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Among Wolves

Page 22

by GA Hauser

  Love you, Loveday

  The Boy Next Door

  When Adam Met Jack


  The Vampire and the Man-eater

  Murphy's Hero

  Mark Antonious deMontford

  Prince of Servitude

  Calling Dr Love

  The Rape of St. Peter

  The Wedding Planner

  Going Deep

  Double Trouble


  Miller's Tale

  Vampire Nights

  Teacher's Pet

  In the Shadow of Alexander

  The Rise and Fall of the Sacred Band of Thebes

  The Wolf-Shifter Series

  Of Wolves and Men

  The Order of Wolves

  Among Wolves

  The Action Series

  Acting Naughty

  Playing Dirty

  Getting it in the End

  Behaving Badly

  Dripping Hot

  Packing Heat

  Being Screwed

  Something Sexy

  Going Wild

  Having it All!

  Bending the Rules

  Keeping it Up

  Making Love

  Staying Power

  Men in Motion Series

  Mile High


  Driving Hard

  Leather Boys

  Heroes Series

  Man to Man

  Two In Two Out

  Top Men

  G.A. Hauser

  Writing as Amanda Winters

  Sister Moonshine

  Nothing Like Romance

  Silent Reign

  Butterfly Suicide

  Mutley's Crew



  (Book 1)

  Blurb for Of Wolves and Men

  'Cowboy' Charlie Mosby worked on a horse ranch in Heber, Utah. He loved his work, the owners of the ranch, and his co-workers; wranglers who helped tourists with guided horse tours and trail riding all year round.

  But after a chance meeting with a handsome gay man who had helped Charlie change a flat tire on Interstate 80 a month ago, Charlie was beginning to wonder about his sexuality. And if that wasn't confusing enough, strange things were happening on the ranch.

  Satanic worship? A strange cult ritual? Whatever it was, it wasn't good for the owners or the horses on it.

  One night Charlie stumbles upon Roman Burk in the woods, naked, bleeding and shivering in the cold. What Charlie never imagined was who -or what- Roman was. Even though the handsome stranger seemed to vanish at times and reappear as if by magic, Charlie was infatuated by this man.

  Roman was fearful of revealing his secret. Most of all to a cowboy who was spending more time hunting him, than loving him.

  In this shape-shifting story of sexual bonding and discovery, can both Charlie and Roman find what they're looking for? It's a question of honor; one that has been up for debate since the first time man set his eyes on this formidable predator. It's about the mutual respect of Wolves and Men.

  Sample chapter for Of Wolves and Men:

  It was crisp and clear. The dark sky was covered in stars, far more than anyone near a city could see. As he made his way, his horse the only sound for miles, Charlie realized his buddy 'Goat' was right. Nothing seemed alive around him. Usually the songs of night birds or movements of nocturnal hunters were audible. Not tonight.

  A chill rose to his skin, but it was under his jacket and not from the cold. He had never believed in supernatural mumbo-jumbo. Didn't pay attention to local Indian legends, and certainly never believed in ghosts.

  He drew near the area where he and Butch had repaired the fence. It was intact just as he had left it.

  The ground was freezing up, and Spirit's hooves snapped brittle twigs and made heavy clomps on the solid soil.

  A whimper caught his attention. He stopped Spirit and listened.

  A sensation stronger than chills hit him. It was borderline terror. He jumped off Spirit's back and held the rein. After a few yards, Spirit refused to keep walking with him, rearing up but not in a violent way, just being stubborn. Charlie trusted his horse's instinct. He stopped too.

  Another whimper, a very human voice, shocked him. Spirit would not approach with him, so he dropped the rein and hurried towards the sound.

  In the dimmest of the sliver of moonlight, Charlie found a man, naked, in the fetal position, shivering.

  "Son of a bitch!" He rushed to his side and found blood spattering him. "Talk to me! Where're you hurt?" Charlie touched the man's arm.

