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Lucy Muir

Page 5

by The Imprudent Wager

  “Very well, Miss Southwell,” Mr. Collings replied, as Anne rose to leave. He rose also and bowed. “Good day.”

  “Good day,” Anne responded, and exited the banker’s office in a daze, her face reflecting the shock she felt. During the past month in London she had come near to forgetting the wager with Lord Stanton. Indeed, she had become convinced that he had never been serious, but had only been amusing himself at her expense. The two thousand pounds deposited to the account made her uncomfortably aware that Lord Stanton was serious and had every intention of holding her to the wager.

  Disturbed by these thoughts, she nearly ran into a passer-by on the street as she left the bank and then tripped stepping into the carriage. Sanders, noticing Anne’s distracted air, hoped that she was not having financial troubles.

  At his Palladian-style town house on St. James’s Square, Lord Stanton was sustaining a morning call from his sister, Lady Brookfield. Lady Brookfield, an attractive woman with dark brown hair clad in a lace-trimmed yellow jaconet frock, was quizzing her brother on his early arrival in London.

  “What brings you to Town so early, Harry? It’s not like you to appear before the Season is half over, particularly when the Prince is still in Brighton. Have you fallen out with him?”

  “No,” Lord Stanton denied, leaning back in his comfortable wing chair and crossing his booted feet. “I haven’t seen Prinny since last December. I just came up from Longworth. Thought I might see the Season through this year.”

  “Don’t tell me you are considering settling down,” Lady Brookfield said, looking at her handsome brother skeptically, for she was fully aware of his feelings about the Season. He had told her often enough how much he disliked having each year’s new crop of misses thrown at him. The highest sticklers did not receive her brother, but most were not so choosy. Money was a great purifier.

  “No,” he replied, dousing any faint hopes she might have entertained. “I have no need to do that when you have me well supplied with heirs. Although I will confess that my reasons for being in Town do involve a woman.”

  Lady Brookfield shook her head in annoyance and clicked her tongue in a most unladylike manner.

  “I should have known. Who is it this time? An actress, Cyprian or one of my married friends? Not that last, I hope. It was most uncomfortable when you were involved with Lady Cranburne.”

  “Really, dear sister,” Lord Stanton said with a mocking smile, “a respectable woman like yourself should not know of such things, much less speak of them.”

  “How can I help knowing, with ‘Hell-born Harry’ for a brother?” she riposted.

  “For that thrust, dear Caro, I am not going to tell you who it is, but leave you guessing,” he teased.

  “Beast!” she rejoined, rising to take her leave. “You are far too confident in your dealings with women. Someday I hope the tables are turned and you will have your comeuppance.”

  “Very well, I repent my over-confidence,” Lord Stanton said, rising as well and walking to the door with his sister. “And to show my good will I offer my services as your escort this Season to those affairs Brookfield does not care to attend.”

  “I shall hold you to it,” accepted Lady Brookfield, looking at her brother sharply as she bade him goodbye. It was most unlike Harry to have any interest in the entertainments of the more staid haut ton, she mused. He preferred those of the Carlton House set. Therefore he must be up to something. She would have to keep her eyes open.

  Lord Stanton knew his sister was highly suspicious of his motives, but chose not to enlighten her. Anne must have a fair chance, and he could not risk even his sister being aware of his interest in Miss Southwell, at least not yet.

  Lord Stanton stood idly by the marble fireplace for a moment after his sister’s departure, wondering how Anne was faring in her attempts to establish her cousin in Society so far. He would have liked to have seen the expression on her face when she discovered the two thousand pounds had been deposited to her account. It was going to be a most entertaining Season, even if he couldn’t share his amusement with anyone. Yes, most entertaining, win or lose.

