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Trust Me (Beggar's Choice #2)

Page 23

by Lily Morton

“What’s the matter?” he asks again. He puts his arm around me for the first time since the morning and I can’t help but nestle into him, feeling his intense warmth. “Is it your stomach?” He pulls my hand away. “Are you in any pain sweetheart?”

  “I’m alright.” He looks unconvinced and perfectly prepared to dig into this so I decide to make something up. “I’ve just got a stomach ache that’s all. It’s coming up to that time of the month.” He brushes my hair back off my face and it’s such a tender gesture that I want to cry. I wish that he could see himself the way that I see him. He thinks that he’s such a fuck up, that he’s not safe around people, but every day I see his kindness to anyone he comes across. He distracts me by saying something sharply to the taxi driver who promptly pulls across to the side of the road.

  “Wait here,” he says tersely and dives into what I see is a pharmacy, the green cross glowing in the cold darkness of a night in Italy. Five minutes later he’s back in the taxi carrying two carrier bags.

  “What on earth?” I ask and then gasp as he empties the contents onto the seat.

  “I’ve got you some paracetamol and some ibuprofen as well. The chemist said that you can take both together.” I nod bemusedly and he carries on. “I’ve got you a hot water bottle to put on your stomach, lavender oil for your head and lots of chocolate.”

  I smile. “Sidney, you do know your women.”

  His returning smile is a little strained. “Just you. Do you need anything else?” I edge into his arms, feeling them close tightly around me almost reflexively.

  “No that’s brilliant, thank you so much.”

  “Okay.” Resting his face in my hair he inhales roughly and then kisses my forehead before pulling away as the taxi pulls up to the hotel. We’re in the lift before he speaks again. “Do you want to go to your room Nell – you know to be on your own?”

  I stare at him confused. “Why would I want to be on my own?” I start, and then it occurs to me that sweet gesture aside, he might want rid of me tonight. I swallow hard and then face forward peering intently at the controls as if they’re intensely interesting. “I’m fine if that’s what you want,” I say quietly but his arm shoots out and grabbing my hand he pulls me round to face him. He examines me closely for a second.

  “I don’t want that,” he says almost reluctantly. “I like to be with you. We don’t have to do anything if you’re feeling rough. It’s just that I’ve got used to having you next to me and I actually sleep when you’re there. You’ve no idea how rare that is for me.” I’m staring at him raptly because he’s almost rambling now like he does when he’s nervous. He shoots me an enigmatic look. “This morning…,” he starts and I jerk slightly at which he makes a calming gesture. “I know you think that I was fucking you off in front of Vanessa like I was ashamed of you, but that’s not it.”

  “Then what was it?” I ask turning to him and he opens his mouth but at this point the lift dings and the doors open and he stops. I sigh and he smiles slightly.

  “I will tell you but let’s get out of this fucking lift eh?”

  We walk down the corridor side by side not talking but there’s a connection zinging between us like normal. He’s juggling the bags and he turns slightly towards me. “Get the card out of my pocket babe will you. My hands are full.”

  I smirk at him as I slide my hand inside the front pocket of his jeans and deliberately run my fingers down the shape of his cock. It stiffens instantly and he groans under his breath. “I thought you were ill,” he mutters in a low voice, and then his breath catches as my fingers grow bolder. “Fuck,” he moans leaning against the wall by his door as my hand moves up and down his now fully erect length, rubbing deliberately over the head in the way that I’ve learned makes him crazy. “I swear you have magic fingers,” he says, his lips twisted into a snarl, and then he arches his hips sharply into my hand. “Oh God, keep doing that Nell, so fucking good.”

  I give him one last rub finishing with a last sharp twist to the end which makes him cry out loudly in the silent corridor, and then I remove my hand showing him the card I’m now holding. “Abracadabra!” I laugh, and he growls at me.

  “Get that fucking door open Nell. Your arse is mine for the rest of the night.” I laugh out loud feeling that mix of joy and sexual heat that has become my normal around him, and then I moan as he pushes his cock against me. “”Now,” he says darkly.

