The Training Of Tess (The Tess Series Book 1)

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The Training Of Tess (The Tess Series Book 1) Page 2

by Tessa Wanton

  She had incredibly sensitive skin, it was something that had its benefits, but in this case scared her too. Their safe word was on her lips. She could not tolerate pain, it was her hard limit, the one thing that could bring her mind crashing to worse times, the point where her mind would shut down and she would just endure, but then He so gently ran His hands down her sides causing her to giggle lightly, and all worries to flutter away into thin air as His caresses became firmer. His hands moved up to her armpits burying His fingertips deep in the hollows. Tessa writhed and wriggled violently now, desperately trying to be free of these hands, her head thrown back howling like a banshee, straining to lift herself, frantic, given over to animal instinct, bound, naked, exposed, tortured and yet dripping with the need to be filled and used.

  It seemed like an eternity later when He stopped the onslaught and Tessa slumped forward, hanging limply by her arms, barely supporting her own weight. She was aware of a dull aching in her upper arms now, she wasn’t sure how much more she could take, but, as before, she wanted more. She shook her head and tried to stand tall – His words echoing in her head from the night before “stand tall for me tomorrow Tessa, make me proud.” and as she did, she felt a light kick to the insides of each ankle. He wanted her to spread her legs for Him. She shuffled her feet outwards, and then the kicks repeated until she was almost hanging by her wrists her legs were spread so wide. She dropped her head back, hoping it would alleviate the aching in her wrists, just as she felt something cold sliding over her pussy lips - another item from her bag - her studded glass dildo.

  He ran the rounded head of the dildo back and forth between her swollen lips, sliding it easily with the amount of juices she had produced so far. The teasing was causing her body to spasm lightly, hiccupy moans escaping her lips again. She started to move her hips in rhythm with His stroking, and then He turned the dildo on the side so that the raised bumps stimulated her further, coating the implement completely before He firmly slid it deep inside her. Again Tessa pulled up on her bindings, allowing Him deeper access to her body, and as she arched her back in pleasure she could feel her breasts brushing against His still clothed torso. This extra stimulation of her nipples made her moan even louder than before as He fucked her over and over with her toy. He increased His speed in conjunction with her gyrating hips, pulling herself up as much as possible, arching her body so far back that she had to go onto her tip toes as an orgasm shuddered through her trembling core. She erupted so fiercely that it shook her from head to toe, spasms rolling through her and a sound - was it her? She presumed it must be, but from the place where her mind was now, she wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or awake, such pleasure, such release.

  He pulled the dildo out of her slowly, wiping her wetness on the inside of her thighs. Tessa was shocked at how drenched she was. Had she ever been this turned on? Her fuzzy thoughts stumbled over each other as they tried to become coherent, but it wasn’t to be. There was more to come. As she stood there shaking in afterglow, He ran His hands over her once more, standing so close now that she could feel His breath on her lips. Her lips were parted, aching for His kiss, that passionate kiss she remembered from their first meeting, a tongue so firm that it took her breath away, she couldn’t help but wonder what that would feel like exploring her flower. As if He could read her mind, He entwined His fingers in her hair, pulling her head back as He pressed His mouth to hers. His tongue deeply exploring her as His other hand pulled her pussy lips, spreading them, gently tweaking her sensitive nub, her moaning muffled against His intense kiss. If her knees were not weak before, the only thing holding her up now was His firm grip on her hair.

  Again, He pulled away from her. The sense of loss quite staggering after the intensity of their embrace, He grabbed her hips roughly and spun her around so that she was facing away from Him. A sharp, stinging slap was then imparted to her right bottom cheek making her yelp and strain against her bonds – rudely snapping her out of the blissful place she had entered. She felt the kicking at her ankles again, insisting she spread her legs for Him. Tessa instantly became terrified - No - He couldn’t - but then again, why wouldn’t He? She had tied it nicely in a bright ribbon for Him to bring attention to it. That fifth item, she cursed herself quietly as she knew what would come next. She felt His fingers part her sex, dipping into her sodden hole, becoming slippery, and then, slowly, slowly, transferring her juices to the entrance to her most delicate of places, making sure her rose bud was as ready as it was going to be for the next toy from her bag.

  Chapter 4

  Tessa whimpered as He worked her juice into her sensitive rosebud with His fingers, she was too terrified to move, but shifted her hips slightly to allow Him easier access to her. Why did she do that? She bit her lip hard to muffle the whimpers, which were involuntarily, bubbling from within her. How did she end up here with this virtual stranger who was now going to use her sex toy on her? Yet, she was getting more and more turned on by His caress, He wasn’t violently probing her, but gently, slowly. Again thoughts of kindness and gratitude flooded through her – she wanted Him to continue, she trusted Him to take her to the places she had always fantasized about but had never visited.