  Immediately the man's brilliant green eyes met his.

  "Hang on! Hang on!" Charlie rushed back to Spirit who was looking nervous, the whites of his eyes showing. "Calm down, buddy. Don't you go crazy on me now." Charlie took a blanket off the saddle and hurried back. He wrapped it around the shivering man.

  "What the hell you doin out here in this cold? You will get hypothermia." Charlie tried to warm him.


  "No wonder!" Charlie tucked the blanket closer around him. "I need to get you out of here."

  "No…no police…"

  "Look. I just want to get you warm, all right?"

  The man nodded.

  "Where's that blood comin' from?" Charlie began to check the man over. Though he was thinking only of the man's wellbeing, this man was at least six feet tall, and built like he had weight lifted at a gym all his life. His hair was jet black and his jaw had dark designer stubble covering it. He looked like a city boy, out of his element.

  Charlie tucked the blanket high on the man's chest and inspected his legs for some kind of wound. His thighs were wide and muscular, his pubic hair as black as his head hair, and the glance Charlie got of his crotch was enough to know this man was big everywhere. "Come on, partner. I got to get you warm. Can you stand?"

  The man nodded, struggling to sit upright.

  "You got a name?" Charlie hauled the man to his feet, feeling his weight leaning heavily on him.

  "Roman. Roman Burk." The man's teeth chattered.

  "How on earth did you get here and why?" Charlie walked Roman to Spirit.

  The horse backed up, snorting as if in fear.

  "Hang on. He's all spooked." Charlie grabbed Spirit's rein and had to drag him closer. "What's with you, boy! Calm down."

  The horse shifted like a nervous colt, not staying still for a second. "Spirit! Hold on. Hold on, boy." Charlie dragged Spirit closer to Roman by the chin strap, angry the horse was making a bad situation worse. "Come on, Roman. You climb on. Just step into my hand."

  Roman and Spirit seemed to lock gazes. It was the oddest thing Charlie had ever seen. "Come on, Roman, he's all right."

  Clinging to the blanket, Roman seemed as reluctant to get on Spirit as Spirit was for him to ride him. "Will you both calm down?" Charlie had no idea this would be an issue. He yelled at the horse, "You gonna make me call and wake someone up? Now behave." He reached out to Roman. "Come on."

  Roman moved closer.

  "Climb up. I got you." Charlie cupped his hands for Roman to step into it and get on the saddle.

  Spirit was about to protest, but Charlie jerked his bridle to prevent it. He swung up behind Roman and put his feet into the stirrups. It took some persuading but finally Spirit began heading back down the trail.

  Charlie felt Roman leaning back on him, so he held him close with one arm. "Why are you up here? You know, you picked a bad time to be getting lost naked in the woods, Roman. There's some mighty odd things going on lately. You're lucky I found you when I did."

  "Thank you."

  It was so softly spoken, Charlie just caught it. Roman's hair brushed his lips as they rode back.

  "Thank you, Charlie."

  "I'll take care of you…" Charlie blinked. "I don't remember telling you my name." Did he? He
must have.

  "I know. I know you will, Charlie. You'll take good care of me."

  "Have we met?" Charlie felt a strange sensation in his body.

  "I'm so cold."

  Charlie held him tighter. It was the best he could do with one arm. He didn't know where he was going. The hospital? Vernon's house?

  "Your cabin. Please."

  "Are you reading my mind?" Charlie laughed but he was slightly rattled.


  "You don't fret. I'll take care of you."

  "Thank you, Charlie. I know you will. That's why I chose you."

  Charlie imagined the cold was making Roman slightly delusional. He heard hypothermia did that. Made you hallucinate.

  He rode to the barn, dismounting and helping Roman do the same. He tightened the blanket around Roman and quickly got the saddle off Spirit. Spirit was still acting like a mass of nerves, staring at Roman like Charlie had never seen him look at another human before.

