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Taming Ryder

Page 16

by Nicola Haken

  “Yeah,” I agreed, sighing in almost disbelief. Because I couldn’t believe it sometimes. I couldn’t believe I was actually learning to share myself with someone, trust someone, perhaps even…love someone.

  “You look nervous.”

  “I am nervous.”

  “About us?”

  “I guess. Not because I’m regretting anything, it’s just going to take a while to get used to. To believe it, I suppose.”

  “Well you’d better believe it, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “And honestly? I don’t want you to,” I admitted, smiling at how good those words felt on my tongue. Mason leaned in to kiss me and I wound my fingers into his hair, but just as his smooth lips coated mine, my phone rang in my pocket. “Fuck,” I grumbled. “That’ll be Elle. If I don’t answer she’ll just keep calling.”

  “No problem. I gotta get going to Mark’s anyway.”

  Removing my phone from my pocket and noticing it was indeed Elle, I blew Mason a kiss as I swiped across the screen.

  “Perfect timing,” I answered.

  “Ugh. If you’re about to tell me you were balls deep in Mason then don’t bother.”

  “Firstly, no I wasn’t, and second, do you think I’d have answered the phone if I was?”

  “I don’t even want to know. Anyway I’m just calling to say I’ll be round in five minutes. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you were, um, busy.”

  “I’m not busy.” Anymore, I tacked on in my head. “See you in five.”

  “Make that one. I’m just pulling up.”

  Ending the call, I did a quick tidy round – grabbing my dirty clothes from the floor and tossing them in my bedroom and putting all the breakfast dishes from the surfaces into the dishwasher. Of course the mess was all mine, Mason was the perfect housewife. Elle’s buzz came as I was loading the last mug and I gave my hands a quick rub on my jeans and went to let her in.

  “I’m gonna miss yooooooou!” she sang, throwing her arms around me the second she stepped through the door.

  “I’ll be back before you know it,” I assured her, prizing myself out of her constrictive grip.

  “Well it’s looking like Kylie might be here by the time you get back,” Elle said, following me through to the living room. “She’ll have completed her exams by then. I thought it was still a few months away so of course she made me feel like shit for not listening to her. Damn teenagers.”

  “And your mum’s okay with it?”

  I’d only met Elle and Kylie’s mum twice but I knew she was a selfish, irresponsible bitch and doubted she would let Kylie go without a fight – just to be awkward if nothing else.

  “She doesn’t care as long as she still gets some money. I’ve told her I’ll replace her Child Benefit payments and add a bit more besides. The money means nothing to me. I’d rather Kylie have a shot at a decent future with someone who gives a shit about her.”

  “So you’re gonna employ her at the salon?”

  “Yup. She’s really looking forward to it. So tell me about you? How’re things with lover boy?”

  “Great,” I admitted, smiling. “Really great.”

  “I can tell. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so happy.”

  “I am happy. It all seems very surreal sometimes though.”

  “Why’s that?” she pressed.

  “Because I never thought it was something I wanted, or something I could do. Lots of reasons, I guess.”

  “Soooo,” she began, drawing out the word, letting me know which question was about to follow. “Have you, you know, done ‘it’ yet?”

  “If you’re talking about sex then no. Just about everything else,” I added with a wink, “but no sex.”

  “I’m sorry, Ry, but I just don’t get it. I mean, you’ve done scenes with other guys since you’ve been together, right?”

  “That’s different,” I shrugged.

  “How? Explain it to me.”

  “I know a lot of people don’t understand but filming porn really is work. If you can imagine going at it for up to six hours at a time, having to take Viagra to keep yourself up, having people telling you where to put your leg, what to say, when to groan…it gets kinda boring. Whereas with Mason…” I trailed off, sighing dreamily like a lovesick thirteen year old. “It’s special. He’s special. With him I want to feel every single touch, hear every single gasp. You know we’ve already done it, back in the beginning, both on and off camera, but I want it to be so much more next time. I want him to be the only thing on my mind, and me on his. I want it to be fucking perfect.”

