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Among Wolves

Page 8

by GA Hauser

  All three men exchanged glances.

  Butch knew none of them had an answer. "Charlie, ya want me to call the boys?"

  "I got it. Here, stir the soup." He handed Butch the spoon.

  "Yer gonna have to pay them a lot. Ya know that." Butch took over watching the simmering soup.

  "I know." Charlie blew out a loud exhale and left the room.

  Once he did, Butch gazed at Roman, who was staring into space. "Sorry I didn't tell ya I saw that guy."

  Roman came around from his daydream. "It's okay."

  "I thought I was imaginin' him. Ya know?" Butch sniffed the chicken noodle soup as it warmed.

  "Yes. I know."

  "Who is he? Do you even have a rough idea?"

  "He said he's an alpha."

  "An alpha…wolf?"

  "Yes. I assume so."

  Butch thought about it as Roman stood to pour himself a cup of coffee. "What's he got to do with you and Charlie? I don't git it."

  "Neither do I." Roman held up his cup. "Can I get you one?"

  "No. Thanks." Butch stirred the soup and it started to steam in the pot.

  Charlie's voice was heard, asking for the crew to work extra. He was giving it the hard sell since it was the week before Christmas. Butch frowned and looked at his arm again. He had the sleeve on his left side rolled up so it didn't rub the raw skin. "I can't believe we have to shell out so much money all because of this… 'alpha'."

  "Why? Do you want to stay here?"

  Butch looked back at Roman who was standing behind him. "No. I want to go with you. See Vernon and Connie. Y'all are the only family I have."

  Roman sipped the hot coffee then seemed to catch sight of the wound on Butch's arm. He set the cup down on the counter and reached for Butch's hand.

  Butch stopped stirring the soup and gave it to Roman, tingles washing over him as they touched.

  "I'm sorry." Roman shook his head.

  "Wasn't you."

  "Was because of me. Thanks for defending me."

  "Always will."

  Roman met Butch's gaze and they locked stares. "I don't deserve your loyalty."

  "I'll decide that." Butch held onto Roman's hand as well.

  "Butch, you know me and Charlie—"

  Charlie came back in the room and handed Butch the phone. "I made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

  Butch's hand was released so he took the phone. "I don't even want to know how much that was."

  "You don't." Charlie took over the stirring of the soup.

  Butch looked back at Roman, met his concerned expression and dialed Vernon's number, leaving the room.


  "He's in love with you real bad, Roman." Charlie shut off the burner and began ladling the soup into bowls.

  "I know." Roman picked up his coffee mug and sat at the table.

  "I feel rotten. I do." Charlie placed three servings on the table and took out rolls from the breadbox. "You want a sandwich too?"

  "No. Thanks. Make one for Butch. He's always hungry."

  Charlie smiled as he took ham and cheese out of the fridge. "Growin' boy."

  "Twenty-fucking-one." Roman blew on the soup as he ate it.

  "Ya got ten years on him." Charlie spread mayonnaise on the roll and stacked it with meat.

  "Shut up."

  Charlie chuckled.

  "Okay," Butch said as he returned. "All set with Vernon. They're excited."

  "They will be, until they have two wolves on their ranch." Charlie's smile faded. "I made ya a sandwich too."

  "Good. I'm starved." Butch sat down and began eating.

  "We have to get packed. I want to leave as early as possible tomorrow morning." Roman sipped his coffee.

  "Hey." Butch chewed his sandwich and swallowed before he said, "What if that thing…that guy…hurts our animals while we're gone. Charlie, did you say anythin' to our boys about a threat?"

  Charlie stared at his soup as he stirred it, seeing the steam curl. "No. I didn't. What was I going to say? I'd scare them off."

  "What if we come back here and they're all slaughtered?" Butch sat up, alarmed.

  Roman held his cup in both hands. "They are after us. Not the horses."

  "You say that, then we find a goat cut up on our ranch." Butch stuffed another bite of the sandwich into his mouth.

  "Oh, Christ." Charlie rubbed his face in frustration. "I don't know what to do about it, Butch. I really don't."

  "I'll talk to Nick," Roman said, "Maybe he can do something."

