The Training Of Tess (The Tess Series Book 1)

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The Training Of Tess (The Tess Series Book 1) Page 3

by Tessa Wanton

  Tessa started to feel light headed as she walked to the loading bay door as directed. She felt exposed and terrified once more. Could she hear people talking in low voices? She stood with her back to the door facing out into the space, head still down as ordered and shuffled her feet nervously. A movement to her right sent a shiver down her spine. It was a man, talking to someone beyond her vision? She dare not move to look, was this a test? Was this actually a mistake? How would she explain why she was here with a bag full of sex toys brought along as instructed like before? The man moved out of sight, and then she could hear louder talking, it sounded like a group of people as the voices bounced off the vast walls of the warehouse, and then she heard a crystal clear command.

  ‘“Turn to your right and follow the yellow line.”

  It was her Master’s voice. Relief swept across her, He had obviously been playing with her mind but as she walked, she heard creaks and all around her... footsteps? She could not be sure she was still alone with Him.

  “Stop and drop your bags”.

  Tessa’s thoughts snapped to attention and she instantly released both bags to the floor.

  “Keep walking,” He commanded and she continued to walk. This must have been the start of the long walk He had told her to expect, and He was not wrong. It was some distance from where she had stood to the other side of the warehouse.

  “Stop and remove your shoes and skirt.” Another command filled the room, which she followed. Tessa tried her best to do this seductively – why that thought crossed her mind at this particular juncture she had no idea. Perhaps, if she was going to be watched by one or many, she might as well put on a show. She crossed her left knee in front of the other as she stood there, dropping her left hip, hoping to enhance the curve of her hips to anyone stood behind her, but the effect would be only temporary as she was ordered forward once more.

  The next stop she was ordered to remove her top – it was clear to her that it was certainly cold in this vast space, her pale red nipples erect from temperature and excitement, vying for attention through her hot pink lacy bra. The day before she had been ordered to buy cheap, slutty underwear from her local supermarket, and the bra was the product of that choice. It had been difficult for Tessa to select something appropriate as she had uncomfortably browsed the aisles.

  It had crossed her mind that perhaps hideously mismatching panties and bra might be the way forward, so, chuckling to herself, she had selected the pink bra and some see through zebra striped panties with pink ribbon tie sides. The pinks clashed horribly, and she thought that her Master would see the irony and be delighted with how slutty the overall effect would be. At twelve dollars for both, she had considered it cheap enough and threw them in her basket, parading around the grocery section of the store ensuring any men she passed had an eyeful of what she was going to purchase.

  It was a curious feeling so blatantly teasing, would they care or even bat an eyelid? But as she sashayed around the store, it was clear that she was attracting attention, lingering stares, ‘accidental’ brushing of her limbs as she leaned across to reach for items, and Tessa soaked these attentions up like a sponge.

  Standing in just her peacock blue tights and slutty underwear of choice, Tessa was now starting to tremble as the creaks and groans of the building appeared to be getting louder, but other than her Master’s commands, she had not seen or heard anyone directly. This vast, exposed expanse of space was unnerving for her in the extreme. It made her feel so much more vulnerable than the small white tiled cocoon of their first encounter. Goose bumps started to rise on her flesh, her breathing now starting to increase and the tell tale shaking as adrenaline started to course through her. Then she heard her final command on her long walk.

  “Stop and take off your tights.”

  Tessa obeyed, slowly bending over from her waist, again as seductively as she could, sliding her tights to her knees, then down to her ankles and stepping out of them. Her last tether of comfort removed completely.

  The next thing she was aware of was Master speaking in her ear, “Put your hands behind your back,” He instructed, His hot breath making her jump at His sudden closeness. She had not heard Him move behind her, and a small whimper involuntarily rose from her throat. She felt His hand hold her head down as she panicked, trying to look up, but as always, Tessa complied, shaking, waiting for the next command. But none followed.

