and threats to manuscripts, 154–55, 157, 162–63, 174–75
Timbuktu home of, 59, 66, 138, 142, 151, 154, 159
wives of, 59, 138, 161, 163, 185, 239
Zouber’s meetings with, 9–10, 30–31, 41–42
Haidara, Bouya, 210–11
Haidara, Chérit Ousmane Mandani, 213
Haidara, Ismail Diadjié, 62–63
Haidara, Mohammed “Mamma,” 3–10
childhood of, 5–6
death of, 8
education of, 6–7
manuscript collection of, 3–4, 6–10, 48–49, 160
and son’s childhood and adolescence, 3–5, 8, 157
son’s prospecting work and, 30, 32–33, 44
teaching career of, 3–4, 6
Haiti, 92, 94
Hamaha, Oumar Ould “Red Beard,” 172–74, 188, 232
Hanafi, Mohammed Al, 32–34
Harvard University, 51, 53, 55
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 52
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 74
Hippocrates, 18, 27
History and Description of Africa and of the Notable Things Therein Contained, The (Leo Africanus), 12
Hollande, François, 187, 194–95, 217, 226–27
Hotel Bouctou, 58–59, 67–68, 128
and occupation of Timbuktu, 139–42, 152
Hotel Kanaga, 215
Hôtel La Maison, 131, 148, 152, 169, 238
Houdas, Octave, 28
Huddleston, Vicki, 90–98, 107–10
AQIM and, 107, 109–10
background of, 92, 94
Belmokhtar and, 92, 95–97
Ghali and, 96–98
and international intervention and war, 90–93, 194, 196–97
kidnappings and, 88
Milovanovic and, 107–8
physical appearance of, 94
Wald and, 91–95, 107
Human Rights Watch, 146–47, 150, 166–67, 169
Hume, David, 51–52
Hunwick, John O., 30–31
Ibn Ali, Hussein, 166
Ibn Batuta, 7, 28
Ibn Khalilkan, 241–42
Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz Ibn Muhammed, 166–67
Ikatel, 59
Independent, The, 75
International Criminal Court, 238
Iraq, 10, 18, 49, 99, 103, 133, 165
Islamists, Islam, 2, 15–21, 64, 66–69, 71–76, 99, 122–25, 165–76, 212–13, 215–17, 222, 241–42
Abou Zeid and, 78–79, 102, 140–41, 143
Ahmed Baba Institute and, 7–9, 66
Ahmed Baba on, 23
Algerian civil war and, 71, 74–75, 217
and attacks on shrines and cemeteries, 179, 187
Belmokhtar and, 73–74, 76
draconian punishments and, 170–71
Ghali and, 85–88, 96–97, 112–14, 122–24, 143, 238
Haidara’s nephew’s arrest and, 173–74
Haidara’s prospecting work and, 34–35, 38, 41, 46
Huddleston and, 93
and international intervention and war, 188, 196, 219, 224, 233, 238
Jews and, 24
jurisprudence and, 4, 6–7, 17–19, 23, 34–35, 46, 117
kidnappings and, 80, 215–16, 233
Leo Africanus and, 12
in Mali, 68, 81, 89, 133, 149
manuscript exhibits and, 61
Mawloud festival and, 202–3
and occupation of Gao, 149–50, 167, 169, 171
and occupation of Konna, 191
and occupation of Timbuktu, 142–43, 145–51, 155, 159–61, 165, 167–69, 173–76, 181, 185, 238
open vs. inflexible, 24–25
and overthrow of Touré, 133
Qaddafi and, 120
and rebel advances on Bamako, 193, 196
rescuing manuscripts and, 159–61, 181, 185, 200–201
sexuality and, 20
Sunni Ali and, 15–16
in Timbuktu, 17–19, 21, 24–26, 68–69, 156, 165, 212
Wald and, 91–93
Western stereotypes of, 46
Zouber’s education and, 9–10
Islamic Police:
in Gao, 149–50, 169
in Timbuktu, 1–2, 145–47, 149–50, 159–61, 168–69, 173–76, 181, 185, 200, 238
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, 72, 133
Israel, 73, 82, 109
Italy, 13, 103, 105
Jane’s Terrorism and Security Monitor, 102
Jazeera, Al, 103, 110, 186
Jeune Afrique, 131
Jews, 15, 63
anti-Semitism and, 24–25, 212
in Timbuktu, 23–25, 46, 212
jihadis, jihad, 26–28, 46, 67, 71–76, 160, 239
Abou Zeid and, 78–79, 96, 102, 104, 151–52, 171, 174, 176–77, 188–89, 196, 201, 207, 220, 222, 227
and advances on Bamako, 196, 198
