Book Read Free

No Trespassing

Page 7

by Rachelle Jarred

  “Is anybody in here?” she heard a female voice say.

  “Patty? Is that you, Pat?” she asked, peeping over the counter.

  “Oh my goodness, Mel,” Patty said, running around to hug her friend. “Ewww, did you pee on yourself?”

  Melody’s face turned bright red as she responded, “Yes. I was scared and I thought you were Willie McNair.”

  “Well, I’m not. But he is here.”

  “What do you mean he’s here? How do you know?”

  “Well I don’t know for sure. When I was upstairs I thought I saw somebody in the nursery. When I confirmed that I did, I just ran as fast as I could. Then I ran into you just now.”

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Melody said, hugging her again.

  “So am I. Have you seen Marvin or Parker?”

  “Nope. How about you?”

  “Me neither. You think they’re okay, Mel?”

  “I hope so. Let me call Parker’s phone.”

  She pulled out her cell phone and went through the call log until she found Parker’s number. The phone rang four times before going to voicemail. “He didn’t pick up.What if Willie has him?” Melody cried hysterically.

  “Calm down. Let’s not jump to conclusions. Let’s try Marvin’s number.”

  “Um, why do you have his number?”

  “Really, Mel? If you must know, his parents gave it to me one day I was looking for Parker and they were both together. Honestly, this isn’t the time to even ask questions like that. It’s after 4 a.m. and the demolition will probably be starting in the next two hours.” She dialed Marvin’s number and his phone rang. Instead of hearing the ringing on the other end of the phone, the girls heard it in the hall.

  “He’s out there,” Melody said running toward the door.

  “Wait, Melody,” Patty said in a whisper as she pulled her back. “How do you know that’s Marvin?”

  “His phone was ringing out here, duh.”

  “What if it isn’t him? What if he came across Willie and he took his phone?”

  “I didn’t think about that.”

  “I know. Let’s call it again and see if he answers.” This time, when she dialed the number, it was literally outside the door. She eased the phone away from her ear and pushed Melody back a little. She got a good grip on her crowbar and jumped through the doorway, swinging.

  “Aahhh!” Marvin yelled as he blocked the blows. “Have you lost your marbles?” hesnatched the crowbar from Patty’s hands and threw it across the floor.

  “Sorry, Marvin. We thought you were the killer trying to kill us.”

  “If I were, you would have killed me first. Sheesh. Besides, I left the killer in the basement.”

  “What? You saw him?” the two girls asked simultaneously.


  “Was it Willie McNair?” Melody asked.

  “I’m not sure. I hit him a few times and then I ran.”

  “What’s in the bag?” Patty asked.

  “A head,” he replied bluntly.

  “Who’s head?”

  “A lady who’s last name is McNair. I think it might have been Willie McNair’s wife or something.”

  “It probably is,” Melody said. “I found a journal that had an entry about her. Have you seen Parker, Marvin?”

  “No. He’s probably still upstairs.”

  “Maybe we should head up there, too,” Patty said. ”We don’t have that much time left, and we haven’t come across anything that could lead us to Sammy.”

  “Well, let’s go,” Marvin said, slinging the bag over his shoulder. Melody and Patty walked as close to Marvin as they could as they walked to the end of the hall and up the staircase to the top floor.


  “Sammy? Sammy? Are you up here, buddy?” Parker yelled as he made his way through the hall of the top floor. His voice bounced off the walls and echoed throughout. He was on the floor where they treated people that were in critical condition. He walked into one of the surgery rooms. There was a tray that had different tools lying on top of it. He picked each one up individually and admired them. Most of them had spiderwebs on them that he had to blow off.

  “This room is amazing, despite what occured here,” he said out loud. He put the tools back onto the tray and went back out the room to search for Sammy somewhere else.

  He went into the next room that was yet another surgery room, but this one was set up differently. This one had a bed with stirrups still up in the air. There was a huge stain of blood, dark and moldy, in the center of the bed. I wonder what happened here, he thought. So many thoughts were racing through his mind as he got up closer on the bed. I wonder what it feels like. As he was reaching out to touch the bloody surface of the bed, he heard muffles and scuffles behind him. He quickly ran out the room, thinking it was Sammy, and that he was in danger. When he got into the hall, the entire floor was empty.

  “That’s odd,” he said. “I know for sure I just heard something.” He walked away from the room and went into the recovery room.

  “Sammy, are you in here, bud?” he asked as he pushed open the doors. There were about twelve beds in this room, but there was something strange about the room that had caught his eye. He looked from left to right as he took in the atmosphere. Everything before his eyes was clean. There was no blood residue anywhere, nor were there any spiderwebs or rodents like there were throughout the rest of the hospital. The room didn’t even have a bad odor. It smelled like pine sol with a hint of lemon or something, and everything looking spanking brand new. It felt as if he had walked into a completely different hospital. He walked up to one of the beds and ran his hand up and down the steel railings, leaving smudged fingerprints along the way.

  “This is uncanny,” he said in a whisper. It was even more well lit then the other rooms he had been in. All of the beds were even made up as if somebody was getting ready to sleep in them. He was about to walk over to another bed, but the vibrating of his cell phone startled him.

