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Among Wolves

Page 19

by GA Hauser

  Butch walked up the two steps to the ranch house and opened the door. Harley didn't bark. He wagged his tail and greeted them, like a normal dog and not a crazed lunatic.

  "I'll ask," Roman said, crouching down to pet the dog. "Are either of you able to go through mug shots and ID any of the members of that cult last night?"

  Butch took off his hat and coat. "Nope. I can't. All I remember is the Alpha and even his face I wouldn't recognize."

  Charlie shook his head. "Oh, I'd recognize him. Just not any of the others." He greeted the women and Vernon as he walked to the kitchen.

  The house smelled of cooking and baking, a savory roasted turkey smell competed with sugary sweetness.

  "…sorry, Phil. They were all wearing hoods." Roman stood by the door as he finished his call.

  Butch spotted Sherlane and Suzie waiting for him.

  "There's our man." Sherlane opened her arms.

  Butch felt his cheeks flush and hugged her, thinking silly thoughts, like she would know now he was 'with' a guy.

  Suzie hugged and kissed him next, giving him a big loving smile. "We were so worried."

  "I know. I wish I had an explanation. I don't."

  Connie placed a huge platter of turkey, carved up, on the table. "What matters is you're back with us." She gestured to the meal. "Come on, y'all sit down. Where's JP and Goat?"

  "I'll get them." Vernon put his coat on and left.

  Butch sat on the chair at the table and shifted his hips, getting comfortable. Sherlane, setting a plate of steamed vegetables on the table whispered into his ear, "Ya get some good welcome back loving from your boys, Butch?"

  A rush of heat hit Butch's cheeks and he couldn't meet her eyes. "Looks good, Connie. I'm famished."

  Sherlane touched Butch's hair lovingly and continued to bring in the food.

  Noise at the front door made Butch turn to look. JP and Goat entered the house, laughing and smiling, as Vernon took off his coat and hung it up.

  "Smells wonderful, Connie!" Once Goat had his coat and hat off, he stood at the sink to wash his hands.

  Roman and Charlie sat down, joining Butch at the table.

  Charlie leaned on Butch's shoulder and said, "You need a cushion?"

  Butch elbowed him and caught Sherlane's giggle. "No. Be quiet."

  Roman raised his water glass and Butch could see his smile behind it.

  "What's going on?" JP asked as he sat with them at the table, scooting his chair closer.

  "Nothin'." Butch tried not to catch anyone's eye.

  "I think Butch's Christmas wish came early," Suzie said, sitting with Goat at the table.

  "Can we change the topic?" Butch looked at the food and his mouth watered.

  "What is the topic?" Vernon asked.

  Connie interrupted the flow and said, "The topic is giving thanks for the meal."

  Butch lowered his head as Vernon said a quick grace for the dinner. He peeked up and caught Sherlane's wink. She mouthed, 'Lucky man!'

  Butch glanced at Charlie and Roman as they passed the food around. He smiled to himself and knew Sherlane could see it.

  Roman took the skin off his turkey breast and held it up for Harley.

  Harley leapt for it, chomping it down.

  Vernon said, "Looks like you two have made up."

  "He's my best buddy." Roman wiped his hands on a napkin.

  "Don't get that dog into beggin', Roman," Connie admonished. "He's already spoiled rotten."

  Charlie replied, "He needs to be. He's a little hero."

  "What'd he do?" Suzie asked, taking a bite of her food.

  Butch glanced at the little dog sitting beside Roman, waiting for another handout.

  Roman said, "He came to my rescue. I owe him." He fed Harley another scrap.

  Charlie laughed. "He's the head of our pack."

  Butch laughed so hard he coughed on his food, covering his mouth.

  "Is that a fact?" Connie appeared amused, eating the meat off a drumstick.

  "Don't tell Harley that," JP said, smirking, "You'll give the little egomaniac a swelled head."

  "He's not the only one who has a swelled head," Roman said under his breath, glancing at Butch.

  It was Sherlane's turn to break up with laughter. She had been drinking her water and coughed on it, covering her mouth and trying to contain her choking and her laughter.

  "What did he say?" Goat asked, licking his fingers of gravy.

