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The Eidolon's Conquest

Page 13

by Yamila Abraham

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  About the Author

  In ancient China during the Three Kingdoms period all these warlords were battling it out for different territories. I remember a story (from a literature class or maybe something I saw while watching my little brother play the Romance of the Three Kingdoms game) where one warlord asked another warlord if he could have passage through his territory to get to his enemy on the other side. The warlord who owned the territory said he'd give him permission if he let him hold 500 of his soldiers as prisoners until he was clear. This would ensure he didn't try to pull something while he was passing through. So the warlord got 500 volunteers from his ranks and had them surrender to be the prisoners of this other warlord.

  That kind of idea, where someone willingly goes to their enemy and says, 'Here I am. Put the leg chains on me,' really excites me. One of my favorite scenes in the original Star Wars trilogy is when Luke surrenders to Vader. I was a very young child watching that in the theater and I think it gave me my first toe-curling belly flutters.

  In my last book, Conquering the Phobe, I was researching quotes from Sun Ce to incorporate into the story. One quote triggered the memory of these willing prisoners given to an enemy in exchange for safe passage. That's how the idea for The Eidolon's Conquest came about.

  I like for characters to have to do things that make their souls ache, but where they have so much incentive that they just have to force themselves to do it. That was the prevalent theme of this story. Rand is sick over the idea of surrendering to this enemy who he not only pissed off, but who is going to do sexual things to him. I worked the situation to make sure my character was trapped. He had to give in—to sink into absolute submission.

  I explored this same theme in The Demon and the Emperor. Dianese must have the demon Rodukjo's help, no matter what the cost. The cost ends up being his body, something abhorrent to him, and yet he has to consent.

  In both these books the rest of the story becomes how to make the consent truly willing. I've read many stories where the uke is getting raped from the beginning and his 'consent' comes about once he's thoroughly broken. You can't convince me that he will willingly come to love his abuser by the end. Maybe some people like and expect those types of stories, but I just can't go there. A little piece of my heart is in each one of characters. I want them to love their semes without it being Stockholm Syndrome. In this regard you kind of know what you're going to get with me every time.

  I pushed this in Vanquished Knight, where the knight was getting stripped naked, spanked, and swallowing cum within minutes of meeting the demon king. I still say that Jonah genuinely came to love his demon captors. I made him the sort of character who could not be broken by abuse, and who could see the love of his masters even through their apparent cruelty. If you read Vanquished Knight you'll see it truly is consensual sex that leads to love.

  Computer overlords screwing things up is another motif I've been exploring in my work. The computer C-Raptin in The Android's Bride is Gizmoidon's granddaddy. Gizmoidon is a heck of a lot more evil though. That's why he dies and C-Raptin still controls the Alpha-Lord in the world of The Android's Bride. (I would love to do a follow up to that novel sometime. I just want to know what's going on there now.)

  For sci-fi gay romance Maelstrom is the most prominent and popular series. This sci-fi serial has gotten me several devoted fans, and I'm working on creating a webcomic out of it when my Patreon receives enough funding. It's already made its way out as an audio book!

  Another sci-fi male/male romance, Zolabarth Bi, will be coming out as a full-cast audio book. I'm excited for both of these projects. It seems like sci-fi m/m is where I really shine and resonate with fans. I hope you feel that The Eidolon's Conquest is just as good as these titles. I really enjoyed writing it.

  Since this is an 'About the Author' section I should probably tell you a bit about me. I believe that writing is a role, not a job. This was a calling for me from before I was out of diapers. I had to tell stories, and then I had to write stories. I started going into trances when I wrote at a very young age. It's kind of like taking Quaaludes. There's time distortion where I think an hour has passed when it's actually been 12 hours. I also talk in my characters voices without being aware of it. If this sounds crazy to you, it's really not. Other prominent writers have admitted to 'writing trances.' Every fiction writer has to get into their 'zone' to write. For some it just gets creepy. I'm fine with this phenomenon. It's how I make my living, after all.

  I started out getting published in small literary journals when I was out of college. I won contests here and there, and I always seemed to be working on my next submission for publication. In 1999 I discovered yaoi, and it was an epiphany for me since I'd been writing yaoi for decades but never had a label for it. In 2004 I started my own publishing company, Yaoi Press, and put out yaoi graphic novels. I got out 50 or so before Borders Books closed and the bottom fell out of the market. The last book Yaoi Press published was in 2012, and I'm pretty sure that's the end of ink and paper books for me.