  “Wow,” Elle breathed, straightening her back as if she’d been winded a little. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything quite so beautiful.”

  “Gimme a break, Elle. You make me sound like a pussy.”

  “I’m serious, Ryder. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. You’re a whole different person lately. You’re calmer, you smile more, you don’t stink of pot. I think you might have finally found someone to tame you.”

  “I didn’t need taming.”

  I needed saving.

  “Regardless, he’s a nice guy. I approve,” she winked. “If I didn’t you’d have to kick his arse to the curb.”

  “Is that so, huh?” I teased, jabbing her in the stomach with a taut finger. Somehow our play fight escalated and we ended up on the couch, bashing each other with pillows. I’m ashamed to admit Elle eventually won, pinning me to my back with her straddling my waist. “Wonder what Kip would say if he could see you right now?” I teased, struggling to laugh past the weight of her on my chest.

  “He’d probably tell me to go easy on you, pussy boy.”

  “What the fuck ever,” I jeered, chuckling as I wrestled myself free from under her.

  “He asked me to marry him,” she blurted out, turning the lively air serious.

  “And?” I urged, clasping my hands together.

  “And I said yes.”

  “Holy freaking shit, Elle! That’s awesome!”

  “What you said about never thinking you wanted a relationship? I used to think like that too, and if I’m honest the idea of marriage scares me witless sometimes. But, I’ve also never been so excited.”

  “Have you told anyone yet? When’s the big day?”

  “We haven’t planned that far ahead yet. I’m thinking next summer maybe. I’ve only told Sawyer, therefore Jake will know too, but so far that’s it.”

  “You need to throw an engagement party,” I suggested, smiling eagerly. “But not until I get back of course.”

  “Goes without saying,” she smiled, patting my knee. “I guess I’d better leave you to pack? Knowing you like I do, I bet you haven’t even started.”

  “That’s not true! I’ve transferred my toothbrush from the bathroom to the bedroom,” I protested.

  “And that’s it?”

  “Um, yeah.”

  “Then I’ll help you. I’ve no appointments this morning.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  “Don’t compare me with her,” she said, tacking on a groaning noise. “Are you still intent on going to see her when you’re back in England?”

  “Yes, and you know why,” I answered a little more curtly than intended. “They’re still my parents.”

  “But they treat you like shit.”

  “So do yours,” I shot back. “But you’re still planning to support your mum financially.”

  “That’s for Kylie.”

  “Bullshit. Kylie will be here.”

  “Yeah, yeah, okay. I get it. Just… be careful. I don’t want them hurting you again.”

  “I’ll be fine. Mainly because I’m expecting it, I suppose.”

  “Then why?”

  “Because this is their final chance. I have to try one last time, and if it doesn’t work, I will walk away. I don’t expect you to understand, but I need to do this.”

  “Then I’m behind you. You know I am.”

  “And I’ll have M
ason with me. Honestly, Elle, you don’t need to worry about me.”

  “I will always worry about you, Ryder. You’re the little brother I never had.”

  “Seriously? So you’d have asked your little brother for advice on taking it up the arse?” I laughed and Elle blushed, throwing her hands up to hide her cheeks. “I never did ask you how that went.”

  “Don’t bother.”

  “Not good, huh?”

  “Let’s just say there was lots of squealing, a fair few ouches and a couple of get the fuck out of me’s.”

  “You weren’t doing it properly.”

  “Well thank you for that, but I don’t need your advice anymore because I’m happy to carry on using my main hole for the rest of my life.”

  “Your main hole? God, Elle, you crack me up sometimes.”

  “Enough about my holes. Let’s get you packed for your trip.”

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  Elle and I spent the next couple of hours sifting through my wardrobe and transferring most of it into my suitcase, which ended up being two suitcases. Moving out here was the best thing she ever did. I’m not quite sure how dull my life would’ve been without her and I was glad I didn’t have to find out any time soon. By the time Mason got home from Mark’s I was ready to go, much to his surprise. Elle had already left so after a brief kiss and a fumble, we set off to the studio to meet Ivan and the others.

