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Forever Werewolf: Forever WerewolfMoon Kissed (Harlequin Nocturne)

Page 27

by Michele Hauf

  Sure, he looked like a man now. But he wasn’t. Not really. And he’d explained he could be a real wolf. That was about as animal as a guy could get.

  “May I join you?”

  “Do dogs swim?”

  “I am not a dog. I’m a wolf. And get that straight.”

  He began to unlace his heavy boots.

  Dare she invite him in? That damned piercing gaze of his would not relent. Something about the challenge he pressed upon her excited her. And if she were the one to do the inviting, then she would still be in control.

  “You’re not going to leave until you’ve touched me, are you?”

  “So quickly you learn my manner. I like that about you, Bella. Even as your heart races with fear, you aren’t afraid to meet the next challenge. And no, I don’t intend to leave until I’ve at least been allowed to stroke your soft skin.”

  Mmm, a stroke sounded nice. Romantic.

  Bella’s elbows slipped from the pool’s edge, and she kicked to stay above water.

  This was wrong. So wrong. And yet, part of her thrummed with anticipation. The man was growing on her. He wasn’t shockingly handsome or charming, but something about his aggressively gentle approach intrigued her.

  “Come on, then, but keep your distance.”

  He tugged the T-shirt over his head, revealing an abdomen that would have made an abs instructor whimper. He kicked off his boots, and he unzipped and tugged down his black jeans.

  “Keep your skivvies on,” she said when he stood before her in nothing but black boxer briefs.

  “Fair enough.”

  Damn, he was a sight. Powerful thighs and legs pulsed with his movement. The cut muscles on his abdomen emphasized square hips. The dark boxer briefs did little to disguise his erection. Bella had never seen someone so appealing, so utterly powerful and intriguing.

  He jumped in, splashing her with his grand entrance. Coming up in the center of the pool, he treaded water and shook his head, spattering water across her face. “This is heated. Nice.”

  “Really nice on a cool evening.”

  “In the nude?”

  “Only when I’m alone. So wolves can swim?”

  “Faster than you, so don’t get any ideas.”

  Right. Not safe, Bella. Don’t forget that.

  “You’re all about the he-man stuff, aren’t you? Me Tarzan, you Jane. You know that’s not attractive to most women.”

  “You like it,” he said with confidence.

  “I do not.”

  “You’re aroused right now, sweet.”

  “Don’t call me that. You have no right to give me a pet name. And if you think I’m aroused because my nipples are hard, it’s only because the water—”

  “Is warm.” His prideful grin told her he’d scored the point on that one.

  Okay, so she was a little turned on. His incredible body, rippling with muscle, went a long way in making him more human and real. And while she wasn’t attracted to the hairy look, she couldn’t deny a hunger for some washboard abs.

  He swam closer and Bella held her position at the edge. She’d let him approach and see what he had in mind this time around. If he kissed her, she would accept it, but she was asking for more than a mere kiss, and she knew it.

  “So you haven’t called the police?” He treaded water a couple feet from her but did not drift closer.

  “Like they’d believe me. Hey, three vampires chased me, and now I’ve got a werewolf stalker. Send help right away!”

  “You make light of it, but I know you’re frightened, Bella. You needn’t be scared of me.”

  “You insist on manhandling me every chance you get without asking my permission. What about that treatment should make me unafraid?”

  “Again, you want it more than you know. I don’t smell fear on you now. And though curiosity has no scent, I’d wager that is what you’re feeling. You’re curious about me. About us.”

  She was about to say “There is no us,” but that was too easy. Instead, Bella lifted her leg and toed his chest, pushing him back about a foot. “Stay. Good boy.”

  The water rushed up around her face and into her mouth with his swift approach. He put her up against the tiled wall. Bella choked on swallowed water.

  “Stop with the dog comments,” he said. A low, throaty growl followed.

  “All right, I’m sorry. Let me go. You’re so damned sensitive.”

