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Gone for You (Sixth Street Band #1)

Page 11

by Jayne Frost

  Nodding slowly, Marcus was on the verge of a smile when Amber spoke.

  “How long have you two been…dating?” The jab was directed at Lily, but Amber looked at me innocently.

  Lily stiffened to the point of shattering beneath my touch. My fingers tightened on her hip as I felt the first syllable struggling to escape her throat.

  “Long enough to know I’m a lucky guy.” Ignoring the rest of the group, I let my gaze settle on Abigail. “I’ve never met anyone as special as your daughter, Mrs. Tennison. I can’t imagine how proud you must be of her.”

  Lily looked at her mother, waiting for the tiniest scrap of kindness. She leaned forward, as if she could pull it from her mother.

  “Quite,” Abigail said, her cold gaze never leaving mine. When the lights flickered, she slipped her hand in the crook of her husband’s arm. “If you’ll excuse us, the ballet is about to begin.”

  Marcus leaned in, brushing Lily’s cheek with a soft kiss. “Have a good night, Lily Bear,” he murmured, before pulling away.

  Looking solely at Lily, I almost didn’t notice his outstretched hand. I shook it mechanically, mumbling my goodbye.

  “Goodnight, D-Daddy.” Lily shifted her gaze to Abigail. “Goodnight, M-Mom; it w-was n-nice to—” Her face fell when her mother turned away without letting her finish.

  Fusing her lips tight, Lily nodded her goodbyes to the other two couples, her eyes never leaving her mother’s back as the woman walked away. Shuddering, Lily shrank into me when the doors shut behind them.

  “So, Lily…” Smelling blood in the water, Craig leaned in to deliver the final blow. “Have you sold any paintings, or are you planning on keeping your career in food and beverage?”

  His derisive laughter snapped Lily out of her haze. Stepping forward, her blue eyes ignited with fury.

  “Don’t think that just b-because you have my f-father fooled that I don’t know exactly who you are. I know w-what you did—calling my boss.” She turned to Amber, whose chin had dropped. “I thought you were my f-friend, Amber. But you two deserve each other. And just so you know, when Craig gets d-drunk, he still calls me.”

  Snapping her mouth shut, Amber turned a stony gaze on Craig before her mask of serenity returned. “That’s pathetic, Lily. Almost as pathetic as dragging your one night stand to the ballet and trying to pass him off as your boyfriend.” She lifted her chin. “Clearly you’ve been sniffing too many paint fumes.”

  I slipped my arm around Lily’s waist. “I think it’s about time you two go find your seats. Or better yet—” Pulling our tickets from the pocket of my jacket, I shoved them at Craig. “Take ours. I’m sure they’re better. I don’t think I could stand sitting in the same room with y’all, and I sure as hell don’t want my girl anywhere near you.” Shifting my gaze to Amber, I looked her up and down before turning back to Craig. “Lily’s a brilliant artist. So I’d think twice before putting her down, because one day she’ll be able to buy and sell your ass. And probably mine. But that’s okay, because I’ll be there when she does it.”

  Looking up at me in disbelief, Lily’s mouth hung open. The only thing I wanted more than to put Craig in the hospital was getting her alone so I could make her believe every word I’d said.

  Pulling her to my side, I looked down at her and raised a brow. “What do you say, baby? Let’s get out of here. I think we’ve had enough culture for one night.”

  Lily smiled. That heart-stopping smile that was only for me. Turning toward the door, I stopped when Craig’s hand came down hard on my shoulder.

  “You want to step outside, fucker?” he bit out, the fabric of my coat twisting out of his grasp when I spun around.

  “You’ve been watching too many movies, son,” I growled, yanking at the tie around my neck. “But in this version, you don’t get to walk away with your teeth. I’ll be happy to save you the trip outside and drop you right here.”

  I felt Lily’s hand on my back, a second before I heard her heels clicking on the marble floor as she walked away. Glancing over my shoulder, I closed my eyes and prayed for self-control. The rush of wind when she pushed open the door blew her hair. Swaths of golden strands were the last thing I saw before the glass door whooshed shut behind her.

  The girl made me forget about all the things that were important to me. Or what I used to think was important. Letting some chump off the hook to chase a girl? Not in this lifetime.