  What she felt was nylon packing rope secured tightly around her wrists, wrapped around and around, and then her shoulders were pulled sharply back as He bound her arms just above her elbows. Her elbows touching, forcing her breasts to jut out proudly, her back arched her shoulders so far back that she could not move her upper body. Such a simple tie, but she was now completely helpless.

  “Walk!” Her Master barked in her ear as He guided her by her elbows. She had no doubt that if she didn’t comply, He could quite easily hurt her by yanking on her wrists or elbows or both. This fear had her bare feet moving before she could even think. Yet, even though she was terrified, she still wanted to please Him. Such a strange emotion - here she was, made to strip to unsightly bra and panties, exposed, arms bound tightly behind her back, her head down – and now it seemed to be marched through the building, but she wanted to prove to Him she could do everything He asked, His brave girl. That His faith in her was warranted, that He had chosen her correctly.

  As she moved forward, He pushed doors open until she saw a glass external door. She panicked seriously now. Was He going to push her out of the door to stand outside for all to see? But no, He commanded her up the stairs to the upper floor. Tessa practically sprinted up the stairs, terrified, hoping no one would see, once He had hold of her once more, He pushed her through the door on the upper floor.

  Her eyes darted around manically as she realized they were now in a large L-shaped room, which had plate glass windows all along the sides. She had thought the glass door was a bad prospect, but this? Surely someone would see and raise the alarm of a smartly dressed man urgently pushing a semi naked, bound woman around a deserted building? She was starting to hyperventilate as He quickly guided her around to the other side of the room and then stood her in front of the door to a darkened internal room. Tessa desperately wanted to enter this room to get out of broad daylight, but he held her there. He had placed Himself between the windows and her, protecting, shielding her with His body, an action she was indescribably grateful for. Relief and fear flowed from her in waves.

  She closed her eyes momentarily, enjoying the feel of Him so close to her in such a potentially perilous situation, the warmth of Him against her, now, adrenaline sensitized skin. He then simply spoke a sentence, which shook her to the core.

  “This room is special, you will be tested far beyond what you have already experienced,” and with that He pushed her into the room.

  Chapter 2

  As she stumbled into the room, He indicated she should stop, by gently holding onto her elbow. He flicked on the light and she could see the room was mainly empty except for a white plastic garden chair off to the right of her. The room appeared to be an old meeting room with a worn, moss green colored carpet tiled floor. A moving, wooden partition wall along the right side divided the room and a fixed, white painted partition wall along the other. At the top of the room was mid-level glazing looking out onto the warehouse where she had just completed her long walk. The room was private, and Tessa allowed herself a deep breath to steady her shaking body, for the moment at least, she felt relief again. It felt strange for her to have her eyes this time. She didn’t know where to look when He came around in front of her. She knew if she looked into His eyes she would lose herself completely, and the adrenaline pumping through her veins was starting to rise again. She closed her eyes to try and maintain self-control until she felt His hand caress the side of her face and she opened her eyes to meet His.

  “Would you like a drink?” He asked her, and she nodded feebly in response, her tongue seemingly unable to fun

  Her Master produced a water bottle with a plastic drinking spout and held it to her lips. Tessa drank greedily, gulping down the ice cold water as quickly as she could. But then she realized He was pouring more water than she could handle. The water began to flow out of her mouth and dribble over her chin. She felt mortified, such a mess, she felt like a child unable to eat or drink properly, and as she looked anxiously across into His eyes, she could see Him smiling. His eyes following the rivulets streaming down over her chin, her chest and down to her stomach, the water soaking into the cheap, flimsy material of her panties. He pulled the bottle from her lips and started to pour the water over her flesh now, soaking her entirely until water was running down her legs.

  As goose bumps prickled her skin again in response to the cold sensations, she began to feel pins and needles angrily prickling in her left hand. In all of the excitement, she had forgotten that her arms were tightly bound behind her back, and they were now starting to lose feeling. She frantically started wriggling and flexing her hands to try and encourage blood flow, but this only made her panic more. Tessa didn’t want to use their safe word, but what would she do if she lost feeling to her hands and arms entirely? What was her limit? Was she ready to give up all of what she had wished for her entire life? Because if she used the safe word, that would be the end to it all. There would be no second chances. She screwed her eyes tightly shut, she must endure – this is what these experiences are about. Trust. Trusting her Master with her life. Her everything.

