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Burning Days (The Firsts Book 17)

Page 17

by C. L. Quinn

  “It’s special. Well, there aren’t exactly different types of vampires, not generally, but here are different types of people, and vampires are people, so if somebody is an asshole or creep, they’ll be assholes or creeps as a vampire. And if they are, then yes, they would be likely to hurt someone. Those vampires, though, are an aberration, and their behavior strictly a factor of their human personality. It is also against an unwritten vampire code.”

  “Unwritten? So who polices it?”

  Cairine grinned. “You’re going to find out. First, we need to make sure that you both understand all about us…”

  “I’m getting a pretty good idea.”

  Ife laughed and rose to kiss Jack lightly on the lips.

  “Oh, my Jack, you don’t know what you don’t know. We’ve much to reveal.”

  Cairine continued. “So true. You need to understand us and accept our race so that you are completely comfortable with helping us. We agree with you that if vampires are killing people, they must be caught. If they have to be destroyed, then we will do so within the vampire community without hesitation. But human hunters, for their sake and the safety of vampires who are innocent, must be stopped.”

  Jack understood her point immediately. “You need us to find them. The hunters.”

  Ife leaned in, capturing Jack’s eyes. “We do. But you’ll only do it because you understand that it is the right thing to do. You’ll be onboard and we’ll work together. Jack, I promised you that I will never use compulsion on you again, and I meant it. Once we tell you about our race, once you understand it, it will be your choice if you decide to help us. It won’t be as easy for us without your help, but it is something we have to do.”

  “I’m open, Ife, so go ahead, educate us.”

  Jack felt locked in to Ife, her eyes so mesmerizing, her voice so beautiful, he didn’t want to look anywhere else anyway.

  “We are vampire, but we are different than those you’ve met all these years. Born vampire, not made like those who populate most of North America, we are called first bloods. All vampires from the beginning come from what would have originally been first blood. Our abilities, our powers, even magic, are unlike anything a normal vampire would have. Jack, Ben, this is our history.

  Almost an hour later, Jack looked at his brother to see how he was taking the fantastical story unveiled by these two vampire women. Ben’s manner was relaxed, which surprised him. It appeared that he was adjusting well to his new world.

  Jack still had a lot of questions.

  “All right. Everything that you told us sounds textbook wonderful. Loving families, special people who protect the world, beautiful and young forever, immortal, peaceful. Yeah, perfect, except that nothing is perfect.”

  Ife shot from her seat and dropped at Jack’s feet, his hands in hers.

  “Perfect? Oh, hell no. Jack, we’ve told you what we are at our core, and it is all true. But in reality, in day to day living, year after year, century after century, of course our lives aren’t perfect. There’s pain and loss, betrayal and hate, murder, all the things typical in human lives too. Obviously, some humans who are changed, who become vampire, subvert everything we are. They thrive on the power and think themselves superior. I believe you that there is a growing cult of vampires who feed brutally and kill, who rape and abuse. They will never be tolerated. There is justice in our world, and we will stop the ones who do these things. Life isn’t perfect, even for vampires, my darling Jack. Why do you think I was here taking a rest from mine? It has been a difficult year, I needed a few weeks of uninterrupted bliss.”

  Jack pulled her hands to his lips and kissed the palms.

  “You didn’t get them, did you?”

  “Part of it, yes.”

  He kissed her palms again, but let his tongue linger.


  Ben coughed. “Really?”

  Reaching for the bottle of MoonShine, Cairine refilled Ben’s glass. “You’ll understand soon. Sex infiltrates a vampire’s life. We are very much about love, blood, and sex. Once you find your mate, you’ll be all over her too.”

  “What if…never mind.”

  “You can ask us anything.”

  “What if a vampire falls in love with a human?”

  Jack tilted his head, interested in the answer.

  “That happens often. Mates are rare and not everyone is capable of being mate to a vampire. When it does, the human is apprised of what it entails to become vampire and makes the choice whether to convert. Of course, by the time that discussion happens, it’s already long been obvious that they are in love and that they wouldn’t be apart for anything.”