  Cursing, I turned on my heel and took a few steps, Craig’s insults rising up behind me.

  “Just remember, I got there first.” he jeered. “’Course, I wouldn’t touch her now. If she let you hit it, who knows how many other guys have had a go at her.”

  That’s the ticket. He found the one spot on my soft underbelly that penetrated my armor.

  My fist was already cocked when I spun and met the piercing, blue eyes of Marcus Tennison, standing two feet behind Craig. His facial features were not the only thing he shared with his daughter. The crease on his brow, deepened by age, showed the measure of his displeasure at the moment.

  Dropping my hand to my side, I stared blankly at Craig.

  “What’s the matter, chickenshit?” Craig took a step forward. “Cat got your tongue?”

  Fuck it. Even the great Marcus Tennison wasn’t going to keep me from pounding this motherfucker into next week. Lunging, Marcus beat me to it, yanking Craig backward and out of my reach.

  Whipping his head around in surprise, Craig deflated the moment he realized who had hold of his collar. Amber’s mouth fell open, her eyes as wide as saucers.


  “Shut up, Craig,” Marcus spat, turning his attention to me. “Cameron, if you wouldn’t mind finding my daughter, I’ll handle this matter for you.” He gave Craig a sidelong glance, the disdain evident. “I had my chance to play the hero. Sadly, I didn’t. Don’t tell Lily I intervened. It’s an empty gesture, at best. But rest assured, I will deal with this.” Craig winced when Marcus gave him a firm shake. “I love my daughter, and I want her to be happy. If you can make her happy, please do. She deserves it.” He gave me the shadow of a smile. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Craig met my gaze briefly before Marcus turned him in the direction of the theatre, his hand still firmly on the collar of the younger man’s jacket. Amber stood frozen, looking over her shoulder at the asshat being dragged through the lobby like a whipped dog.

  I couldn’t resist one parting shot. When I stepped in front of her, she swiveled her head to me, shock painting every feature on her face.

  “Looks like you bet on the wrong horse.” I looked her up and down, unable to disguise my contempt. “I was more than willing to put your boy in the hospital, but I think Marcus has that handled.” I barked out a laugh. “And we both know Craig is the only one that has a problem with his tongue. Mine works just fine.”

  The flush that crept into her cheeks rivaled the color of Lily’s burgundy dress. I didn’t bother waiting around to see if she burst into flames because of it.

  Turning on my heel, I jogged for the door, scanning the area in front of the building when I stepped outside. Lily was seated on a stone bench under a tree, her gaze firmly planted on the ground. Her head snapped up when she heard my footsteps approaching.

  “C-Cameron.” Jumping up, she flung herself into my arms. “W-what happened? Please tell me you didn’t hit him.”

  I cringed. Hitting Craig was exactly what I had intended to do. From Lily’s reaction, she wasn’t down with the plan.


  “We’ve got to get out of here.” Pulling away, she grabbed my hand, dragging me toward the area where the limos where parked. “He’s going to call the police. He’s a fucking coward. You could go to jail.”

  She turned to me when I stopped, her eyes wide with panic.

  “C-Cameron, please, we have to go.” Tugging my arm again, her brow knit in consternation when I wouldn’t budge.

  “I didn’t hit him
, baby.” Seeing the relief that swept over her, I wrapped her in my arms. “I just talked to him. We came to an understanding. He keeps your name out of his mouth, and he gets to keep his teeth.”

  It was a dick move. Marcus was the real hero, but I was taking the credit. I’d have to tell her what happened. Eventually. Right now, I needed all the help I could get.

  “Thank God.” Sliding her hands underneath my jacket, she fisted my shirt, holding me tight. “I couldn’t handle it if you went to jail. B-because of me.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  That had sounded better in my head. Lily was not the kind of girl to be impressed with my brawling skills.

  “Well,” she said, lifting her face to me and pressing a kiss to my neck, “I’m glad I was the girl that got the benefit of your gallant behavior tonight.”

