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Cindy Revisited

Page 14

by Honey Jans

  He pulled back to nibble her ear. “Ready to make your entrance?"

  She clung to him. “I'm not sure I can do this."

  "You can and you will. Sass me and I'll take you up to my room and spank you,” he said, nipping her lobe.

  She gasped with heat, thrilling at his naughty words. “You're a wicked man, Jake Randal."

  "And you're a bad girl, Cyn Taylor,” Jake said, letting her go. “That's why you're perfect for me."

  It wasn't a declaration of love, but it was close, and she'd take it. She gazed into his eyes. She let Jake help her out of the SUV, her nerves returning. When he reached back to get her wrapped gift, a painting for his parents, she nibbled her lower lip. Would they even like it? “I'm not so sure about this, either."

  "They'll love it, and they'll love you, trust me."

  She smiled, bemused, when he took her arm, walking her toward the house. It was too late to turn back. Holding his hand, she walked with Jake into the mansion, gazing around at the exquisite interiors, impressed. It was much grander than she'd expected, with antique furniture and a gleaming marble floor. Jake's mother obviously had exquisite taste. There were a few people milling around the foyer, some she recognized. She tensed when the others swept them with curious gazes.

  Jake took her elbow, steering her into the living room. She was glad his steady presence was at her side, keeping her calm. At least she was dressed well. She'd gotten her gown back from the cleaners today. Jake's hand, warm and tender on her bare arm was reassuring and gave her a boost of confidence, as all eyes seemed to turn to them. Well, damn, she'd have to get used to being the center of attention if she stayed around Jake.

  "Come. I want you to meet my mother,” Jake said, steering her through the crowd to the petite lady holding court.

  Jake's mother, Alice, looked up and beamed when they approached. With her red designer dress and sleekly coifed strawberry blond hair, Jake's mother was the height of elegance. Alice's warm gaze lingered on Jake for a moment, before she cast a speculative gaze at Cyn. “Well, son, it's about time you made an appearance. I was starting to wonder if the rumors of your return were just that."

  "It's good to see you too, Mother,” Jake said, giving Cyn's arm a squeeze, before letting go to walk over and give his mother a hug. “I've been rather busy."

  "Too busy to visit,” she said, with a smile. “Or were you otherwise more pleasantly occupied?” she asked, her twinkling gaze on Cyn.

  "A little of both, but it's good to be home."

  "We've missed you. Now I won't have to track you around the country through Maud.” She turned to look at Cyn. “And who's your date?"

  Jake walked over to Cyn's side, casually looping an arm around her shoulders. “Mom, meet Cynthia Taylor, she lives..."

  "At the Taylor ranch these past six months, I know."

  Cyn sighed, knowing this was Cordial's doing, preparing for the worst. Lord knows what her stepmother had told Alice about her. She didn't even want to imagine. At least the dragon lady was nowhere in sight. With any luck, she wasn't on the guest list. “I'm please to meet you, Mrs. Randal."

  "Call me Alice, dear,” she said, with a smile, adding, “You're the reason I haven't seen my son and Silas has been so cross."

  "Ma'am, I..."

  "Don't worry. Anyone who can capture my son's interest and infuriate my stubborn husband is someone I'd like to know better."

  Cyn relaxed. “Thanks, I think. I'd like a chance to get to know you better, too."

  "So what have you two got there?” Alice looked at the gift-wrapped package Jake held.

  "An anniversary gift.” Cyn looked around the exquisitely decorated living room; the walls were covered with original art, some breathtaking AB White sculptures on display and realized she might have goofed. “On second thought, maybe you'd prefer something else..."

  "How can you say that? You're a gifted artist,” Jake cut in, and handed the present to his mother.

  "Let me see.” Alice carefully unwrapped the painting, and set it on a console table along the wall. She looked at it from different angles. “My son is right, you are a gifted artist. Are you showing anywhere at present?"

  "Um no. I had to temporarily close my studio in Taos."

  "Mom's AB White,” Jake said, with a smile.

  "I had no idea,” Cyn said, stunned.

  "I told you I could get you another sculpture wholesale,” he teased.