  This was going to be so much fun.


  Three weeks later…

  I expected touring the US to be fun, but it exceeded all my anticipations. Being out there, meeting the fans, it was amazing. A few, and I really am talking about a minority, completely weirded me out – getting right up in my personal space, telling me they loved me, trying to cop a feel… I got that I was in porn, but I was there for them to watch, not be used as their own personal sex toy. On the whole however, people were great. There was so much support out there for us, genuine excitement and admiration, and people who honestly wanted to meet us and not just our alter egos. I loved meeting them, all of them – even the weirdos, for without them, I wouldn’t be living the life I am today. They are responsible for my designer clothes, the travel, the parties. I owe it all to them.

  Some parts were just full on insane. Signing posters, DVD’s, having our photos taken with fans. Bizarre. I was just me. A nobody in the grand scheme of things. It made me wonder how the fuck Sawyer coped with it all for so long, how he still coped with it. It was fun for a few weeks, travelling in circles where only select people would even know who I was. But full time? That would’ve driven me batshit crazy.

  Tomorrow was the big day – we were flying to London. We had two days there before our meet and greet so I planned to take Mason on a tour of where I grew up and get the meeting with my parents out the way pretty much straight away. If I said I wasn’t nervous, fuck nervous – terrified, I’d be lying, but still it was something I had to do and I wanted it out of the way so I could enjoy the rest of our trip.

  Mason had sent me out to pick up his new, and first, passport which he’d left in Ivan’s office. As yet he still didn’t have a car, though he’d found one he planned to buy when we got back from the UK. I wasn’t gone long, half an hour or so, but when I re-entered the apartment the scene took my breath away.

  “What’s all this?” I asked, surprised and confused by the tealight candles littering every available surface. Mason strode over to me with slow, purposeful steps, stopping right in front of me and taking my hands in his.

  “I think we’re ready, Ryder. I know seeing your parents again isn’t going to be easy, but when you do I want you to know I am yours completely, and that you are mine. I want you. I need you. And before we dive head first into the shit storm that might be waiting for us at your parents’ house, I want us to give ourselves to each other. Completely.”

  “I can’t believe you did all this,” I murmured, gesturing around the apartment with my hands.

  “We said perfect, remember? And it will be.”

  Biting my bottom lip, I followed Mason’s lead into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and I clumsily slipped out of my clothes. I was nervous to the point if I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought I was a virgin. Stepping inside, we didn’t speak. Instead we took turns to wash each other with lazy fingers, cleaning and exploring at the same time. My dick swelled instantaneously. Mason had a glorious body – toned, athletic, his skin completely unspoiled.

  I took my time working the soap into the grooves of his muscles and paying extra attention to his thick, hard cock as it pulsated in my hands.

  “You’re right,” I breathed into his damp neck. “I am so fucking ready for this.”

  I gripped his cock with my fingers, massaging his length up and down and revelling in the groans that escaped his throat. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.”

  We dried slowly, watching each other as we rubbed towels over every inch of our bodies. When we were damp as opposed to dripping, I took Mason’s hand and guided him towards the bedroom, softly pushing him back onto the mattress when we reached it.

  “I want you to suck me, Ryder,” he begged as I was already dropping to my knees. I knelt between his parted legs, taking a moment simply to admire him while softly running my hands up and down his toned legs. “Please, Ry. Let me feel your mouth on me.”

  “Like this?” I whispered, trailing kisses along his inner thigh.

  “Yes,” he breathed a little breathlessly.

  I continued to kiss him for a little longer, burrowing my nose into his damp skin and inhaling his scent. My tongue darted out when I reached his balls, unhurriedly working its way up along the wrinkled skin until it reached the base of his rigid cock.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned, arching his back just slightly as I licked my way up to his tip. Gathering moisture on my tongue I rolled it over the head before gently retracting his foreskin with my fingers. I admired how it glistened, watched the tiny drop of pre-cum trickle from the tip, before I sealed my lips around it and took him to the back of my throat. “Oh, fuck yes. Take it deep.”