  “He-Hello,” he said, answering the phone.

  “Parker? Where are you?” Marvin asked.

  “I’m still upstairs. Where are you?”

  “We’re in the stairwell coming to you now.”

  “We? You found Sammy?”

  “No. It’s just me and the girls.”

  “Well, I’m in the recovery room. You guys are not gonna believe what I found.”

  “What di-. Find?” Marvin asked. His phone was starting to break up.

  “Hello? Marvin? Hello? Are you there?” Click. The phone hung up from call failure. He tried dialling his brother’s phone back, but it kept going straight to voicemail. He gave up and put the phone back into his pocket. He walked further into the room and looked out the window. He thought he had seen somebody for a second, but he brushed it off.

  “My imagination is getting the best of me,” he said.

  He felt a cold chill brush over his body and turned around in fear. There was nobody behind him, so he let out a sigh of relief. He was about to try calling his brother again, but he heard low moans. They were coming from outside of the room. He walked fast out the room and listened again. “There it is again,” he said to himself as he made his way to where the noise was coming from. He called out Sammy’s name once again.

  “Help! Help!” he heard someone yelling from the other end of the hall.

  He jogged down the hall, to the last room on the right. Before he could make it to the door, somebody jumped out and blocked him from entering. Parker fell backwards onto the ground and stared back at the person before him. They were tall and not moving a muscle. They were dressed in all black, with a hood over their head. Even though there was dim lighting surrounding him, Parker still couldn’t make out the person’s face. All he could see was his eyes and long beard.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  The person remained silent.

  Fearing for his life, Parker used his
elbows to crawl backwards, away from the mysterious stranger. At first, they stood there watching him, then they followed behind. The slow paces began to turn into a power-walk. Parker flipped over and jumped to his feet, taking off down the hall. He tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. He stood there with his back against the door, trying to think about what he could do. The dark person had gotten closer and he tried the door. As the person placed a hand on his shoulder, he let out a loud scream. He still tried to get out the door as the person was pulling on his arm. He remembered the screwdriver in his pocket. He took his hand off the door and removed it from his left pocket. Without a second thought, he put the screwdriver into the air and brought it down into the person’s leg. He released Parker and fell to the floor in agonizing pain. Parker used this as an escape. Before he could run back down the hall, Marvin grabbed him.

  “Aahhh!” Parker yelled at the top of his lungs.

  “Chill, Parker. It’s just me, Marvin,” he said, turning his brother around.

  “Where are Patty and Melody?” Parker asked when he turned around and noticed that his brother was alone.

  Marvin turned around. “They were just behind me a second ago.”

  Parker looked behind his brother at the ground. The mysterious person was gone. “Where’s the guy?”

  “What guy, Parker?” Marvin asked looking behind him.

  “There was just a guy right here. He grabbed me and I stabbed him in the leg with my screwdriver.”

  “Did he have on a hood?”

  “Yeah. How did you know?”

  “I saw him in the basement earlier.”

  “Something weird is going on here.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “Help me! Somebody please!” There were the screams again.

  “Come on, Marvin,” Parker said, grabbing Marvin by the arm and pulling him to the end of the hall. Marvin didn’t even resist, he just followed orders. They made it to the last room and found that the door was hard to open. Together, they leaned against the door until it flew open, causing them to fall through and land on top of one another.

  “You’re crushing me, Marvin,” Parker yelled out in pain.

  “Sorry,” he said, hopping off his little brother’s back. He reached out a hand to his little brother to help him up.

  They looked around the room and it was in complete shambles. All the hospital furniture and tools were flipped over everywhere. It looked as if a fight had broken out in there. This room was the biggest of them all, excluding the recovery room. It had at least four closets, and Parker knew that Sammy was probably hiding in one of them. He and Marvin opened the first two doors and nothing was there but dust and musty clothing. They tried the next door, and inside were oxygen machines and cords that hooked to them. They arrived at the last door and hesitated before opening it. Since it was his best friend, Parker decided to open it. Low and behold, Sammy was for sure inside.

  “Sammy!” the two brothers said in unison. Sammy was lying inside with a bandage wrapped around his ankle and his arm in a sling.

  “What happened, Sammy?” Parker asked as he and Marvin helped him up from the floor. They carried him over to a chair that hadn’t been flipped over.

  “When we all ran out of here the other night, I tripped over a broken step and fell down them. I was trying to scream for you guys but you had already sped away on your bikes. Somebody picked me up and brought me back inside. I was yelling at the top of my lungs, but nobody heard my cries for help.”

  “Well, I’m here now,” Parker said.

  “So am I,” Marvin said defensively.

  “Where are Melody and Patty?” Sammy asked.

  “Marvin lost them.”

  “I did no such thing,” Marvin shot back.

  “Then where are they, Marvin?” Parker asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I rest my case.” Parker pulled out his phone to check the time. “Holy cow! We only have an hour and a half to get out of here before the demolition team gets here.”

