Book Read Free

No Trespassing

Page 5

by Rachelle Jarred

  “Oh, my goodness,” Patty said as soon as their lights flashed into the closet.

  “Is that Sammy’s hat?” Melody asked, stammering over her words.

  Patty knelt down to retrieve the hat. After careful examination, she concluded that it was indeed the hat that Sammy wore every day. “We need to show this to Parker and Marvin.”

  “Let’s go.” As soon as they left out of the room, Parker was coming out of room 7 and heading back to the receptionist desk. A few feet behind him, Marvin was emerging from room nine.

  “Did you guys find anything?” Parker asked the girls.

  “We found Sammy’s hat,” Melody replied, crying.

  “What’s the matter?” Parker said, running over to comfort her.

  “I’m just so scared. This place is giving me the creeps, and we still haven’t found Sammy,” she said, crying on his shoulder.

  “Calm down,” he said. “We’re gonna find him and we’re all gonna get out of here together, okay?”

  She nodded her head.

  “I found an old skeleton,” Patty said.

  “You sure it wasn’t Sammy?” Marvin asked, laughing. They all looked at him with disgusted stares.

  “That’s not funny, you jerk,” Melody spazzed.

  “Exactly. Besides, the bones were old and worn. Plus, it looked to be the remains of an adult, not a kid.”

  “Maybe it was Willie McNair,” Marvin replied.

  “Maybe,” Parker said. “I don’t care who’s remains they are. As long as they aren’t Sammy’s, I couldn’t care less.”

  “Well, what do we do now?” Patty asked everybody.

  “We can either start at the top and work our way downstairs, or we can continue to search on this floor, or we can all just go down to the basement,” Parker said.

  “After Patty said she saw that skeleton, and then us finding Sammy’s hat, I don’t wanna check anywhere else. Who knows what we may find next?” Melody cried.

  “We are all gonna be here with each other. Nothing is going to happen to you if we all stick together,” Parker reassured her.

  “Since this is an abandoned hospital, where there was a legendary massacre, I’m sure we will find a lot of stuff,” Marvin stated. “Blood, more dead bodies, maybe severed heads, and-“

  “Marvin!” Parker yelled. “Chill out with all of that. You’re scaring everybody.”

  “Sheesh, Parker, who scraped the icing off your cupcake? Honestly, I don’t know whose more of a chicken between the three of you.”

  “Hey, I’m not a chicken,” Patty said defensively.

  “Yeah, you’re right, Patty. Then, between Parker and Melody, I’m not sure whose worse.”

  “Shut up, Marvin,” Parker said, balling his fists up and staring Marvin down with an angry glare.

  “Oh, pipe down, Parker. You have gotten a little beside yourself with this whole standing up for yourself charade and whatnot. I’m proud that you found that little ounce of bravery inside of yourself, and you’re using it to prance up and down this abandoned hospital searching for Sammy, but do not, I repeat, do not, let these fifteen minutes of confidence be the reason you catch a beatdown. I’m your brother and I know you better than any one of your little friends. I can see right through you. You’re trying to fake like you’re brave just so we can stay here with you all night. I bet if we were to leave right now you would leave out, too. And then say forget about Sammy. You know why? Because you’re a big chicken. A wimp. A crybaby. Anything that revolves around the word punk, reflects you. And there’s nothing you can do to change who you are,” Marvin said, folding his arms across his chest as smiling.

  Parker could see his bright white teeth in the dark space and it infuriated him more. The brothers stared each other down as the two girls became onlookers of the situation that was sure to erupt. In a blink of an eye, Patty and Melody watched as Parker ran towards Marvin and knocked him off his feet. The two slid across the floor, just barely hitting the automatic sliding glass door. “Get off of me, you little brat,” Marvin replied as Parker grabbed him by the collar of his flannel shirt.

  “I am so sick of you, Marvin,” Parker yelled at the top of his lungs as he slammed his brother’s head onto the tiled floor.