  “I want you to know the way of things.” He positioned his body along the length of hers and dipped his head over hers, forcing her to look up at his face. “I will strike out against cruelty and wrongs, no matter who is responsible. But I can be kind to those I consider friends.”

  “You strike out…? What does that mean? Are you some kind of werewolf avenger?”

  He chuffed a breath beside her cheek. “You think me an animal simply because I react to the way I am drawn to you?”

  “I’m not trying to draw you. Hell, I just want you to leave.”

  “You don’t want that, or else you wouldn’t have invited me into the pool. Oh, Bella.” He nuzzled aside her cheek and kissed her water-slicked hairline. A shiver tickled her neck. “Why did you come into my life?”

  “As I recall, I wasn’t looking for a friend the other night. I was running for my life.”

  “You run often. Your body is sleek and gorgeously muscled.”

  “I’m a dancer.”

  “Yes, you looked right at home last night in the club.”

  His closeness warmed the blood in her veins. Had someone lit a fire beneath the cauldron?

  “I—I prefer ballroom and flamenco, but any kind will get me moving.”

  “Being tailed by vampires gets you moving, as well. Will you let me kiss you?”

  “Now you have the consideration to ask first?”

  He lifted her chin so she could not look away from him. A tenderness she did not expect to find softened his gaze. He was a real man. A man who could be hurt with inconsiderate words and be tempted to rescue her at the first scent of danger.

  A man she wanted to kiss.

  Bella leaned forward. Water slopped around her shoulders and his chest. Their lips, wet and soft, pressed, then parted with the wavery ripples. The hairs on his chest slicked to dark silk under her exploring fingers. A sinus-clearing bite of chlorine entered her mouth as she parted her lips to push her tongue into his.

  Yes, she moved in first. It was inevitable. The exotic being who held her invited the dangerous exploration.

  She wrapped her legs about his hips. Severo moaned appreciatively and coaxed her to fit herself against the landscape of muscles ridging his torso.

  They bobbed backward in the water, folded in an embrace. He steered them toward the steps until Bella’s feet touched bottom and she was able to balance.

  Kissing this man was like drawing air. It was a need, a natural act, something she required more and more of. The rough beard, wet under her fingers, teased, and she slid her palms down his neck and gripped hanks of his hair to keep his mouth on hers.

  Severo’s fingers glided up her thigh and over her behind, clutching, squeezing. The thin undies were but soaked tissue over her flesh. Every move he made was possessive, inciting. Bella fed his want with murmurs and small movements until she lay on top of his body, stretched out across the half-submerged steps.

  Struck by what she was doing—lying on top of this man—she lifted her body but didn’t move aside. “Oh, mercy, this is going too far.”

  “It’s going exactly where we want it to.”


  “This is not a one-sided embrace.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it over his groin. Through the wet cotton, his hard shaft felt immense, wicked. Bella stopped herself before giving it a squeeze. “I need you, sweet.”

  “Why? Is the moon full tonight?”

  “No, fool woman. You think you can touch me like this and not expect me to react?”

  “But you put my hand on your—”

ve brought me to some kind of pinnacle, and I don’t want it to stop.”

  “It has to. This is happening too fast, Severo. Please?”

  He released her hand and she grabbed the steel handrail.

  “Very well. I promise not to push this any further. But just stay.”

  Bella knew herself well enough to know that if she stayed, she would want to go further. And she wasn’t cool with that. Not yet.

  “Sorry.” She stepped from the pool. At that moment the phone rang. “I’ve got to get that.”

  Severo groaned as he sat up on the middle step and flipped back his head in a spray of water. He made a noise that was half growl, half agreement.

  Bella scuttled into the kitchen, dripping wet. It was Seth. He had to change the time for tonight.

  “Is it your vampire woman?”

  “Bella, don’t be like that,” he complained. “I’ll meet you around nine at the restaurant, ’kay?”

  “Fine. I’ll see you later.”