  His fingers stopped their work. Tessa jumped out of her skin, yelping at the cold intrusion into her puckered hole, as He slipped the toy in, surprising her at how easily it did, and then He turned the vibration on. Tessa wailed, completely out of control now, her toy slid deep into her ass, vibrating incessantly as her hips involuntarily ground against it. It wasn’t a large toy, she had bought it as it had “For Beginners” emblazoned all over it, but as yet, hadn’t the courage to try it. The sensations coursing through her from this tiny toy had her gasping, she was now sure she would be using this again, with Him, or on her own, she didn’t mind, but it would be used again.

  She continued to writhe against this sweet torment as His fingers reached around to fuck her dripping pussy and to tease her clit, she started to move with His fingers swaying and squirming her way to another orgasm. Her feral screaming suddenly released from her lips, her head thrown back as she took her weight on her bonds, limply trying to maintain her body with her exhausted legs. He removed her toy and wrapped His arms around her to help her stand. She rested her head on His shoulder, arching her back to better wrap around His form – still fully clothed. The feel of the material of His expensive suit heightening her arousal further, Tessa felt she could be in this state forever, to be used by Him, to feel this way. She could feel His erection pressed against her, and she could not resist moving against Him to try and gauge the size of Him. She knew now she wanted Him to take her, to use her completely. She knew that if she pleased Him, He would complete His ownership of her and she knew she wanted that. She did not want this to be the last time they met.

  As she languorously rubbed her body against Him, He reached up and released her arms from above her head, gently holding each wrist and supporting its weight to rest at her side. He kissed her gently on the neck and cheeks, holding her head in His hands and then kissed her passionately again. Tessa’s mind was sent into a complete spin by these kind and gentle actions, and as He pressed down on her shoulders to force her to kneel before Him, she gladly sank down and assumed her submissive position, head down at His feet.

  She felt His hand lift her chin, and then she gasped as He pushed His hard cock deep into her throat. She could taste His excitement as she flicked her tongue over His head and greedily sucked and massaged His shaft with her lips. He rhythmically started to fuck her mouth as she desperately tried to keep up with His movements. Tessa had always prided herself on being able to give good oral sex, she had been complimented many times through her life, and she had always been able to deep throat quite easily. Something she had never understood was the gagging so many of her friends had described. If she tipped her head at a certain angle and controlled her breathing with the thrusts, she could complete the task without aching jaw or unfortunate consequences. But she was to find
this situation a completely different task.

  He was rather large. She had had large cocks before, but she had always been in control, able to control the depth of the thrust and of course, she had the use of her eyes before, able to tell movements and anticipate actions. Not this time. She was blind. She couldn’t tell what He was going to do, whether He was happy with her mouth, and then, she couldn’t gauge her breathing when He slammed deep into her. He moved against her fast now, she could tell by the increase in His leaking that he must be close, but His firm hand grasping a handful of her hair restricted her movements, and she started to gag. Violently. But He continued. Tears started to flow now – she desperately wanted to please Him, but she thought she was going to throw up or choke, thoughts toppled wildly over each other as her hands rose from her sides panicking trying to push away, but then His hand closed around hers, reassuring her, calming her panic, tightly squeezing her palm, stroking the back of her hand, soothing her. His hand loosening its grip in her hair, then she felt a tremor from deep within Him as He filled her mouth with His climax.

  Tessa swallowed twice, shocked at how much He had come. She slumped further onto her knees, gasping for air, but feeling despondent she had let Him down. She felt like she was floating from her experiences, she was terrified her gagging had displeased Him. She didn’t have to wait long to find out though as she felt His hands move to her blindfold, starting to unravel it from her head. She screwed her eyes tightly closed, fearful to lay eyes on Him. He removed her earplugs, and she felt His hand on her chin, turning her head, and slowly, gingerly, she opened her eyes.

  Chapter 5

  As Tessa’s eyes met His, she felt like she was looking at Him for the first time. He was smiling at her, simply looking straight back into her, deep into her soul. Waves of peaceful happiness swept through her as she lost herself in His hazel pools.

  “Such a good girl,” He murmured quietly and leaned forward to embrace her fully in His arms.

  She ripped her eyes from His with difficulty as He held her to His chest. She could hear His heart beating so fast... because of her? She must have pleased Him. He checked His watch; “an hour and a half isn’t bad for your first time is it?” He smiled.

  Tessa felt shock numb her limbs – she had lost track of time, it had seemed but a few minutes. She blurted her thoughts “I could have sworn it was only 20 minutes...” and He smiled His calm smile at her again as He released her and held her gaze standing tall before her.

  She looked up at Him, kneeling before Him, still nervous that she had displeased Him with the gagging and panicking earlier, but it seemed she was going to get a second chance to prove her worth. He unzipped His trousers and presented His erection to her for a second time. This time, she would not displease Him, she felt nerves rise within her once more, but, she knew she could do this, prove to Him that she was worthy of His ownership. She desperately wanted Him to take her as His now this was all she could think. Tessa took Him into her mouth and locked her eyes with His. As she worked her skilled mouth over Him, flicking her tongue, carefully tracing circles and waves across His head, she continued to look deep into His eyes, as if hypnotized – she could not have pulled her eyes away even if the world came crashing down around her. She took Him deep into her throat, massaging Him slowly, matching her breathing to His movements, she did not gag this time, she didn’t panic, she could feel His satisfaction and see His eyes becoming misty with the pleasure she was giving Him.