  She heard the familiar ripping sound of her blindfold, she would be blind for the rest of this session she was now sure. Tessa didn’t know if she was relieved or terrified about this realization, there was still the matter of the test that she was to complete. Would it be better to see what was going to happen, or the bliss of ignorance? Once her blindfold had been wrapped and secured around her head she felt her chin grasped firmly by His fingers. She instinctively opened her mouth slightly in anticipation of a kiss. She longed to feel her Master’s kiss, His lips pressed against hers, and that magical tongue which took her breath away, but instead she felt a metal, cylindrical object pushed sideways between her lips. It was too big to fit into her mouth, so the ends were tightly pressed against the corners of her mouth as she clasped it with her teeth. She must have looked like she was in pain, her lips drawn taut, her teeth bared in a forced grin. As she held the object her Master breathed low and calmly in her ear, “Whatever happens, you must not drop this”.

  This was the test. What would He do to her? While she contemplated this, she tested the object with her tongue, running it along the whole length. It was smooth and cold and her biting had left little grooves in it, so it couldn’t be a solid object and it was fairly light considering its size, but suddenly with her musings, it jumped out from between her teeth. Her heart skipped a beat as she tipped her head back and caught it tentatively with her lips. She was glad for once that her lips were dry otherwise it may have slipped to the floor. She quickly grabbed it again with her teeth and hoped beyond hope He had not seen the mishap.

  Tessa stood there panting through clenched teeth, how was she going to manage this? She was starting to drool already, feeling it pooling in the bottom of her mouth, and the incessant throbbing and pins and needles in her hands were starting to become incredibly uncomfortable.

  She almost cried when she felt Master tugging at the ropes behind her back, loosening them, untying them. She moaned with relief, a strangled sound from behind her tortuous gag. Soon she was standing there, her arms limply swinging by her sides, and as her Master rubbed them tenderly, she felt her gag removed momentarily and replaced with a deep, intensely passionate kiss. Her knees weakened as she moaned against Him, and all too soon the gag was replaced.

  His fingers entwined tightly in her hair, a sharp tug indicating she must follow Him, so she trailed obediently behind, allowing herself to be led unceremoniously to the left hand side of the room - the fixed partition - trying not to yelp and drop the gag. He pushed her against the wall, and then fastened her leather cuffs to ankles and wrists, as was the ritual of her submission to Him. He then tied her wrists to the wall, left and right spread wide and fastened so tightly that she could not move an inch. The last time He had tied her, He had allowed her a little room to wriggle, but this time there was no such luxury. He started to kick her legs open, wide...wider still, so she was almost hanging on her wrists. This test was going to be considerably harder than their last meeting.

  Tessa blushed furiously as her legs were spread wide, she could smell her excitement drifting up to her nostrils, and she was absolutely positive that her Master would notice this too. There was nothing she could do about it now she had to endure the embarrassment of her juices flowing down her inner thighs, and the unmistakable scent that accompanied. He secured her ankles to the wall as tightly as her wrists, and she found she could not move at all. She was bound standing, spread eagled, so completely exposed, desperately trying to hold onto a metallic cylinder in her mouth, but at least she still had her bra and panties. Tessa felt her Master’s breath on her neck, across her chest, along her upper arms, and then back to her right ear. He must have been observing her standing there. Was He pleased with her?

  He paused there and then uttered slowly and deliberately, accenting His second word heavily, “Your cunt is dripping.”

