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The Training Of Tess (The Tess Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Tessa Wanton

  He ran His eyes over her body – she watched intently to try and figure out what was in His thoughts, and soon after His eyes passed over her, His hands followed. His eyes caressed her pale flesh, finally alighting on her face. He looked expressionless again as he quietly but firmly uttered but one word.

  “Mine.” He took her right breast in His hand and repeated, “Mine.” Her left breast, “Mine.” His hand moved down to her stomach. He rested there for some time and looked deep into her eyes and more deliberately this time. His lips clearly enunciated, “Mine.” As she laid there, the heat of His hand on her abdomen, thrills ran up and down her spine. She was truly owned by this man. She had no idea how long they stayed in that position, just lost in each others’ eyes. She had never felt so helpless, but protected, safe, and that word again. Free.

  Her Master finally broke away from their embrace and walked to the other side of the room. He made a show of pulling some blue plastic packing rope from His bag and picked up her leather cuffs. He also picked up a long, thin, wooden implement, which she had no idea what it was. Tessa’s mind started to race again, along with her heart, as He squatted down beside her He straightened out the ropes, and then limb-by-limb carefully buckled her tightly into her cuffs. He then stood and gestured to the wooden enigma.

  “Look at this, I even made a spreader bar for you.”

  Chapter 4

  He leisurely walked around her, drinking in her vulnerability, naked but for her cuffs and lying spread and exposed on the floor. He was expressionless again, but Tessa knew that He was taking in every detail of her body, sensing her emotions, taking care of her, keeping her safe. After carefully placing the spreader bar behind her neck, He started to shake out the rope to find the ends, and tied one end to her left ankle cuff. He threaded the other end through an eyelet in the spreader bar and then secured her left wrist cuff to it. Standing up, He stood on the bar and pulled the rope tight, her left ankle being drawn upwards and outwards exposing her further. He ran the rope behind her head and then threaded it through the eyelet at the other end of the bar and attached her right wrist cuff. Securing this wrist tightly, He ran the rope to her right ankle cuff, and then stood on the bar and pulled the rope sharply upward. Her right leg was dragged outwards and up similarly to her left, and she was now painfully aware that she was completely on display, unable to move in this undignified and ungainly position. Her heart was thumping madly in her ears now, not only was she self-conscious of her exposure, but becoming more and more aroused by the second. There was just something about being completely helpless that released her spirit, charging her body with such deeply erotic sensations that she could feel whimpers forming on her lips, whimpers of need.

  She watched her Master move to her side, and slowly but surely run His index fingernail along the sensitive flesh of the underside of her left upper arm. Tickling sensations shot through her, her eyes wide and her mouth agape but speechless, her entire body tensing suddenly at His touch. Enjoying her reaction, He repeated the caress and carried it into the hollow of her armpit. This time, a sound did emit from her, a tortured cross between a moan and hysterical laughter, it seemed to stick in her throat as her breathing stuttered with the inflicted sensations. He carried on with light, tender sweeps across her quivering flesh, focusing on her upper arms and armpits, increasing the frequency of the attack until she was wailing out loud, gasping for breath unable to control her body’s reactions. Just as suddenly as He had started, He got up and walked to the far corner of the room. Tessa took the momentary respite to recover her composure, clutching her senses as if she were trying to hold a slippery bar of soap. She knew full well that with another touch from her Master that she would lose her grip again, but she would at least try. Mentally, she was a fighter, she always had been, and she wanted to use this strength to please Him. It was all that consumed her thoughts now, she must keep control, she must succeed, she mustn’t come.

  Slipping from her reverie, she became aware that her Master was now standing in between her legs, looking down at her, and yet again concealing something behind His back, out of her view.

  He held her eyes with His and smiled broadly, “Aren’t I good to you? Look what I bought especially for you. I thought it would be perfect for you, Tessa.” He then revealed what He had been hiding – it was a long implement almost like a large feather, but it was made with layers of deep purple, soft feathery paper which rustled faintly as He teasingly waved it over her trembling form. Touching it lightly to her collarbone He dragged it downwards over her body, stroking every inch of her with the paper fronds.