Algeria and, 75, 78–79
AQIM and, 2, 101–2, 105, 110–11, 122–24
and attacks on shrines and cemeteries, 165–67, 179
Belmokhtar and, 74–76, 90, 92, 96, 104, 112, 153, 171–72, 188–89, 220
draconian punishments and, 171
Droukdel and, 99–100
El Para and, 80–81, 95–96, 107
Ghali and, 87–88, 111, 122–24, 133, 168, 171, 188–89, 191–92, 201–2, 208, 220, 237
Huddleston and, 92–93, 97, 107–8
and international intervention and war, 90, 194–96, 198, 213, 215, 217–27, 232, 234, 238
kidnappings and, 102, 105, 189, 232
in Libya, 237
Malian insurgency and, 89, 133, 135
military operations in Konna of, 190–91
and occupation of Gao, 148, 150, 153, 171–72
and occupation of Konna, 191–92, 195–96
and occupation of Timbuktu, 20, 139–40, 143–48, 151–52, 155, 157–58, 162–63, 165–67, 174–77, 178–80, 182, 185–86, 188–89, 200–202, 204, 207, 209, 214, 221
rescuing manuscripts and, 158, 174–75, 178, 182, 192, 200–201, 211, 230
retreat of, 201–2, 210, 220
and threats to manuscripts, 27–28, 155, 157, 162, 210–11
and unrest in Kidal, 234
Wald and, 90, 95
and war on musicians, 168
Joffre, Joseph Césaire, 27, 219
Juma Al-Majid Center for Culture and Heritage, 60, 115, 180
Kaedi, Ahmed Ag, 168, 236
Kagame, Paul, 214
Kant, Immanuel, 52
Kebede, Liya, 128
Keïta, Ibrahim Boubacar, 232
Khadijah, 43
Khalil Ibn Ahmad, Al, 18
Khartoum, 6
Kidal, 101, 105, 110, 168, 172, 236, 239
Ghali and, 81–82, 85, 97, 111, 123, 133, 170, 220
violence and unrest in, 233–34
King Abdulaziz University, 112
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 6
Konaré, Alpha, 64
Konna, 215
rebel occupation of, 191–92, 195–96
rebel operations in, 189–91, 196
rescuing manuscripts and, 182, 192
Korans, Koran, 3–4, 16–17, 22, 26–27, 61–63, 78, 173
Ahmed Baba on, 23
in Ber, 65
Haidara’s education and, 9
Haidara’s father’s manuscript collection and, 4, 6
Haidara’s prospecting work and, 39–40, 44
manuscript exhibits and, 61, 66
Mawloud festival and, 117, 203
and occupation of Timbuktu, 143, 146–47, 150, 174
physical appearance of, 160
sexuality and, 20–21
and war on musicians, 168
Kuwait, 7, 10, 40, 49, 174
Ladders of Ascent, The (Ahmed Baba), 23
Laing, Alexander Gordon, 4, 35
Lake Debo, 18, 205–6
Lazarevic, Serge, 233
Leggett, Christopher, 103
Leo Africanus (Hassan Mohammed Al Wazzan
Al Zayati), 7, 12–14, 17, 25
Léocour, Antoine de, 194
Library of Congress, 61, 116
Libya, 13, 37, 49, 76, 101
Abou Zeid and, 78–79
and attacks on shrines and cemeteries, 179
bombing of, 133, 237
French intervention in, 197
Ghali and, 81–82
manuscript acquisition attempts of, 49–51
revolution in, 60, 119–22, 133
terrorism and, 70–71
Libya Hotel, 169–70
Lindh, John Walker, 97
Loiseau, Hervé Djamel, 97
London Underground attacks, 98
Maghili, Muhammed Al, 24, 212
Mahdi, Ahmad Al Faqi Al, 238
Maiga, Mohannan Sidi, 199
Mali, 22, 56, 63–69, 71–73, 87–94, 116–18, 155–56, 158, 162–63, 240
Abou Zeid and, 77, 80, 104
AQIM and, 2, 73, 77, 101–3, 105, 107–8, 110–11, 123
Belmokhtar and, 73, 76, 90, 104
in colonial period, 4–7, 11, 27–28, 30, 33, 38, 58, 97, 194
coup in, 132–33, 135, 155, 181
draconian punishments and, 171
drug trafficking and, 105–6, 110, 194
El Para and, 87, 96, 107
and Festival in the Desert, 57, 128–31
and Festival on the Niger, 113, 234, 236
Gates and, 51–52
Ghali and, 81–84, 88, 96–97, 111–12, 122–23, 237
Haidara’s prospecting work and, 31–32, 35, 38, 41–43, 117
Huddleston and, 94, 96–97, 107–9
international intervention and war in, 90–93, 187–88, 194–200, 202, 204, 206–7, 213–27, 229, 232–34, 236–39
