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The last of the Limea Dragon riders: Dragon Master and Dragon Warrior

Page 7

by Tamsin Baker

  “Why not?” he asked, grinning down at her. “We’re both alive. We should celebrate.”

  “Because you will be leaving soon and there is no future for us…Prince Leonide.”

  She swallowed hard as the bile rose. She was not looking forward to saying goodbye to him again. After everything they had shared, she was afraid they were inextricably linked.

  The passionate sex, fighting beside him… He was her intended mate and she knew it. But that did not mean that she had to fall into Fate’s plans for her. She would not risk the safety of the city, nor her own life, for a child that did not exist yet.

  Stupid. Cruel. Fate.

  She shoved his hand off her thigh and gasped at the feelings of cold dread that invaded her heart.

  Everything made sense to her now, especially why Nargoya wouldn’t hurt Leo. The powerful, protective Dragon wouldn’t even lift a finger to help her, when Tattiena had been so furious with him the other day.

  Any other time, Nargoya would have been at her back, protecting her, tapping into the intense feelings she was experiencing. But not where her intended mate was involved. Nargoya could obviously see through all of that.

  They kept eating and drinking, talking and celebrating as the day called for. Tattiena, unfortunately, had to spend some of the night fending off the advances of her half-brother. The disgusting creature made her skin crawl, but stabbing him during dinner would not be looked upon favorably.

  He knew their blood connection. Why did he do that?

  When dinner was done, she gave her thanks and bowed herself out of the room. She made it half way down the empty hall when Nellid grabbed her by the arm.

  “Tattiena, I notice you are limping. Would you like me to escort you to the medical rooms? A hot oil massage may be just what you need.”

  His eyes slid down to glance at her cleavage, his bony fingers gripping her arm.

  “I just need some sleep. Thank you, Nellid.”

  She tried to back away, but his grip tightened, his hand unusually strong for his otherwise frail physique. He stepped closer, licking his lips as he inhaled her scent.

  “You know, my father will not live forever. You might want to start showing me a little more favor if you want to continue living in the castle. After all…if your mother was as good a whore as they say…I’m sure you will be able to step up into the same role one day.”

  Hot ash coated her tongue as she stared at him. Had he really said what she thought he did?

  “But, you’re my brother!”

  “I am not,” he practically spat, lying through his teeth as he always did. “Not as far as anyone in the kingdom is concerned. And what does it matter anyway? I’m telling you to fuck me, not bear my children.”

  His gaze slid the length of her again and she felt truly sick. What was wrong with this man that was meant to be king?

  His hold tightened and he moved to kiss her.

  She turned her face away, his breath on her cheek and the heat of her anger began to flush over her body.

  If he didn’t move away. She was going to grab him by the balls and make sure he never created the next king.

  He spoke into her ear. “And if you’re not careful, Dragon rider, you’ll be thrown out of this castle the day I become king. And as punishment against your insolence, we’ll keep your Dragon. You know that the punishment for denying your king is death.”

  Horror rippled along her spine like flames licking at her back. He couldn’t do that. This place was her home and Nargoya was hers. Not the kingdom’s.

  And the alternative he was suggesting, was worse than death. So, her choice was obvious.

  Anger surged in her belly, Nargoya’s strength filtering into Tattiena, making her straighten to her full height and pull her arm from his grasp.

  “Go ahead. I dare you. Nargoya and I will be very happy to fight for another kingdom.”

  “The Dragon stays,” he hissed at her. It may have been her imagination of course, but she was sure she saw a forked tongue slither out between his lips.

  Horrible snake of a man.

  She forced a laugh out, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him. It was time to put this overgrown toddler back in his place. If she had to go to another city and start again, she would.

  “Listen here, you spoilt, selfish…disgusting toad of a man. Nargoya and my connection is absolute. She would die without me…as my mother’s Dragon died as she did. So, don’t even think about stealing her, severing our bond, or doing anything to harm me. You can simply get—”

  “Tattiena! Here you are.” Leo’s voice cut off the last of her words and as she recoiled away from the future King of Gregorick she was glad of it. He didn’t need anything else to hold against her.