  She clicked off but held the phone to her chest and glanced out the patio door. Severo sat alone at pool’s edge. His broad shoulders flexed as he pressed his palms to the patio floor and leaned back.

  “Marvelous,” she murmured. “Poor guy. Left him high and dry. I did play the tease.”

  Her soaked T-shirt clung to her breasts, hard nipples jutting. “Better change before I go out there.”

  * * *

  The human woman had some kind of grip on him.

  But he wouldn’t force himself on her. He’d never do that to a woman. Besides, she had just met him and discovered the world was populated with paranormal creatures.

  She was taking things well, as far as he was concerned.

  He’d put himself in this situation; he should have known better. But when he was near Bella, his brain softened to mush. And that was not his style.

  Was she the one who could be his lifelong mate? Only time would tell. And, more important, the werewolf.

  Right now he knew only that he wanted to be close to her. So close that their flesh slicked with sweat when they were against one another, their lips melded, their bodies joined.

  He groaned and eased a hand over his wet boxer briefs. A glance to his dry clothes lying on the bench decided it for him. He pulled off the boxer briefs and wrung them out over the pool. He’d have to go commando.

  Using the towel on the lounge chair, he dried off. Ignoring a hard-on took monumental willpower. Dressing and tying up his boots, he stalked inside Bella’s home after finding the patio door unlocked.

  So she wasn’t keeping him out? Good girl.

  He scanned the room, dodging the jungle of plants hanging from the ceiling and sprouting up from pots on the floor. She wasn’t on the phone; the cordless sat on the counter.

  The vast room was like a big studio, divided down the center by the flimsy white fabric. A big couch and a plasma TV designated the living room on one side, and on the other, against the wall, sat a low bed and a nightstand.

  Bella appeared from what must be the bathroom, wearing a loose white top and pants. Some kind of yoga wear. It appealed to Severo because her nipples pointed through the thin fabric, and she did not wear a bra.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  He dangled his underwear in his hand. “Can I hang these in your bathroom to dry?”

  “Uh, sure.” She pointed over her shoulder and he took direction. “Will you leave, then?”

  “I will if you want me to,” he called.

  Her pause gave him hope, but with a shake of her head, she confirmed, “I do want you to.”

  “Fine, but I’ll return when the sun sets.”

  “Do you think that’s necessary?”

  He strode out from the bathroom and met her at the couch. “Yes, I scented vamps all night. They were prowling. Looking for something.”

  “Really?” Now the nervousness he recognized warbled her voice. A twinge of fear filled Severo’s nostrils, acrid and hot.

  “It’ll be fine. Just keep that stake and cross close at hand. Holy water would be great.”

  “Oh sure, I keep a liter in the fridge for such occasions.”


  “Don’t sweet me. In what alternate universe do you get to boss me around and expect I’ll tolerate another of your kisses?”

  “Another?” He lifted a brow. “You like my kisses.”

  “They’re fine.” She surprised herself with that


  “You wish to have one more before I leave? Be decisive, no maybes.”


  He did love this woman’s daring.

  Severo swept her into his arms and kissed her soundly. She accepted his command and answered with an eager reply. Plunging in deeply, he explored her, noting the texture of her tongue, the soft insides of her mouth. Her sweet breath. Every moan she murmured only made him all the more determined to possess her. To win her.

  To get the hell out of here before he couldn’t resist the desire to rip away those loose clothes and lave his tongue all over her flesh.

  “Tonight.” Severo kissed her on the forehead and walked out the patio door.

  Chapter 6

  Severo arrived home to find a turkey sandwich on the kitchen counter. Actually, it was like a Thanksgiving feast stuffed between two innocent slices of French bread. Stuffing, cranberries, gravy and loads of meat.

  Heloise, the cook/housekeeper, had worked for him for twenty years, and he dreaded the day she considered retirement.

  Not only was she a great cook, but Heloise also understood his foibles and knew what he was. She knew when not to press and when a defiant tone would be tolerated. She worked Monday through Thursday, noon to whenever, and would never move in, despite his frequent suggestion she do so. She had a family; he understood.

