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Wandering Engineer 6: Pirates Bane

Page 39

by Chris Hechtl


  The prisoner was escorted into the Captain's wardroom in chains. The AI watched him; certain he was the weakest link. She studied the human, knowing she wasn't as good as a proper interrogator, but she and Defender were all the crew had.

  “Prisoner will be seated,” the marine said gruffly, roughly maneuvering the young man over to a chair. “That means asshole, sit your ass down before I break your knees,” Private Yorrick growled, forcing the young man into the seat.

  “Yes, he is vulnerable,” Defender, said. “Observe the heat signature. The beads of sweat on his brow. The nervous tremor and the way he gulped and bit his lip. I suggest you make him wait Commander.”


  “You know the drill. Humans have little patience. Making him wait will activate his imagination. He will think of all sorts of scenarios, none of them good for him. That should make him more vulnerable.”

  “Understood,” Sprite said. She studied the young man.

  “While we wait we can access what files we have on him and watch him closely,” the AI said as the young man nervously looked around the room and then over his shoulder to Yorrick. Yorrick curled his lip slightly and the young man immediately froze and then sat rigid, hands on his knees.

  “He's certainly not comfortable in that chair,” Sprite observed. “It's not the normal chair in this compartment either,” she said.

  “I ordered it for this occasion,” Defender replied to her alone. “Not only is one leg slightly shorter to make it off balance, it is a hard metal chair that is slightly too low. That will make you taller than him when you appear, giving you a position of dominance. The wobbly chair will make him uncomfortable over time.”


  “Also, I had the guards provide him with liquid refreshment. Once it works its way through his digestive system it will build up in his bladder and cause physical discomfort. It will cause a subconscious desire to get this done to relieve him soon.”

  “Oh, that is wicked,” Sprite, said with a grin. “I like it.”

  “I don't care what you like or dislike. Unless it violates my programming,” Defender replied.

  “Yeah, I know,” Sprite, sighed. “Anything else?”

  “Play the role of the cold but understanding cop. Use the Marine as the bad cop. That will induce Stockholm syndrome in the prisoner. He will be compelled to keep you happy to keep the bad cop at bay.”

  “I see. Where are you getting all this?”

  “My interrogation manual,” Defender replied.

  “I don't suppose I could have a copy,” Sprite asked. “So we could be on the same page?” she asked.

  The other AI just stared at her with red eyes. She sighed. “Thought not.”

  After fifteen minutes it wasn't the prisoner that got angry, it was Yorrick. “Damn it, we going to do this or not? I'm getting bored here,” he growled. “And hungry,” he muttered.

  The prisoner glanced over his shoulder at him and then back to the empty desk. Well, not quite empty, the holo projector was there.

  Sprite sent the signal and triggered the holo projector. Both men blinked as the compartment's lights dimmed and her image appeared.

  Yorrick came to attention, gripping his weapon. Sprite nodded to him. “As you were private,” she said.

  “Um...” Bobby looked from the Marine to the apparition on the desk. “Is this some sort of joke?” he asked.

  “No joke Bobby,” Sprite said. “I am Lieutenant Commander Sprite. I am an AI. A class two point one smart AI. I've evolved a bit,” she said, smiling slightly.

  Awe briefly washed over the young prisoners face. That was replaced by fear when he finally caught up with her artificial appearance. Sprite was in her formal black day uniform, complete with cover. The uniform had glowing circuitry patterns embedded in it.

  “I see you've met Private Yorrick,” Sprite said. “A bit more introductions are in order. You see, Yorrick wasn't a Marine some time ago. He was a prisoner. In the brig you were just in.”

  “He... he was?” Bobby asked, turning wide eyes to the Marine. Yorrick didn't respond, he just stood there, staring as duty and his orders had laid out for him.

  “Yes. We liberated him and the others. They are now members of the Federation military. As am I. Which brings me to you,” Sprite said sounding sad.

  “Me?” the young man's voice asked.