  Chapter Five

  The remainder of the week passed quickly, and preparing for Melissa’s ball left Anne little time to worry about the two thousand pounds. The night of the ball the cousins arrived at the Halcotts’ town house early, so that Mrs. Halcott could inspect their toilettes. It was of the utmost importance that everything be correct, and their sponsor viewed their appearance critically. Melissa was appropriately dressed in a high-waisted while muslin gown with short puff sleeves and a rounded décolletage. The pointed toes of her satin slippers peeped from beneath the hem, and she carried a matching white satin reticule containing her fan, vinaigrette and scent bottle. A sapphire necklace at Melissa’s throat and a matching sapphire fillet in her glossy black curls added a touch of colour.

  Anne was gowned in a green silk dress which opened in front to expose a decorative petticoat of blonde lace. Long sleeves of spider-net ended in narrow wrist bands from which lace spread gracefully over her hands. She had abandoned her usual classical coils and arranged curls to show from an opening in her lace cap. Anne had little jewellery, and wore only a modest necklace of amber.

  “Two diamonds of the first water, as my son would say,” pronounced Mrs. Halcott in satisfaction. “Don’t be nervous,” she chided. “I predict you will be unqualified successes.”

  Mrs. Halcott, who was in excellent looks herself in a red velvet robe with gold-fringed hem and a matching red-and-gold turban, took her charges to see the ballroom, which had been formed by opening two rooms together. Most of the furniture had been removed, and a profusion of potted plants and artistically arranged flowers had been brought in.

  “I considered having a theme,” the colonel’s lady explained, “but decided that I would prefer the guests’ attention to be on the two of you and not the decorations.”

  Anne and Melissa barely had time to admire Mrs. Halcott’s efforts when it was time for them to stand with the Halcotts to greet the guests. Anne turned to reassure Melissa but saw that her ward was less nervous than she was herself. As their sponsor presented them to the guests, Anne was surprised by both the number who came and their social ranks. Mrs. Halcott had outdone herself. There were, of course, many military gentlemen present, but there were also a marquess, an earl, a viscount and two barons. Anne saw with satisfaction that Melissa received many admiring looks from the men as they were introduced. The women were less admiring and gave both Anne and Melissa some sharp, searching glances. One in particular, a tall, strikingly beautiful dark-haired woman in rose silk, was barely civil.

  “Don’t mind Lady Conliffe,” whispered Mrs. Halcott to Anne. “She only fears that her reputation as the Dark Beauty is in jeopardy with the appearance of Melissa on the scene. She has held the title the past two Seasons.”

  Anne was relieved when they were able to leave their places by the door and join the guests. She hoped she would remember all the names of the people to whom she had been presented. It would be easier for Melissa, who was more accustomed to social functions. Melissa was led out to begin the first dance, and Anne went to sit with the chaperones at the edge of the dance floor. She was trying to match the faces of the guests with their names when Mrs. Halcott joined her, Captain Leslie at her side.

  “I am your chaperone tonight, dear Miss Southwell,” she said. “You must enjoy yourself and dance. May I present Captain Leslie as a suitable partner?”

  Anne smiled at the captain, accepting his offer to stand up with her. After the first set with Captain Leslie, who also wrote his name down for the supper dance, Anne found to her surprise that she did not lack for more partners. Her second was none other than the Earl of Millbank, an exquisitely dressed young gentleman in a high-collared blue coat, yellow waistcoat and a red cravat that was swathed so tightly about his neck that he was unable to move his head. Anne found it difficult not to stare at such magnificence, but the young earl
evidently took her looks to be admiring ones and also wrote his name down for another dance.

  It was Melissa, however, who was the undoubted success of the evening. Every gentleman present, including many of the married ones, vied for a space on her card. Melissa, however, seemed unaffected by her popularity, showing preference for no particular gentleman, and allowing no one more than one dance. Her modest behaviour quickly earned her the approbation of the chaperones, who pronounced her a prettily behaved chit.

  Anne noticed Melissa’s popularity with both pride and relief. Her decision to bring her ward to London for a Season had been the correct one. A member of the nobility was even showing interest in her cousin. Anne had remarked the way Viscount Woolbridge had been struck by Melissa’s beauty, his eyes following her wherever she went.