  Ife noticed that both men hadn’t moved. Was all this too overwhelming?

  “Jack, Ben, we are good people, most of us, and we just want to help fix this problem. It’s a vampire problem, guys. We understand the world you’ve been inculcated in, but it’s time to step back and let those who know what they face take care of the rogue vampires.”

  “Who will do it? Are they as conscientious as you two?”


  Cairine looked at Ife smiling. “Um, his name is Xavier, and he’s one of the best of our family. He’s loud, unorthodox, he can be aggressive and intractable, he’s accustomed to getting his way and usually does. But he’s fair and he won’t hurt anyone who doesn’t need to be hurt. The vampires who kill people, they’re going to get hurt.”

  “What about me, Cari? Where do I fit into all this?”

  “Ben, you are new. Ordinarily, your sire would be there to teach you how your new skills work, guide you into leaving behind your human life, which you have to do, and help you adjust to the new world you go to. Since your sire isn’t around, we’ll make sure you are well cared for. But Ben, you won’t be able to stay here and live as you have. You’ll join the vampire community far from here. You won’t be able to see old friends or family.”

  “What? I won’t leave Jack.”

  “Normally, you wouldn’t have a choice, but in this instance, Jack is already versed in our world. He’s a part of it. Trusted humans can inhabit both worlds. Carefully, of course.”

  Sliding back onto her bench, Ife turned to Jack.

  “We will need you to work directly with us, with Xavier and his team, so that we can begin to unravel this system of hunter’s networks. I hope you’ll consider it. If you thought that you were doing the right thing to protect your people before, you’ll be especially pleased to know that you really will be doing that along with our vampire teams.”

  “Ife, what happens to the hunters?”

  “We will use compulsion to purge their memories, allow them to retain their lives and families, but take away their knowledge of vampires and vampire kills. We’ll take good care of them. These are good people, that they cared enough to risk their lives to protect others, we’ll do right by them.”

  “It’s going to take a while. This won’t happen overnight. I have to think about my involvement. You’ve made your case, and it’s valid, I believe you, I really do, but it’s a lot to take in.”

  “It will be your choice, Jack, if you want to be part of this. I hope you will, it will go easier for everyone if you are.”

  Jack hesitated before he asked, “Will you be staying?”

  Ife hesitated before she answered. “I can’t. I’m needed back in Brazil. I’m sorry.”

  “No, I just wondered. Um, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, I would like to get to HQ and find out what is going on there. It has to be chaos.”

  “Probably. Ben, you’ll stay with us.”

  “Good with that. HQ is a deathtrap for me.”

  “I’ll let you know what I find out.”

  Jack stood. “Thanks for everything. If you hadn’t come to me, Ben would be dead now, and my life would likely have turned into a lifelong battle for vengeance. I would have continued to kill innocent people. You’ve saved all of us.”

  He turned to Ife. “Will you walk me out?�

  “Um, sure.”

  Following Jack down the wood stairs to the sand, Ife realized she was so worried, she couldn’t focus enough to read how Jack was feeling. She was afraid this might be the last time she would see him.

  After moving down the beach several yards, Jack purposefully caught her eyes. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to come back once I check things out. If you would like me to.”

  Curling her arms around Jack’s neck, Ife nudged him.

  “Please, yes, I would really like you to.”

  Arms tight, Jack lowered his head to touch hers. Her hair smelled like peaches, her skin so soft to the touch, her lips against his throat.

  “I was afraid I might never see you again,” Ife admitted.

  “I don’t want that.”

  “Neither do I. I know we hit you with world changing information tonight. It’s almost impossibly overwhelming.”

  “I can handle a lot. My life has been anything but ordinary. That you two saved my brother, though, Ife, I could never thank you enough.”

  “It’s what we do. Also, I wouldn’t let you suffer that loss. Ben is innocent. I want to find his sire and make him pay for forcing conversion. The vampire community does not condone that.”

