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Carl Weber Presents Ride or Die Chick 3

Page 14

by J. M. Benjamin

  “So, what’s up? I’m sure you didn’t come in here just to annoy me,” Detective Love surmised.

  Detective Parks’s mood changed. He had almost forgotten why he had come to Detective Love’s office in the first place. He took a deep breath. “I got some bad news, and I got some more bad news. Which do you want first?” Detective Parks tried to make light of the situation.

  Detective Love leaned back in his chair and sighed, expecting the worst. “Whatchu got?”

  “Remember the kid back at the crack house?”


  “Well, initially, nothing came back, but ballistics just called. They finally found a DNA match on the saliva.”

  Detective Love leaned in.

  “Belonged to the kid Treacherous Freeman.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Detective Love cursed.

  “Come to find out, the kid Anthony Morris was released from the same mental hospital this kid Freeman and your . . .” Detective Parks paused.

  “It’s okay, Parks. It is what it is.” Detective Love appreciated Detective Parks’s discretion.

  Detective Parks moved on and continued, “Well, according to the doctor at the facility, Morris and Freeman were not too fond of one another, so we have some type of motive.”

  “What do you have on my daughter?” Detective Love knew he was holding back.

  “Remember when Officer Bronson spotted the clear area by the door? Well, fibers matched your kid. We don’t know why she was lying there, but it was definitely her.” He inhaled. “They’re also the same fibers that we found on the pillow used to suffocate your boy at the Super 8 over on Midlothian Turnpike.”

  “Goddamn it. What the hell is she . . .” Detective Love got choked up midsentence.

  The news about his daughter being tied into all that had been going on in the city was a lot for him to swallow. He was known for being a big and strong man, but the situation with his only child had been weakening him slowly but surely, and now the disturbing news had broken him down like, a double-barrel shotgun.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” Detective Parks offered. “Just thought I should be the one to tell you before it hit the press.”

  “Thanks, Parks.”

  As Detective Parks excused himself, Arthur Love grabbed his face with both hands and wiped it. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Why him? He wondered. He felt he was being punished without just cause. While so many fathers had abandoned their children, Arthur Love was the total opposite. He believed as a father he had done everything right. He had provided food, clothes, and a safe shelter for his child. He had showered her with gifts and presents when she deserved them and just because and had blanketed her with his presence as a father day in and day out.

  Arthur Love closed his eyes and envisioned the last beautiful moment he’d had with his daughter on Father’s Day when she was fourteen. He had looked at her and wondered where his little girl had gone. He did not want to believe that who his colleagues were accusing of the heinous crimes and his daughter were one and the same, but, the fact of the matter was that was the reality of it. With that being his conclusion, Detective Love picked up his phone.

  “Hey, Randle. It’s me. We need to talk.”

  Chapter 34

  Per his request, Baby put down the television remote and slid off the bed. Then, she straddled Treacherous in her wife beater and boy shorts and rode his back while he conducted another set of pushups. Her 130 pounds added to Treacherous’s now 235 pounds and increased the weight he pushed up. Baby smiled as he counted out loud. She loved watching him work out. She admired each muscle in the upper part of his back as she watched them rotate and tighten with each pushup. When he reached the number ninety-nine and came up, Baby flung her arms around his neck.

  “Remember this, nigga?” Baby chimed. She applied pressure around Treacherous’s throat.

  Treacherous tensed up, making an attempt to break free of Baby’s chokehold, but she had gotten up under him the way he had taught her and made it difficult.

  Baby could feel his neck stiffen as she applied more pressure. She used her forearm to tighten her grip and wrapped her legs around his mid. She had waited patiently for the day to get him back for when he had applied the same maneuver on her down at the beach. And now, she was enjoying every moment of it. She kept her grip locked, but she could feel Treacherous getting stronger and didn’t know how much longer she could hold him.