  "We need to tell the local sheriff." Butch finished the sandwich and began eating the soup, slurping the noodles off the large spoon.

  "If we do that," Charlie replied, "We have to explain about why we didn't report the damn goat, and burned the evidence."

  Butch shrugged. "Why didn't we report it?"

  Charlie glanced at Roman, who was staring into space, not eating.

  "Should we have, Roman?" Charlie asked.

  Roman didn't answer, appearing gone mentally.

  Charlie and Butch exchanged gazes and frowned at each other.

  "We've got to go to Heber." Butch resumed his eating.

  "We do." Charlie tried not to get upset at Roman's behavior. But it was growing harder to deal with.


  Roman barely touched the soup, drinking three cups of coffee while Charlie and Butch spoke about the ranch, preparing to leave, letting the ranch hands know there was 'something' out there; kids, cults, whatever, harming the local animals.

  Roman knew telling Nick about a local dead goat was not ATF jurisdiction, and his office would not do anything about it, except refer Roman to the local law enforcement. That Roman already knew.

  He stood from the table, placed his cup in the sink and needed air. Needed to get out of the house. It was nearing four and where the day had gone, Roman didn't know. But the time seemed to alter when he was a wolf, and his concept of time was being distorted.

  He crouched by the front door, putting on his black lace-up boots.

  "Where're you headed?" Charlie asked.

  "I need to get out." Roman stood to put his leather jacket on.

  "I'll go with you."

  "I don't need a fucking babysitter!" Roman reacted in anger, then apologized. "No. Thanks, Charlie. I really want to go on my own." He put gloves on.

  "Ya got yer phone? In case?"

  Butch said, "A wolf can't use a damn cell phone."

  Roman bit back his annoyance and nodded. "I have it. Look, I just need to think, okay?"

  "What if that alpha shows up?" Charlie asked, stepping closer.

  "Charlie." Roman pleaded silently. "I need a little space. Five minutes, okay?"

  Butch stood closer. "In five, I'm comin' to look fer you. I know what I'll find."

  "Please." Roman held up his hand to fend them off. He opened the door and walked out, the ice crunching under his boots as he went. He glanced up at the sky. The moon was no longer full, but very bright between the dark clouds. Flurries fell gently, without a breeze.

  He walked behind their home and the stable, towards the mountains, zipping his coat and raising the collar to keep warm.

  Under the moonlight he could see the trail, just a slight gap between the deep snow, where Butch had brought the horse riders through. His breath a cloud of vapor in the air, Roman kept walking, trying to clear his head and think. He was an analytical man, and thought things through. Details were his business and working with the ATF he had been trained to solve problems, search out intelligence, and fight evil.

  The names and addresses he had found in Utah from the old report, two years back, held some clues, but…those were humans. Humans who had been part of a 'cult' or a witch's prank. After looking up a few of the witnesses, Roman knew most of them had moved on, as if that phase of their life had past. It was like kids playing with a Ouija board and getting scared at a noise in the room, then throwing the board out because it was cursed.

  What would he and Phil find
in Heber? A bunch of kids who had grown up and no longer dealt in the craft. Or?

  This other…thing. This Alpha. Roman knew it was not one of the 'kids' he had dealt with when the curse was removed. Nothing like it.

  Even the 'red witch' or whatever she was, didn't seem to be unstoppable. Not like this entity did.

  Roman simply didn't know what he was now dealing with. Or why.

  He stood still, taking in the serene surroundings, inhaling the air which was mixed with the scent of burning wood from the hearths of the ranches around them.

  December. Christmas next week.

  As a child this time of year held some magic. Now? Usually overtime or feeling empty.

  He wasn't in touch with his mother and father very much. The holidays usually consisted of a phone call to wish them a Merry Christmas. His grandparents had died and his cousins had moved far away. And even with the internet and social networks, Roman remained aloof. A gay ATF agent who turned into a wolf or crow. He never wanted his parents to know what had happened to him two years ago on an ATF mission.

  "Talk about an outcast." Roman glanced up at the moon again. "So? Is this how it will be? Can't work. Can't function?"


  Roman spun around at a reply to his question.