  Ebooks have given me a wonderful and viable career. I started out with Incubus Master, a serial where I was testing out my prose skills for the first time. The premise and characters are solid, but it's not as strong prose-wise as my current books. Still, my imagination uncorked with this series and it led to the sequel, Captured, and then Scor's Story.

  These early series proved to me that I could still live off my writing, even if Yaoi Press is mostly shut down. I've been pumping out work at a fast clip ever since. Sometimes new fans discover me and my work resonates with them. They want to read everything I've put out, but it's daunting. I have 143 titles on Amazon right now. If you want to get all my past works I recommend starting with The Big Yaoi Bundle and then continuing with The Huge Yaoi Bundle. This gives you the bulk of my library in two heavily-discounted purchases. After that is The Maelstrom Compilation—which is really one of my best works, I highly recommend it, and then Incubus Master Complete and Incubus Master Captured Complete.

  My most recent works are some of my best. I will always recommend UnPrison in every new ebook I put out because it's still garnering praise even a year after its release. I worked in a men's prison for a year and channeled all that insight into a very realistic daddy/kid prison romance story. Str8 Room8 is another top-seller I hope new fans will not overlook. It's an extremely sensual, fun, short read about a thoroughly seduced hetero college student.

  I write for a living, as I said. If you are an aspiring writer and want to know all my secrets I cover all my advice in the book Ten Steps to Kindle Fiction Success, which I try to keep for free on Amazon, but since it's exclusive under Kindle Unlimited I can't trip the permafree status by just making it free elsewhere. If you don't have Kindle Unlimited and want a free copy, email me at and I'll send it to you (will take a week or more, so don't freak). In exchange for the free gift I ask for you to sign up for my newsletter at This covers the 'how can I be a writer like you' part of my About the Author section.

  Almost every story I write is a variation of beauty and the beast. One big monster type going after one small vulnerable type. The story is in how the monster seduces beauty.
The beast character is often a demon in my writing. The Demon and the Emperor, Vanquished Knight, Incubus Master, and Xenoskar. I dig stories about big sexy demons taking sweet tender ukes. Demons, to me, are vampires without the fangs and bloodsucking. They're sexy monsters that can be whatever you want. In Demon Consort I had the demon take the role of the sweet vulnerable one and the human took the role of the beast.

  When I was growing up you didn't see sexy demons all that much in Western comics, literature, and media. I thought the huge horned demon Tim Curry played in the Legend movie was pretty sexy, but that pointy cleft chin turned me off. Pinhead in the Hellraiser movies was pretty cool, but how do you kiss him? Demons in Western comics were similarly disappointing. I gravitated instead towards anime and manga where feudal Japan traditions brought about demons who were less monster and more beautiful and godlike. This ultimately led me to write graphic novels in the manga style for my publishing company Yaoi Press. The big hit for me was Winter Demon. My other notable graphic novel is Dark Prince (which you can read for free right now on

  Okay, it's time to wrap this up. The real Yamila Abraham is a super friendly lady who loves meeting you at conventions or on the road. I live in an RV and tow it south in the winter and north in the summer. You can read about my misadventures in my RVing blog: I also post lots of stuff in my Facebook.

  If I've interested you I hope you'll go to my Amazon page, select the option to follow me, and peruse all my offerings. I've got prison romance, alien romance, demon romance, BDSM, hurt/comfort, fantasy, and lots of bundles that group my huge body of work into affordable mega-deals. Check that out here: You can see what books I have available for free HERE.

  And please sign up for my newsletter! I only bug you once a month.

  If you're one of my yaoi fans I have a Patreon with the goal of making a web comic out of Maelstrom. You get to read Happy Yaoi Yum Yum, a very smutty yaoi graphic novel that's out of print, in exchange for a modest subscription.

  If you enjoyed The Eidolon's Prey the kindest thing you could do for me is leave a 5 star review. This helps my ranking which in turn helps my sales. I really appreciate people who take the time to do this! <3

  In my last bio section I mentioned I'm a lesbian. That's because this was the bio in Conquering the Phobe, a story that related deeply to my own experience coming out when I was younger. If you like realistic stories, I really hope you'll read the preview of this story included after this section.

  Other Books on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited:

  The Demon and the Emperor

  The Eidolon's Conquest

  Conquering the Phobe

  Vanquished Knight


  Alien's Bride

  Bride of the Keil Warriors

  Conquering the Phobe

  Passionate right-wing conservative Albert Reese has taken a dangerous interest in his gay classmate Denton Price.

