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Tempt (The Kresova Vampire Harems: Aurora Book 2)

Page 10

by Graceley Knox


  I can’t even forget about Morana even when traipsing through the most beautiful garden I’ve ever seen.

  A hand lands on my shoulder, and I turn around hissing and with fangs bared.

  It’s only Hugo. That thought should comfort me, at least it’s not Charles or some member of the other races I’ve managed to offend just by existing. However, being in Hugo’s looming presence is still off-putting. Okay, not a ton, because I’m still a vampire, damn it. I can kick ass if I need to. Besides, Hugo has some information he’s been lording over me already. I should be relieved. Anything, any nugget of info, that can help me take Morana down is more than welcome.

  And yet…there’s just this vibe from Hugo I can’t trust.

  I narrow my eyes at him even as my fangs retract. “You could warn a girl about the intrusion.”

  He leers at me. “Where’s the fun in that. I said I had information, and the last thing I wanted to do was be obvious about it, Aurora.”

  “First, my name’s Aura.” At least that’s what I want to be called by anyone who isn’t Carver. And Hugo? So not Carver. “Second, you don’t have to go all stalker on me in the hedge maze. That’s a bit too The Shining for me.”

  “I suppose,” Hugo says. I can’t tell from his stoic expression if he understands what I’ve said or not. Maybe he’s too one track minded to care about the babblings of a barely turned vampire. Who knows. “But we’re here now.”

  “And the info?”

  He strokes my cheek. “We have time for that. I’d like to know more about you, Aura.” His voice trips over my preferred nickname like a private joke. “Do you have any idea who Carver really is?”

  A loud cough sounds behind both of us, and I jerk my head around, glad to see that Lucian has come up from the other side of the maze. His dark hair is black in the night and his strong, sharp jaw is set now in a grim line. He takes in a breath to speak, all the while glaring at Hugo like he wants to kill him. Lucian probably does. “Hugo, the last person anyone ever wants to see.”

  Hugo backs away from me and bunches his fists at his sides. “Lucian, I thought you were traveling and couldn’t come to the centennial.”

  “Plans changed. Now, get off of her, you insect.”

  The other vampire hesitates, as if he’s sizing up Lucian, but Hugo seems to decide it’s not worth it. Glancing at me, he adds, “I’ll get you that intel later, Aura.”

  Holding my chin up defiantly, I glare at him too. “Next time, maybe don’t do it with touching too. Good night, Hugo.”

  He makes record time scurrying away from us. Lucian’s hands are on me in an instant and a huge part of me is wounded and upset that the caresses have nothing to do with the passion simmering between us. He affects me as much as Carver does, just in a different way. Carver’s safety and kindness, but Lucian’s this dark mystery I can’t help but be drawn to. However, even I know he’s just checking me for any wounds, anywhere that Hugo might have hurt me.

  Shaking my head, I say, “I’m all right.”

  He takes my hand, and I let him. Lucian leads me through the garden, expertly navigating the maze until even I can hear the wafting sound of conversation and the strong pulse of courtly music coming yards away from us.

  Lucian leans down toward me, his chestnut eyes wide with concern. His hands are running through my hair, and it sends prickles of electricity sizzling over my scalp. “Are you sure you’re okay, sweetheart?”

  My heart leaps hopefully at the pet name, and I can’t ever deny how Lucian makes me feel. Ironically how alive. “I’m fine. Luckily, I had my dark, broody night in formal wear to save me.”

  He grins despite himself. “I would always save you where I can.” He’s leaning in so closely to me that I think he’ll kiss me---fuck I wish he would. Lucian seems to realize himself and where he is and pulls himself upright. “I should make sure you get back to the festivities.”

  “I’m sorry this is such a mess…the prophecy and our destiny and that you can’t really be with me or people you love with die.”

  “I know that too.”

  “And it doesn’t change a thing,” I say, placing a hand on his chest, over where his heart would have once beat. “However, I’m here, and I can’t stop how I feel for you.”