  “We have to hurry and find the girls,” Sammy said, standing to his feet. “Ouch,” he yelped out in pain.

  “You’re not gonna be able to go anywhere with those injuries,” Parker said, sitting him back down.

  “Well, I’m definitely not staying here. I wanna get out of here.”

  “And you will. Hold on for a sec,” Marvin said as he ran out of the room. He returned moments later, pushing an old wheelchair. “Here you go.” They both worked together to place Sammy in the wheelchair properly.

  “Let’s go find Patty and Melody and get out of here once and for all,” Sammy said, and off they went.

  Chapter Five:

  Happy Halloween


  he morning sun’s rays were shining through the broken windows and the boards that covered the others. Sammy, Parker, and Marvin had been going from floor to floor in search of Patty and Melody. The only thing that they kept managing to come across were rats and spiders.

  “This is taking forever,” Sammy said.

  “What are you complaining for?” Marvin asked. “It’s not like you’re walking around. We’re doing all the walking and pushing you around.”

  “It’s not my fault.”

  “Well, it sure isn’t ours. Whose fault is it that you don’t know how to jump from some stairs? If my life is in danger, I’m gonna be the first to get away. It doesn’t matter if I’m hurt or not.”

  “Knock it off, Marvin,” Parker yelled, breaking up their little dispute. “If there is gonna be blame put on anybody, put it on me. If it wasn’t for me, Sammy wouldn’t be hurt, Patty and Melody wouldn’t be lost, and we wouldn’t be here trying to outrun a serial killer.”

  Parker continued to push Sammy in the wheelchair while Marvin led the way for them, holding the metal pole in his hand. As they reached the first door, Marvin went to turn the handle and the lights went out.

  “What the fudge?” Parker said and leaned up against the wall.

  “Pipe down, Parker,” Marvin said. “It must have been the fuse box. Give me a sec and I will be right back.”

  “Where are you going?” Sammy asked in a hushed tone.

  “I’m going down here to turn the lights back on. Just wait here.”

  “I have a bad feeling about this, Parker,” Sammy said. Parker didn’t answer. “Parker? Did you hear me?”

  “Shhh,” Parker replied. “I hear somebody down here.”

  “Yeah, your brother. Remember?”

  “It’s not him, Sammy.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because the footsteps are coming from the other direction.”

  That was the end of Sammy’s questioning. He remained quiet, along with Parker. Parker remained as still as he could as he could feel someone getting closer to him. They stopped directly behind him. It was like they knew he was standing there, even in the darkness. They had mild breathing. They stood behind Parker, breathing on his neck and causing chills to run down his spine. He turned his head towards the person, but kept the rest of his body still. The lights came back on, lighting the hallway back up. Everybody in the corridor screamed at the top of their lungs.

  “Melody? Patty? You guys are okay,” Parker said hugging his friends.

  “Sammy!” the two girls squealed.

  “I’m glad you two are okay,” Melody said.

  “So are we,” Sammy responded.

  “Wait,” Patty said, looking around. “Where’s Marvin?”

  “I’m right here,” he said coming back down the hall swinging the pole in his hand. “What happened to you guys? You were right behind me. At least that’s what I thought.”

  “We were behind you,” Patty said. “The lights went off in the stairwell and I could feel someone pulling on me. I had fainted and woke up in a room. I don’t remember what happened nor how I ended up there.”

  “Well, I do. We were close b
ehind you and like she said, somebody grabbed her. I was pulling on her to save her and somebody else came up behind me and pulled me away.”

  “Why didn’t either of you scream for me then? That would have made logical sense, right?”

  “Yeah, it would have if our mouths weren’t covered. They had their hands over our mouths, muffling our screams. We ended up in a dark room with no windows. Patty was unconscious, so I had to figure a way out by myself.”

  “So, how did you get out?” Sammy asked.

  “Can you let me finish? Dang,” Melody replied before continuing with her story. “Anyway, back to what I was saying, I had to figure out a way for us to escape. I crawled on my knees and felt around the room as I traveled through the darkness. I managed to find the flashlight that had fallen out of my pocket and turned it on. The room was empty. It had no furniture or anything, but it was weird. It smelled like fresh paint.”

  “Paint?” Parker said.

  “Yeah,” she continued. “I searched the room using my flashlight, until my eyes fell on Patty. She was lying on her stomach in a corner. I ran over to her and tried to wake her up by shaking her. It didn’t work, so I slapped her.”

  “Thanks again, by the way,” Patty said, rubbing her face where Melody had left her handprint on her cheek.

  “I said I was sorry already, Pat.” The three boys snickered with laughter. When she glared at them, they silenced their giggles and wiped the smirks from their faces. “Once I got her up, we used our bodies to break the door down. After awhile, it actually worked. We crept out of the room, unnoticed, and made our way back to where we last saw you. Unfortunately for us, you weren’t there, none of you were. So, Patty was like ‘we should roam through each floor and holler all of their names.’ At the time, I thought that would be a bad idea just in case the people that captured us were still lurking about. Long story short, we found you all and now we have to get out of here,” she said, taking a deep breath afterward.


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