  Jasmine turned her back to Christoff and spoke in a hushed tone. “A spinal fracture? Is he paralyzed?”

  “No, Honey, it’s a compression fracture, so there is no neurological damage, but he still needs to have on a brace. I don’t know why the hell these doctors don’t exchange notes and communicate with each other. The doctor I just spoke to—Dr. McCafferty, I think his name was—said he just got on shift, so he wasn’t completely up to speed yet. I was the one telling him what the other doctor had told me earlier when we first got here. McCafferty said someone else ordered the X-rays, so he hadn’t seen them yet. And he said he didn’t get to do a full examination of Christoff yet. I’m not sure which doctor saw him last, but I do know Christoff should be lying still right now, not flopping around like a fish. He could be doing more damage to his injuries.”

  “Right, someone should get the doctor and get him more pain meds,” Jasmine whispered.

  “Dammit, guys! I’m right here. Why are you talking about me like I’m not in the room?” Christoff sounded like he was struggling for air.

  “Honey, I know you’re frustrated, but try to calm down and relax. Okay?” I soothed as I rubbed Christoff’s arm.

  “Would you please stop talking to me like I’m a child?” Christoff said sharply. “Yes, I have a few injuries, but I’m not brain damaged. You all are treating me like I’m handicapped. I’m not a fucking vegetable.” He clutched his chest as he started coughing again.

  His irritability made me so uneasy that I was sick to my stomach. I hated to see him so agitated. And, to make matters worse, I was irritable too from being up overnight and the pain of my own injuries.

  “Look, Christoff, having a fit is not going to help you get well any sooner. Now lie still while I get your doctor. We’re going to get you in a brace, and I’m going to ask if they can up your pain meds. And let me make sure Dr. McCafferty gets a copy of your X-rays. From the way you’re breathing, I think something might be wrong with your ribs, too. Now relax and let Johannes and Jasmine keep you company while I go find a doctor.” I started toward the door. “And don’t fuss and fight with them, either.” I turned back and looked Christoff in the eye. He held my gaze. I could tell that he heard me and that he knew there was no use in objecting.<
br />
  I rushed down the hall in search of a doctor. I was so focused on getting help for Christoff that I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I ran head on into Axel coming in the opposite direction. I bumped him so hard that he spilled his coffee on his white shirt.

  “Shit! You need to watch where you’re fucking going,” Axel snapped.

  “Gosh! I’m sorry, but you don’t have to fucking talk to me like that, asshole.” I stepped so close to Axel, I could feel his breath. I hadn’t slept in over twenty-four hours, I was hungry and exhausted, and my baby Christoff was miserable. I was beyond my last nerve.

  Axel placed his hands on my shoulders, took a deep breath, and looked down at me.

  “You’re right,” he said calmly. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. When you bumped into me at first, I didn’t even realize it was you. I would never talk to a friend of Christoff’s like that. I’m exhausted, I’ve been drinking, and this is one of my favorite shirts. It’s a three-hundred-dollar piece from Milan, and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get the stain out, so I just had a knee-jerk reaction. I’m sorry I yelled at you. I didn’t mean it.” Axel stumbled over his words a bit.

  Despite his apology I had to bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from snapping at him.

  “And I’m sorry that I’m slurring my words. I hope you don’t think I’m a sloppy drunk, because I’m not. I was at a party in Vegas when my manager told me Christoff had been hurt. I did a couple of one hundred 80-proof shots on my way out the door, and I drank on the plane, so I’m still a little messed up. And to make matters worse, I just got my tongue pierced earlier today, so it’s kind of hard to talk.” Axel stuck his tongue out before clicking his metal piercing against his front teeth. “Do you like it?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I smiled involuntarily. I felt blood rush to my cheeks. I happened to think tongue rings were pretty sexy. Maybe I could convince Christoff to get one when he recovers.

  “I take that as a yes.” Axel smirked. He was so arrogant.

  I briefly closed my eyes to clear my thoughts. “Hey, have you seen any of the doctors? I need to check on some stuff for Christoff.”

  “I think the nurse’s station is down the hall that way.” Axel pointed over his shoulder. “Is he doing okay?”

  “No, not really, he’s in a lot of pain. But he’s trying to be tough about it.” I rolled my eyes. “He was just in a horrible accident. I don’t know why he is trying to put up a front that his injuries aren’t that bad. I don’t understand men sometimes.”

  “Well, I will let you in on a little secret. Most of us are whiny babies when we’re sick or hurt, but for some reason, Christoff has always thought he had something to prove.” I thought I sensed a hint of contempt in Axel’s tone, but I couldn’t be sure. It was probably just the alcohol and his irritability talking. There was an awkward silence between us.

  “Well, you can go visit with him while I go find a doctor. I’m sure he will be happy to see you.” I walked past Axel and down the hall.

  “Hey, Giavanna?” He called after me.

  “Yeah?” I couldn’t move my neck, so I had to turn my whole body.

  “Don’t repeat what I just said.”

  “Um, okay.” I quickly continued in the opposite direction. That was weird. When I safely turned the corner, I paused for a second as I tried to figure Axel out. I got a strange vibe from him. At this point, it didn’t matter, I had to make sure Christoff was getting the proper treatment. One would think a billionaire international rock star would have the most competent doctors available, but apparently not.

