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Among Wolves

Page 4

by GA Hauser

"Nothing. Go to sleep, Charlie."

  Charlie relaxed again and they spooned, Charlie behind Roman, as Roman faced the window of their bedroom. He could hear the wind whipping outside, and imagined the snow would be very deep by morning.

  With Charlie's arms around him, making Roman feel secure, he closed his eyes for some much needed rest.

  Deep in a dream, Roman bounded in the snow, his snout covered in cold slush, his tail pointing straight up. The tree line ahead provided safety, cover. The Deer Creek reservoir with its protected federal land was his home. He leapt over the deep snow with powerful jumps, as if he were flying over the terrain. As he entered into the silence of the snow-covered evergreens and soft ferns, and moss, iced over with a crystalline glaze, he slowed his gait. Panting, hot from his run, he sniffed the air. Deer, rabbit, coyote, urine tracks were everywhere.

  His nose to the ground he came upon an open ring inside the deep forest. Nothing grew there, and no snow lay inside it, as if it was heated and whatever touched it had melted and evaporated, like an invisible dome over a desert.

  Roman stopped short before his paw touched the raw earth. His ears twitched and he raised his head and sniffed the air. Burning. Burnt wood or something else. Something foul. He smelled decay.

  Padding slowly around the dry clay dirt, avoiding the ring, Roman stared up at the trees. Death hung on the branches over the dry surface. Headless birds, deer entrails…

  Roman winced and licked his lips and nose, continuing around the exterior of the large circle. The stench of death grew more powerful and he eyed the area warily. Something was lying in the circle, close to the snow edge. Roman trotted closer and realized what it was. He froze and screamed.

  "What?" Charlie grabbed him and shook him. "Roman! Wake up!"

  Drenched in sweat, Roman surfaced from the nightmare to see Charlie beside him. He grabbed him and hugged him, choking on his sobs.

  "Baby, no. What were you dreamin'?" Charlie caressed his hair. "Yer soaked in sweat." He pushed the heavy quilt off.

  "You…" Roman swallowed his sorrow. "I dreamt you were dead, Charlie."

  "I'm not. It was a silly dream." Charlie kissed his head.

  "No. It was so real." Roman controlled himself and sat up so he could see Charlie. "That ring in the woods, in Heber. You remember the one? Near where we found all the sacrificed deer?"

  "I do. Yes."

  "In the dream I was a wolf, in that area by the reservoir." Roman touched his forehead, wiping the dewy sweat. "You were dead, as a wolf. Your leg in a trap."

  Charlie cringed. "Roman, that ain't never gonna happen. Okay? It's a nightmare." Charlie kissed his lips lightly.

  "Don't go off without me."

  "Huh? When?"

  "When we visit Vernon and Connie for Christmas."

  "Maybe we shouldn't go."

  Roman shook his head. "No. We can go. Don't wander off though. Okay?"

  "Okay." Charlie urged Roman to relax again, caressing him to calm him. "I'm surprised that dream didn't turn you. Yer still shakin'."

  "I'm okay. Just hold me." Roman shifted closer to Charlie and they wrapped around each other with their arms and legs.

  "I got ya." Charlie kissed Roman again, squeezing him. "Sleep. Yer overtired. That damn job of yers."

  Roman closed his eyes and held Charlie tight. If he ever lost this man, he'd die. Simple as that.

  Before they both drifted off to sleep, Roman heard Charlie mumbled, "Must be that man…"

  Roman tried to focus. "What man?" But Charlie was already asleep.

  Chapter 4

  Roman opened his eyes to the sound of a truck's engine laboring outside their home. He felt Charlie stir beside him and raised his head to look at the digital clock; Eight-ten. Roman moaned and rested against the pillow.

  "That'd be our boys." Charlie shifted on the bed. "They'll be plowing our drive."

  "Mm." Roman acknowledged him and then could hear Butch's shout outside their window. He felt Charlie moving away from him. Roman reached out and grabbed Charlie's arm, dragging him close. "Where do you think you're going?"

  "To piss?" Charlie laughed.

  "Oh." Roman released him. "Are you coming back?" When Charlie didn't answer, Roman rolled over to see him standing naked, peeking out of the blinds.