  “He’s long gone. Besides, now that I know what I know, we killed his family, it’s understandable he’d want revenge. He didn’t kill Ben, he expected that our own prejudices would, and he was nearly right.”

  “So, you’ll come back?”

  “By morning. I don’t know where we go after that. You have to return to Brazil and I am stuck here.”

  “You’re going to help?”

  “I have to, I know that. I owe it to the other hunters.”

  “You could come with me. Your hunting days are over.”

  “No. I need to be here. There isn’t anyone else who can protect my people, who has their trust, who can get your vampires in safely to do their compulsions. I know what they’ll need to do this right.”

  “You do. It’s the right choice. Perhaps someday you can come to the Amazon and see how much we’ve done. I’d love to show it to you.”

  “Maybe, if things go well. I guess we’ll see how the world changes after I do what I have to do.”

  Kissing Ife’s hair, Jack backed up. “I’d better go. See what my father is doing. And the others, who are going to be freaking out.”

  “I’ll come and help if you need it.”

  “Maybe. Let me scope it out first.”

  “All right. Good luck, Jack. I’ll see you in a few hours. Um, can you fly a lift-car?”

  “Shit. No. I forgot I don’t have a vehicle here.”

  “Take mine. It’s an old gas-powered classic land car. The keys are in it. You’ll find it in that garage over there.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jack started toward the garage, then turned abruptly to grab Ife. His mouth near her neck again, he bit, blunt human teeth, not feeding, no, but erotic as hell. Ife leaned back.

  “Bite again.”

  Half an hour later, Cairine handed a huge chocolate chip cookie to Ife as she joined her on the balcony again.

  “He’s gone?”

  “I hope not. He’s returned to HQ, but he asked if he could come back. He will, but I don’t know if it’s mostly for his brother.”

  Ife bit into the cookie and snatched Cairine’s wine glass to take a healthy gulp before she sighed. “We do have a special connection, we both felt it from the first moment we touched, but I’m not sure it will survive this crazy development. Jack’s whole life, everything that ever meant anything to him, has been ripped away, and that’s a lot for anyone to handle.”

  “It really is. Let’s hope he can. Are you ready to call Xavier?”

  “We need to. Yes. You have his number?”

  “Use my fone. I’m going to go and see how our houseguest is faring. He makes quite a handsome vampire.”

  Cairine turned when she reached the doorway.

  “So would Jack.”

  Pitching a pillow at her friend, Ife touched the button that would connect her to Xavier.

  A sleepy voice answered. “Aye?”

  “Xavier, it’s Ife, Ahmose’s daughter. We need you. We have a huge vampire problem in the States.”

  At Hunter HQ

  “Jack! Oh, thank God! I’ve been trying to reach you for hours! Where the fuck have you been? Why didn’t you answer my calls or texts? Jack, Ben’s gone.”

  Her head buried in the computer, Sanquinetta looked up when Jack entered the room. “I’m searching all available feeds in any direction he could have gone. Jack, where the hell have you been?”

  “Had some things to take care of. San, don’t worry about Ben right now, how’s everyone else doing?”


  Pushing out of her chair, Sanquinetta confronted Jack, a hand on his chest. “First, you always answer when I call you, or at least send a message. I went to your house. No Jack. And now I tell you that Ben is missing, and you tell me to forget about him? What the fuck is going on?”

  “Can I give you details later? Where’s my father?”

  “He ain’t here either. I’m not even sure what to do now. Plato, Kurt, and Jimbo are out looking for Ben, but what do they do if they find him? Is he dangerous? Do we want to be hunting Ben?”

  Her luminous eyes seared into Jack’s. “You are going to answer me, Jack, if I have to tear it out of you. Something is wrong, I can tell it. You’re buzzing like a Czach Power Tower.”

  “San, I’m not sure how much to tell you, but I trust you. You’re smarter than most of us and unnaturally intuitive. No one else is here right now? Okay, listen, sit down. I need to tell you something that will change our lives.”

