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Three Kings

Page 10

by Nikki Jefford

  Yeah. Sure. Woo-woo, whatever.

  “Let’s just get it over with,” I said, gritting my teeth.

  The male with long brown hair nodded. “Please lie down, my lady.”

  What was with the “my lady” nonsense? One moment I was being beaten and attacked, the next I had Fae attendants treating me as though I was their master. And why the freak was I dressed in a short beige satin-and-lace slip?

  I yanked the covers up to my chin. “What am I wearing? Who changed my clothes?” I demanded. My cheeks burned with indignation.

  Lulu stopped chanting and opened her eyes. The third female, who had light brown skin and thick brown hair, raised her hand. “It was I,” she announced.

  “And I,” Pixie Cut added.

  “What about you?” I snapped at the male.

  He shook his mane of brown hair. “I did not aid in your dressing, my lady, nor was I in the room at the time.”

  “Good,” I said. “Now someone fetch me a robe.”

  If they wanted to behave like my own personal servants, then I might as well order them to do what I wanted.

  Pixie Cut strode over to a tall armoire, opened the doors, and plucked out a robe. The male stepped back as she approached the side of the bed and held up the satin robe. It matched the slip I was wearing and wasn’t much longer.

  I sighed. “Fine. I’ll be changing soon, anyway.”

  “We must fix your arm first,” Pixie Cut said.

  Ugh, bring on the pain.

  “Drink this, my lady,” the dark-skinned female said, holding out a glass filled with amber liquid.

  I released the covers to take the glass. The slip gaped open in a wide V above my breasts, held together with thin straps.

  Heaving a sigh, I took the glass, lifted it beneath my nose, and sniffed. “What is this?” I asked, wrinkling my nose.

  “Whiskey, from the human world,” Pixie Cut supplied. “It is to dull the pain. We can bring you a Fae tincture instead.”

  “I’ll try the whiskey.” I lifted the glass and emptied it in several gulps, relishing the burn down my throat. I smacked my lips and handed the glass back. “Ready,” I announced.

  The male sidled up to the bedside and said, “Lie back.”

  “Just focus on my arm,” I growled at him.

  Lulu began her chanting again. I tried to concentrate on her nonsensical chatter rather than the satin clinging to my curves. This was beyond mortifying.

  Once settled back into the sheets, the male grabbed my wrist firmly and pulled on my arm. His tug was slow and steady, not stopping until my shoulder clunked back into position. I sucked in a hissing breath, but the pain was muted and brief compared to when it had been popped out.

  The chanting stopped.

  When a fresh glass of whiskey was held in front of me, I took it and drank it down without hesitation.

  The male backed away from the bed then turned and walked out of the room.

  “Very good,” Pixie Cut said. “Your bath is ready, my lady.”

  “Why do you keep calling me that?” I asked. “Shouldn’t I be in the dungeons? I’m a prisoner, am I not?”

  I mean, I appreciated the pampering, don’t get me wrong, but I needed to know what my situation was.

  “Oh no, you are not a captive, my lady. You are the guest of honor.” Pixie Cut held open the robe for me to slip on.

  I scooted to the edge of the bed, using my good arm to help slide out and push myself into a standing position. The robe, like the slip, barely covered my ass, but I supposed it was all coming off for my bath anyway.

  I limped across the room, refusing help as the females led me into a luxurious bathing chamber with white tiled flooring and stairs leading up to a Jacuzzi tub. Lilac-scented bubbles foamed over the water, and white candles burned from pillars.

  “Great,” I said, fumbling with the sash on my robe. Satin was way too slippery. “I’ll be out in a jiff. Well, maybe more than a jiff.”

  When the females didn’t leave, I raised my brows.

  “We will assist you,” Pixie Cut said.


  “Lulu,” Pixie Cut said.

  This time Lulu burst into song, a soothing melody about a bare-chested merman with a long, sleek tail swishing through undulating waters.

  I liked it better than the chanting, but I still preferred my privacy. When I turned to suggest Lulu sing from the bedroom, I found Pixie Cut and her dark-skinned friend pulling their gowns over their hips. My jaw hung open.

  At least they wore maroon slips beneath their dresses; and at least they didn’t make any move to take them off.