  "What's this?” Alice asked.

  "Cyn's favorite sculpture, one of your wonderland series, was damaged last night. I told her I could get her a replacement."

  "And you didn't tell her I was your mother?” Alice scolded, but smiled. “Jacob, you're as hard-headed as your father."

  Cyn smiled, watching their easy affectionate humor. If only she had such a loving family. Being artists, she and Jake's mother did indeed have a lot in common.

  "I'm honored that you think so highly of my work. Come into my studio sometime this week and pick out one of my works. A gift from me for bringing my son home."

  "But I didn't...” Cyn started to say when Silas walked up. She and Jake were only temporary lovers. She glanced at Silas seeing the agitation on his face. More Randal Industries problems she supposed.

  Silas stepped close to Jake. “I need to talk to you, son..."

  "Look what Cyn brought us, dear,” Alice interrupted his rant.

  Silas flicked an interested glance at the landscape. “Nice,” he said gruffly, and turned back to Jake.

  "Don't pay him any mind, dear,” Alice said.

  "Something's come up, son,” Silas said. “We need to talk."

  Cyn was curious to know what it was about, but Silas’ closed expression didn't give her a clue. More of the mundane business stuff, maybe. Jake hesitated, giving her a concerned look.

  "This shouldn't take long."

  She didn't want to stand in his way and she appreciated his attempts to keep her in the loop. “Go, honey, I'll be fine."

  "I'll be back, stay by Mother."

  Cyn nodded to placate him, knowing he was hypervigilant after last night's events. She was on edge herself, wondering when it would come back to hit her. She was standing in a quiet corner when she noticed Cordial and the girls sweep into the room. Cyn let out a groan, causing those nearby to look at her funny and Cordial look her way.

  Cordial's scornful glance raked over her gown. “Crap, I thought you burned the thing."

  "I tried to, Mother, but I couldn't find it,” Tiffany hissed back at her.

  "Well, hell,” Cordial muttered.

  Cyn watched Jake's mother circulating, approaching Cordial and accepted the inevitable. She headed straight toward the impending collision. She'd be damned if she'd cower in the corner. Eyes narrowed for battle, she watched Cordial speak to Jake's mother, her voice low and intense.

  "Well she's been just wild, carrying on with your son in front of my impressionable daughters. Both of whom have been groomed to take their place in society..."

  Cyn rolled her eyes, as she stepped up beside Cordial. “Why don't you just have them show her their teeth, step-mamma, so she can pick out the very best one for her son?"

  Cordial jumped, and turned to glare at her as Cyn stared her down. She flicked at glance at Jake's mother and noticed an understanding and grimly amused smile playing around Mrs. Randal's mouth. Hooray, the woman saw through Cordial's bluster.

  "See what I mean, Mrs. Randal, no class at all. If you'll take my advice,” Cordial said with a cool smile, warming to the task, “you'll ban her from..."

  "It was a pleasure meeting you, ma'am,” Cyn cut in, ignoring Cordial's tirade, as she focused on Jake's mother. “I'll look forward to visiting your studio soon. Happy anniversary, and thank you for inviting me."

  "Why thank you, my dear. You're not leaving so soon?” Alice shot an irritated glare at Cordial, who gasped.

  "I must. I think I'll go check on Jake, and remove myself from certain individuals,” she said, meeting C
ordial's glittering gaze.

  "I completely understand,” Alice said, with a smile. “And you're welcome to my home anytime. Call me and we'll talk galleries."

  Cyn nodded and walked away, making her way to the den. Heated male voices, one of them Jake's, stopped her in the doorway.

  "Blood splatter, you say?” Jake said. “Are you sure that it's his, Zane?"

  "We're running DNA tests now, pal, but they take a while. From the crime scene, it looks like it was a hell of a struggle."

  "Or was it staged?” Silas cut in. “From what you've said, Dwain Hawkins was a world class con man."

  "Warrants from coast to coast,” Zane added. “But this time he might have met his match. It looks like one of his victims took the bastard out, permanently."

  "I'll believe that when you actually find a body,” Jake said grimly. “Until then, I'm guarding Cyn."

