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Page 6

by Hensley, Alta

  Glowering, Connor took a step back and crossed his arms against his chest, his sharp blue eyes narrowed on her. She watched his jaw clench, just as he used to do when they were young. Paige waited for his comeback, for a stinging reply. She steeled herself for whatever he'd delivered. She wouldn't back down and show her true thoughts. Her true feelings of how she desperately wanted to throw herself into his arms. Paige didn't want to show him her heart. Connor lost that right a long time ago.

  To her surprise, he didn't act as she expected. Without another word spoken, he stormed out, leaving Paige standing alone in her ramshackle barn. It matched perfectly with her life.

  Chapter Two

  Connor couldn’t concentrate on the pile of work sitting on his desk. Not when he knew Paige had actually moved back in town. She really had returned, and planned on staying. He silently cursed, tapping his thumb against his coffee mug. Why hadn't he fessed up and told her he was the contractor? And why in the hell did he even agree to the ridiculous idea in the first place? That barn… that damn barn. He had no business getting involved with such a mess of a project. Such a mess, period.

  He leaned back wearily against his leather chair and closed his eyes, trying to block out the image of Paige standing in the middle of the barn. The image of her auburn hair, her green eyes, and that perfect mouth, burned against his thoughts. Age had only made her more beautiful, if that was even possible. He never thought he'd see her again, and there she was. In the barn. In their barn. God, he loved that girl. He did everything he could to forget her, to move on with his life. But the memories of Paige always returned. And here she was. Home. She was finally home.

  Heaving a sigh, Connor propped his feet on the desk, bracing himself for her entrance. It was just a matter of time until Paige arrived, expecting to meet her contractor. Expecting to meet a complete stranger who would promise her the world when it came to that damn barn. Connor pictured the fury in her tiny frame as she learned the truth. She'll be angry for sure, but even angrier when he tells her he has no intention of helping her with the insane idea of saving that pile of termite infested wood.

  The barn. He should have demolished it years ago. It was dangerous, someone could have gotten hurt. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't erase the memories. He couldn't erase Paige. The barn, Paige… his past. He couldn't simply demolish it all.

  How many days and nights as teenagers had they shared in the barn? They shared their hopes and dreams. They declared their love beneath the old roof. They experienced their first kiss in the hay loft. The barn was their place. Their special place. Connor rubbed his temple as the sudden ache in his heart seemed to overpower his senses. He let her go. He allowed her to grow...or so he kept telling himself. They were young and still needed to experience life. He had to let her go. Fool. He was a damn fool.


  With her heart beating rapidly against her chest, Paige strolled down Main Street, taking in all the familiar sites. Funny how even in twelve years, nothing seemed to change. Some of the businesses were different, but the old vintage feel of the buildings still remained. It wasn't until now that Paige realized how much she missed this town. She smiled when she saw the sign a few feet away. CM Construction. Her heart raced, when she realized she was about to start this adventure. Her vision of the perfect home was about to become a reality.

  A door chime announced her as she made her entrance into the construction office. No one sat at the reception desk, but the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the space. She listened, scanning the room, contemplating calling out, when she saw an office door open. Her heart skipped when she realized who walked through the door. Connor McNeil. CM Construction. Why hadn't she figured that out sooner?

  She stood, staring, not sure what to say.

  “I'm sorry. I should have told you I was the contractor at the barn.”

  Rage sizzled her core. “No, you should have told me when I hired you.”

  Connor took a few steps toward her. “I had no idea. My receptionist took the job and I didn't even realize it until today when I saw your name on my meeting schedule.” He gave a sheepish smile. “I really am sorry.”

  Memories of his smile washed over her. He still had the same dimple, and his eyes still lit up. The only difference was the little lines formed around the edges of his mouth and the corner of his eyes. She missed his smile. She desperately wanted to hear him laugh. She missed that most of all. She missed the hours they spent hiding out in the barn, wrapped in each other’s arms, cloaked by their hideaway, laughing into the late hours of the night. She held back the tears, remembering the young love that filled that huge barn. Innocent love. Pure love.

  True love, she thought, as she continued to stare at Connor. Paige had tried to find that love with other men, but never succeeded. It never existed. She wondered if Connor had found the true love again.

  “Well, I guess we better get started then. Although it would have been easier to do this at the barn.”


  Paige's heart stopped. She swallowed the lump forming in the back of her throat. “What do you mean, no?”

  “I'm not going to help you convert that pile of wood into an unrealistic dream. You have no idea how much work and money it'll take.”

  Crossing her arms across her chest, Paige spat, “Don't tell me what I know or don't know. I'm going into this with my eyes wide open. I know it'll be a lot of work. I know it'll be a lot of money. Don't insult me by assuming I don't.”

  Connor walked over to the empty reception desk and started to sort through the pile of mail. “I said no, and that's final.”

  “Fine. I'll get another contractor.”

  Connor shrugged. “Pretty tough, since the closest one's in Marksville, 45 minutes away. Not to mention the guy's a shark.”

  “Then I'll do it myself.” Even as she said the words, Paige realized how silly she sounded. She had no idea where to even begin. “Shark or not, I'm sure he'll be happy to help me.”

