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Earth Moves

Page 8

by Lacey Thorn

  “I know that you will, daughter. You bring joy to them with only your presence. They are so alive around you. Now are you ready to learn how to groom the young shebana? They are not as docile as the adults are.”

  Erika nodded and followed Katya into the barns to learn all there was to know about the grooming and care of a newborn shebana colt.

  * * * * *

  She spent another afternoon with her mother working on trees. She still could not figure out how to do what her mother wanted her to. She could not uproot a full grown tree and throw it like her mother wanted her to. Erin kept insisting that she could do it but try as she may she just couldn’t.

  She had made the earth tremble many times when she felt her anger build and she had to concentrate hard at relaxing to make it stop. Her mother had told her that she would have to be extra careful when she was angry now. By working on her powers in a more uniform manner she was becoming more powerful and there was no telling what she could do if she lost control. Above all else this is what she must do, maintain control over her emotions.

  They worked for the entire afternoon with little break. They knew not when the Mystic would call and Erin wanted to make sure that Erika was ready when the call came. Erika was still unsure on how she would know that the Mystic was calling to her or where she would be called to. Erin just smiled and said that when the time was right, Erika would just know.

  Finally Erika sat down on a bench. “Enough for today, Mama. I need a break.”

  Erin sighed loudly, understanding the tension in her daughter but unsure of how to soothe it. She sat down gingerly next to Erika on the bench before reminding her daughter in a soft voice. “We must keep working hard every day. I only want to make sure that you are as well trained as you can be.”

  “I know that, Mama, and I appreciate the help. It is just that there is so much else going on right now. Tamya is still missing and Arik and Galen are getting more worried every day. Katya is hanging in there, but I know that she feels lost without her daughter. Plus Livya has been causing problems since Tamya ran away.”

  “What kind of problems is she causing?”

  “She still fancies herself in love with my mates and refuses to believe that I have not put some sort of spell over them. Plus she is doing her best to convince everyone that I am to blame for Tamya running away. She says that I was mean to Tamya and even turned Arik and Galen against her.”

  “Surely no one would believe this.”

  “Many were present at the dinner when there was the scene between us all. It is not so hard for them to believe that I am what Tamya accused me of being. I do still wear the green of the earth caste instead of black like they do.”

  “But you cannot wear anything else, Erika. To do so would be to deny the very gift that the goddess gave you.”

  “I know that and you know that, but no one else knows that, Mama. To them I am just a spoiled little girl who thinks that I am too good for them.”

  “Oh, my sweet love, I am so sorry. What do Arik and Galen say about this?”

  “I don’t think that they know about it. They are gone so often looking for Tamya that I don’t think they have heard anything. I have not said anything to them. They have enough to worry about. I will not add to their burdens.”

  “And what of Katya? Does she believe this of you?”

  “She says that she understands and that she believes that I do truly love Arik and Galen. But I know that she hears what the others say and that it hurts her. Part of her must feel that I am rejecting her and her way of life. How could she possibly think anything differently?”

  “Then we will tell her sooner of your reasons for what you must do.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Tomorrow you will bring her with you and we will tell her that you are a Guardian. She is your Mama now too. She will watch over you when I cannot. We will tell her so that she is not hurt.”

  Erika leaned into her mother and hugged her close. “Thank you, Mama. Thank you so much.”

  It was a much happier Erika that headed home.

  Chapter Ten

  Erika spent the long night alone. Arik and Galen had expanded their search for Tamya and would be gone for a few nights. She missed them more than she would have ever thought. It wasn’t just the sex either. She missed the warmth and security of cuddling between her two strong warriors and falling asleep. She prayed to the goddess that they would be safe and return to her soon.

  She spent the morning helping Katya in the barns. She was learning quickly and enjoyed seeing to the care of the shebana colt that she had named Highness. Katya was quiet and seemed to be lost in thought most of the morning. Erika knew that she worried for Arik and Galen now as she worried for Tamya. Plus her husbands were still gone fighting in the never-ending battles that abounded on their home. She felt for Katya, but she knew that Katya’s husbands would only return when the prince decided that they could.

  Finally as the morning drew to a close Erika spoke to Katya about coming with her for the afternoon.

  “I cannot, Erika. There is much that needs to be done,” Katya replied.

  “Please, Mama Katya, there is something important that I would like to share with you,” Erika insisted. “I know what is said about me. I know that it must hurt you to hear it and that you might even find yourself believing it.”

  Katya flushed with guilt. “I know that you love my sons. I do not question your love of them.”

  “But you question my loyalty to their clan. You question my reasons for maintaining my hold on the earth. I would show you my reasons this afternoon. I love you as well, Mama Katya. I would only seek to dispel any doubt that you would have of me. Please come with me. Give me the chance to show you exactly who and what I am, a part of me that I share with no one.”

  Katya looked at the sincerity and need in Erika’s eyes and decided to go with her. “I will go with you today. There is no one here to need me anyway. But I can only give you today, Erika.”

  Erika hugged her close and whispered in her ear. “Thank you, Mama Katya. I promise that you will not regret this. Before the day is over you will understand all.”

