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Among Wolves

Page 6

by GA Hauser

  Roman glanced back at him.

  Charlie stood at the doorway. "You call Vernon?"

  Butch straightened up, holding up the phone. "Yeah. I spoke to Sherlane. She said anytime we come is fine. She's already got the cabins all fixed up. She said all they need is booze."

  "Okay." Charlie stepped into the small room. "Why don't you wrap the Christmas presents we bought?"

  "Now?" Butch asked.

  "Why not now?" Charlie asked.

  "Why do I always feel like yer tryin' to get rid of me?" Butch frowned.

  "Ya know that ain't it. I just need the presents wrapped."

  Butch looked back at Roman, caught his gaze, read nothing in it, and left the room.


  Charlie watched him go. "He's got a crush on you now more than ever, Roman."

  "I know." Roman tapped keys. "Look. Here's the old file." Roman pointed to it on the screen.

  "Any addresses?"

  "A few." Roman brought up a new screen and cut and pasted the names and phone numbers into it.

  The sound of Roman's mobile phone chimed from the kitchen.

  Butch yelled, "Ya want me to get that?"

  "I'll get it," Charlie told Roman and then kissed Roman's cheek and walked down the hall. He met Butch who was holding a pair of scissors in his hand. "I got it." Charlie picked up the phone and could see it was Phil Dean calling. "Phil?" he answered, putting the phone to his ear.


  "No. It's Charlie. Hang on." Charlie walked down the hall, looking back to see Butch locating tape and bringing it to the living room.

  He handed Roman the phone. "It's Phil Dean."

  Roman made a sour face and took it. "What? Let me guess. Nick asked you to babysit."

  Charlie left Roman alone and sat with Butch on the floor of the living room. He picked up a small box and placed it on the floor in front of him. Charlie reached for the green and red wrapping paper and Butch handed it to him. "Roman is my man. You know that."

  Butch spun around to stare at him.

  "I mean it." Charlie cut a piece of the paper.

  "I know. I didn't do nothin'. But you boys let me watch once in a while."

  "We did. Not no more."

  "'Cause of the wolf thing?"

  "That an' I don't think it's right. You need yer own fella."

  "I'm not tryin' to take Roman from ya. Honest, Charlie."

  "But yer keen on him. I see the way you stare." Charlie folded the edges of the paper, taping it.

  "I stare at ya both."

  "I ain't stupid, Butch."

  Butch blew out a loud exhale. "I can't help it. He's…he's…"

  "I know." Charlie dug through a plastic bag of bows. "But right now, with the pressure of this wolf thing coming back, and bein' let off work, he don't need you sniffin' at his hindquarters."

  "So. I can't even watch no more? Can't jerk off with ya?" Butch tossed a wrapped box aside and picked up another one.

  "I hate to say no, since I think its harmless fun, but…no."

  "She-it, Charlie. I got no sex life. None."

  "Go out an' find a man."

  "Are you kiddin' me? In Washoe County? I'll be strung up. I'd have to go to Reno. I can't date men here. Or in Heber."

  "Have ya tried online stuff? I think there are gay fellas everywhere. Ya just have to find them."

  "Oh no. Not them sites. No way. Some of them lure gay boys and then kill 'em. No, thank you, kindly." Butch cut a piece of the wrapping paper to fit the large flat box which held a scarf for Connie.

  "Look, I do appreciate yer attraction to Roman. He's, well, special. In every way. I know that best. Believe me."

  "I told ya. I'm not askin' to take him." Butch reached for the tape and Charlie handed it to him.

  "Yer askin' to share him. And the answer is still no."

  "I like lookin' at him, Charlie. Ain't no harm lookin'."

  "No. Ain't no harm." Charlie heard Roman's voice raise in anger. "Damnit! Here we go." Charlie hopped to his feet and raced down the hall.

  "…Phil!" Roman shouted into the phone, "Just help me track down these fuckers! I swear I do not want you shadowing me!"

  Charlie saw Roman grab his stomach in pain. He snatched the phone out of Roman's hand and said to Phil, "Hey, it's Charlie again. Look, can you not piss him off?" Charlie rubbed Roman's shoulder, trying to soothe him.

  Sitting on the chair, Roman wrapped his arms around Charlie's hips and pressed his face into Charlie's stomach.