  “Yes, Prince Leonide. Can I help you?”

  She walked right up to him, her body still flushed and trembling from the anger coursing through her.

  “Yes. I was hoping you would show me where the library is. The king said I could borrow some of the ancient text books he has before I head home to Davuno.”

  “Of course. This way.” She slid a dagger glare at her half-brother, who looked quite pale now that he’d realized all his plans had a rather huge hole in them.

  “This way, Prince Leo.”

  She walked along the corridor and as they reached the wing where her bedroom was, he took her hand in his and stalled her.

  “Take me to your room, or come to mine.”

  Her nipples tingled and tightened beneath her dress, her knees trembling as they struggled to hold her up.

  “Leo… I told you…”

  “Yes, you told me we shouldn’t, and none of your reasons make sense. You have a Dragon, you could fly over to me anytime you needed, and by the sounds of that fucking idiot back there, you may move to Davuno someday, anyway.”

  She frowned, realizing he’d heard everything that had been said. “Not until the king dies, and hopefully, that is a long, long time away.”

  “Your father?” Leo said gently and she heaved out a sigh. Yes, he had heard everything.

  “Yes. Although that is not a recognized union, you understand that.”

  He inclined his head and she smiled. Of course, he did. He was a prince. How many illegitimate children did he have?

  The thought made her cold.

  “Alright…well, then goodnight, Leo.”

  She moved away and he yanked her back. Her aching body curved around him and her center began to throb even as it melted against him. He kissed her, those soft, passionate lips pressing against hers in a way that was gentle. Asking for her passion.

  And it was her undoing.

  Why not have just one more night?

  If she was never going to see him again, why would she deny herself this night? If she must go back to the frustration and agitation of her heat when he was gone, then she should revel in this while it was here.

  She pulled away and nodded, reaching over to the button that would open the door to her suite. She tugged him inside, a place no man had ever been, and pressed the button to lock her door. No one would disturb them until morning now.

  Tattiena knew that this could possibly cause a shift in her life and although she wanted to be close to him, being alone and pregnant was a nightmare in the making.

  “Promise me you’ll withdraw before you finish,” she whispered as she unwrapped her dress.

  He swallowed hard, his eyes following her hands as she tugged the cloth from her body. “Of course.”

  He lifted his gaze and their eyes met. Tattiena’s knees gave way and she wobbled towards him, the chemistry between them as explosive and hot as a Dragon’s breath. He gathered her up in his arms and carried her towards the bed, laying her down with reverent pause.

  She lifted her head, desperate for a kiss. There hadn’t been enough of those. He met her half way, his tongue sliding into her mouth to share his flavors with her.

  A moan rolled through her throat and she pushed at his clot
hes. She wanted him naked and hot, hard against her. He pulled away and began to undress, wet heat pooling between her thighs as she looked her fill. Goddess, he was beautiful. Even with the bandages that still bound him, he was huge, and strong, and fit.

  Their lips touched, and everything in her world, disappeared. She focused only on the heat of his skin as she gripped him tight, kissing him with all of the passion that lay inside of her. As he entered her, she wept, unable to get enough of him. Of his long cock as it both sated her hunger and renewed it. Of his kisses that went on forever, and his touch that caressed every hollow of her body.

  They danced together, the ancient movements as natural and as old as time itself.

  When they swelled to a crescendo together, she held him tight, squeezing him until her orgasm triggered his own.

  He pulled away and spilled his seed between them, but not before she’d felt the pulses inside of her, healing her, loving her. In a way, she knew would never happen again.

  Chapter 6.

  Her heat was gone, and so was Leo.

  It had been over a month since her lover had left Limea, and Tattiena hadn’t experienced a hot, sweaty dream since. However, her body had changed, a lot. Her breasts ached, her bleeding cycle was late, and she was unusually emotional.