  Treacherous dropped to his knees. Then, all in one motion, he forcefully pushed himself up. Baby held on with all her might and rode him like a bronco. Treacherous tried to reach behind himself to grab hold of her, but to no avail. Baby now had him in a full sleeper hold. Just as she thought she was going to subdue him, Treacherous pulled a rabbit out of the hat.

  Baby grunted and released her grip from around Treacherous’s neck. On impact, her back slammed up against the wall, knocking the wind out of her. She went crashing to the floor. Treacherous put his hands on his knees and looked back.

  “You crazy, you know that?” he said, somewhat gasping for air.

  “Like a fox.” Baby smiled.

  “I guess we’re even.” He returned her smile.

  “Yup.” Baby blew Treacherous a kiss and stuck her tongue out at him.

  Treacherous grabbed hold of Baby’s ankles and pulled her toward him. All of the play fighting had turned him on. He stared Baby in the eyes as he slid off her shorts and kneeled between her legs. Still looking up at her, he kissed the top of her cave and let his tongue brush against her clit. He could see Baby’s chest rise and fall from the sensation his mouth caused. He smirked as he continued to plant light kisses and suck between Baby’s inner thighs. He followed up with licks to each of her lips. Each stroke of his tongue caused Baby’s body to quiver. Treacherous had learned her body very well and knew she loved getting head. He tenderly spread her lips and gently licked in between and round them before he moved in and teased her clit. He slid his hands underneath Baby’s ass while he continued to lick around her inner thighs in slow, circular motions. Baby’s body became one with the motion of Treacherous’s tongue. She arched her back and moaned as she bit into her top lip and fondled her breasts through her wife beater.

  Treacherous thrust her ass upward as he face and finger fucked Baby vigorously. He could feel her juices oozing down his chin as he attacked her clit with a stiff tongue and probed her box with his large middle finger. He continued his oral assault until he heard her gasping for air. Baby whispered his name through broken breaths.

  She squirmed upward and tried to break away from him, but Treacherous had a firm lock on her ass cheeks. Baby tried to control her breathing, but Treacherous made it very hard to do. She felt his thumb slide the hood of her clitoris back, as two fingers dug deeper into her wetness. The surprise attack sent Baby over the edge. Her mouth hung open in ecstasy as her body braced for the storm that followed. Baby’s toes curled as a wave made its way from the back of her neck down to her thighs. Her entire body twisted like a pretzel. Baby pushed Treacherous’s head from between her legs and arched her back like the Golden Gate Bridge. Treacherous sat there smiling.

  “You make me sick, boy,” she said in between deep breaths. “That shit was serious.”

  Treacherous tried to rise, but Baby pushed him to the floor and onto his back. Then, she climbed on top of him. She kissed him deeply.

  “I love the way you make my body feel.” Baby looked deeply into Treacherous’s eyes.

  “Yeah?” Treacherous grinned.

  “Tsk.” Baby sucked her teeth. “Yeah, punk ass.”

  She tried to reach between Treacherous’s legs, but he grabbed her hand.

  “Get your horny ass up. We got work to do.” Treacherous laughed.

  He knew he had turned Baby on the way she turned him. He also knew if he let her stay on top of him any longer nothing would have gotten accomplished that day, nothing they had planned anyway.

  “Now, we’re even.” He smiled and lifted Bab
y off of him.

  “Fuck you,” Baby playfully cursed.

  Treacherous shook his head and didn’t feed into the trap he knew Baby was trying to lure him into.

  “This is it. You ready?” Treacherous became serious.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Baby replied, matching his tone. She knew what he was referring to. At first, she was skeptical about sharing her thoughts with Treacherous on the matter, but, after he had disclosed to her what would make him sleep better at night, she revealed what would bring her more comfort at night as well. That was weeks ago. Since then, Baby had been waiting for this day to come. She had dreamed about this moment countless of times, and now, thanks to Treacherous, it would soon be a reality.

  “I’m about to jump in the shower, so we can go see what’s good at that spot we been checkin’ out. You gettin’ in’?” Treacherous asked as he stood up.

  “Yeah, I’ll be in there,” she replied.

