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Schooling Their Racy Teacher [Racy Nights 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Tara Rose

  Ava knew she’d need to make a spreadsheet in order to remember everyone, and who was with whom. As the guys gathered in a circle around Storm and Cameron, Kari took Ava over to where the women were gathered, but first she whispered in her ear. “What happened Friday night after you left Tye Me Up? Are you with Jake and Gary now?”

  Ava cut her gaze toward the group of men, wondering how much they’d want her to say. “Let’s just say we’re exploring our options.”

  Kari raised one brow. “All right. You go, girl.”

  Ava laughed. “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Hey, I have nothing against Jake. If you can handle his dark side, more power to you.”

  “He’s not that bad. He’s just very intense.”

  “I’m happy for you. Come on. Time for girl talk.”

  A weight lifted from Ava’s mind as she stood in the circle and listened to the subs talk about everything from what colors Olivia had decorated the nursery in the home she’d just moved into with Storm and Cameron, to the upcoming munch on Friday night and how excited they all were about it.

  “You’re coming, right?” asked Annalise.

  Ava was caught off guard by the question and said the first thing that came to her mind. “I don’t see why not.”

  “Great. We need everyone there.” Annalise frowned slightly. “Are you with Jake and Gary now? As in officially?”

  All conversation stopped as everyone waited for Ava’s answer. “I’m not sure if it’s official. We’re still navigating the waters.”

  “But you’re open to that possibility, right?” asked Gina.

  “Yes. Definitely.” That much was true, at least. The question was, were they open to it?

  Cherilyn glanced around. “Well, if you need any advice, here we are. Just ask.”

  Everyone laughed, and Ava was grateful when one of them changed the subject to the weather. She had yet to figure out where her own head was with respect to being a sub to both Jake and Gary. There was no way she was ready to discuss it with women she barely knew.

  As they talked, Ava let her mind wander to everything that had happened in the space of a few short days. She couldn’t wait to be alone later with the men so they could continue the conversation that she and Jake had started earlier, and she hoped Gary would be as open to discussing it as Jake was.

  Despite the rocky night she’d spent wishing she could change the outcome of the school board meeting, Ava had never been happier. Moving here to Racy had been the right thing to do. She had a host of new friends, and the possibility of two sexy, charming Doms to serve. They would talk later, and it would be okay. She felt sure of it.

  And as for the past, she’d put that safely behind her now. She felt certain of that, as well.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Olivia gave birth to a baby girl exactly three hours after Storm and Cameron had brought her to the hospital. They named her Cassidy Jamison Sinclair Kelly, and once everyone had taken a peek at her through the windows of the newborn nursery, Gary took Ava aside and asked if she wanted to stay a while or return to Jake’s house.

  “Jake said you two talked earlier about the three of us when the calls about Olivia came through.”

  “Actually we had just started. Would you be comfortable with all three of us finishing it?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. We need to do that.” His eyes blazed with desire and an urgency she didn’t understand. It was all Ava could do to make the rounds and say good-bye to her new friends. She only wanted to get out of there and be alone again with Jake and Gary.

  She rode back to Jake’s house with Gary, and once they were inside again, Jake disappeared for a second to see about dinner, then joined them in one of the many rooms that Ava had only quickly seen on her tour. This one was a cozy dining room, and Jake explained he used it for intimate parties.

  Ava took in the candelabras and the sofa tucked into a corner, and tried not to imagine him having a dinner and sex party in here with another woman. She was here now. She was the woman in his life, at least for as long as they could all make this work.

  “Dinner will be ready in about an hour.” Jake leaned back, eyed Gary, and then crossed one ankle over the opposite knee. Ava thought he looked more nervous than the gesture conveyed. “So, earlier I was telling Ava that I wasn’t sure I can share her. She told me she likes us both, and wants to continue this with us. What are your thoughts?”