  "I should get out there and help. We got a dumping of snow."

  "Let the boys clean it. It's what they get paid for." Roman rubbed his face.

  "Yeah, I know. But there's at least a foot of fresh powder out there." Charlie walked off, scratching his balls, closing the bathroom door behind him.

  Roman stretched out on the bed, yawned, and rubbed the grit out of his eyes. More grinding noise, like a plow scraping against rock, came through the closed window. Men's voices, calling, directing…

  The toilet flushed and Roman heard the shower turn on. Charlie was not coming back to bed.

  Roman figured he could get up, go help. He just didn't want to move. After dozing off again, Roman heard the door to the bathroom open and Charlie began getting dressed.

  Roman propped up his head, watching. Before Charlie left the room, Roman asked, "You want me to make breakfast?"

  "Let me see what's goin' on outside. I'll let ya know."

  He left Roman lying there, closing the bedroom door behind him. Roman rolled over, tucking the pillow under his cheek and staring at the window. He heard the noise of the front door closing, then Charlie's voice.

  Roman closed his eyes. When he did he could hear everything being said outside. The grinding of the truck plowing the snow was loud and annoying to Roman's keen senses. Then he heard Charlie yell, "What do you mean a goat's been slaughtered?"

  Roman's eyes sprang open. He sat up and tried to think. Before he leapt out of bed, he spotted their pillows, covered in teeth marks.

  Roman frowned unhappily and tossed off the covers, climbing out of bed.


  Butch waved Charlie over.

  Charlie put his gloves on, his breath a puff of vapor in the cold, crisp morning. A pickup truck with a plow attached was clearing his driveway as well as the lane that connected it to the main street. His day workers had arrived and were cleaning stalls and feeding the animals.

  Charlie navigated the deep snow, stepping into Butch's footprints. He spotted the blood on the white snow first.

  Butch was standing over a carcass, which had frozen overnight.

  Charlie stood beside him, taking a look.

  "Did you and Roman get out last night?"

  At the sarcastic tone, Charlie gave Butch a tired glance. "Shut up."

  "Just askin'." Butch shrugged and crouched down. "It isn't one of ours."

  Charlie inspected the animal. "Shit. I'd prefer it if it was. Who owns goats 'round here besides us?"

  "Could be anyone. Gotta call the ranger to see if she's got a chip or any ID."

  "No. Don't call no one." Charlie raised one of the animal's legs to determine the cause of death. A slice had been made in its underside, clean, like with a knife. "Not a coyote."

  "No. I saw that. She's been gnawed a bit by scavengers, but that ain't what killed her."

  "She bled out. Look at all that blood. Damn it." Charlie stood and stared at the frozen creature. "Can't bury it. The ground's hard as rock."

  "I'll light a fire."

  "Okay." Charlie looked back at the barn. "All our animals okay?"

  "As far as I can tell. Maybe we need to lock up the barn at night now."

  "Goddamn it." Charlie looked back at the barn and could see Roman making his way over wearing his black leather jacket, blue jeans, work boots, and gloves.

  When Roman noticed the dead animal he stopped short. "One of ours?"

  "No." Charlie blew out a cloud of vapor in his frustration and nudged Butch. "There's a stack of firewood behind the barn. Use that."

  "Okay." Butch walked off.

  Roman moved closer, brushing Charlie's arm.

  Charlie said, "I'm getting' a bad sense of dé
jà vu."

  "I don't even want to look." Roman stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I already can guess the heart is missing. Look at the way it was sliced."

  "Roman, we can't be dealin' with a cult here. Not here." Charlie took off his glove and rubbed his face.

  Roman removed his phone from his pocket.

  "What are you doin'?" Charlie panicked.

  "Calling the sheriff's office."

  "No!" Charlie reached out his hand.

  "No? Charlie, we have to report this activity. Are you kidding me? It's not one of ours. Some family is now missing a goat and if we have a cult or some nutty kids out there—"

  "Roman." Charlie looked back at the men working, then held Roman's arm as he spoke quietly. "We are going to arouse suspicion. You an' me. You realize if we get the sheriff's department out here, they may set up some kind of drive by. What if they come by when you and me are…" Charlie looked back at Butch who was stacking the wood in an open corral.

