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Among Wolves

Page 12

by GA Hauser

  "I wouldn't mind a nap." Roman glanced back at Charlie who was silent beside him.

  "Go rest. I'll have one of the boys let you know when supper's on the table." Vernon patted Roman's shoulder.

  Charlie said, "And tomorrow, I want to take a ride up the mountains. See where yer findin' the dead animals, Vernon."

  "Same place, Charlie. Same damn place." Vernon appeared very distressed.

  "Okay." Charlie nodded and before he put his hat and coat on he emptied the bags of wrapped gifts, placing them with the others under the tree.

  Roman caught Suzie's sympathetic smile and immediately read her mind. He hadn't been able to do that in two years. She had said to herself, 'Damn, too bad he's gay.'

  Roman did not want to read thoughts. It was wrong and when there were more than two people in the room, it became noise in his head when he needed to think clearly.

  He shook Vernon's hand. "Okay, Vernon. We'll see you in a couple of hours."

  "You boys leavin'?" Goat asked, eating a cookie.

  "Just takin' a rest before dinner." Charlie put his cowboy hat on his head.

  "Okay." Goat opened the front door for them. "I'll come get ya when Connie has dinner on the table."

  "I appreciate that, Hal." Charlie nodded and stepped outside.

  Roman took a last look around the room. Everyone was watching their departure. He heard Harley barking at Charlie and snapped out of his haze, putting his coat on. "See you all later." He waved and smiled.

  Charlie used his boot to nudge the dog inside the house, closing it in so it wasn't a pest. The two of them walked in the icy air to the small cabin.

  "Damn. Brings back so many memories." Charlie opened the door and had a look inside, tossing his hat on the sofa.

  A light was already on, and the small space felt claustrophobic to Roman.

  They removed their jackets and boots, and Charlie checked the thermostat, turning on the heat since the fire was not lit in the hearth.

  "He's here." Roman took off his shoulder holster and set it near the sofa on a side table, with the ammo clips.

  Charlie spun around and met Roman's gaze.

  Roman nodded. "I feel him."

  As if Charlie was trying to get a sense of it, he stared into the depths of the small room. "Butch should be staying with us."

  "I doubt he wants to get teased about being gay, or come out. At least not to Sherlane and Suzie, let alone the boys." Roman picked up the duffle bag JP had left inside the door and carried it to the bedroom, putting it on the bed. He removed his shaving kit and a few of his shirts to hang up in the closet, which was empty except for hangers.

  Charlie stepped in behind him, doing the same. "Strange no one's been here since I left."

  "Why? They have JP and Goat, not to mention all the wranglers Vernon hired."

  "Yeah, but I was the manager." Charlie placed his clean jeans and briefs into a dresser drawer.

  "I suppose the other two are managing all right without you." Roman checked his phone again.

  "Expecting Phil?" Charlie asked, tossing his empty backpack into the closet with Roman's duffle bag.

  "I don't know how he's going to get me the paperwork. I expect him to just show up in the middle of dinner."

  "Didn't he ask you to call him when we arrived?" Charlie lay back on the bed, his hands behind his head.

  "Probably. But if I call him, we're going to have a chaperone for a week." Roman put the phone on the nightstand and glanced at Charlie's posture. He removed his shoes and reached for Charlie's groin, squeezing the bulge under his zipper.

  "A good climax will get me right for a nap." Charlie tugged his socks off.

  Roman took off his shirt, tossing it on the foot of the bed, then stripped off the rest of his clothing.

  "The lube is in my kit." Charlie tilted his head to the bathroom.

  "Yeah? I was just going to give you a blowjob. Ya wanna fuck, Mosby?" Roman smiled and walked to the bathroom.

  "Always wanna fuck you."

  Roman chuckled and removed the lubrication from Charlie's shaving kit.

  When he returned, Charlie was naked, legs spread, pulling on his own length.

  Roman tossed the lube on the bed and dropped down between Charlie's legs, nuzzling in. Charlie released his hold on his cock and caressed Roman's hair.

  Roman inhaled Charlie's masculine scent and mouthed his balls, closing his eyes and feeling his own urge to come escalate. Humming in pleasure, Roman licked his way up Charlie's length and then sat up, jerking himself to get as hard as he could. He gave Charlie's fit body a good once over, then uncapped the gel. At the contact of his fingers on Charlie's rim, Charlie parted his lips and spread his legs wider.