  Her throat tight and her voice breaking with emotion, she said, “You know what it is… Don’t you Nargoya?”

  Tattiena cuddled into the Dragon’s side and Nargoya lifted her wing, wrapping it around her in a way she hadn’t done since Tattiena was a child.

  She let Nargoya comfort her and finally released the tears that had been building up for days. They swelled and tracked rivers down her hot cheeks.

  She was pregnant, she had to be. Whether from the first, electric fucking or from the sweet love making they’d shared the night before he’d left, it didn’t matter. The purpose of the heat had been fulfilled and her life, and Nargoya’s would change forever.

  This was the last thing she wanted to happen, and for the first time in her life, her future was completely uncertain. Would she be able to beat her mother’s curse, or would she too, die instead of becoming the Dragon rider again?

  She heaved a huge sigh, letting her hand drop down to her still flat belly. It wouldn’t stay that way for long, and questions bombarded her mind.

  What sort of mother would she be, with no real example?

  What sort of person would she be after the baby arrived?

  Could she still be the Dragon rider? A warrior for her people?

  She didn’t want to hide away, nor lose focus, and yet, things were changing without her say so. It was so sad, and extremely frustrating.

  She lay there, in the hay, against Nargoya’s warmth, for so long she no longer knew what time of day it was. A cool breeze brushed past her face and she turned to stare into the open field. The seasons were changing.

  Tattiena lifted her head and pulled herself to a stand. “Let’s go out for a while. What do you say? Feel like a training session? Or a fly?”

  Nargoya stood up slowly and extended her wings. Yes, her Dragon wanted to feel the air beneath her body as well. She’d healed well and hadn’t flown at all in the six weeks since the battle.

  “Yes. Let’s go.”

  Luckily, she’d worn her leather pants and fitted long sleeve training vest today. It was thick and warm and would withstand the coldness of the changing climate if they stayed out for a while.

  Together, they walked outside and she looked up. The sky was littered with darkening clouds, heralding the coming rain.

  Maybe it’s not such a good idea?

  Nargoya stretched up to her full height and extended her wings, giving a soft puff of smoke in impatience.

  Tattiena looked at the clouds, and back to her Dragon. No going back now.

  She put one foot into the stirrup and pulled herself up into the saddle. A moment of panic coursed through her as she found herself caressing her belly. Was this dangerous for her young?

  She shook her head and growled at herself. She wasn’t even sure she was pregnant yet! She couldn’t be changing her routine and life already. That was unacceptable

  She grabbed hold of the reins attached to the saddle and leaned forward, giving Nargoya the sign she was ready.

  A smile tilted up her lips as her heart began to beat faster inside her rib cage. She didn’t actually have a lot of control over her Dragon, although she led the people of Limea to believe she did. They had an understanding, a friendship.

  She loved Nargoya and the Dragon loved her back. They were family.

  But she could not make her Dragon do something she didn’t want to do, and after a lifetime of trying to encourage her to fly a certain way, fight a certain way, she’d given up any hopes of control and trusted Nargoya to do the right thing by her.

  The Dragon launched herself into the air and Tattiena clung hard, gripping the saddle with her thighs as she rode the upwards drafts of air. Her heart pounded harder, as it always did, as they climbed higher and higher. The castle became further and further away.

  Then they were gliding, the wind blowing through her hair and along her face. She relaxed into the saddle and let her eyes close, the beauty and serenity of the open air around her calming all of her fears.

  Somehow, everything was going to be okay. It had to be.

  They continued to fly until she could no longer see Gregorick, but she didn’t blame her Dragon for wanting to stretch her wings for longer.

  Tattiena let the calm surround her and her body totally relax.

  A tremble ran through Nargoya and transferred to her. Tattiena’s eyes popped open and she looked down, seeing a huge town just beneath them.