  Demolishing the sandwich, he then tipped back a couple glasses of water. His appetite never waned. He loved meat. He ran off the calories nightly, so he needed not fear a gut. Besides, he was still young.

  At ninety-some years, Severo was only about a third through the usual werewolf’s life expectancy. Three centuries were more than enough. He wasn’t immortal, and he was thankful for that.

  He’d endured much in his near century of life. He’d seen unspeakable horrors, and he’d participated in the horror himself. He’d loved but once—an unrequited love. And that had taught him to be wary of future love.

  Until he’d caught the lovely Belladonna Reynolds in his arms. He’d only intended to keep her safe from the vamps, then release her, never to see her again.

  Setting the empty plate in the sink, he headed for the office.

  Funny how life never follows the plans a man makes, he thought. He didn’t need the distraction of a sexy human woman. He lived a simple life, yet he was always busy with real estate purchases. He systematically purchased forested land in the upper northern areas of the state. Much was state forest release.

  If Severo had his way, he’d buy it all. But there were the Indian reservations, and he would not deny them their bid to reclaim some of the land. He was getting close to beginning construction on the wolf preserve. At this moment an architect in Minneapolis was designing the project to Severo’s specifications.

  A lifelong dream, the preserve would protect those he considered his closest relatives in the animal kingdom. The wolf packs were few in Minnesota, thanks to frightened farmers shooting wildly at wolves that strayed from the pack, and hunters seeking a prize to mount and display for friends.

  If only there was a way to protect his kind from the vampires. Beyond their banding together in multiple packs and standing strong against the longtooths, or allying themselves with the bloody bastards, it was better that a werewolf kept to himself.

  There were some packs who participated in the blood sport—a vicious retaliation against the vampires—but Severo did not condone senseless violence.

  Though a member, Severo had not attended the Council for years. It was a conglomer
ation of representatives from the various paranormal nations. Vampires, witches, werewolves, faeries, elementals and others. They tried for peace among the nations but accepted tolerance.

  No humans served on the Council. Humans were but distractions to the paranormals. To be avoided by the werewolves. Few considered them a necessity, save the vamps.

  And yet, Severo would not fight his body’s attraction to the human female. He hadn’t experienced such a powerful pull since, well, not even since Aby.

  Aby had been different. Theirs had been a close, friendly bond, like family. Yet not. He’d been more sexually attracted to her than she had been to him. But she had felt it. He knew it.

  Picking up the picture frame from the shelf behind the document-littered mahogany desk, he tilted it to erase the reflection from the window. Bold red hair spiked about a pixie face with a smile so bright, it hurt him to know she was no longer a big part of his life.

  He tapped the glass over her face. “Miss you.”

  Aby was but a phone call away. Ten numbers. Three states.

  And one wedding ring.

  He set the picture down and heaved out a sigh.

  Had he not walked this earth long enough that love should finally be his? He did desire it. He craved the connection and emotional bond that accompanied what he believed love to be.

  But most of all, he wanted to hold another in his arms and know he was loved in return. That he was not merely a friend.

  Could Bella be the mate this tired werewolf had dreamed to find?

  For a human, she impressed him with her acceptance, her teasing foray into discovering him. It was as if she dared herself to step over the cliff, to take the plunge into the unknown. He suspected she lived a neat, orderly life within her jungle of a loft. Yet she fed on adrenaline more than she realized.

  He liked that about her. Any woman who got involved with him would need to be comfortable with the adrenaline rush. Introducing chaos into her life would please him immensely.

  But it worried him that Elvira and her mindless sycophants might be after Bella. If her friend Seth was involved with Elvira, it made sense that the female vampire would seek to remove all human connections the idiot boyfriend had. That’s how the longtooth worked.

  Severo growled in disgust. He punched a fist into his open palm with a smack. He cared little for the man. But no one would harm a hair on Bella’s head.


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