  He shut the lights in the barn and held Roman around the waist as he hurried with him to his cabin. "Almost there."

  "I know."

  Charlie opened his door and locked it behind them. "I'll get the fire going, you go take a hot shower, ya hear me?"

  Roman dropped the blanket, standing naked before him.

  Charlie gulped audibly. "You…you need me to show you where everything is?"

  Roman stalked him.

  Charlie backed up near the fireplace. The blood spatter was in a strange pattern. Light, as if Roman was standing beside something else that was shot, or cut. But Charlie kept being drawn to Roman's eyes. The intensity of the color, the power of the stare was hypnotic.

  Roman put one hand against the cabin's exposed wooden beams, over Charlie's head. He brushed his lips against Charlie's lightly.

  "Sweet mother of god, I got me another gay boy." Charlie gulped and his cock went thick in his jeans.


  (Book 2)

  Sequel to Of Wolves and Men

  Blurb for The Order of Wolves

  In the sequel to Of Wolves and Men we find ATF Agent Roman Burk and horse wrangler Charlie Mosby, still investigating the strange curse they have been burdened with.

  Charlie struggles to come to terms with his boss and co-workers on the horse ranch in Heber, Utah, knowing he is Roman's gay lover. This new problem of changing into a wolf or crow whenever they grow angry or emotional, has both Charlie and Roman near the end of their rope.

  Roman loves Charlie, but he loves his job back in Reno as well. Though Charlie has been his champion and ally through their ordeal, Roman doesn't know if Charlie would be willing to give up his life and career and join him in the city.

  Another wrangler, Butch Crowell complicates the situation for the two men, whose life is already too bizarre for either of them to believe. Butch instills jealousy in Roman as he too becomes enamored with the handsome cowboy Charlie.

  In the end, it's up to Charlie to decide which path to choose, and if leaving a place where he has lived and worked for years is the best course of action.

  The Order of Wolves is about the alpha male, and who will inevitably be top dog.

  Sample Chapter for The Order of Wolves:

  Look at you. Charlie hadn't always preferred men as sexual partners. He had dated women exclusively, and at one time considered the idea of asking out one of Vernon's lovely daughters, Suzie or Sherlane. But…

  A chance meeting on the roadside on Interstate 80 with a gay man changed all that. 'Joe' offered Charlie a blowjob after helping him change a flat tire. Charlie couldn't recall the last time anyone had offered him such a lovely treat, so he accepted, assuming doing something once with a man was curiosity, nothing more. But after the contact, Charlie was left craving another sexual encounter with a man.

  That's when he met Roman, who he found stark naked on ranch property. The sexual appetite of Roman, not to mention his good looks, gave Charlie another chance to see if…if an alternative lifestyle was something he could consider.

  It was.

  The closer he and Roman got, the less Charlie craved lying with a woman.

  And now? Now that they were both half wolf/ half man, or a third wolf, a third crow, (which Charlie had yet to change into) and a third man. What on earth are we?

  Charlie's sexual drive had hit an all time peak. All he wanted to do was hump Roman, suck him, roll on him, and sniff him. It was madness at its highest level, and pure fantasy.

  With his morning erection needing some attention, Charlie dug one hand under Roman and curled him into an embrace. Slowly Roman came to the surface of his slumber. His bedroom brown eyes opened under dark lashes, making Charlie shiver with desire.

  "Howdy, partner." Charlie smiled, giving Roman's neck a good sniff.

  "That's some wake-up call." Roman parted his legs and pressed their crotches together.

  "Rise n' shine." Charlie licked Roman's jaw, beginning to assert his dominance over him, urging Roman to his back.

  A sound like a low purr came from Roman as he submitted to Charlie's advance. Spreading wide, he allowed Charlie to do as he pleased, which made Charlie a happy man.