  And then he uttered the fateful words - “I’m going to fuck you now”.

  Joy coursed through Tessa’s body. He was going to complete His ownership of her! She was worthy! She had pleased Him despite her worries, He was going to accept her gift and she would be completely His! Tessa tipped her body forward onto all fours, shuffling slightly to allow Him between her thighs. She was aware she hadn’t been commanded to do this, but her body moved automatically now, her mind floating away beyond her control, but firmly in His grip. She let her head drop down and her eyes close, partly from exhaustion, but also to try and clear her head. She was elated beyond anything she had ever felt before, and not for the first time in the last two hours, her thoughts were racing and tumbling and vying for attention making it difficult to concentrate on anything in particular. When she opened her eyes, she saw His trousers drop to His knees – her heart skipped a beat as she remembered those words spoken just a few seconds ago “I’m going to fuck you now.” She felt Him pressing against the center of her being.

  “You are now mine,” He said as He pushed inside her, stretching her, filling her, making her mind and body soar with feelings of completeness. She arched her back, wanting Him deeper, to consume her completely. He took her so tenderly she felt as though she were a delicate creature being caressed by her lover. He would occasionally stop to command her to squeeze Him as tightly as she could, an action of pure heaven and hell for her, an action that reminded her that He could now take her whenever He pleased, and this is what it would feel like. And hell in that soon, He would be gone from her, she would be empty, and she would be left only with the memory of His touch, His caress, and kiss.

  He did not touch her other than to fuck her. He used her as the gift she had offered to Him, that she had proven herself worthy and He had accepted. Tessa thought that her whole life had moved toward this moment. She was now complete. She felt Him erupt deep within her, her own moans and whimpers following as she could now concentrate on her own pleasure for a brief moment. She had pleased Him and despite her exhaustion, emotions filled her mind and body like never before. He moved beside her once more and wrapped His arms around her shaking form, her eyes drifted up to meet His, His calm smile once more beaming for her. As they sat there, silence comfortable between them, exploring each others’ eyes, a word formed on Tessa’s lips. “Master.”

  Part 2 – The Long Walk

  Chapter 1

  Tessa was nervous again. It was becoming a familiar feeling in her life since meeting her Master. Was it nerves? Excitement? Or was it the start of something else completely? She had spent the previous week in a complete haze, floating almost, her mind in another place somewhere deep within her, she didn’t want to lose that feeling - freedom almost, nothing else mattered. There was also the promise that He wanted to see her again. Tessa focused on this more than anything else. Yes she had been terrified, but yes, she had also felt things she had only ever dreamed of in her wildest fantasies. For years she had fantasized of a man who would reach into her and pluck her deepest desires, and then carry them out. She fantasized of a man who would see what she could be and take her beyond the boundaries of her mind. Those boundaries imposed by society, experience and deepest of all - her own fear.

  They had remained in near permanent contact since that first meeting, exchanging views, thoughts, desires, wishes, but mainly her Master probed her for how these made her feel. She could not resist her Master’s wishes. It seemed so natural for her to tell Him everything. Tessa was more than curious about her Master. She desperately wanted to know more about Him too, but He deftly turned every query she could come up with into finding out more of what made Tessa tick. He liked to play games too, like when He first set her the task of finding out His real name. It had taken her almost a week, including heavy hints, to complete the task. Yet again, when she did find out, the knowledge knocked her sideways.

  She felt so naive – yes He was 20 years her senior, He owned a successful company, but it shouldn’t have surprised her really. His aura of confidence and sexuality thudded deep inside her every time they met, and it was no great leap of thought that such a personality would make Him successful in business. She could just imagine Him calmly bending clients and customers to His will, intelligently toying with people who would happily comply without even realizing what had just happened. Tessa had turned these thoughts over and over in her head since her gift had been accepted, she couldn’t believe such a man would be interested in her.

  So her Master continue
d contact, and then, a message with instructions of their next meeting increased the feelings of sensuality, desirability, and that ‘something else’ deep within her.

  His instructions had directed her into the same building that her gift had been accepted, something which comforted her a little. Words He had written continued to echo around her head, It will be a long walk the next time we meet, you will have to be a brave girl for me, don’t let me down... She turned around and locked the door as she entered the building again, the same musty, dusty atmosphere heightening her fear. Tessa shook her head and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She looked to the right and grasped the handle to the shabby door as she had been instructed, red paint chipped off with years of use, keeping her head down as she entered. The warehouse was empty and huge; vast. It was clear no one had been here in a while, but as her footsteps reverberated around the space, she could swear she could hear other people too. Of course her Master would be here somewhere, but, could she hear other people? She desperately strained her ears to try and discern what she was hearing. Were there going to be people there to watch her continued training? Were they meant to be there? Was it an accident? Would He let that happen to her?


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