  Phil said, "Charlie, you know I have to keep an eye on him."

  "No. Ya don't. I'm here. Butch is here. Ya don't."

  "Are you kidding me? You change too. Roman just told me that. So, Butch is supposed to watch both of you?"

  "Yeah. He can. He does. Phil, all yer doin' is gettin' Roman to a point of fury. I have to intervene."

  "Well, Charlie, I have my orders, and I'm afraid they take precedence. I'll see you when you arrive in Heber."

  The line disconnected and Charlie looked at the phone and shut it completely off, setting it on the desk. "You okay?" He caressed Roman's hair, hugging him.

  Roman moaned softly and pressed his face into Charlie's body.

  "Okay, baby. Okay." Charlie held Roman tight. "You jus' keep workin' on findin' that cult. Okay? We'll figure it out. Don't you fret."

  "Why…" Roman moaned. "Why is this happening again?"

  "I wish I knew." Charlie glanced over his shoulder and found Butch at the doorway of the den. Butch's expression of sympathy went right to Charlie's heart. He gave Butch a soft smile.

  Butch reached out and touched Charlie. "I got yer back, Charlie."

  Roman raised his head, his eyes watery from the battle inside him.

  "And yers." Butch smiled at Roman.

  "You want me to be on your back," Roman said.

  Charlie couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, don't you worry, Roman. No one is top dog around here no more but you."

  Butch cracked a smile and blushed.

  Roman looked at Charlie, and they smiled at each other.

  Chapter 6

  Once Roman finished working on the computer, Charlie headed outdoors to feed the chickens and make sure there was water for the horses to drink.

  Several cars were parked in their drive and Charlie spotted Butch on his painted horse, sitting high in his western saddle. When Butch saw Charlie, he walked Scout over to him to talk to him. Scout snorted in reluctance but Butch forced the spotted horse to move close enough to talk to Charlie. "We gotta few walk-ins, wantin' a ride on the trails in the snow."

  "Okay." Charlie nodded, seeing Scout shift and show the whites of his eyes as if Charlie was about to pounce. "Did they say how they found us?"

  "Couple of gals who board their horse here mentioned we don't mind takin' a few people out for an hour or so on the trails."

  "You good?" Charlie asked, walking closer to Scout. Scout lurched sideways, avoiding Charlie.

  Butch gained control of his horse and shook his head. "I'm good. Yer not." Butch looked over his shoulder at three young women who were sitting on small, passive horses that the ranch rented out for public rides. "Get lost before you cause them horses to bolt."

  Charlie backed up slightly, and waved in greeting to the women who were bundled up in heavy coats and winter hats, appearing excited to ride in the snow.

  Butch said, "See ya in an hour. Ya think you two can stay out of trouble that long?"

  "I hope so." Charlie was unnerved the horses were reacting badly to him. Previously the small herd had let him do anything, including helping one mare give birth to a foal.

  The day workers had left and Charlie walked to the paddock where the rest of the horses remained. He adjusted the brim of his cowboy hat and used a shovel handle to break the ice on the surface of the trough of water. Once he had, he set the shovel down and called to his gelding. "Git over here, boy."

  The brown horse snorted and his ears lay flat then perked up.

on. Don't do this to me." Charlie loved his horse and tried not to take offense, but it was hard.

  He removed an apple out of his pocket and held it out. "Got somethin' for ya."

  Spirit appeared interested.

  "I ain't a wolf. Come 'ere." Charlie entered the wooden fenced enclosure and most of the other horses scattered to the far end. "Come on, big fella. Show 'em it's jus' me. Jus' yer ole Charlie."

  He reached the apple out to Spirit, wondering if the horse was confused. Charlie's shape was right but perhaps his scent was not. The big gelding stood his ground as Charlie moved closer. The rest of the horses made noises of worry and their body language told Charlie he was not trusted. "Come 'ere, darlin'."

  Spirit stretched his neck and flapped his lips at the treat. Charlie didn't let him have it until he held onto Spirit's halter strap. The horse jerked to rear up but in the end, wanted the apple. Charlie fed it to him as he bit it in half. He leaned against Spirit and sighed. "It's me. Ya know no matter what I smell like, it's jus' me."

  Spirit finished the apple, letting Charlie pet him and run his hand down his long neck.