  Suspicious but curious, Sanquinetta sat on the edge of a chair, uneasy. “What is it, Jack?”

  “We hunt vampires because they’re dangerous, they all kill people, right?”

  Confused, pissed, Sanquinetta nodded. “Yeah, we do. So? Oldest news on the planet.”

  “Here’s the newest. Vampires are not our enemy and they are not evil. We hunt down vampires to protect innocent people who don’t even know the threat exists. We kill them, and yes, some do deserve it, but some don’t either.”

  “I don’t get you, Jack. What do you mean?”

  “Ben is with me. He was rescued by two vampires. They’re good people, just like us, and they’re going to take over our job of stopping the vampires who kill. It isn’t necessary to kill to feed, and most vampires don’t do that. Do you remember Ife? The woman I was dating?”

  “Sure. The white-haired witch. I mean that in a nice way.”

  “That’s a good thing, she’s a nice lady. And she’s also vampire.”

  Sanquinetta stared at Jack, unmoving, while she processed what he said. Using her weird ability to touch someone’s lespri sen, their spirit, she reached for this man that, until now, she would trust with her life. Was he compelled? Had a vampire gotten to him?

  “San, it’s really true that vampires are not monsters. They’re not the living dead. Ife says that the conversion does not involve dying.”

  She had to admit to curiosity about what he was saying. How a vampire changed a human into a vampire was on her list of research topics.

  “Then how do they change?”

  “Vampire blood contains a virus. It’s ancient and powerful, and it literally rewrites a human’s DNA, making them something else. A vampire.”

  “Interesting. I’m reading you, Jack, and you don’t seem to be under persuasion. I’m going to ask you straight out. Are you compelled by a vampire to say these things?”

  “No. Ife has promised that she’ll never use control on me. I believe her.”

  “Because you’re fucking her.”

  “No. Well, yes, but I believe her because she’s an honest, kind woman.”

  “Then you need to take me to meet her again. Convince me, Jack. Or I’m taking this strange information to the hunters.
Let them sort it out.”

  “It’s getting close to daylight, but I will. How about first thing tonight after the sun drops?”

  “I can agree to that.”

  “Now we need to rein in the guys, keep this all under wraps, and see where we go from here. San, I need you with me. I’m going to help the vampires stop the hunters, and protect them, and then go after rogue vampires who are killing. So, essentially, we’re still vampire hunters, but in more of an advisory capacity.”

  Lifting the dagger that hung at her side nearly every minute of her night, Sanquinetta nodded. “I’d like to not have to kill anymore. So, yeah, I’ll meet the vampires.”

  “Good. For now, let’s round up the rest of our team and have them stand down.”

  Jack watched Sanquinetta release a hard breath, and look up at the ceiling, eyes closed, before she nodded again.

  This wasn’t going to be easy for anyone.


  The sun had barely sent fingers of light into the sky when Jack slid through the door at Donovan’s beach house. Behind the door, quickly pushed closed, Ife waited safely as Jack locked it and turned into her to press her against the wall. “Sorry. A lot to do when you’re deconstructing a life.”

  “Don’t be sad. We’re righting a wrong that has been going on for a hundred years; both in the mistaken idea that vampires are monsters, and in the blooming cult of murderous vampires that should never have happened. Jack, I promise you, when we are finished, that subgroup of vampires who think it’s okay to kill will be gone.”

  “That’s what we all want. I am completely onboard with you. In fact, I told one of my team a little bit about you and Cari and the guy coming from France. She wants to meet you again, suss you out on her own, and see if she believes in you. Sanquinetta is amazing, Ife.”

  “Oh, the beautiful exotic girl I met at the diner? I know. I have an ability to read people and I liked her instantly. Yes, you may bring her here when we rise.”

  “Thanks, I already talked to her about that.”

  Jack’s hand wandered along Ife’s side. “Speaking of rising…”


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