  Keeping my mouth wet, I alternated between taking long, deep sucks and swirling my tongue across the sensitive ridge beneath his hard, exposed tip. He writhed on the mattress, clawing the sheets with one hand and my hair with the other.

  “Christ, I fucking love how you taste,” I groaned, kissing my way back down to his sac and then drawing one of his balls into my mouth.

  “I want to try something with you,” Mason said. I pulled my head back, looking up at him curiously. “Wait on the bed,” he instructed, shimmying away from me and then leaving the room.

  Confused and slightly nervous, I did as he said and lay down on top of the mattress. I drummed my fingers anxiously against my stomach while I waited for him and a couple of minutes later he returned holding two cups.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, making my stomach roll just a tad as he set the cups down on the nightstand. I tried to peer into them but his body blocked my view as he crawled up beside me on the bed.

  “Yes,” I croaked, because ultimately, if I pushed past the apprehension, I did. My curiosity deepened when Mason leaned over the edge of the bed and picked up a black tie from the floor. “Wait… I can’t be tied up. I’m not ready for-”

  “I just want to cover your eyes, that’s all. Trust me, Ryder. I’d never do anything to hurt you.” After a brief moment of hesitation, I nodded, swallowing forcefully. Edging closer to me, Mason held the tie up against my eyes, carefully securing it around the back of my head. “Lie down flat, beautiful.”

  I scooted down a little, resting my head on the plump feather pillows. I felt the mattress dip with Mason’s movement and I gulped when I felt his warm breath on my stomach. Softly, he kissed along the grooves of my muscles before closing his hot lips around one of my nipples. He sucked gently and I bit down on my bottom lip. Without sight, every touch was intensified. I could feel every breath, every movement he mad
e. Without warning, he ripped his lips away from my nipple and replaced them with something harsh and cold, causing my hips to jerk.


  “Holy fucking shit,” I exclaimed, both in surprise and penetrating pleasure.

  Mason trailed the ice over my nipple, bitterly cold water trickling down my chest as it melted. He repeated the process on the other side, hardening my nipple to the point it was almost painful. My arse dug into the mattress, my legs tensed, and despite the overwhelming cold of the ice every nerve ending in my body felt like it was on fire.

  I immediately felt the loss when I heard the clink of the cube being dropped back into the cup, quickly followed by something warm being dribbled along the cold path created by the ice. I gasped loudly – the sharp contrast in temperature making me squirm. Against my frosty flesh the liquid felt scorching hot, and I felt it harden along with my dick, tautening my skin.

  “W-what is that?” I asked with bated breath.

  “Melted chocolate,” Mason replied, and I could hear the smile in his voice. “Does it feel good? Against the cold?”

  “It feels…intense. Incredible.”

  He continued to pour liquid heat across my chest and then down the centre of my torso. He stopped when he reached my pubic bone, making me pant in anticipation. Then it came. His knees made the mattress dip as he rose a little higher and within a nanosecond warm chocolate coated my throbbing cock, the pleasure forcing my head back into the pillow as I moaned.

  “Oh my God…”

  My back arched and I grabbed at Mason’s hair as his lips found their way back to my body. He sucked and licked along the trail of the chocolate, working his way down my body until he reached my dick, taking it whole into his mouth.

  “Holy fuuuuck.”

  His lips gripped my hard length firmly, creating the most delicious suction as he moved his head up and down. I continued to fist his hair, controlling the speed of his mouth and fighting against the urge to thrust myself deeper towards his throat. He moaned against my cock, the vibrations spiralling all the way through my body as my balls began to tighten.

  “S-stop,” I forced out. “Y-you need to stop,” I ordered, pulling the tie away from my eyes.


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