  “Yes. You see, you Horathian's have been terrible to Private Yorrick and his fellows. Just terrible,” Sprite said, tisk tisking. “I've seen the footage. You can't deny it. It's what the pirates have been doing for some time. And you are a pirate.”

  “I...” He flushed. “That wasn't me!”

  “Raping, looting...” Sprite ticked off the list one by one. “You're saying you never did any of it? But, and this is important,” she said. “Here you are,” she said. “And here they are,” she said, indicating Yorrick.

  The young man's eyes cut to the marine and then back to the AI “Yeah, I know, but...”

  “Oh hush, let me finish,” Sprite said, rolling right over his protest. “You see, we have all the records, all the files. We've interviewed the survivors, we know what they know. And you know what? Raping, murder, torture, and genocide? Those are all death sentences where we are concerned,” Sprite said, voice growing cold.

  The young man gasped and lunged to his feet. Yorrick's hand on his shoulder slammed him down hard. The young man winced but froze when he saw the pistol barrel pointed at his skull.

  “I'd think about the next few seconds if I were you. Don't do anything stupid,” Yorrick growled. “Believe me, I so want to shoot you, but they'd make me clean up the mess,” he said. He looked over to the wall and then adjusted his aim slightly. He shrugged after a moment. “Still, worth it in my opinion,” he said, finger tightening ever so slightly.

  “Bobby,” Sprite said. “Bobby, look at me. Look at me,” she emphasized. The young man's terrified blue eyes cut from the pistol to Yorrick and then finally to the AI's image. He looked at her in raw appeal, lips blubbering. His face showed fear, anxiety, and terror. “I'm on your side,” the AI said softly. “But you've got to help me. I've got to give my boss something to save you. Otherwise he's going to pass judgment and you will be out the lock,” she said.

  The young man paled, gulping. He shivered uncontrollably. “What do you want to know?” he asked in a small voice, tears dripping.

  Sprite didn't allow a trace of her satisfaction over Yorrick's performance as she began her list of questions.


  The new wave of former slaves were hesitant boarding Bounty. They were each run through sickbay and the mess, then either assigned temporary quarters or shipped over to Deianira or Le More. Some had a mental breakdown, sobbing over the kindness. They were still shook up by the sudden change of events and relief.

  Others spoke with the ship's crew and found out not only their history, but also their intentions on fighting back. That made the scuttlebutt rounds for a few hours. After they were cleared by sickbay, had a meal and rest, some former slaves demanded to join the crew.

  They were informed they would get the opportunity to do so when they are judged healthy. Sprite, having prior experience now, provided them with the propaganda material as well as the recruiting material.

  Sprite, Defender, and Bounty listened to and recorded all their conversations for further security review.

  Once the slaves were settled Sprite received requests from personnel on Deianira and Le More to man the new freighter and tanker.

  “We're still cloning their databases,” Sprite said. “But we've got a lot of people raising their hands to volunteer Admiral. It seems that the successful taking of the three ships has woken some of the remaining crew from their apathy.”

  “Or they just don't want to be stuck in the other ships,” the Admiral replied.

  “No...” Sprite drawled. “I don't honestly think that is it. They had over a hu
ndred and forty people on Deianira before the pirates captured her Admiral. With the repairs we've made to her, she's more than capable of handling that number or more. I think some are honestly interested in a fresh start.”

  “And there is no talk about making a run for it?” Defender asked.

  Sprite looked at the other AI as she frowned. “You and I both know we can't know that. They are on a civilian ship, so we don't have access to what they say there. It is however something to consider sir,” Sprite said, sounding uncomfortable.

  “I don't think it will be a problem. I'm not sure about the command team. Each ship needs a solid command team. And I want a navy crew on the collier.”

  “The collier sir? It doesn't even have a name. It's a captured freighter, that much we've confirmed. But she's been rebuilt so often...” Sprite shook her virtual head. “And the survey crews didn't find a builder's plaque.”