  A look of defeat hit Roman. "Then how are we going to let the family know?"

  "We ain't." Charlie put his glove back on and grabbed the hind legs of the goat, dragging it to where Butch was making a bonfire.

  "Fuck!" Roman said in frustration.

  Charlie knew Roman, being an ATF agent, this kind of thing went against his grain. Roman was honest and law abiding to the extreme.

  Butch crouched near the kindling, lighting it with a pocket lighter, trying to stop the breeze from extinguishing it. Charlie glanced up as the horses were being led from the barn to the fenced paddock. He worried about them now. In the last two years they'd been lucky. Unmolested by the wildlife or local kids. But this wasn't kids. Or the natural predators. No. Charlie knew exactly what this was. It wasn't a mystery like it had been at the ranch in Heber.

  The tiny wood chips lit and Butch made sure it stayed that way, creating a bonfire large enough to burn the carcass.

  Once it had caught, he and Charlie hoisted the dead animal onto the top. Charlie stepped back, making sure the frozen kill burned.

  As the dry logs caught, the goat began to thaw and smoke. Charlie raised his collar to cover his nose and walked away from it. The smell sickened him.

  He spotted Roman watching, his phone still cupped in his hand, appearing upset.

  Charlie headed to the house, kicking off the snow and removing his gloves, coat, and hat. He headed to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee.

  A few minutes later, Roman entered the home.

  Charlie opened the refrigerator retrieving eggs and bread. He looked over the fridge door and spotted Roman, staring into space. "Call the damn sheriff." Charlie brought the eggs and bread to the counter.

  Roman placed his phone down and washed his hands.


  Roman shook his head. "It won't do any good. We know what's doing it. And it was bad enough trying to convince the sheriff in Utah to believe us. Even my men didn't until they saw it for themselves." He dried his hands and took three mugs out of the cupboard.

  "Do we?" Charlie returned to the refrigerator to get the bacon and butter.

  "The cult."

  Charlie frowned and placed the items on the counter, as well as the milk. "I'm not so sure."

  Roman poured a mug full of coffee even though the pot had not finished dripping. "I'd know if I did it."

  "Would you?" Charlie set a cast iron skillet on the stove.

  "Yes!" Roman appeared insulted, and drank his coffee black.

  Deep in thought, Charlie heated the skillet and began laying bacon strips in it. Immediately the scent filled the room.


  Charlie glanced up at Roman.

  "It wasn't me…or you."

  Using a fork, Charlie arranged a row of bacon slices in the pan.

  "That cut was made with a knife…or…sword."

  Charlie spun around to meet Roman's eyes.

  "What?" Roman asked.

  "A sword."

  Roman went pale. "You…you've seen him?"

  "Him?" Charlie gaped open his mouth. "You know who that fella is?"

  "Are we talking about the same man?"

  Charlie tilted his head in confusion as the bacon sizzled and spattered grease. "I don't know if what I saw was real or imagined."

  "Big man? All in black?"

  "When…" Charlie was hit with a drop of hot grease. He lowered the burner and turned the bacon slices over. "When did you see him?"

  "I can't believe you saw him and didn't tell me." Roman backed up as the bacon began to spit grease at him. He wiped his arm and set the coffee mug down.

  Charlie continued to tend the meat and tried to think. "But…he wasn't real."

  "If he's not real, how come both of us saw him?"

  "No. I mean. He didn't even wear a coat outside in the ice cold. And he vanished when I blinked my eyes. He wasn't human. I mean. Oh, Lord. I don't know what I mean." Charlie put paper towels on a plate to drain the cooked bacon.

  Roman began to set the table for three. "Don't tell Butch."

  "He needs to head to Vernon's…now. I don't want him around us, or that fella with the sword."

  "Let me find out if our crew can work while we're gone."

  Charlie nodded as Roman left the kitchen. He lifted the bacon out of the skillet, drained some of the fat and began frying eggs. As they crackled and cooked in the grease, Charlie dropped four slices of bread into the toaster. He stared out of the back kitchen window, at the mountain view and white landscape, seeing a wisp of smoke from the fire float by the glass.