  The man was standing a few yards from him, a leather strap across his chest, the scabbard of the sword visible over his shoulder.

  He wore all black, his shoulders bare, and it seemed as if the cold did not touch him.

  Fear began to grip Roman but he knew what would happen if he allowed it. "Who are you?"

  "You will bow down to me."

  "Will I?" Roman actually smiled. "Then you don't know me at all."

  "There is only one alpha male here."

  Roman tilted his head, sniffing the air. He smelled wolf. "Yes. There is."

  The man eyed Roman in what was certainly a challenge.

  Roman stepped closer, but stopped, sensing a boundary which would certainly make this man attack if crossed. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

  The man pointed to the ground in front of him. "Kneel."

  Roman tried not to laugh. "Kneel? What century are you from? Man, I'm trying not to make fun of you."

  A powerful punch landed on Roman's chest, making him stagger backwards. Roman touched his jacket where the contact was made and looked at the man. The man had not moved.

  "What are you?" Roman asked, feeling his gut begin to churn with pain.

  "Kneel!" The man reached over his shoulder and drew his broadsword.

  Instinctively, Roman reached for his gun, but it was not there. He wasn't on duty, and had left his gun in the house. Roman backed up, looking quickly behind him, holding up his hands.

  "Roman?" was shouted in the dark by Butch.

  "Where are you?" Charlie's voice came from the same area.

  Roman blinked and the apparition vanished. He let out a loud exhale and the vapor of his breath puffed in a cloud.

  "Christ, Roman," Butch said, "Five minutes? You ever learn how to tell time?"

  Charlie approached him. "I'm surprised you aren't freezin' to death, or naked curled up in a ball."

  Butch hooked Roman's elbow and he and Charlie walked Roman back to the house.

  "How long was I gone?" Roman felt disoriented.

  "Over an hour, hun." Charlie put his arm around Roman's low back. "Come on. I thought you said we have to pack."

  "An hour?" Roman checked his watch. The confusion clouded his thinking. Once they were inside the house, Roman said, "That man showed up."

  Butch took off his cowboy hat and said, "I knew it."

  "What happened?" Charlie asked, hanging up his coat.

  "He…" Roman felt embarrassed to say.

  "He?" Charlie unzipped Roman's jacket for him.

  "He what?" Butch tugged off his own boots.

  "He asked me to kneel." Roman tucked his gloves into his pockets and removed his jacket.

  Butch laughed and hung up his coat on the rack. "Kneel. That must have gone over big. Why? To suck his cock?"

  "Kneel?" Charlie tilted his head. "What for?"

  Roman untied his bootlaces and didn't answer.

  "Dominance?" Charlie asked.

  "More like wantin' to fuck Roman up the ass." Butch headed to the kitchen.

  "Roman?" Charlie crouched down. "Did he hurt you?"

  "When I didn't obey, he managed to hit me in the chest, but I didn't see him do it."

  Charlie made a move to raise Roman's shirt up, but Roman stopped him. "I'm okay." He stood and toed off his boots, then looked at the hearth fire, crackling and warming the room.

  "Go pack." Charlie nudged Roman. "Butch and I are done."

  Roman noticed the backpacks and Christmas presents waiting by the door. He nodded and padded down the hall in his stocking feet, wondering if this 'Alpha' male was going to haunt him in Heber. He certainly wouldn't be surprised. And actually imagined the man had located him through the group that had hexed him originally. But kneel?

  I don't fucking bow down to anyone.

  Roman took his duffle bag out of the closet and began stuffing clothing into it. "Kneel…fuck you."

  Chapter 8

  Butch looked at Charlie and said, "Kneel? Is that a joke?"

  Charlie knew it wasn't. "You ever learn about wolf behavior, Butch?" Charlie walked to the hearth and poked at the wood with an iron.

  "Yeah. I know a little. They have a very sophisticated culture."

  "One alpha male, one alpha female."

  "But, you two ain't wolves. Yer men. So, this guy, he's askin' a man as big and powerful as Roman to kneel? Who's he kiddin'." Butch dropped to the sofa and picked up the television remote control.