  “If it makes you happier, I think of you fondly too, Aura. I just can’t…” His expression shutters.

  “I know.” God do I know. And god does it hurt my chest to think about him with someone else. Loving someone else.

  Out of the corner of my eye, Carver appears around an endless corner of the gardens. His expression is set into a closed off, unreadable line as he regards us both. “Lucian.”

  “Marceau,” Lucian replies. It’s not bitter or cruel like Hugo’s taunts, but the use of Carver’s surname reminds all three of us that our little harem is flawed with so many problems, not the least of which is the strained history between Lucian and Carver. “Can you get her home. I think she’s had more than enough excitement for one evening.”

  Carver nods. “Haven’t we all, and aren’t we all lucky to have survived a night among the other vampire races?”

  Lucian runs a hand through his dark hair. I wish I could do the same. “One never knows what the other families will do.”

  “Yes, the other families.” I say, but we all know that, deep down, we mean Morana and her madness. Any time you can walk away with her still alive and you’re lucky as hell.

  Carver takes me by the elbow and I hesitate for just a moment, but things haven’t changed. Destiny or not, Lucian still has the oath he’s made, the woman he’s already bound to, and loved ones he must save with that alliance. I doubt anything will ever change that. Doesn’t make the feelings go away, doesn’t make it feel any less like I’m cutting off a limb when I leave.

  I’m silent on the way to the limo, too overwhelmed by my feelings to really speak. Eventually, as the ride wears on, Carver starts into a conversation. “I see you were busy tonight.”

  “Yeah, Hugo paid me a visit before Lucian cut him off at the knees so to speak.” I sigh, thinking about my stolen moments with Lucian.

  “I understand, ma belle. I know it is not easy to want Lucian when you can’t have him. But it will all work out. I have known for decades how important this is, ever since Lavinia told me.”

  “I know. Still doesn’t mean I’m not frustrated.” I rub at my temples. “How was your dance with Morana?”

  “Are you jealous, ma belle?”

  “A little bit, yeah.” I admit. “I know I shouldn’t be. You’re the one having to see me with Lucian and a third man as soon as we find him.”

  “Mon Dieu, I could care less about you with Lucian. I know he is meant to be with us, and I can see how he makes you feel.”

  My hands dig into the arm rest. “I can’t help but feel like it still upsets you a little bit though.” I look up into his crystal blue eyes.

  His eyes flash silver, but he looks away, out the window. “I did not say I do not get a little jealous. However, I know how you feel about me, and I know how I feel about you, and despite it not being a normal situation, it is our situation and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, Aura.” Reaching over, he lets one heavy hand rest on my thigh while looking back into my eyes.

  “It’s hard.”

  “I know it is, but we will figure it out. Together. As a group.” His voice is firm, like he knows the truth of it, even if I’m not quite convinced yet.

  “Even with the oaths he’s already taken…”

  Carver sighs. “Destiny holds much for you, Aurora. You must lean into it.” He grips my chin gently in his hand, “Do not forget what you are meant to do. It will all fall into place.”

  I nod. Pulling up my big girl panties and deciding to trust my fate. “Then, I need to be more.”

  Carver frowns. “I do not understand, chérie.”

  Gazing up at him, I put every ounce of strength I have into my words.

  “I can’t
take down Morana if I can’t fight. Sure, the Drias have to resurrect Abe, but I also need to be able to handle myself. I have vampiric strength, but who doesn’t around here? It’s not enough to be a strong vampire. I have to be a warrior vampire.” My lips curl up in a grin. “And you’re going to teach me.”

  Chapter 13

  Carver’s bo staff swipes out at me with a ferocity and speed no human could hope to see or keep up with.

  Instinct takes over since I don’t have much training yet---this is only my second day after all--and I jump back before the wood can strike my abdomen. He stops and shakes his head.

  “Ma belle, it’s one thing to dodge to stay in one piece, but we learned avoidance tactics yesterday. Today, we’re trying to get you to strike back.”

