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Brick: An Urban Paranormal

Page 16

by Natavia

  I walked down a long hallway that led to double doors. My long white and gold gown dragged behind me. My twists reached my ankles, and I was careful not to trip over them. I pushed the doors opened, and it was nothing behind the door but the clouds. A gigantic bird appeared in front of me with a gold saddle on its back. Something told me to climb on, and I did. The dragon size bird took off through the sky after I was securely on its back. My hair blew through the sky behind me like a black curtain. I closed my eyes because the wind burned them, but I opened them when we landed. I looked around at my surroundings, and realized I was on the same planet Brick made into a garden, it was planet Star. It was a beautiful place filled with small fairies. One flew on my shoulder, and she was beautiful. She was the color of coal with blue eyes, and she had blue shimmering wings.

  “Goddess of the sky,” her voice said inside of my head.

  “Where am I?” I asked.

  “Planet number ten. This is your nesting place, my queen. We’ve been waiting for you,” she said. I followed her into the forest, and there were hundreds of them. They all surrounded my stomach like a swarm of bees. I gasped when I looked down at my stomach. I was carrying a baby inside of my womb. The fairies made a bed of flowers for me so that I could give birth; they were like the midwives.

  “Where is Brick?” I asked.

  “King Neoth is at war protecting our planets. The Gods want us to watch over you while you give birth,” one of them said inside my head.

  “War with who?” I asked.

  I was awakened before she could respond…

  “Nabila! Nabila!” Brick yelled my name.

  I laid on the bathroom floor soaking wet as I gasped for air. I felt my stomach, and the bulge was gone.

  “MY BABY!” I yelled.

  “Snap out of it! What are you talking about? I found you underneath the water asleep. I thought you drowned,” Brick said.

  “She’s haunting me,” I cried.

  “Who?” he asked.

  “Your mother! I was her in my dream. I saw the planet with the fairies. Planet Star was planet ten. Your parents were the king and queen of their planets. They were the God and Goddess of the sky. We have to find them!” I screamed.

  “Okay we will, but tell me what else happened,” he said.

  “She was pregnant with you, and your father was at war to protect the twelve planets,” I replied.

  “The twelve planets? The planets Vada was at war against?” Brick asked.

  “Vada killed off the planets your parents created. They turned you into the enemy,” Nabila said.

  “I know,” he said with a little sadness in his voice. He left out of the bathroom when I changed my clothes. Brick was gone when I walked into my bedroom. I walked to my opened window, and looked into the sky. I saw a gold streak of lightning, and he looked like a shooting star.

  Oh my God! It wasn’t a shooting star I made a wish on; it was Brick, I thought. I was more confused now than ever.


  Three days later…

  “Would this look good on me?” Risha asked.

  “I guess so,” I replied.

  “What is wrong with you? We are supposed to be shopping, and you are not looking for anything,” Risha said.

  “I don’t feel too good, Risha,” I replied. I sat down in a chair inside of the fitting room. I haven’t seen Brick since he left my apartment. I wanted to go to him, but I figured he needed his space. I knew how hard it was for him to know he helped kill off what his parents created.

  “What’s the matter with you?” Risha asked.

  “It’s hard to explain,” I said.

  “I should’ve known something was up when you walked past the shoe department. We can leave as soon as I pay for these items,” she said. She left out of the fitting-room with ten pieces of clothing in her hands. I stared at myself in the mirror, and my eyes began to change.

  “Please don’t come out now. I’m inside of the mall, and I don’t want anyone to see me,” I said to myself. I stood up to leave out the fitting-room, and the walls began to close in on me. My vision went blurry, and I couldn’t move my legs. I fell into the mirror, and it cracked. I screamed out in pain as the pieces of glass sailed into my skin. I looked up, and blue eyes are looking back at me. I knew who she was because she was invading my dreams.

  “What do you want from me?” I asked. She kneeled in front of me, and touched my face. She smelled like flowers, and fruit. I caught a glimpse of her face although my vision was blurry.

  “I want you to give Midas what he needs. I live in the spirits of the birds that surround you. I had my eyes on you for a very long time,” she said.

  “I don’t understand,” I replied.

  “I’ll show you,” she said.

  “Kill it!” my foster brother Jack yelled.

  “No, don’t kill it!” I cried. A pretty blue bird with a gold beak laid on the ground with a broken wing. It fell out of the tree, and Jack held a rock over it. Wilson, and Jamie held me down as I cried for them to stop. I bit Wilson, and kicked Jamie between his legs to get away. I charged into Jack before he could kill the bird.

  “Get off me!” Jack screamed as I scratched his face. Jamie and Wilson charged towards me, but I scooped up the bird and ran. I ran out of the yard and into the woods. They chased me, and I knew they were going to beat me up. I couldn’t let them smash the bird with a rock. Jack caught me by my braids, and yanked me onto the ground. I covered the bird with my body, as they kicked and punched me. My foster mother came into the woods to pull them off me.