  Spirit panicked and reared up on his hind legs, nearly trampling the other horses to get away.

  Charlie noticed Roman's surprise. "Did I do that?"

  "Yeah." Charlie approached him, climbing out of the paddock. "Scent. We stink like predators."

  Roman sniffed his hands. "Should I put on cologne?"

  Charlie tried not to roll his eyes. That trick hadn't worked two years ago, it wouldn't now. "What? What did ya want?"

  "I have addresses in Salt Lake City for a few of the people we listed on the report. So, they aren't all gone."

  "Okay." Charlie walked to the barn to feed the chickens.

  "Phil is going to meet me out there. You know, when we go. So, I want to go."

  "Go?" Charlie turned on an inside light and picked up a bag of feed. The chickens took interest but kept their distance.

  "Yes. Go to Vernon's place."

  "When?" Charlie threw a handful of the feed on the ground and the chickens went for it, pecking at it and flapping their wings.

  "When? Now. Tomorrow. As soon as possible."

  Charlie met Roman's gaze. "We can't just pick up and go. When did you ask the day workers to start covering for us?"


  "Then we got four days to stay 'round here. I can't ask them to be here fer almost a week."

  "So?" Roman folded his arms over his leather jacket. "I have to deal with this? No big deal?"

  "I'm not sayin' that." Charlie put the feed bag down and brushed off his hands.

  "Yes. You are. You're basically telling me to put up with this shit again even when we know the answer to our problem is in Utah."

  "You go." Charlie headed to the coup to check for eggs.

  "Go? Alone? Drive to Utah and turn into a wolf on the way? Really? You're good with that?"

  "If you would just learn how to control that temper of yers." Charlie filled a small basket with fresh brown eggs.

  "Fine. Me and Butch will go."

  Charlie spun around, meeting Roman's gaze. "No."

  "Why not?" Roman tapped his shoe impatiently.

  "'Cuz I said so."

  "Charlie!" Roman threw up his hands. "I can't go to work with this wolf-shit back. Either let me and Butch go or come with us."

  Charlie glared at him. "You think it's so damn easy. Jus' pack up an' go. No worries about the horses, the damn goats and chickens. Huh? The guy who drives to Reno every day for his 'secret agent' job can't figure out why this is full time, twenty-four-seven?"

  "I'm sick and need to get this curse removed again!" Roman showed his teeth. The chickens scattered and clucked, running in every direction. "And I can't work! You get that? I can't go back until I get rid of this thing… again!"

  "You want Butch? Huh?" Charlie put the basket down and poked Roman's chest. "You want him alone? Is that what this is all about?"

  "No! But he can handle it and drive me if I turn into something!"

  Charlie began to feel sick and knew why. He inhaled loudly to calm down. "Fuck."

  "You're the one picking a fight!" Roman yelled at him. "You tell me not to get upset and then when I know where these people are, and need to get to them, you say, no!"

  Charlie hit the cement ground with his knees. At first he felt dizzy, then intense pain.

  "Fuck! No, Charlie! No!"

  Charlie closed his eyes, his hands on the dirty floor, his stomach aching and tightening. Ringing came to his ears.

  He shook off his clothing and licked his canines. A big black wolf was standing near him, grimacing and showing its teeth. The chickens squawked and a flurry of feathers erupted like a cloud around them.

  Charlie nipped at Roman. "Now look what you done!"

  "Me? I'm not the one who wouldn't help when I wanted to fix this!"

  "If ya wanna fuck Butch jus' say so!" Charlie bit the hair on Roman's neck, trying to bite him through his thick winter coat.

  "Fuck Butch?" Roman attacked Charlie and pinned him to the concrete floor. "What the fuck are you talking about? I want to rid us of this fucking curse!"

  Charlie pushed his paws into Roman's face. "Bullshit! I see the way you look at each other!"

  Roman snapped at Charlie's muzzle. "How do I deal with you right now? Huh? How?"

  Charlie heard a very low threatening snarl. He strained to look at the open barn door. The largest white wolf he had ever seen was standing there, baring its fangs.

  Roman backed up and Charlie scrambled to his four feet.

  The enormous timber wolf stepped closer.

  Roman snarled but to Charlie it was like a cat meowing at a lion.