  Cyn sucked in a shocked gasp, feeling sickened at the thought of Hawkins being murdered. She'd hated the man, but she didn't want him dead.

  "And the deeds?” Silas asked.

  "We've turned all the documents over to the DA,” Zane said, “Fraudulently purchased properties will be recompensed."

  "All but the Taylor ranch,” Jake cut in. “I don't want that released with the other properties."

  "You can't wrap her up in tissue paper to keep her safe and out of the mess,” Silas bit out.

  "Wanna bet?” Jake said with determination.

  So he hadn't gotten over his overprotecting ways. Cyn stepped into the room drawing all the men's wary glances. Silas reached for his scotch; Zane stifled a grin when he saw her stalking up to Jake, and Jake pinned her with a wary glance.

  "Now, sugar..."

  "Don't now sugar me,” she snapped, getting in his face. “I thought you were through with this keeping me sheltered, and stupid, overprotective junk."

  "He's trying to do you a favor, little girl,” Silas said. “Women are no good at business."

  "So I see.” She frowned at the bottle of scotch in his hand and was relieved to see him put it down with a sheepish look on his face. “You men have made a hell of a mess, from my vantage point. I could hardly do worse.” She turned to go. “I'll see myself home, gentlemen. Don't want to interfere with your hush-hush business."

  Angry and hurt, she hadn't made it to the door when Jake caught up with her. His firm hand on her arm stopped her in her tracks. She gave him a glare over her shoulder. “Let go now, unless you want to get flipped."

  "No. I'm taking you home."

  "My stepsisters, your would-be harem, are in there waiting for you,” she snapped back at him. “I'd hate to see you miss it.” She was satisfied to see him grind his teeth with frustration.

  "You know better than that,” he growled.

  "Do I, stud?” She studied his handsome face, wishing he'd learn to trust her to handle things. “If you lied about one thing, what's to say you wouldn't lie about another?” She shrugged out of his grasp and headed for the door, blinking away the tears of frustration misting her eyes. She tried not to let him see her distress, as Jake implacably tracked her out the door. He was holding onto her ranch. A dinky little property like the Double T wouldn't mean a thing to a man of his wealth. He was trying to protect her again. Why didn't he trust her with the cold, hard, facts of life? She wasn't going to go hysterical on him.

  Jake made sure Cyn got into the SUV, weathering her scowl of disapproval. She could glare all she wanted, he wasn't letting her go. He got in, locked the doors and started the engine. “For the record, I didn't lie."

  * * * *

  Cyn smoldered as they pulled up to the ranch. He still didn't get it. She didn't just want him to share good things with her, but real issues too. She wouldn't let him wrap her in cotton wool to keep her safe.

  When he parked by her cabin, she opened the door, and leapt out, heading toward her place, disgruntled when he fell into step beside her. The man could move fast, and silent. “Where do you think you're going?” she asked. “I'm not sleeping with you tonight, so go back to bungalow six."

  "I'm going with you. I'll sleep on the couch, if you insist. Until this is wrapped up, we do everything together."

  "Oh joy,” she said, stomping up on her porch. She arched a wry brow when he pushed her back before she could go inside, and went in on a low crouch to check things out. “Is that really necess—” His glare stopped her in her tracks.

  "God damn it,” he bit out.

  Cyn froze, as she heard a thud, her heart leaping in her throat. If anything happened to him, it would kill her. She rushed inside to help, didn't see him, and tracked the sound to her bedroom. “What is it?"

  Jake spun around, a knife in his hand, and scowled when he saw her. “I thought I told you to stay outside."

  "I thought you needed me.” She watched him smile, relaxing, and felt that electric connection all over again.

  He stepped toward her, filling the bedroom doorway. “Maybe you'd better wait in the kitchen while I clean..."

  She recognized a delaying tactic when she saw one, and peeked around him at the carnage in her bedroom. Her clothes were tossed everywhere, strewn on the bed, some slashed. Cordial? We tried, Mom, we couldn't find it. She glanced at the knife in his hand, recognizing it as one from her kitchen. “Where did you find the knife?"

  His eyes narrowed as he gazed at her for a minute. “On your bed."