  Happy, Anne danced every dance. She was unused to such exertion, however, and was relieved when Captain Leslie claimed her for the supper dance. He seated her at an empty table in the supper room and procured them plates of food.

  “Your cousin will undoubtedly be labeled one of the Season’s Incomparables after tonight,” the captain predicted to Anne as he placed their food on the table and sat down. “You will have to be very cautious.”

  “Why is that, Captain Leslie?” inquired Anne, applying herself to a venison pastry the captain had selected for her.

  “Such beauty inspires both the best and the worst qualities of people to come to the fore. You will have to guard against the dishonourable intentions of some of the men and the jealous spite of some of the women.”

  Captain Leslie nodded in the direction of the table where Lady Conliffe sat with Viscount Woolbridge. “Particularly hers. Your cousin has quite cast her into the shade tonight, and she will not easily forgive that.”

  “Thank you for the warning,” Anne replied, “but I do not see how someone of Melissa’s gentle character could inspire too much hate.”

  “I think you do not know much of Society,” Captain Leslie said, smiling. “I also think it is one of your charms,” he added, lest he sound critical.

  Anne accepted his compliment and changed the subject, but in her heart she suspected Captain Leslie was correct. His words were an echo of Lord Stanton’s. Perhaps she had been over-confident. Society was a dangerous place, particularly for one whose standing was as precarious as hers or Melissa’s. No doubt Lord Stanton had been thinking of such problems when he made the wager with her. It wasn’t only their lack of high social standing that would make her task difficult. She wondered if Lord Stanton were in Town for the Season and decided he must be if he had put the money into her account. She had known better than to expect that Mrs. Halcott would invite someone of Lord Stanton’s reputation to Melissa’s come-out, but still she had watched for him.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” Captain Leslie interrupted, his blue eyes quizzical.

  “I’m sorry, Captain Leslie,” Anne apologized. “I was thinking of what you said earlier. I had not realised, when I made plans to bring Melissa here for the Season, that it would be quite so difficult.”

  Captain Leslie looked penitent. “I had not meant to alarm you, Miss Southwell. Don’t repine too much upon what I said. Lady Conliffe may be disgruntled by Miss Amberly’s appearance in Society, but there is little she can do beyond disparaging your ward to her acquaintances.”

  “Perhaps not, Captain Leslie, but I shall be careful to avoid crossing her, just the same.”

  Another couple joined them at their table, and the conversation turned to more general subjects.

  After the break for supper, Anne returned to the ballroom, feeling rested and ready to dance again. Lord Woolbridge, the young viscount who had seemed so taken with Melissa, solicited Anne’s hand for the gavotte. He exerted himself to be quite charming, and Anne suspected it was because of her connexion with Melissa. She watched him speculatively as they went through the steps of the dance. He was a handsome young man in his early twenties, with thick chestnut hair, hazel eyes and a pleasant, open countenance. Perhaps this would be the titled gentleman for her ward, Anne mused. She resolved to ask her sponsor about him immediately after the dance was over.

  Mrs. Halcott had a great deal of good to say about the young viscount.

  “Lord Woolbridge is but recently ascended to the title, but he takes his duties quite seriously, I hear. He has a considerable fortune, so money would not be a factor to him. He has been very attentive to Lady Conliffe, but nothing was ever announced. He would be an excellent match for your cousin if he comes up to scratch.”

  Anne felt less sanguine about the prospect after hearing he was connected with Lady Conliffe. She did not think that lady would relinquish her claim on the viscount easily. Well, there was time for other gentlemen to show interest in Melissa, Anne thought philosophically. The Season was just beginning. She ceased worrying about Melissa and commenced to enjoy the rest of the evening.

  In the early hours of the morning an exhausted but satisfied Mrs. Halcott saw the last of her guests depart.

  “I could not have asked for things to go better. It was an unqualified success! You should have heard the questions I was beset with by the mamas of Melissa’s dance partners,” she said to Anne. “Mark my words, you won’t lack for invitations after tonight. You will not miss being at Almacks.”

  Anne and Melissa expressed their heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Halcott and prepared to go home, tired but happy.