  Once Charlie had licked his way down to Roman's chest, giving attention to each nipple, he knelt up and reached for the petroleum jelly left on his nightstand. Though he had intentions of getting condoms and proper lubrication, Charlie wasn't one to go into town very often, and the idea of asking someone to pick those items up for him was impossible. Not to mention, turning into something canine while behind the wheel of his truck, was a daunting prospect. It was against Charlie's nature to take risks, but he was a very trusting man. He trusted Roman.

  As Roman watched Charlie prepare, he said, "We have got to get lube. I can't stand that shit."

  Charlie chuckled softly. "Read my mind?"

  "No. I can't seem to do that to you anymore. But, come on." He curled his nose.

  "Lubrication and condoms. I must be outa my mind to be ridin' you bareback."

  "Me? I'm clean. Are you kidding me?" Roman shifted on the bed as Charlie inserted two fingers inside him. "Oh, that's nice…" He moaned. "And I haven't had sex for years before we met. Not with this crazy job, I don't."

  "Hush up. I'm not believin' that for a minute." Charlie tried to wipe his fingers off and ended up rubbing the remainder into his dry hands. He tugged on his cock to keep it hard, moving closer.

  "Right. You believe we turn into animals but you don't believe I don't fuck around anymore. I give up."

  "Fuck now, talk later." Charlie rocked Roman's legs backwards so he exposed his ass, pointing his stiff length at it.

  Roman held his own knees and raised his hips to make it easier for Charlie. Instead, Charlie backed up, grabbed Roman and spun him around roughly. "Changed my mind. I'm goin' to do you doggie style."

  "How appropriate." Roman got on his hands and knees.

  "Seems more natural."

  "Don't even go there." Roman pushed his face into the pillow.

  "I'm goin' there, Roman. Make no mistake." Charlie laughed and gripped Roman around his hips, yanking him closer. He pushed the head of his cock against Roman's tight rim and penetrated him gently.

  Roman gave a snarl and wriggled backwards, uniting their bodies.

  If you like the work from GA you may also enjoy Adrienne Wilder's new novel


  Book Blurb:

  A past that won't let go...

  After losing his job, Chase Sarim finds himself living in a shit hole apartment. His new neighbor calls himself Seven, wears aluminum hats and carries around a ceramic rooster. He also seems to know what Chase is going to do or say before it happens, and talks about people named, Nine, Three, and Four.

  Chase knows better than to get involved with someone like that.

  But some men are just too hot to resist.

  A future of fear...

  Seven has been running for his life ever since he escaped Sub-Floor. In order to elude tho
se hunting him he can never have a home, never have friends...and love? It's nothing but a weakness that can be used against him.

  Hiding had become a way of life. Until Chase.

  Greed, power, and corruption...

  Dr. David Stone knows Seven has a secret. Why else would his colleague, Dr. Radcliff, help Seven escape Sub-Floor?

  It wasn't the loss of a defective precog that bothered Stone, it was the fact Radcliff was willing to die to keep Stone from knowing why he did it. Or better yet, how.

  Two men, one love, brought together by a series of impossible circumstances and destined by fate for an entangled future.

  But maybe destiny has nothing to do with it.

  Sample Chapter of 7:

  Chapter One

  It was official; Chase Sarim's week couldn't get any worse.

  He'd thought Monday was bad, the day he lost his job as lead investigator with Inside Sources. Then there was Tuesday, the day his boss had called and offered to keep him on the payroll provided he offer up certain favors after hours when her husband worked late. Then as if Monday hadn't already shit on his day, there was Tuesday evening when Chase received the notice from human resources at The Inside that he had to move out of the condo they'd leased.

  He should have thought about where he was going to live if he turned the bitch down but there was no faking an erection.

  Chase couldn't even bend over and take it.

  Without an apartment, he'd worked fast to find a place to live. Chase had some money saved up, but he also knew it wouldn't go far living in the city. And if he was going to find another decent journalist position, he needed to stay in the city.

  Considering the dog-slaughter-dog market and the current economy, that was probably going to take longer than he even wanted to fantasize about.


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