  “I said get off of me, Parker,” Marvin yelled back. He managed to get Parker’s grip off of his shirt and he pushed him off top of him. He sat up and Parker came back again. The two brothers wrestled and tousled around on the cold, hard, and mildew flooring and didn’t think twice about it.

  “Shouldn’t we be breaking this fight up?” Melody asked in a panic.

  “Oh, no, Mel. I have been waiting years to see Parker fight somebody,and just so happens, it’s Marvin. This day had come sooner than I had expected and I am not disappointed,” Patty laughed as she egged on the fight. She even pulled out her cell phone to take a video.

  “This is ridiculous. Break it up you two,” Melody said, walking over to the fighting siblings. She tried pulling Marvin off of Parker, but she couldn’t. She wasn’t strong enough. She tried pulling Parker’s hand from his brother’s neck. Again, she was too weak to break them apart. “Patty are you gonna just stand there and record or are you gonna help me?”

  “Gee, Mel, I would love to, but this fight is gold. Who would have ever thought that one day Parker Wilson would go berserk and spaz on his own brother? And, luckily for me, I won’t miss a moment of it,” she said, laughing.

  “Patty!” Melody shrieked. Patty knew Melody was getting irritated by her behavior.

  “Fine, fine,” Patty said, putting her phone back into her pocket. She went over and they both used all of their strength to pull Marvin off of Parker. Once they got a good hold of him, they drug him across the room and away from Parker. As they had finally got them separated, the boys were both staring one another down from across the room.

  “Just so you know, it doesn’t matter how many nights you stay in this place, Parker. You will always be a loser. A big cry baby loser. How could someone as cool as me have such a dorky brother like you?” Marvin said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

  “You have some nerve talking about me, Marvin,” Parker uttered. “You can call me all the names you want. You can call me a doofus, a cry baby, a wimp, whatever, but, you know what you can’t call me? Dumb. You, on the other hand, I can call dumb,” Parker said with a smirk on his face.

  “Dumb? Who are you calling dumb, Parker?”

  “I’m guessing the only person in this room that had to repeat second grade twice. I mean, wow. What kind of idiot flunks second grade? There is nothing to do but read and turn in your completed homework,” Parker said, laughing hysterically.

  “I got you, wise guy,” Marvin said. He charged back towards his little brother. He ran right through Melody and Patty, bumping their shoulders hard as he made his way to Parker.

  Once he grabbed a hold of him, he grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against the glass door. The entire door shattered, and glass flew all around them. Afraid they may get cut because they couldn’t see where it had gone in the dark, the girls never moved a muscle. Melody used her flashlight and noticed that none of the glass had come near her or Patty. What a relief. Even the fact that glass probably cut them, or maybe even gotten into their skin, the boys disregarded it; their adrenaline was currently going through the roof as they managed to knock over a heart monitoring machine in the surgery area.

  Marvin and Parker tousled all the way into one of the open room doors. Avoiding the glass doors this time, Marvin grabbed his brother by the shoulders. He spun him around and used his foot to kick Parker in the butt, sending him flying across the room. He fell into the hard wall and hit his mouth. He could feel the blood trickling from his nose and mouth as it made its way down to his shirt and stained it. Parker quickly became even more enraged by the sight of the blood. He rushed Marvin, and pushed him all the way out of the room, and into the nurses’ desk. He jumped on Marvin and caused
him to fall backwards behind the desk. It seemed as if there wasn’t gonna be no ending to this fight.

  Melody and Patty ran over to watch as the battle between the two siblings continued. Parker grabbed the base of the phone and hit Marvin in the face with it. Melody’s hands flew over her mouth as she watched as Marvin’s face was becoming red and slightly swollen from the impact of the phone’s base. Patty, on the other hand, she had pulled her phone back out and start recording again. She continued to cheer on both parties and instigate the match. She pondered the thought and wondered who was gonna win the fight between the two.