  Girl? I barked out a laugh. “Darlin’, I’ve never gotten in a fight over a girl.” Cupping her neck, I ran my thumb over her jaw. “I’ve only put the hurt on someone when they were fucking with someone I cared about. Logan and the guys, my brother…” I kissed her nose. “But never a chick. Although, I don’t think I’d be able to control myself if someone ever tried to hurt you. Luckily, I make enough money to hire a really good attorney.”

  She melted in my arms, holding me so tight I could feel the rise and fall of her chest with every breath she took.

  “Come on, baby.” Turning us toward the parking lot, I pulled her to my side. “I’m tired. And I’m dying to find out what you got hiding under that dress.”

  Chapter 20

  Lily was sprawled on her stomach, the sheets tangled around her as she slept. Her burgundy dress was crumpled next to the bed. The little firecracker actually took me to the Dallas Ballet wearing nothing but that dress and a pair of heels. She was perfect for me in every way. So perfect, the thought of leaving after the show tomorrow tore a hole in my gut.

  Stirring when I ran my hand over her ass, she turned over, her eyes fluttering open for a second before they drifted shut.

  My fingers danced over her stomach, coming to rest on her breast. Her nipple pebbled under my touch, and her legs fell open. Yeah, she was perfect.

  Snuggling next to her, I continued to explore her body. Soft hips. Delicate wrists. Taut stomach.

  “What are you doing?” she said with a yawn.

  “Looking at you.”

  “Like what you see?”

  “I love what I see.”

  My breath hitched, and my heart skipped a beat. Labels. Commitments. Complications. I had gotten past the complications. And even the commitment. Lily was mine. Whatever that meant. But I’d never been in love. I wasn’t about to ruin this by slapping a useless label on it. Even though I wanted her—needed her—as much as my next breath.

  “Come to Austin with me.” I didn’t look up, continuing to trace my finger across her stomach.

  I L-O-V-E Y-O-U. Testing it out, I drew the letters on her stomach. My head snapped up when she giggled.

  “That tickles.”

  I ran my palm over her smooth skin, like I was erasing a chalkboard.

  “What do you say, baby. Come to Austin with me?”

  Rolling on my back, I grabbed her hand and stared at the predawn light that peaked through the curtains.

  “I can’t.” She sighed. “I have to finish school. I’m done in May.”

  “What happens then?”

  “I don’t know,” she said softly.

  “What do you mean, darlin’?”

  Silence. Deafening silence.

  “Come here.” I tugged her hand. “Talk to me.”

  More silence. Lily hadn’t opened up to me about losing her job at The Mansion. Not yet. Mild discomfort crept into my chest as something tightened around my neck. The lump that formed in my throat was enough to choke me. She finally turned, draping herself across my chest.

  “My mother is on the board of the Fine Arts League. They run the fundraisers for all the museums. Coordinate all the events.” A tear splashed on my chest. “I haven’t had any response to any of the letters I sent. Even from the small galleries. I finally sent some resumes out to other cities.”

  “Do you think your mother would do that?” I stroked her hair, knowing the answer. I saw the look on the woman’s face last night. The contempt. “Why, Lily?”

  “To prove a point, I guess. I didn’t follow the plan.” She sighed deeply, nuzzling her face into my neck. “It was all set. They wanted me to marry Craig, even though I didn’t love him. Even though he was cheating on me with Amber. I guess they thought, with my speech problem, I was lucky that he paid me any attention at all.”

  Her speech was not a problem. Not to me. It was a part of her, like her expressive brow and the sky blue depths of her eyes. It was beautiful.

  Lifting her chin, I bent to kiss her lips.

  “Maybe the words don’t come because they don’t want to leave these beautiful lips any more than I do.” Pulling her forward, I bent to kiss her throat. “If I could live here—right here—I would.”

  She looked down at me. Like she didn’t believe me. Like she couldn’t.

  “My parents don’t see it that way. They kicked me out, and my dad hired Craig.” She sniffed, her chin quivering with defiance. “They took my car and left me without a penny. I rode the bus until I saved enough money waitressing to buy a car. I slept on Tessa’s couch until I could afford to pitch in for rent, and we got a two bedroom. Now I’m graduating, and Tessa wants to move in with her boyfriend. I talked to the manager at the bar. I can pick up enough shifts to swing a one bedroom until someone hires me at a gallery.”