  “You're being stubborn. Just like you always were.” Connor's eyes narrowed. “We all know where that landed you.”

  Paige's face flamed. “Don't even go there!”

  Connor crossed the room and stood inches from her face. “Maybe I should go there! Maybe I should put you over my knee and spank this ridiculous idea right out of you.”

  Fury almost choked her. “You don't have the right to make those threats anymore. You don't have any right to tell me what to do!”

  In one swift motion, Paige stormed out of the office, not taking a second look back.

  Chapter 3

  Paige stood in the barn, her fingers clutched around the hammer, her gaze fixed on another carving in the wood they did as kids. C Loves P. Everywhere she turned Paige saw Connor and the love they once shared. Closing her eyes, it was if she could almost hear their laughter. She could smell how his scent of a hardworking rancher’s son blended with the hay. She could almost feel his touch again. She fought back tears as she imagined him in the barn standing beside her.

  Opening her eyes, she spun around, taking it all in. Where would she start? Maybe Connor was right. Maybe this renovation project was foolish. Reading books didn’t make her an expert. She didn’t even know how to use the hammer she gripped in her hand. Stopping to peer in the direction of the loft, her chest tightened. She remembered the love they made high in the rafters, long, sensual hours of exploration as they discovered their bodies and uncovered their needs. The barn held their love… or at least the memory of it.

  Paige stifled a laugh when she glanced over at an old oak bench. Her smile grew with the memory of Connor and how he would sit down, pat his lap, and wait patiently for her to walk over and submit to a spanking. She never questioned his authority or his discipline. It was who they were. It was what their secret relationship had become. Love and guidance.

  She would lower her pants, or lift her dress, and lie across his lap without argument. Over his knee, Paige would wait for him to ease her p
anties down her thighs. A gentle touch soon followed by the sharp sting of his hand. Spankings for so many different reasons, yet always followed by an intense love. The memory of a spanking by Connor awakened a yearning. Heat and moisture pooled between her legs.

  Paige walked over and sat down on their spanking bench, running her fingers along the worn wood. She remembered how she’d curl up into his arms when he finished the spanking, feeling as if he set her free. He’d open his arms wide and she’d snuggle into his embrace, enveloped by his strong arms, pressed against his cotton-clad chest. She could almost hear the heavy breaths surge between them, as they relished in a dynamic no one would understand. They’d savor in the emotional bond formed every time she surrendered to his dominance. It was a relationship they couldn’t put in words. Finally, their lips would meet, their sexual need too much to endure, and the passion would take over.

  She’d missed him. She tried to find that same dynamic. Searched for men who liked to spank. But it always fell short. The connection, the level of respect, and the reality lacked. This wasn’t a game to her. Or at least it wasn’t a game to her and Connor. What she found in other men was a kink, or a sexual bedroom act. Paige wanted more. She wanted Connor. Tears blurred the wood and brittle hay surrounding her. She missed the comfort and security Connor’s discipline gave her. She missed the way his dominance blended so perfectly with his promise of love.

  With every year, and every failed relationship, Paige told herself the torch she carried for Connor was nothing more than foolish infatuation, a young love that only exists once. Only happens when both are too naïve to know any different. She had convinced herself the memory of Connor held more strength than the reality. But seeing him standing in her barn, the intense emotions she’d carried for him were still there. The connection remained… at least for Paige.

  With a sigh, she stood up and grabbed her hammer, then walked over to one of the stalls. With a new determination, Paige decided to get to work. She would prove Connor wrong. She could do this. She would do this. This barn would be her new home whether he liked it or not. She couldn’t have Connor, or what they once shared. But she could damn well have the barn and all she envisioned for it.

  She began by pulling the rusted nails from an old gate. First step would be to remove all the decayed wood. She wanted to keep as much of the original as possible, but some of the structure would have to go. Yanking one nail, then another, the gate finally fell to the ground. Paige stopped, her chest heaving, her arms heavy with exhaustion as she stood before the ruble with pride. Paige had taken the first step of her long journey.


  She jumped at the sound of his voice, dropping the hammer on her foot, cursing in pain.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Connor came rushing over. “Playing carpenter is going to get you killed.”

  She searched his eyes, obviously filled with concern as he bent down and picked up the hammer. Even now, he worried about her safety.

  Grabbing her hand he asked, “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, wishing he would touch more than just her hand.

  Lingering moments stretched into what seemed like an eternity as they stared into each other’s eyes. As if reading her mind, he pulled her into his arms. Paige stood frozen, not melting into his embrace like she so desperately wanted to do. She backed away, breaking free from his touch. “I’m fine.”

  She grabbed the hammer from Connor and walked over to a beam. She began her demolishing project again, trying to pretend Connor’s glare didn’t have an effect on her.

  “You need to stop.” The firm command made her breath hitch.

  She continued on as if she hadn’t heard his words.

  “Paige, I said stop. Now.

  “God Damnit, Paige!” Connor stormed over and pulled the hammer from her hands. “You want to get us both killed?”

  “Listen, just because you don’t want to help me, doesn’t mean I’m going to stop. This barn is of no concern to you. I’ve got this handled.”