Islam in, 68, 81, 89, 133, 149
kidnappings and, 80–81, 87–88, 102–3, 105, 111, 127–28, 130, 232
languages spoken in, 4, 28, 38–39, 109, 134, 156, 158
Libyan manuscript acquisition attempts and, 49–50
Libyan revolution and, 120–21
military of, 106–11, 125, 127–28, 130–33, 135–36, 138, 146, 152, 181–84, 189–90, 192–96, 201, 211, 215, 218, 230, 235
northern, 15, 81, 83, 87, 91, 94, 96, 101, 104, 111, 122, 124, 128, 167–68, 174, 179, 182, 187–88, 193–94, 198, 213, 216, 219, 221, 226, 229, 232, 234–35
and occupation of Timbuktu, 151, 187–88
peacekeeping in, 232–35
and rebel advances on Bamako, 193–94, 198, 201
rebel insurgency in, 5–6, 50, 58–59, 65, 68, 72, 81, 83–84, 89, 96, 108–9, 112, 122–25, 132–39
and rebel operations in Konna, 189–91
rescuing manuscripts and, 174, 181–84, 201, 205, 211, 230
tourism in, 58–59, 101–2, 130
and unrest in Kidal, 234
Wald and, 90–91, 93–94
Zouber and, 9–10
Mamma Haidara Commemorative Library, 60–61, 154, 173
building and rebuilding of, 54–56, 231
creation of, 49–50, 53–55
exhibitions from, 61, 116
finances of, 49, 53–55, 60, 66, 115
opening of, 56
physical appearance of, 66
press on, 115–16
rescuing manuscripts of, 159–61, 181, 186
Mantiply, Marshall, 106–7, 111, 132
of Ahmed Baba, 23–26, 41
Ahmed Baba Institute and, 7–8, 10–11, 49, 63–64, 66, 174–75, 209–10, 220
ajami, 17
in Ber, 65
cataloguing of, 41, 49, 54, 60, 230–31
in colonial period, 27–28
copying of, 2, 4, 17–18, 21–22, 28, 37–38
damage and destruction of, 26–27, 36, 38, 44, 54, 62, 65, 119, 157, 160–61, 178, 199, 204, 209–13, 220, 231
digitizing of, 54, 60, 64, 115–16, 135, 154, 186
evaluations of, 31–34, 37–40, 44, 116
exhibitions of, 61, 66, 115–16, 154
fragments of, 41, 63
funding for, 60, 155, 157, 161, 163, 180–81, 192, 231–32, 240
Gates’s documentary and, 53–54
of Haidara, 159–60, 185, 230
and Haidara’s childhood and adolescence, 3–4, 8
of Haidara’s father, 3–4, 6–10, 48–49, 160
Haidara’s nephew’s arrest and, 173
hiding of, 2–3, 7–8, 11, 28–29, 35–36, 40, 54, 65
illuminated, 1–2, 6, 63
Jews and, 24
Libyan attempts at acquisition of, 49–51
losses of, 25–26, 54
Mamma Haidara Library and, 49–50, 54–55, 61, 159–61, 181, 186
Mawloud festival and, 202
medieval Arabic and, 95
and occupation of Konna, 192
and occupation of Timbuktu, 138, 154–55, 157, 174–75, 178, 180, 204, 209–10, 214, 221
physical appearance of, 4, 21–22, 33–34, 36, 38–39, 44, 62, 65, 159–60, 231, 240–41
preservation of, 31, 37, 48, 54–55, 57–60, 62–64, 115–16, 154–55, 157, 186, 209, 231–32
prospecting for, 10–11, 30–48, 117–18, 174–75
provenances of, 31, 41, 45, 231
purchases of, 33–34, 37–40
reading of, 46, 117, 119, 241–42
and rebel advances on Bamako, 193
relocated to Bamako, 240–42
rescuing of, 1–2, 157–63, 172–75, 178, 180–86, 188–89, 192–93, 198–201, 204–6, 211–12, 214, 226, 229–32, 242
restoration and repair of, 38, 44–45, 60, 63, 115–16, 209, 211, 231, 241
and retreat of rebels, 208, 210, 212–13
returning them to Timbuktu, 219, 226, 231–32, 240, 242
subject matter of, 2, 4, 17–21, 23, 28, 38, 41, 44, 46, 53, 61, 66, 155–56, 160, 209–10, 231, 241–42
thefts of, 28, 157, 205–6
threats to, 27–28, 154–57, 162–63, 174–75, 193, 198–99, 204, 208, 210–11
Timbuktu market for, 13–14, 28
trading for, 37–38, 44–45
translations of, 28, 31, 116
and visiting academics in Timbuktu, 17
writing and collecting of, 3–4, 7–8, 17–18, 37–38, 53–54, 57–63, 66, 154–55, 160, 174, 202, 241–42
Marrakesh, 10, 26, 41, 63
Massina, 38, 46, 66, 118
Mauritania, 14, 58, 83, 88, 106–7, 124, 149, 168, 220, 227