  "Damn, you are gorgeous," Roman said as he pushed a finger inside Charlie. "And mine…"

  "Yours…" Charlie arched his back and grabbed his own cock again.

  Roman removed his slick finger and hoisted Charlie's legs to his lap, pointing his cock at his rim. Charlie sat upright, face to face with Roman as Roman sank his cock inside Charlie.

  "That's so nice," Charlie said, sighing and holding Roman around his shoulders. Once they developed a rhythm, Roman used his slick hand on Charlie, running his fingers and palm down Charlie's stiff cock in time with their loving.

  Charlie closed his eyes and went for Roman's mouth.

  At the kiss, Roman's body was awash with tingles and his groin pulsated. Charlie cupped Roman's jaw and the kissing grew more passionate, deeper as the friction between them intensified. Roman jerked Charlie off quickly, from the base to the head, twisting his hand to make Charlie come.

  Charlie's breathing became loud and he moaned against Roman's lips. Roman worked his man, wanting him to come first so he could enjoy a leisurely screw.

  Charlie parted from the kiss and threw back his head, spraying cum all over Roman's hand and stomach.

  Roman milked him gently and laid Charlie back down, hoisting a leg onto each of his shoulders so he could fuck Charlie deeper, with better leverage. Charlie relaxed on the quilted bedspread and watched.

  Roman's glance moved from the intimate contact between them to Charlie's handsome masculine face. When Charlie's blue eyes began to glow sky blue, Roman's skin lit on fire. "Oh, damn! Damn!" Roman thrust in hard and fast, the pleasure igniting the wolf in him. "Augh! Fuck! Fuck!" Roman came and hated to battle the change since it was messing with his pleasure. He hammered into Charlie and held tight to Charlie's legs, feeling the climax soar beyond his wildest dreams.

  "Yes! Roman! Holy Christ!"

  Roman looked down and Charlie was coming again, cream oozing from the slit and onto his pubic hair.

  Roman tried to contain the intensity because he felt his teeth ache in his mouth. He ran his tongue over his canines as Charlie's chest rose and fell rapidly. When their eyes met, Roman had a feeling he was too late. Charlie began to snarl and grip the bed.

  Roman kept fucking him, not wanting to stop. He avoided staring at Charlie's mesmerizing gaze and licked the inside of Charlie's legs near his knees, tasting his skin, his sweat. He nibbled on him lovingly and pushed his cock in for a last thrust.

  Tingles raced over Roman's back and a cold 'whoosh' hit him, making his sweating skin turn ice. He was grabbed around the throat and pulled backwards off Charlie.

  "No!" Charlie shouted and reached for him.

  Pain seized Roman and he roared from the agony, hearing his human voice turn into a howl.

  Chapter 11

  Charlie felt the onset of the change hitting him during the sex, but was able to fight it back. Yet the moment Roman was attacked Roman transformed.

  As Charlie writhed in pain on the bed, suffering the transformation now as well, a huge black wolf and an even bigger white one were locked in a battle on the floor of the bedroom.

  Charlie leapt onto the white wolf and bit it behind its neck, but its fur was so thick, he felt nothing penetrate its skin.

  Roman was snapping and showing his canines a
t the white beast, who was drawing blood on Roman's snout from his sharp fangs.

  Charlie went for the wolf's legs, shaking his head when he got a hold of a paw. The wolf whelped in pain and began attacking Charlie.

  Charlie was thrown onto his back and held all four of his paws out to fend off the advance, which most certainly felt like it would be his death.

  Out of nowhere, wings and sharp talons came down on the white wolf, clawing at its eyes.

  It jumped into the air at the large black bird and snapped its jaws.

  Charlie backed up into the corner of the room, licking his raw snout and watched the big crow swoop down again and again at the white wolf.

  The wolf bolted through the open bedroom door and the bird gave chase.

  Charlie rushed after them and when he stood in the living room, the large crow was dive bombing the front door and there was no sign of the white wolf. It was as if it had either vanished, or was able to penetrate the door without it being open.