  Pixie cut bent down and gingerly removed the bandage from my foot. My toes were swollen and blue. I wanted to crush the skull of the guard who had stomped on them.

  “You first,” Pixie Cut said, spreading her arms to the three steps leading to the frothy pool of water.


  “Relax,” Pixie Cut said. “You will feel better once you’re in the water.”

  The dark-skinned faerie nodded. “The temperature is perfect.”

  Meanwhile, the merman in Lulu’s song had fallen in love with a narwhal who wanted him to steal a dragon’s egg and bring it back to prove his worth.

  I glanced at the tub. Having my freaking shoulder relocated had been less distressing than climbing into a warm bath with two females in thin slips.


  I yanked off my robe, using my good arm, scrambled up the short stairs, and plunked into the tub. Warm water enveloped me, bubbles reaching my chin.

  Ahh, the temperature did feel perfect.

  The two females followed me into the tub. They remained standing and set to work on me immediately. One held my hair up while the other sponged my neck, good shoulder, and arm. She left my relocated shoulder and arm to soak, undisturbed in the soothing water.

  Once finished, she said, “Leg,” and I found myself lifting one leg, followed by the other to be gently sponged clean.

  Maybe this wasn’t so bad. It reminded me of the blue-haired faeries who had tended Folas in Teryani’s parlor after dinner during our visit last week.

  “You are Teryani’s servants, aren’t you?” I asked as a pitcher of clean warm water was poured over my head, plastering my hair over my shoulders.

  The dark-skinned female squirted shampoo into her hand and rubbed her palms together before massaging the soap into my hair.

  “We are yours now,” Pixie Cut said.

  “You mean Albedo’s?” I wrinkled my nose.

  “Yours, my lady,” Pixie Cut said.

  Lulu’s voice pitched. The merman had swum into the dragon’s oceanside cave but, upon seeing the beast’s iridescent scales, fallen madly in love with the dragon and forgotten all about the narwhal. The dragon, however, wanted the merman to steal a feather off the phoenix who lived atop a cliff in order to prove his devotion.

  A fresh pitcher of water was dumped over my head, followed by another.

  I rubbed one eye followed by the other with my left hand. “Where is Ella?” I asked.

  “Down in the dungeons, but don’t worry; she is comfortable.”

  Yeah, right. Because dungeons were the Ritz-Carltons of Faerie.

  “King Albedo understands that her welfare matters to you,” Pixie Cut continued. “He will treat Ella well so long as you treat him with respect.”

  The bath water cooled around my skin.

  So that was how the Fae-hole wanted to play it. Blackmail me into obedience. I scowled. “I think I’m clean enough.”

  Pixie Cut dipped her sponge into the water as though she intended to continue bathing me. I gripped the side of the tub with my left hand and stood, careful not to slip. I no longer cared about the skimpy slip now plastered to me.

  “Out! All of you out. I’d like to clean my privates . . . in private!”

  “Yes, my lady,” Pixie Cut said, setting the sponge on the side of the tub.

  “As you wish, my lady,” her compani
on echoed, following her out of the tub.

  Lulu stopped singing and turned to head out first.

  “Wait, Lulu. What happens next? Does the merman fall in love with the phoenix?”

  Lulu faced me and nodded eagerly. “He does, my lady. First, he scales a waterfall to reach the phoenix’s cliff top nest, and there he lays eyes on the bird’s blazing red feathers.”

  I grunted. “Let me guess. The phoenix wants him to steal something to prove his love.”

  Lulu’s lips parted. “How did you know, my lady?” she asked, beaming at me.

  Ugh, of course. Even the fairy tales in Faerie were warped.

  “You know what would make a better story?” I asked before proceeding to deliver my answer. “If the phoenix reciprocated the merman’s feelings without demanding payment. Then the merman would know that the phoenix was worthy of his love.”

  Lulu blinked rapidly. “But then the story would end.”

  “Are you kidding me? Their babies would be able to swim and fly. Someone should write a song about that.”

  Lulu gaped at me.

  “You can go now,” I told her. This time I think she actually wanted to leave.