  With those words Erika hurried them through the midday meal so they could go to her mother’s home. Erin greeted them at the door and escorted them through the house to the secluded back gardens. Katya remarked on the beauty when Erin seated her on a bench before sitting beside her.

  “You must agree to secrecy before we begin, Katya.”

  “It is so important?”

  “It could mean Erika’s life.”

  Katya looked up at Erika in surprise. “Do Arik and Galen know of this secret, a secret so great that it might cost them the life of what they hold so dear?”

  Erika hurried over and knelt between her mother and Katya. “Not yet, Mama Katya. I will tell them as soon as I am able.” This was said with a look at her mother, Erin.

  “You will understand the need for secrecy soon, Katya. The fewer people who know the safer Erika will be. We only share this with you because Erika needs your support and understanding in her new home. You will watch over her while I cannot. You will protect her from those who would see her come to harm for a slight that they only imagine.”

  “Perhaps you should just tell me what this is all about, Erin.”

  “Erika will show you instead. But first your word that what you see here will not be spoken of with anyone.”

  “You have my word.”

  Erin nodded to Erika and she stood and walked to the middle of the path. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her eyes flashed open and she waved her hands over the ground. When she lifted them flowers burst from the earth and stopped at waist level. Katya gasped.

  Erin moved toward her daughter and Erika waved her hands again. Vines shot from the earth and wrapped around Erin’s wrists and ankles, lifting her from the ground. With another wave of her hand the vines released Erin and she moved back to the bench. She took Katya’s ha
nds in hers and gave them a squeeze before whispering to her, “Erika is a Guardian. The goddess has blessed her with power over the earth. She does not deny you or your caste. She just cannot deny who she is, a woman of the earth. To do so would be to deny the goddess herself. Can you understand now, Katya? Will you help me to protect her and keep her safe?”

  “If one should die, all shall fail,” Katya murmured as she watched Erika lifting boulders with a wave of her hand and throwing them across the hidden garden. “I will protect her with my very life, Erin. This I swear by the blood of the goddess.”

  “Thank you, Katya. I knew from how Erika spoke of you that we could trust you. Erika wishes to tell her warriors, but it is too soon for that. The more people who know, the more at risk her life is.”

  “I understand.” Katya could not take her eyes from the sight of Erika using her hands to command the earth to do her bidding. Her new daughter, the mate of her sons, a Guardian. It was a huge responsibility and one that she gladly accepted. The goddess had bestowed a blessing on her and her family when she had placed Erika into their caste and care. Katya would not fail. She would guard and protect this daughter like she hadn’t been able to protect her own.

  * * * * *

  Katya and Erika ate quietly at the table. Arik and Galen were still gone and they had received no messages from them today. Erika didn’t think that they would be back this evening. This would be yet another night that they would be absent. She missed them and hoped they would return soon.

  This brought her thoughts to Tamya. She understood that the girl had run away out of fear. It must have been pure terror to watch another woman be raped by four men before they took the girl back to their camp to be shared by others. Erika had only heard the words of what could happen from Galen when he had rescued her so long ago and it had caused her own fears. She couldn’t fathom what Tamya’s fear would be like. Still it seemed odd that she had managed to stay gone for so long.

  “Do you think that Tamya has had contact or help since she has been gone?” Erika asked Katya when she couldn’t stop certain thoughts from taking hold of her. “I mean, she would have to have some kind of help with food and supplies to be able to stay gone this long.”

  “Perhaps, unless she is not staying away on her own.” Katya looked so afraid when she expressed her deepest fears.

  Erika knelt before her and took both of her hands in her own. “Mama Katya, you know that we would know if she was taken. They always make sure that we are aware when they attack and take hostages. We have heard nothing to indicate that this is the way of it.”

  “Yet there are always a few women who disappear every year. These that we have no idea what happened to and could be captured or dead. Plus we have not heard from Galen and Arik. What if they have discovered that this is what has happened?”

  “Then they would have sent word. If there were other warriors in the area, they would do all in their power to ensure the safety of every other woman present. You know this.”

  “But what if my sons are hurt and unable to send word?”

  Erika smiled and squeezed Katya’s hands. “I would know if they were hurt. They are my very soul, Mama Katya. I must believe that I would feel it if they were hurt.”

  Katya looked deep into Erika’s eyes and seemed reassured by whatever she saw there. “I will leave you now, daughter. You must rest and I will see you in the morning.”

  “You rest as well, Mama Katya. We will do all that we can when we know more. Perhaps we should look to Tamya’s friends more closely for answers though.”

  “Yes, I fear that you are right, Erika. Tomorrow we will speak with Livya about Tamya.”

  “Yes, tomorrow.” Erika just smiled and bade Katya good night. As soon as she was alone in the house she slipped out into the night and headed to where she knew Livya lived. If she was right then Livya had to be sneaking supplies to Tamya and what better time to do this than when everyone else was sleeping.