  “This is so stupid and childish,” Melody yelled over the commotion. She might as well had been invisible because nobody was listening to her. Parker and his brother were too busy knocking over more stuff and destroying what property was left standing after the massacre. Patty wasn’t any better. She was just full of laughs and grins as she enjoyed the show before her. Melody grabbed her flashlight and looked around the room. She was looking for something heavy to make a loud enough noise to stop Parker and Marvin. Her eyes fell on a brick, lying over in the corner, a few feet away from her. She walked fast over to it and picked it up. She quickly thought about what to do next.

  I could slam the brick on the desk, she thought. No, that won’t work. My clumsy butt will probably end up smashing my little fingers. She decided against that idea. She quickly found another way. She looked towards the sliding glass door. Stepping away from the commotion, she walked closer to the room that Marvin and Parker were previously wrestling in. She locked in her target and aimed. As hard as she could, she threw the brick through the glass. She dove onto the floor and covered as much of her head and face that she could with her arms. The glass went flying everywhere, even on Patty. But it worked.

  The fighting had ceased.

  I guess the glass startled them, Melody thought to herself.

  “Hey, what gives?” Patty said, stopping her video and putting her phone into her pocket once again. She knocked the shattered glass from the sleeves of her sweatshirt and out of her hair.

  “There is no ‘what gives’, Patty. I asked you to help me stop this madness, but instead you’re standing here recording it like it’s a Pay-Per-View match or something.” Melody replied. She walked over to where Parker and Marvin were now standing. “And you two. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Y’all are supposed to be brothers, and y’all are acting like complete fools! I am so disappointed in you both, especially you, Parker.”

  “He started it,” Parker said, pointing to Marvin.

  “You sound like your tattling on me to Mom,” Marvin said, wiping the blood from the side of his face. “And Melody, you need to calm down. You’re overreacting.”

  “I don’t wanna hear that, Marvin. Look at the two of you. You are supposed to be here to help us find our friend, but instead, you and Parker want to act like buffoons. “

  “She’s right,” Parker said through swollen lips. “Let’s try to find a first aid kit and clean ourselves up.”

  They all looked through the drawers until they found the white box. Patty and Melody cleaned and nursed Parker and Marvin’s wounds as if they were professionals. Once they finished, the bickering between the two boys began again.

  “I kicked your butt, Parker,” Marvin replied.

  “On top of being stupid, are you also delusional? I know you don’t really think for a second that you beat me, Marvin. I think you need to use the few brain cells you have left and rethink that theory.”

  “Oh no, little brother, I think you are the delusional one. You think that just because you hit me with a couple of little baby punches and that phone that you actually did something? I think not,” Marvin said, laughing.

  “So, how about a rematch then?” Parker asked, jumping down from off top of the desk and stepping into Marvin’s face.

  “Come on, Bro,” Marvin said, moving him out the way with his arm. Parker smacked it out of the way and stood in front of Marvin again. “Parker, come on now. You don’t wanna get hurt anymore. Trust me, you don’t. What’s gonna happen when we go home and Mom and Dad see us like this? Questions are gonna be asked, and you’re not gonna hold up. You’re gonna be singing like a canary and we’ll both be in deep dog poop.”

  “I’m not listening to anything you say. All I want to hear you say is that you want to have a rematch,” Parker said, pushing Marvin in the chest. Marvin hopped down and stood toe to toe with his little brother. Looking up to meet his brother’s gaze, Parker stared at him and made it known that he was not backing down.

  “Cut it out, guys,” Patty said, walking over to them. She squeezed between them enough to separate them, at least out of each other’s arm reach anyway. “This is nonsense just like Melody said and you two need to stop it. How is any of this helping us find Sammy?”

  “Exactly,” Melody butted in. “And look what time it is? It’s a quarter after two in the morning already and we have wasted unnecessary time. Time that could have and should have been used in looking for Sammy. You two need to grow up,” she said, pointing her finger back and forth between Marvin and Parker.

  “All I know is that with this newfound bravery, you are becoming idiotic,” Marvin said, talking across Patty.