  Leo’s city.

  A cold shiver coursed down her spine and a smile fluttered on her lips.

  She didn’t know what the future held for her, the prince, or their possible little conception, but if she had conceived, she couldn’t think of a stronger father for her child.

  They kept flying, further than Nargoya had ever ventured outside of Limea.

  “Where are you going?” Tattiena yelled towards Nargoya’s head, although she knew the act to be mostly pointless. Her words were whipped away from her and thrown into the air behind her as they continued on their journey.

  She looked down, flying over another city, with fields of copper and orange. Where were they? Suddenly, a dark shadow loomed over them and Tattiena grabbed for the sword that wasn’t there.

  Damn it.

  “What the?” The words were lost in the air around them and she looked up. There above her was a sight she had never before beheld. Another, much larger Dragon.

  Her heart pounded an erratic rhythm in her chest and Nargoya turned sharply, speeding away from the other Dragon, who’s green tipped wings flashed out in the blue and grey sky.

  Tattiena held on tight as her Dragon did a dance in the sky. The other Dragon who was a larger, much fiercer looking beast followed along.

  Nargoya dove down swiftly and Tattiena’s belly lurched with fear as she held on. She hadn’t been expecting this sort of ride today.

  They coasted lower, and she could see large clumps of trees and smooth, open fields.

  Was Nargoya going to land outside of the castle? She hadn’t done that since she was a baby and didn’t know any better.

  It’s not safe outside here! No, sweetheart.

  They landed with a running thump and when her Dragon finally slowed to a stand, Tattiena jumped off, stroking the side of Nargoya’s neck with her trembling hands.

  “What’s wrong, girl? What’s happened?”

  The other, older, bigger Dragon landed and Nargoya twisted around, going into a protective, curled stance, her wings outstretched.

  The other Dragon was twice her size, and obviously male. His rider slipped off and he too backed away as though shocked by this turn of events.

  Tattiena followed her instincts and moved closer to the trees, watching the Dragons do a dance, t
heir wings fluttering as they checked each other out.

  The Dragon rider was an older man, still lithe and strong despite his years.

  He inclined his head while still keeping his eyes on her and Tattiena took a breath as he stepped towards her. She was both excited to meet another Dragon rider, and terrified of what this meant.

  The other rider and herself slowly walked towards each other.

  He stopped a few meters away and bowed.

  “Hello, fellow Dragon rider. I am Paneer.”

  She bowed also, risking a small smile at the man who looked as shocked and worried as she felt.

  “I am Tattiena.”

  They took a few steps closer to one another so they were within fighting distance, and then turned to watch their Dragons. Nargoya and the male Dragon seemed to have finished their courtship, because they had now begun nuzzling one another and curling around each other so that their tales intertwined.

  “I have never seen this before,” Paneer said, his voice full of awe as he watched the two cuddling.

  Tattiena nodded, a pleasure pulsing through her that was surely coming from her Dragon. She hadn’t felt the like since Leo had been in her bed, and the feeling was surely not coming from Paneer. Despite his handsome face, her body was quiet, satisfied.

  “Me neither. Nargoya and I have never met another Dragon and rider.”

  “Really?” Paneer said, his tone surprised and his eye brows dashing up.

  “Yes. Our king is protective of her, and she is also young.”

  He nodded and turned towards her. “Is she in her heat? Nothing else explains this.”

  Tattiena opened her mouth to say no, but then she shut it again. If she was in her heat, why wouldn’t Nargoya also be? “It is possible, but I wouldn’t know. She has never sought out another Dragon before.”

  The two Dragons curled around each other and settled down into the grass like they were one.

  “What do we do now?” he asked, obviously as unsettled by all this as she was.

  “I don’t know. We are safe enough I believe. Do you know which is the closest town?”

  Paneer looked towards the south. “Lansdow is not far. But I have enemies there. If we need shelter, I would go to Davuno. I have heard that they are hospitable.”


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