  "Nuthin'!" Butch gave Sherlane a timid smile, then chuckled, shaking his head.

  Vernon asked, "Roman, any news on what's doing that killin' up the property line?"

  Everyone's jovial mood vanished, but Butch was relieved that he had changed the topic.

  "No. Nothing new. But Phil and Dale are going to work together to figure it out."

  "Okay." Vernon nodded.

  Butch took another helping of turkey and potatoes, so hungry from nearly twenty-four hours without food, he was struggling not to hog all of it.

  "Pass the turkey, Charlie." Goat tilted his head towards it.

  Charlie gave Goat the dish and Sherlane said, "There's pie and brownies for dessert."

  "And it's not even Christmas yet!" Suzie laughed.

  "Good Lord, people," Roman said, "you're going to make me explode."

  "Enjoy it," Charlie said, his cheeks full. "After Christmas yer back to my cookin'."

  "That bad?" Sherlane asked.

  "Naw," Butch said, "Not bad. Fer a cowboy." He heard Roman laugh.

  Butch looked over Charlie to Roman, who was sitting opposite Charlie. They met gazes.

  The affection was so strong from Roman, Butch's skin heated up. 'Love you,' he mouthed.

  'Back at ya.' Roman grinned.

  "Aww," Sherlane had obviously caught it.

  So had Charlie. He laughed and winked at Butch.

  "Aww, what?" Goat asked.

  "Nothing." Sherlane shrugged and appeared smug.

  Butch noticed Roman sneak another morsel to Harley. Yeah, this will be the best Christmas ever. He burped and covered his mouth. "'scuse me."

  "Ya full yet?" Vernon teased, "Ya got a hollow leg, Butch?"

  "Jus' about. Lettin' it settle to make room for dessert." He rubbed his belly. It is so good to be here. To be loved. Butch settled in his chair, enjoying the family immensely. Ya don't know whatcha got, until ya lose it.


  After the meal and relaxing and socializing with Vernon's family, Roman headed back to the cabin, his arm around Charlie's waist, feeling content, while Butch stayed behind at the ranch house.

  Although it felt as if another episode of chaos had past, Roman still had an uneasy feeling, and…many unanswered questions.

  Charlie entered the cabin first, taking off his hat and coat. "Butch sure is enjoying the family."

  "Yes." Roman hung his leather jacket up on a rack and removed his shoes.

  "I'll get a fire goin' in the hearth." Charlie rubbed his hands together in the chill of the interior.

  "Okay. Great." Roman walked to their bedroom, entering the bathroom, and stood at the sink, washing his face and hands. It wasn't late. Only around eight o'clock, but the long winter nights made it seem as if it were later.

  He stared into his green eyes, trying to understand, trying to feel the wolf inside him. He said to his reflection, "Who am I?"

  His gaze became lost on the color of his irises, the green ring surrounding the black pupil. "Is it over?"

  A faint red halo began to materialize in the mirror behind him. Roman didn't spin around, knowing nothing would be there. A voice, or a thought in his head, he wasn't sure which, asked, "Do you want it to be over?"

  "Ophelia…" Roman began to make out her features as her form took shape.

  It was as if he knew her now, and she wasn't as terrifying as when he first encountered her. "Why did you choose me?"

  "Was not I."

  Now he could make out the wolf headdress, the feathers from a raven or crow in her hair. "It
was. It was you and your followers. I remember you rubbing blood all over my body when I was helpless."

  She lowered her eyelashes yet did not reply.

  "If not you, who?"

  Her red eyes glowed as they met gazes. "It was protection spirit we try. Not turn you…You wish to be rid?"

  Roman thought hard about that question. He knew what he should say, but in his heart he also knew what he truly wanted. "Not if I can control it."

  Laughter entered his mind but Ophelia was not expressing it to his eyes. A noise startled him. Something had dropped into the sink.

  A soft voice in his head said, 'gratitude' as if Ophelia was thanking him.

  Roman looked down and spotted an amulet with a leather cord tied to it. He immediately looked into the mirror but the image of the red witch was gone.

  "Wait. I have more questions." Roman called to her into the mirror. "Don't go. Who was the Alpha? Was it your worshipers who are killing the animals?"