  He curled his lip in revulsion at the image of the dead goat, and woke out of his thoughts as the eggs began spattering like the bacon had a moment ago.


  Butch made sure the goat carcass had completely burned before he left the fire alone. Brushing off his gloves, he walked to the driveway and noticed Roman speaking to the men who worked part-time at their ranch. Butch stopped his approach and stared at Roman, his large build and chiseled features. The man was imposing and powerful, even while in human form, and although he acted as if he were fine with the household arrangement, Butch wasn't. He was jealous. There was a strong aura of sexuality and beauty around Roman that he craved; both to emulate and to be involved with. At first he had been attracted to Charlie, but the more he hung around Roman, the more the desire burned.

  Did he hate Charlie for having this man as his? Or hate Roman for receiving Charlie's love?

  Butch didn't know. He tried not to. He and Charlie went back a long way. They worked together on Vernon's ranch before Roman arrived and disrupted the harmony.

  "…thanks, guys. I know it's a lot to ask, working through the holiday…" Roman smiled sweetly, reaching out to the men around him to shake their hands in gratitude.

  Butch wondered how many of those day workers wanted to fuck Roman. You just couldn't say no to that striking man.

  "There will be a bonus in your salary." Roman laughed, his dimples showing under his designer stubble, his green eyes bright as emeralds.

  Butch felt his cock stir and touched it discreetly through his jeans. Roman either felt his stare or was turning around to head back to the house.

  Butch tried to avoid his gaze and looked out over the horses as they nosed through the snow to get at the grass.


  Butch sighed and met that handsome man's gaze.

  "Charlie's got breakfast done."

  He nodded and approached the house, the two men meeting on the path to the front door.

  "You okay?" Roman asked, putting his arm around Butch's shoulders.

  Butch tried not to tense up, to show any emotion. "I'm fine." He reached for the door and when he opened it the scent of fried bacon made his stomach grumble.

  They removed their coats and footwear at the door. Butch hung his cowboy hat on the rack and entered the kitchen, seeing Charlie had already placed their food on the table and was pouring coffee into mugs. "I was just about to call you."
br />   Butch washed his hands at the sink. "The goat's nothin' but ash now, Charlie."

  "Good." Charlie set the coffee pot back in the maker and met his eyes. "Sit before the food gets cold."

  Butch dried his hands and took his place at the table, watching Roman and Charlie exchange an affectionate peck on the lips.

  He focused on his food, picking up a slice of the maple smoked bacon to eat. "Thanks, looks good, Charlie."

  "My pleasure." Charlie sat down beside him and sipped his coffee.

  Butch glanced up. Roman was staring at him from over his plate, buttering a slice of toast.

  "What?" he asked Roman, mid-chew.

  "You okay with the fact we're not calling the sheriff about the goat?" Roman replied.

  Charlie gazed at Butch, waiting for his answer.

  "He'd not do anythin' anyhow." Butch broke the egg yolk and mopped it up with the toast. "Besides, it's gone. Ain't nothin' left but ash."

  "Good." Roman continued to eat.

  "So," Charlie said, "The boys okay to work over the holiday?"


  "Ya better pay 'em good." Butch wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. "They all have families too, ya know."

  "We will." Charlie narrowed his gaze at Butch. "They can say no, Butch."

  "Naw," Butch replied shaking his head, "they need the money. None of them is gonna say no."

  Roman asked, "You want to stay?"

  "No. I don't. I wanna see Vernon and Connie. They're the closest thing I got to family."

  Charlie stopped chewing. "Aren't we yer family?"

  Butch didn't answer, met Roman's intelligent gaze, and then looked down at his food, eating quietly.

  "Guess not." Charlie focused on his food as well, not engaging Butch any longer.

  Every time Butch looked up, he caught Roman staring at him. And the worst part was…it felt as if Roman could read his mind. Butch finished eating, picking up his mug and sipping the cooling coffee.

  "Go to Vernon's today." Roman's gaze sent the hair rising on Butch's forearms.

  "Why? Why, Roman? Christmas is next weekend. Why?" Butch set his cup down loudly, not wanting to be 'sent away'.

  Charlie stopped eating and gazed from one man to the other.


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