  “No, you don’t. You have no idea what you’re doing.”

  “How do you know? I got this, so feel free to show yourself the door.” Her anger flooded her senses. How dare the man!

  “Really? Then why are you trying to remove a load bearing wall? Or do you even know what that is?”

  Paige glanced at the beam, suddenly feeling foolish.

  “That’s right. If I let you continue, this whole barn could’ve come crashing down.”

  She crossed her arms. “Well you could have just said so instead of being so bossy. I don’t appreciate your tone.”

  “And you could have stopped and listened instead of being so damn stubborn.” Connor paused and surprised Paige with a smile. “Although I really miss that stubbornness.”

  The wall around her heart seemed to crumble with his irresistible grin. “I sort of miss your bossiness,” she confessed, returning the smile.

  “I’m half-tempted to pull you over my knee to get some sense into you.”

  “You lost that right years ago.”

  “Maybe I want that right back?”

  “You gave it up.”

  “I’m a fool.”

  Paige chuckled. “Well, at least we agree on something.”

  Connor smirked. “You’re awfully sassy for someone who’s about to get spanked.”

  Choked by the repressed hunger, Paige barely squeaked, “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “I would, and you know it.”

  “All talk.” Paige treaded dangerous ground.

  “Really? Twelve years or not, I can still take you in hand.”

  Paige rolled her eyes and turned away. She had to hide how bad she wanted him to make good on his threats.

  “Young Lady.”

  Spinning back around, her heart flipped to see Connor sitting on the old spanking bench. His legs spread slightly, his face stern, and his hand patting his lap, just like he always used to do.

  “What are you doing?” Paige tried her best to seem calm. She so desperately wanted this, but couldn’t give him the benefit of knowing.

  He patted his lap again. “Now, Paige.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. We aren’t kids anymore.” Paige let out a forced laugh. “I’m not going to let you spank me.”


  Her heart beat so loud, she was sure he had to hear it. “Connor, you’ve lost your mind.”

  “If I have to get up and drag you over here, your bottom will regret it. Now come over here and lie across my lap.”

  Paige took the first step toward Connor. Had she lost her mind? Was she really walking toward a spanking? Was she really walking toward Connor? With each step she took, the twelve years seemed to dissolve, and she was a teen again, innocent, eager, and willing to submit to her lover. She stood before him, eyes cast down, like she would have done so many years ago. Drumming up the nerve to pull up her skirt and lie over his lap, she peeked up and made eye contact. With their gazes connected, she felt the thundering beat of her heart, the tingle between her legs, the nervous desire rocking her body. With one powerful expression, he gave her the courage to surrender to his discipline. She shuddered as the cool air touched her bottom as she pulled up her skirt. The thong panties did very little to conceal.

  “Bend over,” he directed, his voice husky.

  Suffocated by love at the familiar command, Paige did exactly as he asked without any hesitation. Lying over his lap, she twisted her head over her shoulder to see his face. The strong features, the firm air, the sensitive eyes. The same expression she remembered washed over his face… strength, love, passion.

  He lowered her panties without saying a word, quickly following with a swat to her bare behind. Once. Twice. The spanking continued as heat rippled over her body in waves, leaving her breathless. “Connor,” she whispered. “I —”

  Further words were lost as he spanked her ass completely. The sting made her want to beg for mercy, yet also left her want
ing more. Moaning, gasping, whimpering, she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the moment… to Connor and his dominance.

  Yes, she thought as he swatted her behind relentlessly. This was what she needed. This is what she craved. Not just a spanking, but a spanking by Connor. He paused a moment, rubbing his hand along her heated flesh. Dipping his finger down the crease of her butt, he pressed past and rested his finger at the entrance of her tight rosebud. Teasing her with the unknown of what was to come. Slight pressure, but not enough to break past and enter. Slowly he lowered his finger to her silky folds, wet with desire. A deep moan rumbled in his chest and escaped as he thrust his finger into her hungry sex. Paige bucked against his hand, moaning in pleasure. Dizzy with the need for more, she did everything she could not to beg to be fucked right then and there.

  His finger soon followed by a second, as he pumped in and out of her, demanding her passion. Lying over his knee, recently spanked, Paige could do nothing more but allow the climax to build. And when he removed his slick finger and pressed it into her anus without warning, the orgasm rocked her body at an intensity that had her screaming out. Submission exploded through her body like the crack of a whip. Moaning, she pressed back against his hand, driving his finger deeper into her forbidden channel. His touch entrenched within her as she melted against him.

  With one hand buried in the taboo, he placed the palm of his other hand on her still searing behind, continuing on with the spanking. One, two, three, she finally freed her mind and stopped counting as the spanking continued. Her breath caught in her throat as she held back a cry of erotic yearning. She couldn’t focus, lost in a fog of bliss. Pleasure and pain wove themselves together, escalating until she cried out his name.

  After the final swat, Connor cupped his hand over her sex, using it to adjust her body until he tucked her snuggly into his arms. Instinctively, she nuzzled her face against the warmth of his neck, and her body melted to his. The feelings, the emotions…nothing could describe them.


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