  “Are you okay, Nabila? Your nose is bleeding,” my foster mother Debbie said to me. I picked up the bird, and held it close to me.

  “I’ll be okay if I can keep it,” I said. She was going to tell me “no,” but she couldn’t after all I went through.

  “Okay, I will go and get a bird cage, and food for it,” she said.

  Three days, later the bird disappeared from its cage. I was sad, but relieved that I saved it from Jack…

  “You protected me. My spirit was inside of the bird that day. I watched you blossom into a beautiful human. I returned the favor when you wished for Midas. I was in a tree outside of your window that night. You saw Midas in the sky, and thought he was a shooting star. I will forever be grateful for a courageous woman like yourself. Be leery of the poisonous plants that surrounds you,” she said.

  She was the pretty bird that came to my window that night, I thought. She disappeared when Risha opened the door.

  “Someone call an ambulance!” Risha screamed. My blood ran across the carpet because of the broken glass inside my back.


  “This is odd,” the doctor said to me.

  “What is?” I replied.

  “Your friend stated you had bad cuts on your back. You have blood on your shirt, but you don’t have any wounds,” he replied.

  “My friend can get a little carried away sometimes, Dr. James,” I replied.

  “I still have to check to make sure it’s not coming from somewhere else. You have a very unique tattoo on your back. One of the best jobs I have seen,” he said.

  You don’t wanna’ know where it really came from, I thought.

  “Thank you, but can I go?” I asked.

  “Right after I get your lab results back. You have a very high fever which is a sign of infection. So, hold still until I come back,” he said. Risha came into the room after Dr. James left out.

  “How are you feeling?” Risha asked.

  “Great, but you know I hate the emergency room,” I replied.

  “I know, but I was worried about you. You said you didn’t feel well, and I panicked when I saw you lying on the floor with glass everywhere,” she said.

  “I appreciate you,” I replied.

  “How old do you think Dr. James is by the way?” she asked.

  “Like around sixty-five,” I laughed.

  “Ugh, he’s too young,” she joked.

>   An hour later, Dr. James slid the curtain back to my room. He asked Risha if he could speak with me in private. I became nervous when Risha left out of the room.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “Everything is excellent. Maybe my thermometer is breaking, so I do apologize. I would like to give you a sonogram to make sure the fall didn’t affect the baby,” he said.

  “Ummm, come again?” I asked.

  “Your test results showed that you are pregnant. I want to perform a sonogram to make sure everything is normal, but I need your permission,” he replied.

  “Your thermometer doesn’t work, and neither does the people in your lab. I don’t believe this,” I said.

  Brick isn’t a human, so there is no way this can happen. Wait, am I still human? I thought. My nerves were all over the place. I grabbed the nearest trashcan and puked my insides out. Tears fell from my eyes because of how scared I was.

  “I can give you the number to a friend of mine. She’s a doctor at the OB-GYN office downtown. I know it’s a bit shocking to you, but maybe you should take this matter seriously,” Dr. James said. He gave me the number, and I thanked him for everything. Risha was in the waiting area falling asleep. I tapped her on the shoulder to tell her I was finished.

  “What happened in there? Why do you look so sad?” Risha asked me when we got in her car.

  “I’m pregnant,” I replied.

  “WHAT! No way in hell. It’s too soon right?” she asked.

  Nothing is normal when you are sleeping with an immortal, I thought.

  “What am I going to do with a baby? I haven’t started my career yet,” I replied.

  “What do you want to do?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to be a mother, but I have no choice. Abortion is not something I can live with, and neither is adoption,” I replied.

  “I’m with you every step of the way. I’ll babysit,” Risha said.

  “Thank God for you,” I replied.

  “Okay, spill it bitch. Who is the pappy? I see you have been secretive. I’m trying to calculate in my head, and it’s too soon for Brick to be the daddy. Did you let Mr. Epstein tap that?” Risha asked.

  “Seriously?” I replied.

  “I know it ain’t virgin Mary Shawn,” she said.

  “I’m carrying Brick’s baby, Risha. Damn, now how do I tell him?” I asked.

  “Ummmm, you can do what the girls do on the internet, and take a picture of the pregnancy test,” Risha said.

  “That’s classless,” I replied.

  “I don’t know what to tell you because I never been pregnant. Most of my men couldn’t get hard due to illnesses and being amputees,” she said.

  “Can you take me to Brick’s home?” I asked.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice. I have a bat in my trunk in case his tall ass gets froggy,” Risha said. I sent Brick a text message to let him know Risha was with me. I hoped he read it because he wasn’t much of a phone person.

  “Who lives here?” Risha asked when we pulled up to Brick’s home.