AQIM and, 103, 109–10, 122
kidnappings and, 103
and occupation of Timbuktu, 147
Mawloud festival, 117, 202–4, 213, 218
Mbeki, Thabo, 64
Mecca, 15–16, 24, 61, 67, 73, 112, 166
Milovanovic, Gillian, 107–8, 111
Mitterrand, François, 214
Mohammed, Azima Ag Ali, 206–7
Mohammed, Fida Ag, 64–65
Mohammed, Prophet, 16–18, 24, 43, 67–68, 85, 117, 120, 165–66, 189
Mawloud festival and, 202–3
and occupation of Timbuktu, 148
Mokeddem, Mohamed, 78
Monde, Le, 90
Mopti, 106, 127, 194, 200–201, 214–15
and Festival in the Desert, 131
and occupation of Timbuktu, 151, 179
rescuing manuscripts and, 158, 206
Morocco, 12–13, 16–17, 22–26, 28, 31, 37, 46, 59, 76, 142, 220
Ahmed Baba’s capture and, 10, 25–26
Jews and, 24
Mamma Haidara Library and, 56
Timbuktu besieged, invaded, and occupied by, 7, 10, 25–26, 54, 160, 165
Moussaoui, Zacarias, 97
Mubarak, Hosni, 119
Mukham, The, 18
Musa I, Emperor of Mali, 15, 95
National Geographic, 118–19
National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), 121
Netherlands, 60, 155
kidnappings and, 80, 126–30, 140, 152, 233
rescuing manuscripts and, 180
New Republic, The, 58, 156
Newsweek, 139
New York Review of Books, The, 213
New York Times, The, 195, 197
Niafounké, 46, 57–58, 168
Niger, 106, 121, 194, 221, 238
AQIM and, 101–4, 122
kidnappings and, 102–4, 232–33
Nigeria, 5–6, 30–31, 54, 71, 96, 124, 153, 157, 160
Niger River, 4–6, 10, 14–16, 18, 27, 57–58, 63–64, 67, 83–84, 94, 134, 156, 163, 167–69, 192, 195, 225, 239–40
and Festival on the Niger, 113–14, 234–36, 239
Gates’s documentary and, 52
Haidara’s prospecting work and, 32–34, 36–37, 40–41, 46–47
Malian insurgency and, 136–37
and occupation of Gao, 148–49, 153, 167
and occupation of Timbuktu, 137, 142–43, 189
physical appearance of, 199–200, 204
rescuing manuscripts and, 158, 182–83, 199–201, 204–5, 211, 214, 230
Tuaregs’ migrations and, 14
9/11, 68, 71, 89, 97, 100
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 119, 121, 133, 197
Northwestern University, 31
Obama, Barack, 110, 194
Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (Kant), 52
“Of National Characters” (Hume), 51–52
Omdurman, 6
On the Lawfulness of Tobacco Usage (Ahmed Baba), 23
Oudot de Dainville, Raphaël, 221–26
Pakistan, 68, 85–86, 98, 101, 139
Belmokhtar and, 73–74
Ghali and, 86
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 82
Paris Match, 78, 227
Philosophy of History (Hegel), 52
Plant, Robert, 128
Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, 60, 155, 180, 240
Qaddafi, Muammar Al, 49–51, 60, 70–71, 83, 119–22, 152, 239
downfall of, 122, 124–25, 133, 197
former villa of, 120, 152, 206–7
Ghali and, 82
grand canal of, 50, 169–70
Libyan revolution and, 119–22
Qaeda, Al, see Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Qatub, Mohammed, 112
Qatub, Sayud, 112
Qazwini, Al, 36
Radio Azawad, 170, 201, 208
Radio Communal Bouctou, 133–34, 143, 170, 201
Ripley’s-Believe It or Not!, 51–52
Rumsfeld, Donald, 71
Rwanda, 194–95, 214
Saifi, Amari, see El Para
Salafi Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), 76–77, 79–80, 88, 90, 92, 99–101, 217
Salafis, Salafism, 68, 73, 99, 168, 179, 217
Ghali and, 86–87, 96, 113
Sanagou, Amadou, 132
Sangaré, Oumou, 129
Sankoré, 3, 5, 8, 25, 42, 131, 154, 175–76, 209–10
Sankoré, University of, 13, 23, 53
Sankoré Mosque, 5, 25, 53, 59, 61–65, 118, 148, 202
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 79, 110, 197
The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu Page 27