  I went to the nurse’s station to explain the situation to them. The head nurse apologized for what may have been a miscommunication between doctors. She explained that Christoff had come in as the shifts were changing, so there had been a bit of confusion. While everyone was busy clearing the floor and making sure that the press didn’t get in, a few things might have been overlooked. She apologized profusely and said she would send someone down to his room right away. She assured me that Christoff had a whole team of nurses assigned solely to him, and that all I had to do was push a button in Christoff’s room, and someone would be there in seconds. I wasn’t pleased that they were incompetent in their initial standard of care, but I was happy that they seemed to take my concern seriously and that they were really thorough with ensuring that all security and privacy measures were taken. Even though the hospital followed procedure, I wondered how much information had been leaked to the press by the police and the paramedics.

  By the time I made it back down the hall to Christoff’s room, the doctor was already there. I caught the tail end of what he was saying, it sounded like he was kicking everybody out. “What’s going on?” I asked as I pushed past Axel to get into the room.

  “Visiting hours are over for tonight. Mr. Hartmann needs some rest, and I need to do an additional examination.”

  “Can we wait in the visitors’ lounge?” I prodded.

  “The visitors’ lounge is open 24/7, so I can’t make you leave, but I highly advise you all go home and get some rest. Especially you, Ms. Johnson. You’ve been here all night, and you have your own injuries to take care of. Don’t you want to be well by the time we release Mr. Hartmann from the hospital?”

  “Yes, of course,” I replied. “Speaking of his release, do you know when that will be?”

  “No, it’s too early to tell. It’s five thirty in the morning. Go home and get some sleep, I should have more information when you get back.”

  “When will we be allowed back?” I could hear the anxiety in my own voice.

  “I will allow visitors again at 9 a.m. if I feel that Mr. Hartmann is up for it, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

  Johannes and Jasmine were headed toward the door, and Axel was already in the hallway. I allowed them to walk past me as I moved closer to Christoff’s bed. “I’m not leaving until I say goodbye.”

  “Okay, make it quick.”

  I rushed over to Christoff’s bed. He took my hand in his. I leaned in close and spoke softly.

  “You’re going to be out of here in no time. I’m sure of it. Just rest. I’ll be back as soon as they let us back in. Call my cell if you need anything at all. I’ll probably be up for the rest of the morning. Okay?”

  Christoff gazed up at me. He looked glassy eyed. I could tell the painkillers had kicked in. It seemed as if they may have given him a sedative as well.

  “I’ll be fine, Gia. Go home and go to sleep,” he said slowly. “You aren’t doing anybody any good by staying up. I have a team of doctors and nurses working around the clock to make sure I’m okay, but I need you to make sure you’re okay. Go home and take a nice hot shower and get a good night’s sleep. And stop worrying. Okay?” I tried to nod my head. “I’m serious, Gia, relax and get some rest.”

  I was too exhausted to put up a fight. “Okay, Christoff, I’ll try. I’ll be back tomorrow. Feel better.” I kissed him softly on the lips. He reached up and pulled me deeper into his kiss.

  “You sure know how to help a man get well soon.” Christoff smiled for the first time since I’d arrived at the hospital.

  “Goodnight, Christoff.” I smiled.


  It was noon the day after the accident, and I was back at the hospital sitting by Christoff’s side. He had been sleeping most of the morning, but now he was up and in good spirits. The entire band was there, and they took shifts visiting with Christoff. Johannes and Axel were across from me on the opposite side of Christoff’s bed, and Adelmo and Fleisch were in the visitor’s lounge napping. I was holding Christoff’s hand while we relaxed and watched a stand-up comedy set on the flat screen TV. I could tell that laughing was physically painful for Christoff, but I was glad to see him in a better mood. He was a lot less cranky than he was last night. We were all doing better after getting some rest.

  That is, I thought I was doing better until I looked up after hearing a knock on the doo
r. It was one of Christoff’s doctors flanked by one of the most gorgeous women on the planet. My heart sank when I saw Sports Illustrated cover girl Arianna Turlington standing in the doorway. She had creamy olive skin, electrifying blue eyes, full pastel-pink lips, and long, layered dark brown hair with honey-colored highlights on the ends. Her hourglass figure filled out her strapless, salmon-colored sundress perfectly. My jaw dropped as I stared at her in utter shock. What was she doing here? I actually used to be a fan of Arianna’s long before she ever dated Christoff. I used to enjoy reading her interviews when she first came out on the scene. She actually seemed like a really cool girl. At least that’s how she came across in the media. But despite having a positive opinion of her, I felt a pang of jealousy as I watched her and Christoff make eye contact and hold each other’s gaze.

  “Arianna?” Christoff uttered. He seemed just as shocked as I was.

  “Christoff! I was so worried about you. Your accident was all over the news. I tried to get here earlier, but I had to work. How are you? Are you okay?” Arianna stepped into the room and squeezed past Axel’s chair to get to Christoff’s bed side. Her eyes welled with tears as she reached for Christoff’s hand. “I’m so sorry this happened to you,” she breathed quietly. He took her hand in his.

  “Arianna, I’m doing a lot better now than I was last night. I appreciate your concern, but there is no need to be upset. I’ll be fine.”

  “Why do you always try to be so damn tough, Christoff? You’re not fine, and it’s okay to admit that.” Arianna spoke quietly, but I detected a hint of frustration in her voice.

  “Hey, could you guys give us a moment?” Christoff glanced over Arianna’s shoulder in the direction of Axel and Johannes.

  “Sure, man.” Johannes immediately stood and made his way toward the door.

  “No problem, Christoff. Good to see you, Arianna.” Axel caressed the small of Arianna’s back.


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