  Giggles started to rise up through her, laughter ringing in her ears as He increased His pace. As she squirmed and writhed on the floor, she became keenly aware of the increasing dampness between her legs, aroused from the tickling and incessant vibrations from her vibrator. Held wide as she was, the slickness of her sex felt cool as each swish of the ‘paper feather’ caused a breeze to flow over her. He continued to brush her, rhythmically sweeping back and forth, forcing ripples of laughter from her. Cooing, sighing and whimpering, her body thrashing wildly, Tessa had no idea how long He was going to continue this torture. As she struggled against her bonds, He moved around her so that He was standing directly over her head. Looking straight down at her, He unzipped and squeezed Himself with His free hand. Puzzled, she looked straight up into His eyes, and felt a droplet of His pre-cum splash onto her cheek.

  Opening her mouth wide, Tessa desperately tried to catch His drips, almost a game. She felt like a little bird being fed in the nest, waiting for each morsel to provide her with sustenance. Fixing her eyes on His erection, she tried to judge when a drop would escape and position herself perfectly to receive it. Sometimes she would judge incorrectly and it would spatter across her cheek, or up her nose, but when she did succeed, elation coursed through her so powerfully that she beamed from head to toe, a heady mixture of savoring His taste and the giddying feeling of pleasing her Master. Throughout this task, He continued to tickle her, the sensations eventually fading as she slipped deeper into the trance of the test, another feeling so deep inside her, aching, throbbing demanded her notice at the edge of her consciousness. However, that would have to wait. She had not come yet; she would not fail now.

  He stopped the tickling as He looked down at her glistening face, her mouth still open, willing for more to swallow, and then moved back around between her legs. Still looking deep into her eyes, He dropped to His knees, removed the vibrator and poised Himself up to enter her.

  “Be under no illusion, I have no desire to fuck you right now, but I simply want to empty myself.”

  Chapter 5

  Usually so controlled and restrained, her Master entered her roughly, His face still unnervingly expressionless. He had fixed her eyes with His, and with each slow, powerful stroke her body shook with the force of His hips meeting hers.

  She could not tear her attention from Him, and she could not control what was happening either, she just had to lie there and be used for her Master’s pleasure. This thought thrilled her on such a deep level, it was only after recounting the scene in her head after the event that it disturbed her how much she needed to be used. He continued to use her roughly for a few more minutes before filling her without a sound.

  Throughout His fucking, Tessa concentrated hard on not coming, she still hadn’t been given permission, and the sensations that His rough use of her were sending through her body, was making her lose her mind. The previous stimulation from her vibrator, the predicament and now, her Master deep inside her, she was falling into a space so deep.

  Standing once more, He dressed Himself without a word. He ran His eyes over her body seeming to note with satisfaction the deep, red flush, which had spread across her chest. Tessa was glowing inside and out now, she was throbbing and tingling, her skin so sensitive that a simple touch sent shivers flashing through her body. She was not so sure she would be able to keep from coming for much longer. She closed h
er eyes and took some deep breaths in order to calm herself, to try and focus, to try and de-sensitize her skin, to try and halt the rising surge in the pit of her stomach threatening to overwhelm her and betray her strength so far.

  It was while she was meditating on her cause that she felt a light breeze and ticklish sensation on the bottom of her left foot. She furrowed her brow in annoyance, only now would her body play tricks on her while she was trying with all her might to control herself. The sensation came once more, only this time more insistently. Tessa scrunched and curled her toes in an effort to rid herself of the feeling, and then her eyes shot open. As she had curled her toes she had made contact with something touching her foot. Slowly she turned her head to look down, and met her Masters eyes looking straight up at her. He was smiling and as she watched, He drew His fingernails firmly down the sole of her left foot. The more determined caress of her sensitive sole caused her to squeal loudly, her foot jerking involuntarily. As the strong reaction to His touch appeared to be foiling His intentions, He cupped her heel in His other hand and easily held her foot still. The sadistic torture commenced in earnest, His fingernails scrambling wildly over her convulsing foot, her whole body trying to recoil from His hands. There was considerable restriction of movement with the firm grip her Master had on her heel and ankle, but added to this the way she had been bound, if she attempted to shift her right leg, it awkwardly pulled her left leg higher and vice versa. He had secured her legs widely spread so even a slight movement either way caused her hips to ache uncomfortably.