  “She's a Clydesdale. That's obvious. Right now I don't mind if she has a civilian enlisted crew, but I want our officers and noncoms on board her. For now an officer on the tanker as well.”

  “We'll be spread thin Admiral. And we still haven't finished manning the corvette. I'm guessing you have someone in mind for that?”

  “You might say so...” the Admiral replied. “If he'll go for it. I think he's more than up for the challenge though...”


  Commander McGuyver took command of the corvette with Sindri as his engineer and exec. The Admiral was sorry to see them go, and not just because it made a big hole in his command structure again. For now Lieutenant Bounty would act as his executive officer. The two humans were well liked by the crew and had an easy air of competence and leadership few others could project so easily though, and a command slot such as an executive officer or a Chief required a body normally. But this wasn't normal times. They would have to make do with what crew they had available.

  Sindri took Yosef and a small team with him to man engineering and some of the systems on the corvette. Lieutenant Trey Ulster took over for Commander Sindri as Bounty's Chief engineer.

  Ensign Tirana Platt and Lieutenant Bill Peters were the only officers on the Collier. Since the ship lacked a proper name they had rechristened it Lassie. The Admiral didn't like how thin and wide spread his people were getting, but at least Sprite had copied her bot software to the new ships after their computers had been cloned. They were integrating well, and taking some of the load off the organic crew while also helping to locate and stamp out problems on the ship. It would be weeks before the ships were back to Federation standard, but they were on their way.

  Once the Admiral judged the corvette's crew was sufficiently settled in the Admiral called to check on them. “You two got your ship in order? Or do I have to send over help?” he asked, only half teasing.

  “We're fine,” Ian said. “Though I keep bumping my head,” he joked. “And don't get me started on my tiny bed.”

  “This ship was made for men like me,” Sindri rumbled as he entered the conversation. “She's all right, but I see plenty of room for improvement. If we have the time and materials,” he said. The Admiral nodded.

  “Which is what I thought you'd say. So I've already made up a list,” Sindri replied smugly.

  “Send it over,” the Admiral chuckled.

  “Small man on a small ship. It's about time they built something my size,” The dwarf joked.

  “There are no small men of stature here, only freedom loving people,” the Admiral replied.

  There was a bit of an uncomfortable pause as they digested that. “Ah quit, your making me blush,” the dwarf finally growled. That got a laugh.

  “Seriously,” the Admiral said. “You will be missed.”

  “Yeah well, keep the engines warm for me. And don't abuse that reactor. She's a beaut,” the Chief replied.

  “We will. After we've properly broken her in,” the Admiral replied with a lurking smile.

  “Sadist,” Sindri said, and then chuckled. The chuckles were a little too much for the speakers on the bridge, the reverb kicked up a slight whine that the Admiral heard. He grimaced slightly in annoyance.

  “I've got the list and I've added it to the replicator cue,” Sprite reported. “You're priority items will be first of course. Some things may have to be bumped back since we may not have the proper materials for it all.”

  “Are we recycling all the old hardware?” Sindri asked. “Shouldn't we keep some for replacements?”

  “Yes we're recycling the hardware when we can. We're recycling it into spares. Proper spares.”

  “Oh. Zipping up now,” Sindri said gruffly. “Show's what I know,” he grunted.

  “You've been busy,” Sprite replied.

  “Cut the chit chat or we'll be here all day,” Ian said. “We've sent our report Admiral. The crew is shaking down nicely. I'm looking forward to putting this ship into action.”

  “You've got some tactical training to go along with the ship repairs Commander,” the Admiral replied. “And now that we have two ships, I plan on running you ragged in the simulator at least a couple hours a day. So get your ship sorted out.”

  “I'm ready when you are Admiral,” Ian said.

  “I'll have a sim ready in fifteen,” the Admiral replied. He nodded to Bounty who nodded back. “If that's okay with you?” he asked.