  Lily was strong. As strong as anyone I’d ever met. She’d done what few people could. She’d had it all, and she walked away. Rather than sell her soul.

  “Come to Austin.” Running my hands to her hips, I folded her in my arms. Protecting her. I would always protect her. “After you graduate. Lily, I want to be with you.”

  “I can’t let you support me.” She dropped her forehead to my chest. “We barely know each other. I want to be with you…please believe me.”

  “I do.” Resting my chin on the top of her head, I tightened my grip. “But I wouldn’t be supporting you, baby. Just taking care of things until you find something in Austin. I want us to be together; I don’t care what it takes.”

  Sliding under my arm, she scooted to the side of the bed and felt around on the floor. She crawling back to me and hiked her leg over mine, straddling me. She bent down and kissed my stomach, working her way up to my chest, my neck, and finally my mouth. Fumbling around for my hand, she pressed the foil packet in my palm.

  She pressed her forehead to mine, her sweet honey taste lingering on my lips. Blue eyes, clouded with sorrow, looked deep into mine. Pressing a kiss to my bottom lip, her eyes drifted shut.

  “Love me, Cameron.”

  Turning her over, I ripped open the packet and rolled the condom on, settling on top of her. I slid inside and surrendered. She asked me to love her. And I did.

  “Wake up.”

  Lily pressed a kiss to my brow and placed a cup of coffee on the nightstand. Reaching inside the pocket of the oversized robe that The Mansion provided, she handed me my phone.

  “This thing has been vibrating nonstop. They’re going to send a search party if you don’t answer your calls.”

  Throwing it on the bed, I reached inside the robe, warming my hands on her silky skin.

  “What time is it?”

  “Nine thirty.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “Do you have rehearsal today?”

  Groaning, I threw an arm over my forehead.

  “This afternoon.” I peeked at her. “Go with me?”

  She chuckled. “Talk to Logan first. See what’s going on. I’m not going to be the Yoko Ono to your John Lennon.”

  “Hm. Beatles references. You’re getting the hang of this quick. You’ll make a perfect rock star girlfriend. All you need is a few miniskirts and some knee-high boo
ts.” Sitting up, I grabbed the coffee. “I’m buying.”

  “I have enough people trying to buy me, Cameron,” she said quietly. “I don’t need anything from you.”

  Standing, she reached for her tote bag and headed for the bathroom. “I’m grabbing a shower.”

  I threw my legs over the side of the bed. She glanced at me over her shoulder.

  “Alone,” she said.

  Dropping the robe, she shook her ass, scampering into the bathroom when I jumped off the bed and gave chase. The lock clicked into place before I could reach her.

  “Not fair.” I slapped the door. “Tease!”

  Smiling, I sauntered over to the nightstand and snagged the coffee. I felt around until I found my phone and walked into the living room. Lily had ordered breakfast. Piling a plate with fruit and a couple of pastries, I walked over to the desk and sank into the chair, flipping through the long list of texts. I tapped out a message to Logan, assuring him I would be at rehearsal. Deleting all of Lindsey’s texts, I took a bite of the pastry and wiped my hands.

  Bringing up the email program on my computer, I typed a long message to Chase. I chewed my lip, trying to find the right words. I started and stopped, rewriting it several times. After reading it over, I shrugged and hit the send button.

  The email program disappeared, leaving only a web page open. An email from Lily’s mother, time stamped this morning at 6:42 a.m. Lily must have used my computer to check her account when she woke up.

  Don’t look.

  My cursor hovered above the small “X” in the corner. After peeking at the bathroom door, I opened the email. Scanning the first paragraph, my chest constricted and my fists clenched with rage.


  After the spectacle you made of yourself at the ballet, it has become apparent that your father and I have made some grave mistakes. Your dalliance with that musician is nothing more than a cry for help. Help that we are prepared to offer.

  I would be remiss if I did not point out that I feel you have chosen a career path that is an utter waste of time and completely without merit. As you know, I am a supporter of the arts. After all, it was I who sought out the art-centered therapy to help you with your handicap when you were just a child. I couldn’t help but notice during our brief interaction that your speech impediment is more pronounced than ever. Are you taking steps to rectify the situation, Lillian, or have you chosen to embrace your disability and give up?


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