  He continued His assault, moving His fingers up and down her leg, behind her knee, the inside of her thigh, all to a symphony of her hysterical laughter, gasps and squeals. Tessa writhed and struggled for all she was worth, her body reacting instinctively like an animal, exhaustion creeping into her muscles but still, uncontrollably, her body continued to react to the sensations. After what must have been a few minutes, seemingly hours, He stopped. Deep, desperate gasps of air filled her lungs, relief but also loss washed over her. How was it that whenever He tickled her so voraciously, sometimes seemingly painfully, that she always wanted more? Even now, she was so aroused by her ordeal that once again she had to firmly grasp her senses to stop from tipping over into the abyss of pleasure.

  As she arched her back to ease the stiffness threatening to engulf her muscles, Tessa felt her Master pushing her vibrator back inside her. Dread consumed her, as she knew she would not be able to contain herself with whatever he would do to her now. Slowly, He started to slide it in and out of her, her breathing quickening to alarming levels as she felt herself losing control. She looked into her Master’s eyes and tried to form words with her lips, but all that came out was a pathetic, “P-ppp-ppp” sound. He tipped His head to one side enquiring what she was trying to say and gestured for her to try again. This time, Tessa took a steadying breath and painfully uttered “Please...” at which He nodded and smiled and within seconds the most intense orgasm she had ever felt, ripped through her at blinding speed. Her whole body convulsed with the power of it, she briefly wondered that if she hadn’t been tied down so securely whether she might have caused herself damage from the amount of thrashing about that she was experiencing.

  Once again, however, her Master was not finished. Now that she had released, He was going to keep making her come whether she could endure it or not. She knew her Master well enough to know that whatever happened was for His pleasure, and this knowledge made her feel complete. Her purpose in life to serve, whether that be through providing her throat for Him, or to please Him by coming over and over by His hand. He quickened His pace with the vibrator, kneeling between her legs, adding pressure to her clit with His spare hand whilst working the vibrator with the other. The combined feeling of His hands on her and her vibrator inside her had her whimpering and moaning loudly within seconds as another orgasm had risen deep within her. Not a vaginal orgasm this time, but a forced clitoral orgasm. Wailing loudly, her back arching to accept the vibrator deeper, her nipples rock hard, she writhed and ground her hips against His hands and her toy. He flicked on the vibrator bunny ears and pushed the toy deep inside her so that the clitoral stimulation on her incredibly sensitive nub would bring her to climax after climax. He massaged it inside her, twisting it, putting His hand on her lower tummy, massaging there too, the feeling intensifying the fire inside her, clenching tightly around the rubber phallus, the butterfly caress of the ears completing their task yet again. Time had no meaning in this state of bliss, the multiple combination of His massaging, the vibrations, the throbbing of her own body.

  Eventually He removed her toy and slid two fingers slowly down her slit. He held His slick fingers up to her and smiled, “That’s all you,” offering them to her lips.

  Tessa opened her mouth obediently and licked her Master clean of her arousal, all the time keeping eye contact. Floating as she was, she knew she had pleased Him. He repeated stroking her, two fingers deep in her soft folds, and then continued to suck her juices Himself. A little moan escaped her throat as she watched transfixed, the look of pure pleasure flickering momentarily across His previously expressionless face.

  Once more, He coated His fingers, and sucked them as He stood up and moved around to her head. Lowering to His knees, He dropped His trousers to the floor and pushed His now, very hard cock, into her mouth. Over and over, He fucked her mouth and throat, the worries of her previous gagging gone, now she lay still and opened her throat for His use. Grateful to be allowed some rest Tessa allowed her mind to go blank, truly blank. She had always had trouble with thinking too much, a ‘control freak’ was how many of her friends and acquaintances had described her, how little did they realize that what she truly craved was someone else to be in control, to manage her actions, to use her as a possession and still know that they had her best interests at heart.