  Treacherous slipped out of his boxer briefs and snatched up his towel off the edge of the door. Then, he headed for the bathroom.

  “If they strapped the way you think they are, this could be the one for us,” Treacherous said, sounding hopeful.

  Ever since Baby had told him about the place she used to hear her father talk about there was nothing else Treacherous could think about more than the final phase of their plan. He knew they weren’t ready to take down a bank or an armored car yet like his parents or grandfather, but the small establishment Baby spoke of seemed like a walk in the park compared to the other capers they had pulled off. Their last score had put them back on their feet and had maintained a roof over their heads, but Treacherous was looking for the big payday to put them over the top. He was tired of Richmond and was ready to get Baby up out of her hometown and go back across the water to the Seven Cities where he was from. He was eager to show her that he could take care of them and hold it down no matter what. She had shown, on more than one occasion, how much and how hard she would ride for him. He felt it was only right to show her that it had all been worth it and believed the only way to do that was by getting that money. Besides, with all the dead bodies they had left behind, he was sure it was just a matter of time before the Richmond authorities got on their trail if they weren’t already.

  “Since I was a kid, I’ve heard stories about how that place is just a front for money laundering and a whole bunch of other stuff,” Baby told him. “Don’t worry. If it’s not, then we’ll just find something else to hit. Either way, we’re gonna be okay.” She smiled.

  “You’re right,” Treacherous agreed. “I just wanna get this done and get the hell outta Richmond before it’s too late,” he added.

  Baby nodded her head in agreement.

  “Anyway,” Treacherous said, changing the subject, “I’m gonna hop in. Don’t be takin’ too long,” he warned.

  Baby shot him the middle finger and smiled sarcastically.

  Treacherous shook his head. He wasn’t surprised by her comeback. “I love you too,” he retorted.

  Then, he turned on the shower.

  Chapter 35

  On what seemed like the hundredth ring, Detective Love answered his phone. He was met with a blaring shout in his ear.

  “Who the hell is this?” he cursed.

  The roar of his voice woke his wife.

  “Art, it’s me. Randle.”

  Detective Love immediately became alert. “Talk to me. What’s up?” He flung the covers off his body and climbed out of bed.

  “Honey, what’s wrong?” a sleepy Jazmyne Love asked, looking over her shoulder.

  “Nothing, sweetheart. Go back to bed,” he whispered. Then, he tiptoed out of his bedroom.

  “I just got word from a friend of mine that a couple fitting the description of my boy and your daughter took down a spot down on Broad Street that was under surveillance by the big boys. I heard it’s pretty messy down there. A couple of ours got tagged.”

  “What? Are you kidding me?” Detective Love couldn’t believe his ears.

  “If I’m lying, I’m dying,” Andre Randle replied. “I’m on my way down there right now.”

  “What’s the place?”

  “I don’t know the name of it. I just know it was supposed to be a front for illegal monies for some heavy hitters.”

  “Holy fuck! I know exactly what place you’re talking about. I’ll meet you there.”

  Detective Love grabbed his forehead. After receiving the disturbing news, there was no doubt in his mind that his daughter was in over her head and was unable to be saved. The question now was whether her fate would be death or prison. With that being his thought, Detective Love hurried to get dressed and then was out the door.

  Chapter 36

  The sound of the chimes over Black’s Pawnshop entrance alerted fifty-eight-year-old Sammy Black of someone’s presence. A smile appeared across his pale white face at the sight of the beautiful specimen. He ran his fingers through his red and gray hair, making sure it was lying just the way he liked it.

  “How may I be of service to you, pretty, young lady?” he asked, throwing in a compliment. You couldn’t tell Sammy Black that he wasn’t a ladies’ man. Although he was as Irish as they came, he had a fetish for black women, specifically young ones. Today must be my lucky day, he thought.

  “I would like to know if you have any nice digital cameras.”

  “Why, yes, my dear. I most certainly do.” Sammy Black beamed, flashing his perfectly whitened piano keys. “If you’ll just walk with me over to this side,” he instructed her with the extension of his arm.