  “Me and my big mouth,” Ian replied quietly. The Admiral smiled slightly. “Yeah, sure, that will give me time to get a bite to eat.”

  “Roger that. See you in fifteen Commander,” the Admiral said.

  “It's nice to have capable people,” Sprite said. The Admiral nodded in agreement.


  One of the things Lieutenant Gustov suggested and others including Irons agreed with was a self defense class. Some of the recruits were hesitant to join, but others were grimly aware of the need for not only the self discipline, but also the return of self confidence the training would allow. And they loved to picture what they would do to a pirate the next time they came within reach of them.

  When he could, the Admiral taught a class. He had run the Marines through a refresher once they had downloaded combat moves from his recruiting files. Knowing the moves in your implants were one thing, a Marine or other recruit had to train to use the moves, make them part of their muscle memory so they would act on instinct.

  All of the Marines were in the martial arts courses, that was practically a given. Most of the officers found time in their busy schedules to work out at least once a week.

  "It seems like you do this all the time," Sprite teased. "You'd think you'd get bored of it after a while."

  "I like to teach," the Admiral replied, moving smoothly through work out katas. It felt good to move, to stretch, to relax and just be for once.

  "And you like to work out. To take frustrations out, and you like to make certain your people can fight back."

  "It's a good way of bonding yes. But really, I like it." He shrugged, rolling his shoulders. "It's as simple as that."

  "Of course you do. But you seem distracted though. You aren't putting your full effort into it. You seem to be delegating more."

  He grimaced slightly. "No choice Commander. I'm being pulled in various directions all at once. I need to delegate. I have to trust. They need to feel needed, to have a job."

  "True," Sprite said after a moment. "I'm glad to see you are getting back into practice Admiral," she said.

  "We'll see," he said.

  Chapter 20

  The Admiral considered sending one freighter to Pyrax to warn them, another to Hidoshi's World. However, whatever was waiting in Beta101a1 would kill the freighter, there was no way they could cross the system without getting caught. That was out. Heading North to Kathy's World and then back down through B452c could land them in trouble too. That too was out. He couldn't chance running a gauntlet low on fuel.

  He was still trying to decide what to do when the decision was taken momentarily
out of his hands.

  “Sir, we have an unexpected jump signature at the Hidoshi jump point!” Bounty said.

  “Well,” the Admiral said. “It looks like they came out to us. I guess that solves that dilemma,” he said.

  “Yes, yes it does. And causes another. We're a bit off balance,” Sprite replied. “The corvette's drive is offline. It's actually in pieces if you look closely. ETA to getting it back together and online is three and a half standard days, possibly longer depending on what else they find." The admiral grimaced. They had been forced to rebuild several components, setting back the planned schedule three times. The Horathians were apparently making their own parts, but the parts were still a bit crude and wore down quickly. A good thing in his book. "And the other ships are just sitting there. Not to mention the orbital works,” the AI reminded him.

  Irons grimaced. She was right. There was no way of hiding all of it. They could cut power, but what was the purpose. The energy signature was already speeding its way to the enemy ships even as they spoke. “Then we'll just have to see how much bullshit they can stand before they get wise won't we Commander?” Irons replied.

  Enric and Irina sputtered in amusement. He looked at each of them and then Sprite. “Or should I say see how well you can get them to dance to our tune and lower their guard.”

  “Oh lovely. Lay it all out on me,” Sprite muttered.

  “In the meantime,” the Admiral said, turning to the ship AI's avatar. “Bounty, let everyone know through their implants or by whisker laser. Trojan horse. Keep the comm lines clear.”

  “Aye sir.”

  “Commander,” Irons turned to the AI. “Create a back story. The corvette suffered an engineering casualty and we're working on it with the crew.”

  Sprite's eyes shifted back and forth as she ran a sim on that idea. “That... might buy us some time. How much I'm not sure sir,” she said.

  “We'll have to make do with what we've got,” the Admiral replied.

  “Time to intercept?”

  “Ninety one hours Admiral.”


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