  As a whisper brushed over the back of his neck, Roman heard, "The spirit loves Mother Nature and all her creatures…"

  Chills washed up Roman's spine and then he felt her presence vanish. He touched the mirror, but only his own reflection was there for him.

  After taking a moment to recover, Roman looked down into the sink. He picked up the medallion and investigated it carefully. Looking up at the ceiling, then opening the medicine cabinet, Roman knew there was no way it had dropped from inside the room. It had simply materialized from thin air.

  The cord was brittle and old. As if it had been made decades ago. It was a simple string of leather, either very dark brown or black, knotted at the end, and passing through a hole pierced in the medallions top. A rough cut hole, punched through, not from modern tools.

  The 'coin' or whatever it was, had been cast. Roman ran his thumb over the embossed surface, trying to read the worn letters and nearly faded image. On the front was a bust of a man; the back, he could barely make out a chariot of some kind, horses pulling it. Lettering ran completely around the perimeter of both sides, but it simply was in such bad shape, Roman could not decipher it.


  Cupping the medallion, Roman opened the door to see Charlie, appearing slightly concerned. "Phew. I thought you changed on me."

  Roman wondered if he should tell Charlie what had happened. He slipped the palm-sized medallion into his pocket discreetly. "Just washing my face and hands."

  "You want to watch a movie or just relax?" Charlie caressed Roman's cheek.

  "I want to hold you naked in my arms." Roman urged Charlie closer and joined them at the hips.

  Charlie chuckled. "Ya try to act like a tough guy, but yer all romance, Roman Burk."

  "Shh. That's our secret." Roman kissed him.

  Charlie cupped Roman's jaw and backed up, moving them to the bed. They fell down on it and held each other tight, devouring each other with kisses.

  Chapter 18

  Charlie thought Roman was on the quiet side for the few days leading up to Christmas. But here it was, Christmas morning.

  Even Butch was slightly subdued, exhausted, trying to enjoy the rest and relaxation before they headed home and dove back into the work on their ranch.

  Sitting in Vernon's living room, Christmas carols playing softly, the scent of cookies ever-present as the women made an obscene amount and variety of sweets, Charlie stared at the hearth fire while Roman did the same. Harley was asleep on Roman's lap as Roman scratched the little white dog between the ears.

  Butch, a coffee mug in his hand, all of them full from a huge breakfast of western omelet, home fried potatoes and onions, and pork sausage, seemed to be in a daydream.

  Suzie entered the room, hands on hips, looking at the men as they relaxed, Vernon reading the newspaper in his favorite overstuffed chair.


  Butch woke from his stupor.

  "Why don't you get Hal and JP and let's open the presents." Suzie smiled.

  "All right." Butch set his mug down and stood from the sofa, not taking his jacket, headed outside.

  Charlie could hear him calling the two men in, probably from their chores in the barn.

  Harley became alert and hopped off Roman's lap, trotting to the door.

  Sherlane entered the room, holding a pot of coffee. "Anyone need a top up?"

  All three of the men nodded. Charlie and Roman held up their mugs for her.

  "I'll get you milk, Charlie," she said after she filled his mug.

  "I got it." He stood and carried the coffee cup to the kitchen.

  Connie was taking a sheet of cookies out of the oven and the blast of heat and sugary air filled the room. When Charlie witnessed the amount of baking the women had done he stopped short and whistled. "You are tryin' to make us all explode?"

  Connie took off the potholder and pinched Charlie's waist. "You need a little meat on you."

  "No, ma'am!" He laughed and took the milk out of the fridge to pour into his cup.

  Charlie heard the sound of JP and Goat's voice, laughing as they entered the house. Charlie watched Connie use a spatula to transfer the baked cookies onto a cooling rack, and tried to decide what his favorite was going to be.

  Goat entered the kitchen to wash his hands and saw all the sweets. "Oh yes! Love this time of year!"

  JP stood behind him, looking over at the counter which was crowded with cookies and cakes, pies and brownies.

  Goat dried his hands and leaned over the selection. "Can I taste one, Connie? Or is this for later after our Christmas dinner?"

  "I made them for later, but help yerself, Hal." She put another tray into the oven.

  Charlie waited to see what he chose.

  Goat picked up a sugary square that was topped with toasted coconut. He stuffed it into his mouth and moaned.