  “Is this for school purposes or just for leisure?” he asked, pulling the keys out of his pocket to unlock the display case.

  Just then, the chimes echoed in the air once again, informing Sammy Black of the male customer who had just walked through the door.

  “I’ll be with you in just a moment, young man,” Sammy said toward the doorway. Then, he bent over to unlock the display case. “Here we go.”

  Sammy was stopped short of his sentence when he looked up to find two guns staring him in the face. He snickered.

  “Come on, you kids. Don’t be stupid,” Sammy Black calmly tried to reason. He wasn’t the least bit afraid.

  “Shut the fuck up, old man!” Treacherous barked. “This ain’t no fuckin’ game.”

  Treacherous walked over to Sammy Black and smacked him across the face with the barrel of his gun. The blow didn’t knock him out, but it was strong enough to send Sammy Black’s boxer frame slamming up against the wall.

  “You fuckin’ piece of shit.” Sammy Black spit out the blood that filled his mouth complimentary of the assault Treacherous had just delivered. “You think you and your bitch can just come in here and push me the hell around and try to take what’s mine, huh? You must be out of your fucking mind!” Sammy Black bellowed. “Do you know who the fuck I am?”

  “I know who the fuck you were.”

  The shot from Baby’s gun ripped through Sammy Black’s skull and killed him instantly. Treacherous wasted no time rushing to the door which led to the back of the pawnshop. He jiggled the handle only to find that it was locked. All in one motion, Treacherous used all his strength to kick the door off its hinges, while Baby locked the front door and posted up.

  It took all of Treacherous’s willpower to keep his composure. His and Baby’s timing couldn’t have been more perfect. He was convinced that the bags sitting on the round table were a gift from the Creator. Treacherous unraveled the string from around one of the bags and looked inside. He smiled at the stacks of money it contained. Treacherous wasted no time pulling out the folded up duffle bag from out of his pants. He threw the bag on the floor. Rather than load the duffle bag up with the bags on the table, Treacherous snatched up the tablecloth and wrapped it up. He then stuffed the entire bundle into the duffle bag, zipped it up, and tossed it over his shoulder.

  When he returned to the front part of the pawnshop, he saw that Baby was still posted up
by the entrance, holding down the fort.

  “How we lookin’ out there?” he asked.

  “Everything looks good. No real traffic’s come by at all.” She looked out the window as she spoke. She turned around when she was done. Baby saw the large bulky duffle bag and smiled.

  “I told you it would be a piece of cake,” she gloated.

  “Once again, you were right, babe.” Treacherous kissed her on the lips.

  “Where’d you park after you let me out?” Baby asked.

  “Right on the side of the building.”

  “Okay. Let’s get out of here.”

  Baby unlocked the front door of the pawnshop. Rather than tuck her gun, she kept it out and down at her side as an extra precaution. Because of the size of the bag Treacherous was carrying, she didn’t want to take any chances on them getting jacked. The area they were in on Broad Street was known for being pretty rough territory, so she didn’t put anything past anyone.

  Baby opened the door and stepped out. She looked to the left and to the right. “Clear,” she announced. She held the door open for Treacherous, who also had his gun down at his side, just in case.

  Because of how smoothly things were going, he doubted he would have to use it. That doubt was quickly removed when the voice of someone came out of nowhere.

  “Freeze, assholes,” were the words that accompanied a barrage of bullets, coming from the direction of a black van that two men hopped out of the back of. A gunfight erupted as Treacherous and Baby returned fire.

  Treacherous dropped the bag from his shoulder and took cover behind the car parked outside the pawnshop, while Baby opted for the tree off to the left. Treacherous quickly pulled out another clip from his pocket to replace the empty sixteen-shot clip he had just unloaded on the unexpected men, while Baby did the same with the speed loader with her revolver. Once the gun was reloaded, Treacherous rose up. What he saw pleased him. Both men were down on the ground. He got Baby’s attention and pointed. Then, he walked around the car.


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