  I didn’t remain in the tub long since the servants had already covered a lot of territory. Once out of the bath, I pulled off the sodden slip and wrapped myself in a thick, fluffy cream towel.

  “We’ve laid out your gown,” Pixie Cut called from the bedroom.

  I limped into the bedchamber and wrinkled my nose at the way-too-fancy red-and-gold embroidered dress stretched out over the freshly made bed. A new beige slip had been set beside it.

  “I prefer breeches,” I said.

  “We apologize,” Pixie Cut said. “We only have dresses available.”

  “What are your names?” I asked.

  “My name is Gem,” Pixie Cut said. “That is Magnolia and, of course, Lulu.”

  The females bowed their heads as their names were spoken.

  “Well, my name is Mel, not my lady.”

  “We must show you respect,” Gem said.

  “Then tell me what happened after I blacked out. Where are Lyklor and Malon?”

  “The king does not yet know where they portaled,” Gem answered. “But do not worry. He said they will be fine and make their way back to the castle as swiftly as they can.”

  My heart squeezed. Malon would come after me the moment his black head passed through the gates. If Lyklor hadn’t gotten between us, I don’t know what would have happened. I’d seen the blind hatred in Malon’s eyes. He hadn’t listened to Albedo’s commands as he came at me. How had Lyklor managed to open a portal? I wanted him to come back, but not Malon.

  “What about the guard I traveled with?” I asked. “What happened to him?”

  “You mean Prince Ryo?” Gem clarified.

  I sucked in air. I suppose it was inevitable that blowing my cover meant blowing Ryo’s too.

  “Don’t worry,” Gem said yet again. “Albedo is happy to meet his brother. Ryo is being shown the same comforts as you.”

  A muted growl vibrated in my throat. “You mean he’s been bathed?” When Gem nodded, I snarled. “Did you bathe him?”

  “He has his own attendants, my lady.”

  I balled my left hand into a fist. I had no claim over him, but picturing female servants soaping him up made my ears steam. I bet he’d gone into his tub naked. I bet they had too. They could have used their bare hands instead of sponges to lather him up.

  “Grrr,” I said aloud.

  Lulu giggled, and for whatever reason, it helped me relax.

  I instructed the females to turn around while I put on the slip and dress. Fastening the back of the dress required help, and I even allowed Magnolia to comb out my hair. Gem helped put my arm in a sling with assurances that the healer would come by later to help speed up the recovery process. I sat still while Lulu applied more ointment to my toes and wrapped them in fresh bandages.

  “Heath will carry you to breakfast,” Gem announced as she strode to the door and called the male with the long brown hair back in.

  “No freaking way,” I said as he walked toward me.

  Heath stopped and looked at Gem for instruction.

  “The less pressure you put on your toes, the faster they will heal,” Gem said.

  “Fine, but put me down before we reach the dining room. I won’t give Albedo the satisfaction of watching me be carried in.”

  Despite his willowy frame, Heath effortlessly picked me up. I hooked my left arm around his neck. I expected my female entourage to follow us, but they remained behind as Heath carried me into the hall and to the dining room. Once outside, he set me down carefully. I made sure to land on my good foot first.

  “Thank you, Heath,” I said, committing his name to memory.

  “It is a pleasure to be of service, my lady.” He offered me a slight bow before walking away.

  This was getting way too weird.

  I turned my right palm face up and called forth flames just to be sure I still had my fire magic. Once I saw the burst of flame, I extinguished it and swallowed.

  No more subterfuge. No more infiltrating the castle. I was a captive now—a role I didn’t much like or plan to hold for long.

  Taking slow, careful steps to mute my limp, I entered the dining room half expecting to find Lyklor and Malon returned. Instead, I was greeted by Albedo and Ryo. They stood on the far side of the table, dressed in tailored black jackets. Albedo wore no shirt underneath his. Taut muscles were showcased between the midnight fabric with its high collar and shoulder embroidery. His long hair had been swept into a feathered black ponytail while a shorter section draped on one side of his face. A thick leather belt hung low on his hips and was fastened by a glittering dark blue gem that winked and drew the eyes in the exact spot I did not fancy a look, especially since he was sporting skintight black pants.