  A deep red burning flush crept across her face and chest – He had indeed noticed what His hands, words and actions had done to her. He hadn’t even touched her sexually yet, just commanded her, instructed her, tested her, and controlled her. She gasped suddenly as she felt something cold and metal dragging across her skin. She couldn’t tell what it was, but, He pressed it onto her flesh, and it was unmistakably hard. What could it be? He dragged it across the top of her breasts and then under the bra straps, suddenly she heard a snipping sound and her right bra strap was cut away.

  Tessa squealed and panted as she realized what He was doing. He was dragging scissors across her body and then cutting away her lingerie. No wonder He didn’t give her any room to wriggle, she could have some serious cuts if she moved. She held as steady as she could whilst He continued to glide the scissors over her body, pressing harder this time, Tessa whimpered with fear as He slowly and deliberately dragged the process out, snipping at one side of the waist band to her panties, then the other bra strap, until finally He tugged away at the shreds of material and she was left completely exposed to Him.

  Standing there naked and bound, she started panting with the brief reprieve. She had no idea how long she had stood there before He laid hands on her again. Once more, He removed the gag and kissed her deeply. The kiss was reassuring, comforting. She took it as a sign He was pleased with her so far, and as before, the gag was replaced all too soon, giving her little time to gather herself before she felt something nudging at her sex. The unmistakable whirring that followed indicated He had obtained the rabbit vibrator from her bag and was now going to use it on her. He gently slid it inside, needing little encouragement to push it home, fucking her slowly.

  Tessa’s head dropped to one side as she moaned and writhed with the pleasure that was now forced on her body. She desperately locked her teeth around her gag, determined not to drop it now after all she had gone through. She felt her vibrator sliding in and out of her, the entire length of the shaft stimulating every last inch of her, her hips started to move instinctively with His thrusts. Her juices continued to flow freely, her lips swelled and wrapped around the instrument of pleasure, her nipples becoming so hard, screaming out for a caress, all of her senses were now on fire, the feeling of being bound and pleasured building deep within her abdomen, until the familiar heat of release started to radiate through her entire being. Throwing her head back against the wall and howling like a wild animal behind her gag, her first orgasm exploded through her captive body.

  Chapter 3

  Tessa hung lifelessly by her wrists as she glowed after her orgasm. She stru
ggled to pull herself upright as best she could, trying to take some weight on her trembling thighs, but her breathing was coming in quick, short, panting breaths as an intense throbbing continued to ripple deep within her. She rested her head on the wall behind her, an exhausted smile lighting up her face – freedom... release. She was consumed by such deep feelings of freedom, yet, she was fully aware of her captivity - she was at her Master’s mercy. Such sweet irony; the only time Tessa felt truly alive and free was when she had no control, when that control was in the hands of the one person she had grown to trust above all others - her Master.

  Tessa realized His hands were once more caressing her body. Her musings suddenly fled from her mind. He gently circled a finger around her left nipple, tweaking and tugging it carefully, the throbbing inside her, growing stronger once more. She bit down hard on her gag as He tenderly cupped her breasts, the feel of His strong hands on her climax-sensitized skin causing her to moan and writhe against her bonds. She could feel another climax building deep within her. Her nipples had always been an extremely sensitive part of her body, and the soft attention she was now receiving was making her delirious. Her consciousness slipping further into that special place within her - a place she had only glimpsed when she was with her Master - the place of her submission.

  Her Master suddenly started to pinch her nipples harder, pulling them outwards so that her breasts lifted from her body and fell heavily with each tortuous movement. It felt like He was trying to pull her nipples from her flesh, but again, she couldn’t move and she certainly couldn’t speak or else her gag would fall, she had to trust her Master. He pulled and tugged and yanked her over-sensitive nipples to the point of aching. They were becoming raw but the stimulation was arousing her. She had no idea what He was doing to her, but she thought she felt Him tying something around each nipple, something she thought was impossible. Her nipples didn’t really extend very far, certainly not like she had seen on porn stars. She often wondered if that was cosmetic surgery - Ex-boyfriends had commented that she had small pink nipples instead of deep red prominent ones, and it was something she had always thought would perhaps be more appealing if they were larger.


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