  “You’re idiotic, Marvin. I love my newfound bravery,” Parker yelled, pounding his chest with his fist as if he were a gorilla.

  “I hear ya, Parker, But how much bravery did you find inside yourself? Is it just enough to prance through this abandoned building to find your best friend? Or, did you build up enough to escape Willie McNair if he happens to pop up?”

  “Oh, will you hush up about that crazy story?” Melody snapped. “I’m starting to believe that you just made it all up.”

  “And why on earth would I make up such a horrid story?” Marvin asked.

  “To scare us. Well, to scare Parker anyway.

  “Trust me when I tell you this, Melody: Parker doesn’t need neither my help, nor your help, to be scared of anything. He was born with that trait,” Marvin doubled over in laughter.

  Patty flashed her light onto Parker’s face. His face was all balled up and his eye was twitching; Melody looked and saw it as well. It frightened them both, because they had never seen their best friend like this. It looked as if a demon was slowly taking over his body.

  Melody moved closer to Patty and pulled her from between Marvin and Parker. They stepped safely to the other side of the nurses’ station and out of the way. They didn’t know what was getting ready to transpire. They watched on as Parker’s hands formed into fists once again. His arms were shaking from frustration and anger, and both were written all over his face. He landed two punches to Marvin’s face before Marvin grabbed him by the neck. He picked him up by his throat and slammed him onto the desk. Parker screamed out in agonizing pain as he rolled of the desk and onto the floor. Marvin went to the side of the desk where Parker was and placed his foot on the side of his face. He leaned forward and put a little more pressure on his face. It was just enough to make him cry, but not enough to kill him.

  “Get off of him,” Patty yelled as she ran and tackled Marvin to the ground. Melody ran to Parker’s side and helped him to his feet. “Stop this, Marvin. You, too, Parker.”

  “I don’t think so, Pat. It’s not as easy as you’re trying to make it seem,” Parker replied before knocking Marvin back to the ground after he had already struggled to make it to his feet.

  Patty just threw her hands up in the air, finally deciding to give up. “Can you believe this?”

  “You have some nerve,” Melody said. “You were a part of this, too.”

  “Uh-uh, Mel. You will not say that.” The girls just continued to watch and wondered when this pointless fight was going to end once and for all.

  “What was that?” Patty asked Melody.

  “What was what?” Melody asked.

  “Shhh. Just listen.” They listened closely to whatever i
t was that was trying to drown out the noise from Parker and Marvin. Patty looked to where the sound had come from. “Oh, false alarm,” she said placing a hand on her chest. “It’s just the creaking of the stairs from the wind.”

  “How do you know it’s from the wind?”

  “Look,” Patty said as she pointed out the broken window. They watched as the dead tree branches hit up against the doors and windows. They both let out a nervous laugh, but their laughter was cut short.

  Out of nowhere, they heard loud screams far in the distance. It was so loud that it caused Parker and Marvin to stop their Royal Rumble match. They stood on their feet and adjusted their clothes.

  “Did you all hear that?” Melody asked. They all remained quiet and listened again.

  “Aahhh!” the voice said again. Only this time, it echoed.

  “There it is again. Did y’all hear it again that time, or is it just my imagination running wild?”

  “Yeah,” they all said in unison.

  “We heard it both times, Melody,” Parker said as he wiped a little bit of the excess dust from his clothing.

  “Where did that scream just come from?” Marvin asked.

  “Who knows?” Patty asked. “This place is humongous. It’s hard to say exactly where it may have come from. All I know is that it sounded a little like Sammy screaming.”

  “If that was Sammy, then that means he’s still alive,” Melody said, finally cracking a smile.

  “That’s good news, right?” Patty asked, looking around at everybody.

  “Yeah. It’s awesome news,” Parker said to her.

  “So, what do we do now?” Patty asked.

  “Well, there is only one thing we can do. We’re gonna have to split up,” Parker said to her.

  “Split up? Is your noodle loose? Do we look like Scooby and Shaggy?” Patty interrupted.

  Everybody couldn’t help but laugh.


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