  “Okay okay, Jesus,” I giggle and then pause. “Hang on that’s funny.”

  “What’s funny?”

  “The door’s already open – look,” and I point to the fact that it’s ajar and then I push it fully open, but before I can go in he’s in front of me, dropping the bags and pushing me behind him protectively.

  “Stay there,” he says firmly. “If I shout for you to run, go and get someone okay?”

  “Hang on.” I’m frightened now for some reason. I don’t want him facing something on his own. “Why don’t we both go and get someone.”

  He scoffs. “What, run off screaming like a girl and have it just be some randy groupie who’s got into my bed. The lads will never let me forget it.”

  “That’s happened?” I ask faintly, and he grins.

  “Of course it has. The groupie part though, not the screaming like a girl. D’oh!”

  “Don’t be sexist and don’t Homer Simpson me Sid,” I mutter, but before I can say anything else he puts me to one side and walks into the room.

  There’s silence for a second and I strain to see around his back when he stops dead, but I can’t see anything and then I hear him shout, “What the fuck have you done?” and I push open the door. He turns to me quickly. “No Nell, don’t come in here sweetheart. Stay outside.” However, it’s too late and I’m already in.


  At first I don’t see anything unusual, but as I move towards Sid he turns to me stiltedly, his hands outstretched for me, and it’s then that I realise that I’m stepping on something that’s crunching. He moves towards me quickly. “No Nelly, go out please,” but it’s too late because my gaze drops to the floor and I realise that I’m standing amongst shards of wood. It isn’t until I see the open case with its flash of faded blue velvet and the remains of a peg box, that I realise what I’m standing in, and that the keening noise I can now hear is coming from me.

  “No, no,” I cry out, falling to my knees and frantically trying to gather the pieces together which I know at once is futile. The violin, which is the only thing that I have left of Sam, is smashed beyond repair on the floor of Sid’s hotel room. Then he’s on me trying to pull me to my feet and I allow him to do it, still holding some strings in my hand. He hugs me tight saying something that I can’t understand. “Why?” I say to him, holding out the strings as if he hasn’t noticed what’s happened, and then I catch a flash of orange from the room, and peering round him I see Leah sitting on his bed looking searchingly at both of us as if she’s at the theatre. “You!” I say dumbly and she gets to her feet almost nervously but with a hard glitter about her as if she’s somehow triumphant. “Why would you do this?” I feel as if I’m drifting far away as she laughs.

  “You stupid little bitch,” she says in her elegant, cut glass accent. “You tried to take him away from me. Now you know what happens when someone fucking tries to steal from me, especially a dirty little tramp like you.”

  Sid turns to her, still trying to hold me tight. “Why did you do this Leah?” He sounds almost broken hearted, but then he’s perhaps one of the few people I know that would grieve the destruction of such a beautiful instrument.

  “Weren’t you listening darling. I just said that this dirty whore has been trying to come between us. You need to get rid of her my love and quickly or we might have a problem.”

  At the back of my mind I notice that she looks almost skeletal compared to when I saw her last. She’s pale and sweaty and her hair looks dirty with a lot of blonde roots showing. She’s also swaying slightly and keeps scratching at her arms. When
her fingers come away I see blood on the nails and I feel Sid wince and I know that he’s noticed it too. “Leah stop this,” he says gently, but unfortunately my numbness wears off and I feel rage course through me.

  “You fucking cunt,” I scream and try to get to her, my only intention being to hit her, to hurt her in some way so that she can recognise what she’s done to me with this awful act of vandalism. However, I’m bought up short when Sid grabs me.

  “No, don’t Nell,” he mutters. “Don’t hurt her.”

  “What?” I ask in disbelief and utter hurt. “You’re defending her?” I can’t believe this and a part of me is saying look who he really loves Nell.

  “I’m not defending her,” he says sharply, but he’s drowned out by her laughter which is definitely hysterical.