  Gary sighed and held Jake’s gaze, but Ava couldn’t decipher his expression. “I don’t want to give her up. It’s that simple. And if sharing her is what I need to do, then I’ll share her.”

  Ava couldn’t help but smile. This was too good to be true. Could it really be that easy?

  “Just like that?” asked Jake.

  “Yes. Just like that. Look, I know how hard this is for you. We’re not friends. We’re not enemies, but before last night, we barely spoke to each other. We run in different circles. And now we have this school board decision hanging over our heads. But we have one thing in common now that transcends all that. We’re both crazy about the same woman. The same sub.”

  Gary cut his gaze toward her and then turned his attention to Jake again. “When we were at the hospital, listening to Storm and Cameron burst with pride over their new baby, something about the successful ménages in this town struck me in a way it never had before. Only a few of those Doms were friends first. And even then, I remember the issues they faced. You should, too. They talked about them enough with all of us.”

  Jake nodded.

  “But they overcame them. Why? To make their subs happy. Because their subs wanted them both. They found a way to make it work because at the core of all this, they wanted their women satisfied.”

  “Do you believe we can do this?” Now Ava knew she hadn’t imagined Jake’s nervousness. His voice came out small and uncertain.

  “Yes, I do. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here right now.” Gary leaned back. “So, the ball’s in your court now, coach. What are you going to do with it?”

  Jake picked at a loose thread on the sofa cushion for so long that Ava began to get uncomfortable. She’d never seem him fidget like this. If his decision required that much thought, was that because he wasn’t sure of his feelings for her, or something else? Finally, he glanced at each of them in turn and leaned forward, clasping his hands in his lap. “I’m going to give this my best shot for two reasons. Ava is unlike any woman I have ever met, and I’m not going to give her up either.”

  Gary smiled, and then he raised an imaginary glass. “To the next Racy kinky ménage, then.”

  Jake raised his hand as well. “I’ll drink to that.”

  “So will I.” Ava pretended to raise a glass, moved her hand toward each man in turn as if she were clinking it against their glasses, and then smiled until her face ached. This was really going to happen! It was almost unbelievable. Had she dreamed this entire weekend?

  * * * *

  After dinner, they drank coffee and talked about their families. Ava told them about her two sisters, both older, who helped run the company and were about as interested in music as they were in needlepoint.

  “What happened to you?” asked Jake. “Recessive gene?”

  “I have no idea. The only person in my family who played an instrument beyond merely a passing interest was my maternal grandmother, but she never went to college. How about your family?”

  “Most of them now live in Illinois or Colorado. My parents were raised here but moved to Denver some years ago. I have one sister who is an executive at the Notus operation in Passion Peak.”

  “Why did you stay here?”

  Jake shrugged. “I had more of an interest in English and exercise physiology than wind turbines, and someone has to help keep an eye on the plant here.”

  “Gary, you mentioned you were raised on a farm. Was that here in Racy?”

  He nodded. “Just outside the city limits, on Elm Parkway. Our farm is near the one that Chad Bristol now owns. But
my dad took off when I was a baby, so basically my mom raised me and worked the farm. She still does most of the inside work herself, but has a dozen or so field hands that take care of the outside work now.”

  And that explained why Gary had never had the chance to make his dreams of being in a band come true. No money or opportunities. Jake, on the other hand, had all the opportunities in the world, but had chosen to stay here in Racy and coach a sport that he knew one day the school board would likely cut. All because he loved the town, and he loved what he did.

  She’d taken so much of the opportunities in her own life for granted, including the years at Berklee. But now she had a chance to do something important for this town. Her music shop had come at the right time, just as both these men had come into her life at exactly the time she needed each of them, for different reasons. And by some unknown miracle, they’d all found each other.

  Ava was done talking. She wanted them. Both of them. And she wanted them now. She glanced around the room. “I’ve never had sex in a dining room before. What do you two think?”