  “Do not forget we are to attend the opera Friday,” Mrs. Halcott reminded them. “An appearance there will put the seal on your success. Many of the haut ton not present tonight will have heard of Melissa by then, and no doubt we shall receive many requests for introductions.”

  The next day Benton was kept busy accepting flowers and cards from the gentlemen who had danced with his mistresses the night before.

  “Isn’t this exciting!” enthused Melissa as two more young officers departed after leaving cards. “I never dreamed we would be so popular.”

  Anne smiled at Melissa. Melissa’s unself-consciousness was one of her most attractive qualities. She seemed totally unaware of the beautiful picture she presented in her pink sprigged muslin morning gown, a matching ribbon in her dark hair.

  “No, Melissa, I am not one whit surprised by your success. Although I am surprised that an ape-leader such as myself was singled out for so much attention.”

  “I was not. You are not ancient, Anne. You are a very beautiful woman.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by Benton announcing yet two more callers.

  “Captain Leslie and Lieutenant Halcott,” he intoned.

  After the officers presented their compliments, they begged to be allowed to take Anne and Melissa for a drive in the park later that afternoon.

  “You must be seen during the Promenade now that you have been presented,” Lieutenant Halcott explained.

  “You know it will greatly enhance our reputations to be seen with the new Incomparables,” added Captain Leslie teasingly.

  “As it will ours to be seen with two such handsome officers,” returned Anne. “Thank you, we shall be pleased to go.”

  “Viscount Woolbridge,” announced Benton.

  Viscount Woolbridge entered, immaculate in a blue superfine coat with plated buttons, striped waistcoat, tight-fitting pantaloons and shining Hessians. He frowned slightly at seeing the uniformed officers already in possession of the drawing room, but greeted them politely before returning his attention to Melissa.

  “May I hope that you will allow me the pleasure of taking you for a drive this afternoon?” he asked.

  “Thank you, Lord Woolbridge,” Melissa replied, “but we are already promised to drive with Captain Leslie and Lieutenant Halcott.”

  Lord Woolbridge was too well bred to allow his irritation to show.

  “Tomorrow afternoon, then?” he persisted.

  “Yes, I should be delighted,” Melissa assured him.

  Viscount Woolbridge seated himself across from Melissa and
gazed at her as though he could not get enough of her beauty. Lieutenant Halcott looked far from pleased at having a rival for Miss Amberly’s attention, particularly one with a title. Anne and Captain Leslie exchanged glances of amusement, but Melissa seemed unaware of the developing rivalry. When their fifteen minutes were up, the officers reluctantly departed, taking the viscount with them. Anne and Melissa informed Benton they were not home to any more callers and retired to rest and have something to eat before their drive.

  Anne and Melissa were ready promptly at a quarter to five, Anne in a simple green poplin frock and fur-edged curricle cloak of cashmere, Melissa in a yellow muslin frock and green sarcenet pelisse fringed in orange. Matching straw bonnets completed their outfits.

  Lieutenant Halcott had brought his parents’ landau so the couples could be seated together and enjoy the drive. This was Anne and Melissa’s first excursion to Hyde Park during the fashionable hour of five, and they looked about interestedly. Progress was very slow, for vehicles and horsemen were constantly halting in order to greet acquaintances. One of the first acquaintances they encountered was Lord Millbank, driving a young girl in his fashionable yellow phaeton. Melissa admired the earl’s matched white horses, decked out in orange and green rosettes. They stopped to exchange greetings, and Lord Millbank introduced the girl beside him, who proved to be his younger sister, Lady Amelia Millbank. Anne felt compassion for this sister, who spoke in a very soft voice and appeared to be very shy. She was dressed attractively in a pale blue sarcenet carriage dress and matching pelisse, but her mousy hair and lack of countenance made her fade into the background.

  Melissa was apparently quite taken with her, however, and did not hesitate to make plans for furthering their acquaintance.

  “Lady Millbank, would you care to accompany me to the circulating library tomorrow morning?” she asked.


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