  It didn’t take long to see Livya slip from her house into the surrounding darkness and head toward the woods. She traveled deeper and deeper into the interior, stopping occasionally to glance behind to make sure that no one was following her. Finally she reached a hidden tunnel and, moving the shrubs and bushes aside, entered. She followed the passageway to where it opened up to a large room. There were furs in one corner and a deep pool of water in the other. There was a pile of food near the pool and a girl just stepping in from the back corridor.

  “I was worried that you wouldn’t make it tonight,” Tamya said to her friend as she entered and went to embrace Livya.

  “I told you that I would come when I could. Besides, you still seem to have plenty of supplies.” Livya quickly moved over to add more food to the pile.

  “I know. I don’t seem to have much of an appetite. I can’t believe that no one is even looking for me, that no one cares that I am gone.”

  “Erika has turned them all against you. Arik and Galen are so completely under her spell that they can hear nothing but her lies.”

  “I hate that whore. I’m so glad that you told me what she really is. I can’t believe that my brothers were so easily put under her spell. I don’t know what would happen without your help, Livya. If you had not told me about seeing her naked in the glen with those other warriors I might have even fallen under her spell myself. It shames me to know that I might have befriended such a witch had you not seen.”

  Livya turned her face to hide her smile at poor innocent Tamya’s gullibility. If Tamya only knew who Livya really was. But Tamya was easily led and had no idea what Livya was really capable of. Soon she would though. Soon dear little Tamya would know more than she ever wanted to. Controlling her mirth she turned back to Tamya.

  “Erika is a powerful witch. If I hadn’t removed you, who knows what she would have done to you. You have no idea what she is capable of. I worry so about your mother. She seems to be falling under a spell as well. Why it breaks my heart to hear her call Erika daughter while she cares so little about your absence. And Arik and Galen hardly leave her side. She is the one who persuaded the Donan clan to come for you. She convinced your brothers that it would take that many men to watch over you. She says that you are pure trouble.”

  Tamya hung her head and tried to control her tears. How could her family cast her aside so easily and replace her with Erika? Was it so hard to love her? Did they really think that she was too much trouble for them?

  Livya moved forward and hugged Tamya close to her once again. “I’m so sorry, Tamya. I just want you to know that I am always here for you. I promise that I will take care of you.”

  Tamya couldn’t see the evil smile on Livya’s lips. Livya was to have a meeting tomorrow night with her lovers. She would take care of Tamya by giving her to them as a gift for the camp. The other warriors would be very grateful for Livya’s help in obtaining yet another woman for them. She had begun helping them a few years ago. When she was able she brought women here to this cavern to hide. Then she would wait for the monthly meeting with the warriors. No one as yet knew her part in the kidnappings and she didn’t think that they ever would.

  It would be extra sweet to see Tamya’s face when she figured out what was going to happen to her. She had watched from a perfect hiding place while the last girl, Omella, had been taken. She had been unable to get Omella to the cavern and had taken her to a spot deep in the woods instead. Livya had left the girl there while she “went to collect wood for a fire”. She had gone a little way and hidden. It was just luck that she had seen Tamya walk by. She had thought that her warriors would be really happy with her if Tamya stumbled into the trap as well. But Tamya must have heard them moving because she stopped suddenly and hid behind some bushes.

  Livya had been presented with a perfect view of both Tamya’s face and the warriors with the girl. It always excited her to watch the men strip and rape the girl she had given them. This time had been even better because she had watched the fear in Tamya’s face as
Tamya had watched the warriors mount the girl. There had been four of them that day and they had each taken turns spending their lust in her pussy and ass before they had picked her up and carried her back to their camp for the others to enjoy.

  Tamya had seen it all. She had listened to the girl’s screams turn to moans of pain and then cease altogether. Livya had gotten herself off by watching Tamya’s face. It had been one of the best orgasms she had ever had. She planned to join in on the initiation of little Tamya.

  She stroked her hand up and down Tamya’s back and thought of her on her hands and knees taking cock after cock while Livya looked on, fingering her pussy. Livya had to bite back her moan as she tried to control her thoughts. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough for her.

  * * * * *

  Erika watched everything from a split in the cavern wall. She felt enraged by the lies that Livya had told Tamya. How in the world could Tamya believe that Arik and Galen would not search for her, that Katya would not be worried sick that she was gone? How had Livya convinced Tamya to believe all these lies? How could she believe that Erika was a witch, that she had placed people under a spell? Did Tamya really think that Arik or Galen could even be placed under a spell?

  Erika wanted to step out of her hiding place and confront Livya, but didn’t think it would do any good. She would wait and follow Livya back. She would try to get a message to Arik and Galen and if they didn’t show up then she would talk Katya into coming with her to get Tamya. She was certain that Tamya would not believe anything that she tried to tell her. She would never be able to convince Tamya on her own, not with all the lies that Livya had filled her head with. If anything Tamya would be afraid that Erika would place a spell on her and how ridiculous was that! Katya was Tamya’s mother though and Erika had to believe that Tamya would trust in her mother.

  Livya’s expression worried her though. There was something in her eyes that struck fear in Erika’s heart. She didn’t know why Livya was so determined to keep Tamya away but it couldn’t be for any good reason. No matter what Livya said, Erika was convinced that she did not have Tamya’s best interests in mind.


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