  "Good?" Charlie smiled.

  Goat had an orgasmic expression on his face as he chewed. "Coconut and chocolate chips…"

  "Sounds like a winner to me." Charlie headed back to the living room and sat down beside Roman. Sherlane and Suzie were kneeling under the tree, sorting through the wrapped gifts.

  Butch was seated, his elbows on his knees, watching, but still, to Charlie, appeared to be tired, or just daydreaming again.

  None of the men spoke about their own families, so Charlie had no idea what Butch's relationship was with his. But…they were all with Vernon, not their own relatives, and that said a lot to Charlie.

  Suzie stacked the wrapped gifts in front of each recipient. When the pile under the tree dwindled to a few, she picked up one in a brown wrapper, and tilted it, a quizzical expression on her face. She shook it and handed it to Roman. "It says 'Roman' right?"

  Charlie noticed Roman perk up and take the gift, setting his cup on a coaster on the side table.

  JP and Goat joined them, sitting in folding chairs behind the piles of gifts with their names on it.

  "Connie?" Vernon called to her.

  "Start without me. I'll only be a minute," she answered from the kitchen.

  Charlie sat back and leaned on Roman's arm. "What's that?"

  Roman inspected the worn paper and brown string. "It says 'Roma' not Roman."

  Chills covered Charlie's skin. He asked everyone, "Which one of you gave this to Roman?"

  Butch set his coffee cup down, stood, and had a look. "Uh oh."

  JP moaned. "Don't say that!"

  "Open it." Suzie sat on the floor by the tree.

  Charlie looked at Roman. "Or not."

  Roman pulled the brown string to the side and opened the paper. It was dusty and dry, nearly falling apart in his hands. Charlie sat back as the paper flaked off and made a small cloud. He waved his hand, not wanting to breathe it in.

  A book, yellowed, the brown leather binding as worn as the paper and cord that it was wrapped in, lay on Roman's lap.

  On the cover Charlie could just make out, in gold, a she-wolf nursing two men.

  "Romulus and Remus." Roman inspected the ba
ck but there was nothing on it.

  "An' none of you gave it to him?" Butch expressed Charlie's thoughts.

  Roman touched it lightly, as if deciding what to do.

  It was then Charlie noticed something marking a page. He pointed it out. "It's got something in it."

  Roman, having everyone's attention, opened the brittle book to the marked page. A red ribbon, faded, frayed and delicate, with an image of an inverted pentagram on the top, handwritten and nearly invisible, was being used to keep a page.

  Chills continued to hit Charlie in waves, but he didn't feel the urge to change over. Just a silent apprehension about where this book had come from, and what it implied.


  Roman scanned the text. It was not English. It was Latin. Under the text was a drawing of a coin.

  Roman immediately recognized it as the medallion Ophelia had dropped in the sink. He closed the book quickly, dust flying from it, and said, "Okay, who's opening one next?"

  Charlie and Butch gaped at him in exasperation.

  Roman gave them each a discreet silent, 'no way!' look, and stuffed the novel between his and Charlie's legs to indicate he was ready to move on.

  Suzie seemed to wake out of her trance and said to her father. "Dad, open the big green box."

  Vernon picked the item up and placed it on his lap.

  As the rest of the group began to enjoy their 'normal' Christmas gifts, Roman was dying to get the book to the cabin and figure out what it said.

  But with limited internet access, he knew he would either have to wait until he got home to Nevada or…head to one of the local police agencies and use their resources.

  Connie finally joined them, placing a huge tray of homemade cookies on the coffee table, and the aroma alone made Roman feel good.

  After all the gifts were opened, and the cooking preparations for the Christmas meal had begun, Roman began to get anxious. He checked his watch and asked Suzie, "When's your mom serving dinner?"

  "Four." She checked the time. "Why? Do you want to do something?"

  "I do." He stood and cupped the book in his hand.

  Charlie asked, "Where're you goin'?"

  "Out. Just for a little while."

  Charlie and Butch stood up.

  Roman glanced back at them while he put on his jacket. By the determined look on both their faces, Roman didn't even argue. He waved at the other three and said, "Thanks for breakfast and all the nice gifts."


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