  “Of course he’s defending me, you stupid tart. He’ll always defend me. You’ve warmed his bed for a few weeks - I was there for years darling. How can someone who looks like you ever keep him? He’s just choosing from the safe side of the street at the moment, trying to be a good boy, but that won’t last long. I know things about him that you never will. I know things about him that he wouldn’t let anyone else ever know – what he really likes. You’ll never know what presses his buzzer in bed because vanilla girls like you won’t ever be enough for him. You’ll bore him in a few weeks. I was enough for him for years and you’ll never take that away from us.”

  “I’ll never take what exactly?” I scream. I’m furious at her and him and it boils over. “How can I be jealous of the fucking toxic mess that was the two of you? I may be warming his bed but I’ve never gone out and scored for him. I’ve never put my own needs over him. I’m not you, frantically trying to get him back on the drugs so that he’s back in the gutter with you again. I would rather die than hurt him and all I want is for him to be happy. You can never say that because the only person’s happiness that concerns you is your own.”

  There’s silence for a second and my words seem to echo round the room, but then she screeches and comes flying at me, her nails out and aiming for my face. I don’t think I even move because my body seems to be in shock so I just stand there looking at her dumbly, but I don’t have to move because Sid turns me out of her reach putting himself in her way. There’s a thud and his body jerks and then she screams.

  “No darling I’ve hurt you,” and I pull myself away from his tight hold.

  “What’s she done?” I ask frantically, pulling his face up to me and I wince and tears flood my eyes. “Sweetheart,” I say brokenly at the sight of the four deep scratches on the side of his face which are bleeding heavily. For a second his blue eyes stare into mine and they widen as if he’s suddenly had an epiphany, but then he shoves me to one side where I fall on the floor, and I hear another thud as he takes the punch that Leah was clearly aiming at me.

  There’s sudden movement at the door and Charlie and unbelievably Vanessa are there. “What the fuck is going on?” he shouts taking in the scene in front of his eyes with one quick glance. He walks quickly over to me, pulling me gently up from the floor. “Alright sweetheart?” he asks, but his eyes are flickering to the couple at the foot of the bed.

  I look at Vanessa bitterly. “Happy now?” I’ve just worked out how Leah came to be here.

  She twists her hands together. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “It’s just that she’s my friend. She’s always been my friend, and when I knew that you were together I thought she needed to know.”

  There’s a shriek and we turn. Leah has twined her arms around Sid. “Darling we were always going to be together. It’s meant to be – you always told me that. Whatever happened we were going to be together in the end. We’re always going to get our happy ending.”

  Sid is trying to move her hands from his neck, his expression tight and desperate. “No, we’re not Leah,” he says in a low voice. I can see how he’s trying not to hurt her, but also how uncomfortable she’s making him. I know Charlie can too because he looks one second away from physically intervening, but he’s letting Sid deal with this which I hope is one step towards the brothers going back to normal. “Leah, no,” resists Sid and she’s visibly shaking now her nose running, while he looks at her with horrified disgust showing on his face.

  “We are. Don’t deny it. It’s always been us. We’ve just taken some wrong turns, that’s all.”

  I think it’s this that snaps his control because he grabs her shoulders and forces her away from him, revulsion and something dark written clearly on his face. “There hasn’t been an us for fucking years,” he roars. “A wrong fucking turn you call it, you stupid bitch. What a fucking wrong turn it was.” She winces and he laughs. “Yeah, you remember it Leah. You remember that night. You know why there’s no us anymore. There’s been no us since I collapsed OD’ing.” Leah raises her hand to caress his face but he knocks it away. “You remember that night,” he shouts. “I do. I remember lying on that fucking floor shaking and fucking vomiting blood, with my heart racing so fast I felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I was so cold and what did you do Leah? What did you do?” She’s crying now but he carries on remorselessly, and I know what’s coming and judging from Charlie’s face of thunder so does he. “I asked you to call the ambulance do you remember Leah? I said baby please get someone because I think I’m fucking dying. What did you do Leah?” She raises her face, defiance and misery written over it. ”What did you do Leah?” he roars and I look up to see Seth in the doorway.