  Charlie shivered and his tail went between his legs as Roman kept showing his teeth and making threatening noises. Knowing Roman was crazy enough to engage this enormous animal in a fight, Charlie curled into a ball and put his paw over his nose, forcing himself to stop being upset, to calm down. Now!

  He screamed as his body began to change once more. The pain was so extreme he had no idea how he could tolerate it. He clawed the cement floor and instantly felt ice cold. When he opened his eyes, he could see his black wolf mate, stalking this enormous white alpha male.

  Charlie struggled to his two feet and looked for something to use as a weapon. He picked up a pitchfork and held it up, threatening the big canine.

  Instantly he was confronted with a man, dressed in black, holding a large broadsword.

  "Holy fuck!" Charlie trembled where he stood. "Who are you?"

  Roman went into attack mode and lunged at the man.

  Charlie yelled, "No!" and Roman snapped at thin air.

  His body shaking from the terror and the cold, Charlie felt his eyes sting with emotion as Roman fell to his side on the floor of the barn and curled up.

  The apparition vanished.

  Charlie threw the pitchfork and rushed to Roman's side. "No. Oh, no. Roman? Did he hurt you?"

  Roman began to return to human form, and when he did, he had a red mark from his neck to his groin.

  Charlie inspected it. It appeared as if he was burned, not sliced. "I do not get what is going on! I do not get it!" Charlie heard the sound of joyous laughter, as if the women were returning from their trail riding.

  He looked at the piles of clothing and his naked partner. Charlie struggled with Roman's size to pick him up, and did, lifting him into his arms. He brought him inside an empty stall and lay him down on the fresh hay, then scrambled outside it for their clothing.

  Once he brought everything into the clean stall with him, he got dressed, shaking, terrified but trying not to change into anything again.

  Roman opened his eyes and touched the seared skin of his chest, looking confused. "What happened?"

  The noise of horse hooves and giggles filled the barn. Charlie put his finger to his lips and held out Roman's clothing, helping him get dressed.

sp; Butch said, "I hope you enjoyed the ride, ladies."

  "It was great! Wow. I wish we could come every weekend."

  "Well, yer welcome to."

  Charlie helped Roman with his shoes and socks, assisting him with his coat last. He tugged his pant legs over his own cowboy boots and stayed still, holding Roman as he appeared to be injured and recuperating.

  Charlie listened. The horses were being brought into the barn and Butch said, "Thank y'all. It was a pleasure."

  "Thank you, Butch! Have a good Christmas!"

  The women's voices faded away and Charlie heard Butch's boot scuff on the cement. Charlie opened the stall door. "Butch!"

  "Huh? Where are you?" Butch walked closer, holding a western saddle in his arms. "Why're you hidin' in here?"

  "Roman's been hurt."

  "Hurt?" Butch set the saddle down and stepped into the stall.

  "I'm okay." Roman held up his hand and rubbed his chest.

  "How?" Butch asked.

  Charlie thought about mentioning the man with the sword, and didn't.

  "I said, I'm okay." Roman stood, using the wall to get upright.

  "Uh…" Charlie looked at Butch. "You need help with the horses?"

  "I do. I have to clean their shoes from all the ice and get the tack off them."

  "Go. I'm fine." Roman nudged Charlie.

  "Will they let me near them?" Charlie watched Butch pick the saddle back up.

  "I hope so. I don't want to have to do everythin' by myself."

  "Go tie them up first in case they run. Okay?"

  "Okay." Butch walked away with the saddle.

  Charlie spun around to Roman. "Did he burn you?"

  "I have no idea. I thought he cut me in two with the sword." Roman raised up his shirt. The mark was gone. Both he and Charlie inspected his skin. Roman appeared more surprised than anything else. "Did I imagine it?"

  "I'm at a loss, Roman. And you may be right. We need to go to Utah. Now."

  Roman cupped Charlie's jaw and kissed him. "Thank you."

  "Let me get them horses settled. You go inside and make sure yer okay."

  "I can help." Roman and Charlie emerged from the stall. All of the horses shifted and made noises of distress.

  "Damn." Charlie lowered his head and walked slowly to one of their hack geldings, trying to help Butch get the saddles and bridles off. "Okay. It's jus' me. Will ya settle down?" He unfastened the cinch and the horse was a nervous wreck, shifting and moving its ears as if it was confused.


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