  Cyn closed her eyes with a groan; it was the one answer she'd been afraid of. “Looks like my Peeping Tom stalker just escalated.” Jake's tender touch on her face made her open her eyes. “There's more, isn't there?"

  "He left another letter, and pictures taken with a night scope."

  "Oh god.” She let Jake pull her trembling body into his comforting arms.

  "Damn it all, I'm getting you out of here as soon as we call Zane."

  "No. I won't let this coward make me run. If you want to put on coffee, I'll see what I can salvage."

  "Sorry. It's a crime scene now. You sit down and relax.” He walked her toward the sofa. “I'll call Zane's cell."

  Jake stalked over to the kitchen out of earshot and made the call.

  Zane answered on the second ring. “What's wrong?"

  "He's back, and this time he vandalized Cyn's place, and left a calling card."

  "I'll be right over."

  Jake pocketed the phone and walked over to the coffeemaker to brew coffee, going through the motions, just stifling his rage for now. He needed to be levelheaded and thinking in order to help her. Once he got his hands on the culprit, all bets were off. He glanced at Cyn, who was in shock, and bit out a curse. Damn it all, where was Zane? He wanted to get her away from this. Instead, he carried a cup of coffee over to her and sat down on the sofa next to her. He thrust it in front of her nose and watched her shudder as she took a drink, glad to see her pull out of it. He set the cup down on the coffee table and pulled her into his arms. She went stiffly, and then sagged against him.

  "Why won't he leave me alone?"

  "Because he's a fucking coward. Don't worry, sugar, we're going to stop him,” he said, holding her. “I'll keep you safe."

  "It might have been them,” she said with a sniff.


  "Brandy and Tiffany. They were telling Cordial they couldn't find this gown. It's so juvenile, it had to be them."

  Jake relaxed his guard a little bit; better them than an unknown threat. Still, he didn't completely buy it. He looked up when Zane knocked, and poked his head around the door. “In there,” he said, shrugging toward the bedroom.

  Zane went in, and let out a whistle. He came back out, the knife in an evidence bag. “Did either of you see who did it?"

  "No,” Cyn said, pushing away from Jake.

  "She heard someone talking about it though,” Jake added, as Cyn stiffened beside him. It amazed him that she was still protective of them.

  "Tell me?” Zane said.

  "I'd rather not.” Cyn bit her lip as she gave Ja
ke a pleading look. “It's a family matter, something I have to take care of myself."

  Zane cast a questioning look at Jake. “You okay with this?"

  "Yeah, for now. I trust her judgment,” he said, pleased to see Cyn smile at him. “Just do a thorough report in case things go south. Oh and you're going to find my prints on the knife."

  "You know better than to handle evidence."

  "He couldn't help it. He thought someone was sneaking up behind him,” Cyn cut in, going to his defense.

  Zane gave Jake an envious smile. “I'll try to run prints on this,” he said, dangling the knife. “In the meantime, I suggest you leave. The security here is nonexistent."

  Cyn frowned at him.

  "He's right. Come on,” Jake said, holding out his hand, and was gratified when she relented, and took his hand without a word. At least she trusted him on some level. He escorted her out to his vehicle and drove her back to the cottage. At least the place had security.

  Cyn was shell-shocked as they drove away, feeling like she was abandoning the ranch. When she saw her father, she'd demand some concrete answers. Until then, she'd let her knight in tarnished armor rescue her.

  She leaned back and watched Jake lock up and set the alarm system, grateful that she had him. He turned to look at her, the steamy look in his eyes making her a little crazy. The feeling of safety when they entered the cottage, and Jake locking the doors and setting the security system, made her let out a sigh of relief. She took in his bad boy smile and her carefully constructed brick wall disintegrated. She might not completely trust him in the boardroom, but she did in the bedroom. The time out was actually good. She needed to get her head on straight. She needed Jake. She went into his arms, pressing him back against the door as she hugged him.

  He held her, smoothing a stroke down her back. “Easy, sugar, it's the adrenalin kicking in."

  "I need you,” she said, nibbling his ear, not liking her need being reduced to a biological essence.


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