  “Brick,” I replied.

  “This house looks sooooo… gothic,” Risha said.

  “The inside is breathtaking,” I replied. Brick came out of the house shirtless with a pair of gym shorts on. I tried to read his expression, but he didn’t have one. I wanted him to miss me, but it didn’t seem that way.

  “You better not look at him!” I gritted. She covered her eyes and giggled.

  “I’m so sorry. All of it caught me off guard. Please tell him to put on a shirt,” Risha whispered back.

  “I was going to call, but I kinda’ been in a fucked-up mood,” Brick said to me.

  “Deadbeat,” Risha mumbled, and I elbowed her.

  “Nice to see you again, Brickster. Your home looks very… haunted I should say,” Risha joked.

  “So do your feet. If I didn’t know any better, I would've thought you had ostrich feet,” Brick said, and Risha gasped.

  “It’s a bone deformity,” Risha replied, and I giggled.

  “Let’s get out of this heat,” Brick said.

  We were greeted by Odega and Eagle when we walked into the house. Risha acted star-struck as she squeezed Eagle’s arms and legs.

  “What is it doing?” Eagle asked Brick.

  “She’s admiring you in an abnormal way,” Brick said.

  “I’m ready to go into defense mode. Get it away,” Eagle warned. I saw his eyes turning, but Risha didn’t because she was hugging him. I wanted to snatch her away, but Odega seemed to enjoy Eagle’s nervousness.

  “It’s okay, Eagle. She’s harmless,” I said.

  Odega touched Risha’s ass then sniffed her neck. It was too much testosterone in one setting.

  “Double penetration has always been a fantasy of mine. They are so big, and tall. Their arms and legs are carved like statues. Oh God, I praise you!” Risha screamed as she hugged Odega and Eagle. Odega and Eagle were strikingly handsome too. Eagle’s brown locs were pulled back into one long braid. He was stocky, but toned. Eagle was light-skinned with hazel eyes. He looked a few years older than Brick, maybe around twenty-eight in human years. Odega was taller than Eagle, and he was on the lean side. Odega was dark-skinned with blue eyes. I noticed the gargoyles didn’t have natural eye color. Odega was the only one without locs. His wild mass of bushy curls made him look like a pretty boy. Odega looked eighteen-years old in human years. He reminded me of a college football player because of his boyish face, and grown man body.

  “Great, she brought another human with her,” Casha said as she came down the stairs.

  “Who are you?” Risha asked Casha.

  “I’m Brick’s partner. I’m assuming you are some kin to Nabila because of your loud mouth,” Casha replied. I cocked my fist back as far as I could before I slammed it into her eye. Casha’s wings covered her body, to keep me from attacking her. Risha screamed as she ran out of the house, and Eagle flew after her.

  “This is fascinating,” Odega said.

  “STOP IT!” Brick yelled at me. I snatched away from him, and thought about attacking him too.

  “The both of you are about to get a city girl beat down! I’m sick of that tramp, and you can’t always save her,” I yelled at Brick.

  “He will always come to my rescue because he loves me!” Casha yelled at me. I clocked Casha in the mouth, and she fell into Brick’s arm holding her face.

  “Drop her right now,” I said to Brick.

  Casha went tumbling on the floor because he let her go. She flew towards me, but Brick caught her in mid-air because she tried to charge me. Eagle stormed into the house with Risha screaming, and crying in his arms while he held her like a baby. It was something nurturing about the gargoyles. Who could resist them? They were big, strong, handsome and protective.

  “They are monsters!” Risha yelled, and Brick laughed.

  “This human is an ungrateful one. I’m ready to go back to training,” Eagle said. He placed Risha in Odega’s arms before he walked out of the house.

  “My kind doesn't like to be called monsters. We’ve been called that on our planet for long enough. We are not monsters,” Brick said to Risha. Risha looked at me, and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “You knew about this?” she asked me.

  “Yes, and they are just like us. They won’t hurt you unless you hurt them,” I replied. She jumped out of Odega’s arms, and stood beside me.

  “Why didn’t you warn me? I would’ve called Ghostbuster’s before I came over here. What else did you hide from me?” Risha asked.

  “I gave Brick my spirit, and it was replaced with immortality through intimacy,” I replied.

  “Ohhh I get it; this is some type of cult. You sacrificed your soul to become pregnant by the king of the Underworld type of shit,” Risha said.

  “She didn’t sacrifice her soul, special human. Brick gave her his soul through intimacy. We are born with two souls. The second soul is for our mate. The second soul enters the bo
dy and possesses it to see if there is a connection. Nabila is immortal because she possesses an immortal’s soul. Think of it as a wedding ring in human marriage. I don’t think you are that smart, so I will be easy on you, special human. He gave her a ring, and now she’s his wife forever,” Odega said.


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