  Charlie trotted over to sniff at the floor near the door. He caught no scent outside other than the cold winter air and a wood burning stove. He sat on his haunches and watched the crazy black bird hitting the door with its feet first.

  Charlie forced himself to calm down. He lay on the floor and closed his eyes, trying to prepare for the intense pain.


  Roman squawked and wore himself out trying to get through a closed door. How the wolf had, he had no idea.

  He perched on the couch and realized Charlie was turning back into a human. Roman couldn't bear watching and hopped along the back of the sofa, trying to do the same. He flapped and shook out his feathers, but the fury was so hot in him, he wasn't doing anything but molting.

  "Roman," Charlie said, sounding exhausted.

  Roman turned around and folded his wings, tilting his head at Charlie. He was sitting on the floor, naked, covered in scratches.

  Roman hopped off the couch and made his way towards Charlie.

  "Change back. Come on." Charlie caught his breath and touched his chest, which was bruised.

  Roman hated seeing the cuts and red marks on his man. He shook out his feathers and had a tough time calming down.

  His mobile phone ringtone sounded.

  Charlie looked back at the bedroom and said, "That'll be Phil. Come on, Roman. Make a goddamn effort." Charlie hoisted himself to his feet, using the couch to help him stand.

  Roman stared at a painting on the wall, one of the horses out to pasture. He shook out his wings and braced himself.

  He fell to the wood floor and opened his beak, extending his wings from the agony and cursing as the change brought intense pain and exhaustion.

  Lying on the floor, cold and shivering, Roman tasted blood in his mouth and didn't know if it was his or the white wolf's.

  Charlie held out his phone. "It's Phil. He's here."

  "Fuck." Roman sat up slowly and wiped his mouth, swallowing the bitter taste. He took the phone, looking at the claw marks on his skin. "Great timing, Dean."

  "Fuck you, Burk. You said you'd call and you didn't. I have the paperwork. I'm parked near a pickup truck with Nevada plates. I didn't want to bother Vernon since its dinner time."

  Roman looked at the phone and realized two hours had gone by. "Damn it."

  "Where are you? You and Charlie staying in that little cabin again?"

  "Yeah." Roman reached for Charlie and he hauled him up.

  "On my way."

  "Give us a minute, Phil. We just fucked." Roman touched his face and could feel scratches. Charlie walked in front of him, back to the bedroom and bathroom.

  "Christ, you guys ever slow down?" Phil laughed. "Screw you. I'm on my way. Put your pants on."

  Roman disconnected the call and looked at his face in the bathroom mirror. He rinsed his mouth and touched the light scratches and his cut lip.

  Charlie showed up behind him, dressed, shaking his head. "He kicked the crap out of us, Roman. I feel like I got hit by a diesel truck."

  Roman embraced him. "Baby…" He held back his emotions of sadness over anything harming Charlie.

  A loud knock came to his front door.

  "Get dressed." Charlie touched Roman's cheek.

  "Don't tell him!" Roman returned to the bedroom for his clothing.

  "I have to." Charlie left the room and Roman could hear him open the door and greet Phil.

  Roman dressed quickly and touched the cut on his lip with his tongue. He looked into the mirror in the bathroom again and brushed his hair, trying not to appear as if he was just in a cat fight.


  "Nice to see you again, Charlie." Phil extended his hand.

  "You too. Roman's comin'. Can I get you somethin'? I jus' got here so I don't know what we got."

  "I'm good. I just wanted to give him this paperwork," he held it out, "and see what your plan of action is."

  Charlie gestured to the sofa. "Have a seat."

  A moment later, JP's voice came through the door. "Dinner's on the table, Charlie, Roman!"

  "Okay, thanks, JP!" Charlie shouted back and rubbed his face, feeling the sore skin around his mouth.

  Roman appeared, dressed all in black; back V-neck sweater, black slacks, black shoes…

  He reached out to Phil who stood up when Roman entered the room.

  Roman's power was so evident, Charlie was in awe of him.

  Phil said, "Christ, you working out? Jesus, Burk, are you a gym junkie or into 'roids?"

  "I work out." Roman nodded to the paperwork. "What have you got?"