  Ryo stood straight beside Albedo, avoiding eye contact with me. His shorter, shaggy hair had been brushed, and his dark jacket and pants looked as stiff as his posture.

  Albedo broke out into an unnatural grin when he looked at me. “Melarue Heiris. Such a pleasure to have you as my guest,” he exclaimed, striding toward me. My eyes expanded as Albedo’s bare muscles and flashy jewel came closer. Ryo made no move as Albedo advanced. “Allow me, Miss Heiris,” he said as he pulled back a chair.

  I stared from him to the seat, not trusting his intentions for one hot second. His behavior was more wacko than usual—which was saying a lot.

  “Please sit, my lady,” Albedo said.

  I looked at Ryo, who met my gaze long enough to nod. Sliding a mistrustful look at Albedo, I took my time sitting down. Once I had, Albedo returned to his spot at the head of the table and raised his brows at Ryo, who took his seat across from me before Albedo took his.

  Albedo sat tall in his seat, looking from me to Ryo. “I wish I’d known the two of you were at Ravensburg sooner. I am thrilled to meet you both,” he said, sounding for all the worlds sincere.

  I pursed my lips, more suspicious than ever.

  “I apologize for last night’s scuffle, Miss Heiris. You took me quite unaware.” Albedo stopped to chuckle. “I commend you on your performance as Sarfina. You had me fooled.”

  “Where is Ella?” I demanded.

  Albedo tilted his head. “She has been provided all the comforts she needs in the dungeons. It may sound barbaric, but it is the safest place for her, though I do assure you that I will not allow Malon to touch her, nor you, Melarue.”

  The way he leaned forward and purred my name made my skin crawl and body shudder. “What do you want with us?” I demanded.

  “Ah, straight to the point. I want to get to know you both better.” A smug smile appeared over Albedo’s thin lips. “I mean you no harm, neither of you. Quite the opposite. Tell me, Brother, did you enjoy your bath?”

  Although Albedo posed the question to Ryo, he kept his mischievous gaze trained on me. The bastard was probably loo
king for a reaction out of me. Unfortunately, I’d never had much of a poker face, not to mention elves with fire magic ran hot when angered. I felt myself falling back into that desert landscape, cheeks blistering.

  Albedo’s grin widened, which meant the bastard must have noticed. “Well, Ryo? Were the females I sent you attentive?”

  I locked eyes with Albedo rather than look at Ryo. He might be reading me, but I was reading him right back, and I could see he clearly intended to drive a wedge between Ryo and me, which meant I couldn’t allow him to succeed.

  “They were extremely attentive,” Ryo announced, sounding pissed off.

  My chin jerked in his direction, but Ryo had his glittering eyes trained on Albedo and the twisted smile creeping over his lips.

  “Excellent,” Albedo said as the footmen entered with breakfast.

  I stared down at the slice of egg-spinach-and-ham pie set on a plate before me, my heart feeling like scrambled eggs. The flaky pastry crust and intoxicating smell got the best of me. Some people had trouble eating when distressed. Me? I was an emotional eater. I jammed my fork into the pie and gobbled up the entire slice, barely pausing for breath in between bites.

  “Ryo tells me you like swords,” Albedo said, his voice laced with amusement.

  “Not as much as I like stabbing things,” I retorted, grabbing the glass of sparkling juice off the table and gulping half of it down.

  “And you are the only one in your family with elemental magic?” Albedo had barely touched his breakfast pie. What was this? An interview? If he wanted to hire someone to kick his ass, he’d found the perfect candidate.

  Albedo must have taken the narrowing of my eyes as an answer.

  “Your sisters must be jealous that you are the only one with powers,” he drawled.

  Now he was trying to drive wedges between my family and me? This pit head was the king of fools. His taunt was enough to make me want to befriend Shalendra just to spite him.

  “My sisters can hold their own,” I informed him.

  Albedo lifted his chin and stroked his smooth neck. “I do pity your eldest sister, though, for being forced to oversee a kingdom in her condition.” Albedo ignored my snort. “It is no secret that she harbors no desire to wear the crown.” Albedo’s grin widened. “What I didn’t know until now is that her lover is with her at Dahlquist and that he killed my aunt Naesala, former queen of this grand castle.”


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