  I follow his movements as we circle each other on the mat. My staff clutched tightly in my hands. “I know but sometimes you move so fast, that I can barely think.”

  The large stick shoots out again, and this time I counter his move with a thwack of my own. “That’s the point. Your second soul knows all about fighting, knows how to draw on the strength of the magic flowing through you. If you want to survive, it’s not even about the skills. It’s about understanding how to let go and let your inner instinct guide you. Follow me here, Morana or her assassins have lived for thousands of years by trusting their intuition. You have to learn to do the same.”

  “I was human up until recently. Maybe all my killer instincts haven’t grown in yet.”

  Carver drops the staff and I follow suit. The next few minutes devolve into fist and fangs, a whirling dervish of the punches and blocks we went through for two hours yesterday. Eventually, Carver lands a blow to my solar plexus that literally sends me flying into the far wall. Thick brick gives out under me and a rain of red dust falls over my body when I land. If I still needed to breathe, every bit of air would have been knocked from my lungs too.

  He offers me his hand. “Again.”

  “I need a minute.”

  “Morana will never give you one. She’ll do this to you, and then tear your head from your neck. Is that what you want?”

  I hop to my feet and pat the dust off of my yoga pants and red tank. “Of course not, but I’m not exactly Xena or Wonder Woman or whoever here.” At least not yet. “Outside of ripping heads off, I don’t know if there’s even other ways to kill someone like us.”

  We start circling each other again, and then Carver’s on me so fast I barely saw the flash of movement. Fuck, do I need to get faster and stat. One arm is wrapped around my throat as he holds me from behind. With his other arm, he reaches up to point at my eyes.

  “This,” he says. “Is one of the most important things to remember. We heal well, but we can’t recover from your head being torn off your shoulders.”

  “Duh.” I say, struggling to break his grip. I frown as he lets me go. “How many times have you done that?”

  “I’m sure Marceau has done it often enough in his long assassin’s career,” Lucian says as he enters the room. He’s wearing gi style pants, dark black ones that match his hair. And nothing else. I like my lips appreciatively at the golden expanse of his skin. “If you’re up to training her now, Marceau, then I need to help you as well.”

  “I think I know how Morana fights by now.” Carver drawls.

  Lucian shrugs. “I’m sure you do, but I’ve been in scrapes with every type of supernatural creature out there. We can’t just assume that the only thing Morana will throw at us is Kresova. She’s had thousands of years to make alliances too.”

  I look between the two of them, the tension high in the room. Carver nods. “You make a good point. Join us.”

  We all start circling each other, and now my throat’s gone thick, as if it’s been stuffed with cotton. I have two huge and smokin’ hot vampire men ready to tackle me. Okay, they’re actually here to spar with me, but I’ve been getting my ass kicked with just Carver. There’s no way I can avoid two of them. I’m going to be eating mat so fast. Carver lunges at me first, aiming an upper cut for my face that I manage to dodge. Then, Lucian’s behind me and with a quick sweep of his feet under mine, I’m plunging toward the floor.

  They give me time to hop up, but they’re circling me again. I can’t help but fall into a frantic rhythm with them attacking me from the front and behind: punch, parry, dodge, and weave. I’m moving so fast that I’d be out of breath normally, but Carver and Lucian only intensify the training. I roll out of a punch aimed for my throat and away from Lucian’s long arms. I’m crouched in a corner of the training room, and the fear and frustration are surging through me, it’s like adrenaline or whatever equivalent I have is shifting my body into overdrive.

  I bare my fangs like a trapped animal and the two laugh with each other. They have a long history, but now they’re laughing and all buddy-buddy. Great, so the only thing that can unify Carver and Lucian is getting their violence on. And me.

  Okay, actually that makes a lot of sense.

  The two men stride over to me, strong and confident. They even wink at each other, probably anticipating how fast round two will be over. The instincts flare to life again, and it’s like that first night when I wasn’t yet full Kresova, just up on the roof listening to everything my new instincts told me to do. Hissing, I leap from my corner and race faster than I ever have. Leaping into the air, I aim a kick to Carver’s chest. I land squarely against him, sending him stumbling, then use the momentum to ricochet onto Lucian’s shoulders. Wrapping my legs around him, I start to squeeze and then reach down to rake my fingers over his cheeks.