  Phil handed him a file. "Everything we could find. Including the local sheriff's reports on the ritual killings." Phil leaned closer and shook his head. "Christ, boys, how rough is your sex? Jesus. You two punch each other for fun?"

  Roman ignored him.

  Charlie blushed and said, "Uh, Roman, JP just came by to tell us Connie's got supper on the table."

  "Go. I'll be right there."

  "Phil, you wanna join us?" Charlie put on his coat.

  "I'm good. Have to get back to the office." Phil waved. "I'll be by here tomorrow. Watch over this brute." He pointed to Roman. "He looks like a fucking wolf even without the fur."

  Charlie didn't answer, putting his hat on and making for the door. "Don't be long," he said to Roman.

  "I won't."

  Charlie left the cabin and looked up at the sky. The snow clouds were back and it felt as if it was going to be another pure white winter landscape when they woke. He touched his skin again and hoped no one got close enough to inspect the cuts he'd had inflicted. He wished he had a list of excuses if someone did.

  The moment Charlie entered the house, Harley went crazy barking at him. Suzie picked the crazy dog up and locked him in a back room.

  Charlie took off his hat and coat and met Butch's gaze. They hadn't sat down for dinner yet. It was as if the family were waiting for him and Roman. "Why don't y'all go on an' eat. Agent Dean is here and he's talkin' to Roman at the moment."

  "All right." Vernon motioned to the table. "Everyone, have a seat."

  "Ya wanna beer, Charlie?" Butch held his up and offered to get one for Charlie.

  "Yeah. I do." Charlie washed his hands at the kitchen sink, smelling the roast beef and fried potatoes.

  Butch approached him, holding out the beer. "You're all scratched up. That fucker show up when you tried to nap?"

  Charlie unscrewed the bottle top and checked to see where everyone was. "Yeah. He did. Fucker got Roman good."

  "I need to stay with you. I need to." Butch drank from the beer bottle and glanced at the family nervously.

  "Roman turned crow and attacked the beast."

  "Was it wolf or man?"

  "Wolf." Charlie noticed the group look at them as they began passing the food around the table. "Come on." Charlie sat down in an empty chair, one of three left vacant at the table. Butch was on his left side, an empty chair for Roman on his right.

  "We should wait for Roman," Sher
lane said, handing off the potatoes.

  "No. It's fine. I don't think he'd mind." Charlie took the rolls and then placed one on Roman's dish before giving it to Butch.

  "Did ya get to nap?" Goat smiled as he spoke, "…or…"

  Charlie felt self-conscious and his cheeks grew hot.

  "Ya got beard burn." Goat laughed, pointing to Charlie's face.

  "Hal," Suzie, said, "Don't embarrass Charlie.

  "Too late." Charlie took a slice of the beef to his plate.

  Connie said, "Vernon, why don't you lead us in prayer before anyone begins eating."

  Everyone stopped serving and lowered their heads.

  Butch gave Charlie a worried glance and Charlie returned it, keeping quiet. He wasn't into religion, but he did respect Vernon's household.

  Vernon said a quick, "Thank you, Lord, for the food we are about to eat and the company of our loved ones, amen."

  "Amen," was muttered and everyone began to eat.

  Charlie tried not to 'wolf' the food down, but not only was it fabulous, he was famished. "It's wonderful, Connie. I sure do miss the meals here."

  "Thank you, Charlie. We all miss you too." She smiled sweetly. "Why didn't you invite Agent Dean to come join us?"

  "I did. He said he had to get back to work." Charlie wiped his mouth with a red and green plaid cloth napkin.

  "Well, make sure we leave Roman some food," Connie said, "I know how you boys eat." She handed off a plate of peas and carrots.

  Charlie met Butch's worried gaze and tried not to fret over the earlier events. They were here to get this settled, one way or another.


  Seated on the couch, Roman read over the paperwork.

  "You didn't answer my question," Phil said, standing over him.

  Roman ignored him and tried to get a picture in his mind of how the Alpha white wolf fit in with these cult members. It simply didn't add up.

  "Agent Burk!"

  Roman gave Phil a tired look. "You're not my lead. Don't pull rank. Let me finish reading this."

  "You have. You have turned into a fucking animal again. That's why you're so interested in this shit now." He crossed his arms.


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