  “I had to go,” Leah says and Charlie exclaims in disgust and walks away, his hands running through his hair frantically. “I had to Sid. You understand darling. I’d have been cut off without a penny if it had got in the press that I was with you when you overdosed on drugs.”

  “I do understand.” There’s only sadness in his voice now. “The last thing that I remember thinking as you walked away from me without even picking up the phone, is that you never loved me. I’d have done anything for you Leah. Anything you asked of me.” He looks hard at her. “I did do anything you asked of me, do you remember? Well look at how that panned out.” She raises trembling hands to her face and with the force of a blow I realise who got who to take drugs for the first time. Suddenly he looks incredibly weary. “You need to go,” he says quietly. “I don’t love you anymore because I know that I wasted it on you. I gave you something that I’ll probably never be able to give to anyone else, and you never counted it as important at all.” I can’t help but wince at that as his words cut me deep, and I see Seth look at me. Leah’s crying quietly now, mascara making black rivers down her cheeks and Vanessa goes to her. “Please get some help Leah,” Sid finishes and she looks at him hopefully.

  “For you?”

  “No. I don’t care anymore.” It’s harsh and we all wince but she needs to hear it from him. For a long minute they stare at each other, and even I can see the connection arcing between them. It speaks of their many years of being together and all the things that they’ve seen and done together, and it hurts me deep inside in a place that knows we will never have this history. Then suddenly she gives a shuddering sigh and turns away like a lost child to Vanessa who clucks softly and leads her out of the room.

  Before they get to the door Leah stops and turns to Sid who is staring stoically at her. “I’m sorry Sid,” she says in a low voice. “I’m so sorry for everything that I did. I just need you to know that I do love you. I always have. Don’t think that anything that happened was anything to do with you. I made my decision and I want you to know that I’ve regretted it every day since, because I lost you and that’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  He looks at her unblinking for a while and then sighs. “Just get some help Leah. You can’t keep doing this to you or me anymore.”

  The two of them exchange one last look and then she bows her head in acquiescence and lets Vanessa and Seth lead her out of the room. Charlie moves immediately over to Sid, but I slowly edge my way down to sit on the flo
or because I’m suddenly so tired that I can’t stay upright any longer. I just need to rest but then I catch a glint out of my eye. Leaning forward I see the iridescent, sparkling colour of one of Sam’s guitar picks. I pick it up feeling the cold hardness of it, and suddenly with the loss of the violin it’s almost like the night I lost him again, and I feel hot, salty tears tracking down my cheeks. I hear an exclamation and then Sid’s next to me, drawing me into his hard strength. “Oh, baby,” he says softly. “I’m so fucking sorry. This is all my fault.”

  “It’s no one’s fault.” Charlie says it before I can. “Well it is someone’s fault, but as she’s a druggie I’m afraid that society will tell us that we should try to forgive her.” I can’t help but let out a snort of laughter at his mock pious tone, but then I give up and nestle into Sid and just drift. I can hear them discussing the violin and I hear Charlie saying that he’ll sort it out, and then I hear him on the phone requesting another room, but I drift until Sid stirs, at which I cling to him.

  “It’s alright love. We’re going to get out of here alright? We’ve got another room.” He stands up and then bending down he picks me up, cradling my body to his chest. Instead of protesting I just snuggle into his neck. All I can really focus on is the guitar pick and I stare at it, turning it over and over in my fingers while I distantly note him taking me out of the room.

  Then we’re in another room and he’s lowering me to sit on a settee. I grumble inaudibly but he just strokes my hair. “I won’t be a second. I’m just going to run us a bath love.” I nod and stay there, dreamlessly cocooned in my cloud. It only seems like seconds later that he comes back and carries me into the bathroom which I distantly note smells beautifully of lemon.

  He strips me efficiently and then himself, and then lifts me easily into a claw foot bath, before settling me on his lap with my back cradled by his smooth, hard chest. We lie for I don’t know how long while he strokes my hair back and washes me with a sponge, while he mutters nonsensical words of comfort and I play with the guitar pick. Finally he touches my restless fingers lightly. “What have you got there love?” he asks softly and my cloud breaks up a bit. I hold it up.


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