  Jake’s eyes glazed over. “Ah…I think I’d better have Dane clear the dinner dishes, and then tell Vince to give us privacy for the rest of the night. And I might have to call in a sub for my classes tomorrow.”

  “Me, too,” said Gary. “But fuck it. It’ll be worth it.”

  Ava stood. “All right then. I’m just going to grab my bag from my car and freshen up a bit. Which bathroom should I use?”

  Jake still didn’t look as though he’d recovered from her bold proposition, and she reveled in the realization that she’d been able to unnerve him that much. “Um, there’s a full bath right through that door.” He pointed toward it, then practically jumped out of his chair and sprinted down the hallway, calling for Vince and Dane.

  Ava went out to her car, retrieved her bag, then went into the bathroom Jake had mentioned, using the entrance from the main hallway. She could hear him and Gary talking in the dining room, but their voices were too low to make out the words. She hoped they were planning something decadent and erotic for her. The more daring, the better.

  She felt bold tonight and uninhibited tonight. Their talk had released the remainder of her worries, and now she wanted to experience everything these two could give her. She wanted them so hot for her that neither man could think of anything else.

  When she emerged into the dining room, Gary was waiting for her. The grin on his face sent fresh desire coursing through her body. When she reached him, he pulled her into a tight embrace and grasped her ass cheeks. Ava sucked in a sharp breath as tiny jolts of electricity shot straight to her throbbing clit.

  “Jake is upstairs, gathering a few toys. But we had a few moments to talk, and here is what we’ve decided about tonight.” His breath was warm in her ear, and Ava moaned at the sexy, commanding tone in his voice. “We’d like to try something a bit edgy with you, if you’re agreeable to it.”

  “That sounds exciting. What is it?”

  Gary pointed toward the table, where a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt had been placed. “We’d like you to wear those…and then we’d like to cut them off. You’ll be tied up, and we’ll use real knives, but we won’t cut your skin. Only the clothes. Kind of a kidnap and forced seduction scene. What do you think? You took a lot of impact play last night, so we thought we’d do something a bit different. An added advantage is the shower right in the next room. We’d like to do that with you as well, once we’ve cut off your clothes and forced you to take our cocks in every hole.”

  Ava shuddered as erotic images danced through her head. She wanted to do this so badly! “I’ve never done anything like a kidnap scene. It sounds intriguing.” It sounded more than intriguing. It sounded dark, dangerous, and so damn sexy that she had trouble taking a full breath. And she would definitely love to take a shower with them.

  “We won’t hurt you. I swear it. And you can totally get into the role and say anything you want. You know, like acting. But if you safeword, we’ll know that’s not part of the scene and we’ll stop. I swear it.”

  “I believe you. I’d love to do that.”

  Gary pumped his fist in the air as Jake returned to the room, carrying a black duffle bag.

  “Did she say yes?”

  “She did.”

  Jake looked at her like she’d hung the moon. “Awesome. Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay. Go in the bathroom and put on the old clothes, then come out. The room will be dark, but it’s only us in here. All your safewords apply. We’re going to give you a bunch of directions, but remember it’s all part of the role play. You can safeword out of the scene at any time. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Absolutely.” Ava picked up the clothes. “What about my underwear? Should I leave it on?”

  “No. Just the sweat pants and T-shirt. Take off your shoes as well. We don’t want to ruin your real clothes.” Ava nodded and went into the bathroom. She couldn’t wait to get started on this. Leo had never done anything like this with her. He laughed at scenes they’d watched in clubs where Doms and subs did role play, and he’d once told her that only people who were miserable in their real lives needed role play to become sexually aroused.

  As Ava shed her own clothes and put on the ones Jake and Gary had given her, she decided that Leo was a fucking idiot. She only wished she’d figured that out roughly seventeen years ago. But if she hadn’t gone through all that, she wouldn’t appreciate Jake and Gary now. She might never have met them, and she probably wouldn’t have met Kari or discovered Racy. Everything happens for a reason, and Ava thanked the stars, gods, fates, or whatever had led her here, to this town, and to these two Doms.