  Without climaxing, He stood quickly and fastened His trousers whilst removing His belt. He stood with a foot each side of her head, standing taut on her hair so that she could not move her head even a millimeter. The effect was that she was looking straight up at His belt dangling inches from her face. Changing her focus, she could see Him looking down at her, gauging her reactions to this new situation. Tessa was confused as to what was expected. What was He going to do with the belt? Why was He standing so tightly on her hair? Shifting His weight from foot to foot, her head moved from side to side as her hair pulled for her to follow. She thought she was helpless before, she was now truly in a predicament, if her body was to jerk involuntarily as it was so prone to do, she could risk ripping her hair from her scalp. Horror rose quickly within her now, just what was going to happen? All she could do was continue to stare upwards and endure what was to come.

  THWACK! The belt landed on her left inner thigh, stinging slightly as it did, she jumped, but as she had already tensed herself in readiness, it wasn’t as bad as she had expected. Repeated strikes from the belt landed expertly on fresh skin on both of her inner thighs, as terrified as she was, the sensation was actually more of a tingling, warming feeling, the slickness of her thighs adding a cooling effect from the breeze of each swing of the belt. After a few passes along her lower thighs, the target moved upward strike by strike, until every other strike landed on her bare pussy. Closing her eyes, Tessa became lost in the experience, His rhythmic lashings increasing in intensity until eventually she was flinching as the tingling dissolved into stinging. It was shortly after this that He stopped.

  This was why she trusted her Master so much. He knew when an experience was becoming too much for her, too painful, pushing the edges of pleasure. Moving from her hair and releasing her from her bondage, He stroked her cheek and forehead, wrapping His fingers in her hair once more. Placing a single kiss on her dry lips, He pulled her by her hair to roll her over on to her front, folding her arms under her head to act as a pillow. Tessa was deep in reverie now, her consciousness starting to drift as the new position allowed all the stress in her body to flow from her
limbs. Euphoria filling her, the release from bondage was almost like a release from the confines of her mind. The bliss only disturbed by the footsteps of her Master returning from the other side of the room. He had something in His hand, but try as she might, she could no longer concentrate enough to be concerned about what would happen to her next.

  Chapter 6

  Lying there half passed out Tessa heard the rustle of her ‘paper feather’ announcing its presence with a flourish. Touching her between her shoulder blades, He dragged the feather downward to the small of her back, tracing the curve of her buttocks, around her full hips, the top of her thighs and then back up again. The caress was so languorous that she felt her eyelids become heavy, the swishing of the feather almost hypnotic across her skin. He continued for some time until eventually He lifted the feather a little from her, and then started to swing it back and forth over her waist, covering the same strip of flesh over and over. It was a little uncomfortable to start with, and she shuffled in an attempt to move the feather onto another part of her skin, but He followed her movements and carried on, speeding up faster and faster, the intensity increasing. What had at first been a gentle shimmer across her back was now lashing her skin, whipping her, becoming almost painful with the irritation of the repeated strokes. She bit her lip to stop from moaning, and as soon as she thought she could take no more, He stopped.

  Panting from the effort of keeping quiet, Tessa was fully alert and closer to the surface of her mind again. She dare not look around, but tried to calm herself, to regain the blissful state she had just seconds ago attained. A strange snapping noise drifted to her ears, what was that noise? Thoughts scrambled through her mind, it sounded like... latex gloves? Her reverie was interrupted as He kicked her legs apart, and gently, slowly, started to finger her. He was indeed wearing gloves, and they slid inside her easily, an unsolicited moan rising deep within her. How had he known? She had such a fetish about latex gloves, fingering her, touching her, running over her body, she was sure she hadn’t told Him this, but now His attentions were driving her crazy, her hips moving with His fingers. She shivered with pleasure as He started to spread her excitement upwards to her anus. Tessa was surprised at how pleasurable this felt, she had always had difficulty with anal sex, many of her ex-boyfriends had tried, some succeeded, but she had never enjoyed it, and there had always been considerable pain.


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