  Lucian flips me off of him and to the mat. Carver’s recovered enough to lift me back up, but I barely care. I’m a hissing, spitting ball of anger and fury. Now I lash out and initiate the punches instead of waiting for them to reach me. I’m making them react to the pace I set. It takes them by surprise and both men fall into a steady rhythm of countering my attack, only their age and stamina play to their advantage here as my fledgling berserker rage abates, Lucian corners me from the front and Carver slips up behind me.

  Carver’s strong arms are around my shoulders, holding me captive this time. I struggle to kick him, but he’s like granite holding me in place. I realize only then that his cock is hard as stone as well and tucked firmly up against the crack of my ass.

  My clit shouldn’t be throbbing in this moment, but it is.

  Lucian hovers over me and strokes my hair. “You can rest now, sweetheart. I’ve never seen you in touch with your inner soul before, but you found her. It’ll take a long time to give you the strength and stamina to keep in touch with her, but you found that rage you needed.”

  I’m so overcome by emotion I’m panting. Carver’s dick is still grinding into me and my pussy is drenched with need. I want both of them right now, the consorts to my Dria nature. I need them. I lean up on tip toe and lick Lucian’s lips. Then, playfully, I nip at his lip, drawing just a hint of blood. Before I’m able to lap it up, there’s clapping at the doorway.

  Rowland can’t hide the smirk creeping over his face. “Well done. I think I’ve seen this movie before. The pizza guy is about to arrive with a delivery for the wrong house and you all get it on, right?”

  Reina slaps his shoulder and Row rolls with the movement to avoid her hurting herself on his bulky frame. “Okay, so this is a bit more Skinemax than I’d envisioned.”

  My face blushes furiously even as Carver drops his arms. It doesn’t escape my notice that as we break apart, he comes to stand a bit behind me, probably using me as a shield to block the way his own sweats must be tented. I know the feeling, my sensitive bundle of nerves is still on fire, and I want Row and Reina to leave so I can experience my lover all over again. Especially after the last few days of having Morana so in his face. I want to know Carver’s mine for sure. I want him to know I think that. No questions.

  “Can you actually be of help, Rowland?” Lucian growls.

  Reina rolls her eyes. “Don’t shoot the messe
ngers. After all this, is a training room, not a free-for-all room.”

  Carver shrugs. “You have no idea what kinds of things this room has seen over the centuries.”

  “And eww, don’t want to. It’s called ‘Lysol.’ Invest in it,” Reina says.

  “Enough!” I shout. “I do not want to deal with bickering this early.” And when I’m sexually frustrated at fuck. “What’s the big emergency that you couldn’t wait till we were done.”

  “Or climaxed,” Row mutters. He straightens up and sobers instantly at the death glare Lucian sends him. “Anyway, we just found out there’s a Fête du Sanguine that Morana has planned for the festivities. She announced it this morning. It’s the talk of every faction. I think she’s trying to cover for how much chaos got out in New Orleans by pleasing the other races with something bold.”

  “But they haven’t had one since the French Revolution,” Carver says. “I was still fairly young when the last Fête happened.”

  Lucian starts to pace beside us, his muscles rippling like a jungle cat with coiled strength in every move, like an effing panther in control of all he surveys. “She really must be feeling pressure for the unsanctioned fledglings on her watch.”

  Reina raises her hand. “Okay, remember the human and the newbie---”

  “Hey!” I object. “Fated Dria queen here.”

  “You still know basically as much about vampires as I do,” Reina corrects. I can’t really argue there. “Can someone please explain to me what’s a fet-a?”

  “It’s the Fête du Sanguine,” Carver corrects, and the way the French rolls expertly off his tongue goes straight to my clit again. Damn it.

  “And?” I prod, desperately trying to stay focused.


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