  When she emerged, the room was dark except for a single candle on the sideboard across the room, but she had no time to adjust her eyes to the light. One of them grabbed her from behind and put a hand over her mouth. If she hadn’t recognized the soap and shampoo scent, she’d have been terrified. It felt so real.

  “Don’t make a sound until I tell you to, and I won’t hurt you.” Jake was wrong about having no talents. He was a damn good actor. “Do you understand?”

  She nodded, only to yelp when he delivered a stinging blow to each ass cheek with his open palm. “You are to address me as ‘Sir.’ You will only speak when I tell you to, and you will only answer the questions I ask. Now…do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. Her pulse raced and every nerve ending was on fire. Never in her wildest imagination had she pictured being so turned-on by something like this. Her pussy was already soaked and she could barely hold back her moans.

  Jake ran a hand down the front of her shirt and pants, roughly grabbing her boobs and then her crotch. Ava struggled and whimpered, because she assumed that doing so was part of what they wanted for the game, and she hoped she was right.

  “Don’t bother trying to get away. No matter what you say, or how much you beg, I won’t let you go until I’ve had my fill. And my friend here is going to have some fun with you, too. And then when we’re both done with you, we’ll fuck you again, just because we can.”

  Jake slapped her breasts, one after the other, through the shirt, and Ava moaned loudly. It hurt, but it was so fucking arousing that she nearly came.

  Gary moved into her line of vision, grinning like an evil madman, and it was all she could do to keep breathing. Where had these two been hiding this? He held up leather bondage cuffs. “You’re a sweet little piece of ass and we’ve had our eyes on you for a while. I’m going to drill every hole you have, and then I’m going to come on your face to mark you as mine.”

  He cut his gaze toward Jake. “Turn her around.”

  Jake whirled her to face the wall while Ava shivered at the tone Gary had used. He didn’t even sound the same. This was so exciting that she wondered how she’d get through it without passing out from sheer pleasure. Nothing would ever be the same after this, and she hoped they kept up this intensity. She craved it. She wanted them to use her up
until there was nothing left.

  Her arms were pulled behind her back and then Gary fastened the cuffs around her wrists while Jake held her around the torso so tightly she couldn’t have moved even if she’d wanted to.

  “Please don’t hurt me.” She tried to inject fear into her voice but she was so turned-on, she wasn’t sure it came out that way.

  “We’re not going to hurt you,” said Gary, his voice sexy but with an edge she’d never heard before. It sent more shivers up and down her spine. “As long as you do exactly what we say, that is. And call me ‘Sir’ as well. Understood?”

  He clipped the cuffs together as she whispered, “Yes, Sir,” and then she was turned to face them again.

  Gary grabbed her breasts and rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. “Now her ankles.”

  Jake squatted in front of her and fitted cuffs around her ankles, then put what looked like a spreader bar between them. The light was still too low for her to make out details, but it felt like one.

  “Please…don’t do that. Don’t tie me up like this. I’ll be good. I’ll do what you want.” She hoped they knew that she was only playing along. The words weren’t real, but the emotions they evoked were. The sudden adrenaline rush made her dizzy, but it was mixed with intense arousal, and Ava couldn’t get enough of it.

  “Too late, gorgeous. You shouldn’t have wandered in here tonight. You were warned to stay away. You were told we’re dangerous.”

  Ava shivered as they turned her around and lifted her off her feet to move her up against the wall. She was immobile and completely at their mercy, but she couldn’t think of one place she’d rather be tonight.

  When one of them pushed up against her and rubbed his erection across her ass, Ava whimpered and moaned. The more she did it, the more he rubbed. She wasn’t sure which man it was, and that only added to the excitement. The more she struggled and protested, the more he teased her. When he reached under the shirt and grabbed her breasts, her cries became louder and she tried to free her hands, which of course was impossible.


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