  "That's the battle. Ya get it? I don't know how this creature found out about us, but if we're in its territory or near its pack, then…" Charlie set the fireplace iron aside and looked at the flames.

  "You'd roll over and piss on yerself." Butch laughed and turned the television on.

  "Yeah, well, maybe pissin' on myself is better than fightin' that thing."

  "You'll never get Roman to play sub to it. Never. In…" Butch smirked. "…any way."

  "I know." Charlie dropped heavily on the beige sofa beside Butch. It was a large overstuffed sectional, in an L-shape, with a coffee table in front of it, and two end tables, with lamps and coasters on either side, facing the fireplace, and the TV.

  Butch put his stocking feet up on the coffee table and surfed for a television program to watch. "What's he gonna do, Charlie? Like he said, we can't shoot it."

  "I hope once we do that ritual-bull, get rid of this curse- again, or whatever the hell it is, it will leave us alone. It seems to be drawn here because of our animal scent."

  "Why? Why'd it come back?"

  Charlie peered behind him to see if Roman was within listening range. He could hear him packing, opening drawers in their bedroom. And with their wolf-senses, they could hear a pin drop.

  "If ya ask me? I don't think we ever did get fully rid of it the first time."

  Butch reacted in surprise.

  Charlie looked behind them again and spoke softly. "I can feel it…ya know. Sometimes in the night, and…when we make love."

  "Ya never said nothin'. Did you and Roman talk about it?"

  "No. I was afraid to. I thought it was jus' me. And I knew if I mentioned it, he'd get all railed up an' well…" Charlie tilted his head in Roman's direction. "It'd come out. Like it has. So, we're back to square one."

  "An' ya say ya never really got rid of it? Even back when the curse was lifted?"

  "At first I thought we had rid it enough to git it under control. But between the weird dreams an' the extreme sense of sight and smell hittin' me now and again, it felt as if it was some kind of strain of virus that hibernates and reappears."

  "Damn." Butch moved away from Charlie.

  "I ain't gonna bite ya. That's how Roman gave it to me."

  "He bite you on

  Charlie heard Roman shifting things in the bedroom. "No. At least I don't think so. It was an accident."

  "Some accident. Now yer afflicted…forever?"

  Charlie thought about it. "It ain't all bad."

  "No? Come on!" Butch lowered the sound on the television as a commercial aired.

  "No. I mean. If I could decide, ya know? If I could like jus' snap my fingers and say, now I want it. Now I don't. I wouldn't mind."

  Butch's mouth hung open in surprise.

  "There's somethin' empowerin' about it. The freedom. The intensity of all my senses gettin' sharp." Charlie sniffed the air and could smell both Butch and the burning logs. "But it ain't like that. There's no control. So it comes at the worst times. The times when I'm angry or upset. And that's the time when I don't want it to hit."

  "I don't want it. I don't like not being able to be around my horse, havin' the damn chickens scatter when I walk into the barn. It's crazy."

  "I know. It is." Charlie heard Roman walking down the hall towards them. Roman placed a duffle bag with the other luggage by the door.

  "What time you reckon we'll be headin' on out?" Butch asked.

  Charlie answered, "The day workers are comin' at seven. Earliest I can get them."

  Butch nodded, turning the volume back up on the television.

  Roman left the room, heading towards the kitchen.

  Charlie glanced at Butch and they exchanged frowns. "He's real bad, Charlie."

  "Yeah. He is. Worse than last time. And I don't know what to do about it."

  "That agent, Phil, he'll be there in Heber, right?"

  "Right." Charlie patted Butch's leg then felt him flinch under his touch. Charlie took back his hand and shifted over, not wanting to make Butch uncomfortable. "Butch, I won't bite ya."

  "I know, Charlie." Butch reached out to touch Charlie in reassurance.

  Roman returned, a cold beer in his hand. He sat on the sofa, adjacent from where they were, and sipped it from the bottle.

  "You won't but he will," Butch said.

  Roman glanced over but didn't react to the comment, as if he knew what they were talking about. "What are you watching?"

  Butch tossed him the remote. "Don't care."

  Roman flipped channels and stopped on a program.

  Charlie realized what it was. "Teen Wolf? Since when are you a fan?"


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