  Albert mercilessly trounces Denton during a very personal debate in their politics class, leaving Denton devastated and grateful this is the end of the semester. He never wants to see Albert’s cold judging glare ever again.

  But then Albert chases Denton down in the library…

  This super steamy, tumultuous romance is a standalone with no cliffhangers and a guaranteed happily-ever-after. By the author of UnPrison!

  Please don’t miss this one! Click your country: Kindle USA, Kindle UK, Kindle Germany, Kindle Canada, Kindle Australia, Kindle France, Kindle Italy, Kindle Spain, Kindle Mexico, Kindle Japan, Kindle India, Kindle Netherlands, or Kindle Brazil!

  Excerpt ~

  On the third floor of the university library, Denton Price traversed aisles of seldom-used legal books to find a remote wooden table. It sat in a corner too far from the high windows to ever catch a ray of sunlight. The veneer had been ruined by coffee rings and the indentation of pen marks; a good table to hide at in an obscure corner. Denton dropped into a clunky wooden chair with his back to the wall. He placed his lean elbows on the table, his face in his hands, and let the tears come.

  His body shuddered quietly as he sobbed. He couldn’t abide a stranger catching his anguish, and certainly not another student. Even here, the most secluded place he could find on campus, there was still a chance of intrusion. It was the best he could do, as far as he could go. Denton couldn’t hold back his pain another moment.

  Once the first aches of his turmoil were quenched by tears, he wiped his nose on a handkerchief and ground his teeth.

  “Fucking asshole,” he said, forcing his voice to stay quiet. "Fucking ignorant asshole piece of shit.“

  He clenched a fist and let his pain meld with the anger. More tears came forth, now with such passion his stomach cramped. The severity of his emotion made him feel hopeless, helpless–then he remembered one particularly stinging line Albert Reese had cleverly spouted. Smoothly, as though he’d had the quip rehearsed, and delivered with cold nonchalance. Denton’s face reddened with humiliation all over again just at the memory. He let his head drop into his folded arms so he could muffle sobs he couldn’t keep silent.


  Denton’s entire body tensed a millisecond before he darted up his head to look. Then his heart was raging in his temples. Anguish was replaced with a primeval fight or flight instinct.

  His nemesis stood directly before him with only the table separating them. This brought several harrowing revelations at once. Albert had to have followed him. There was no reason for him to be in this part of the library–no possibility he’d been caught there by chance. And he’d snuck up on him. He’d probably been watching him this entire time through the gaps of a bookshelf. When Denton had buried his head in his arms, he’d emerged, quiet as a cat, to block him into the corner. Denton couldn’t leave without fighting his way past him now.

  He stared at Albert while trying to keep his rapid breathing from becoming too apparent. He’d overheard once that Albert was the dean’s son, and though only a sophomore he was three years older than most other students in their grade. The added years had given him time to fill out more. He had a formidable athletic build. (Wasn’t he an athlete? Probably in some irrelevant sport that didn’t give scholarships.) He had inky black hair that gleamed, and there was scruff on his chin, trimmed to the fashionable length that accentuated his mature, masculine presence. He wore a long black coat with shoulders that came out to stiff points and polished buckles fastened along a slick angle.

  The first time Denton saw him he’d thought he looked like a male model from a Virgin Airlines billboard, but that was before–before he knew what kind of monster he was. Now he just looked like a villain. Not a cartoonish vaudevillian, but some menacing actor in a psychological thriller. One where his good looks would have the audience presuming he was a good guy until the show neared its end. Then it would come out that he was a psychopath, injecting children with fatal viruses or holing up victims in a basement torture chamber. He could easily see Albert removing someone’s teeth with a pair of pliers.

  All these thoughts came as he stared at him, not knowing with to say or do. He felt like prey. Albert had captured him with void brown eyes that had to note his apprehension.

  The moment drew on long enough to grow awkward. Denton heard himself swallow.

  Albert let the strap from his bag slide off his shoulder. He dropped it on the table, then pulled out the chair across from Denton and sat. He positioned his body sideways, crossed his legs, then let out a slow exhalation through puckered lips. He rested his other elbow on the table.

  “That was very elucidating,” he said without looking toward Denton.

  Denton attempted to shake his head in disbelief, but the movement just came out as a tremble. He wasn’t sure if Albert meant the debate or his crying.

  “What do you want?”

  Albert’s eyes flashed at him, then lowered. “
I’ve taken an interest in you.”

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