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Cinderella (Once Upon a Happy Ever After Book 1)

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by Jewel Killian

  I nodded.

  This changed things. Only slightly though.

  I wouldn’t have her in the coat closet, not fully. But I would have a taste. And I would have all of her before I left this city.

  “Turn around, Ella,” I commanded.

  “Yes, sir.” She turned to face the wall without question.

  “Now bend over for me. That’s it, just like that.”

  She bent over so far she rested her hands on the stack of extra chairs in front of her.

  I tugged her skirt up over her fucking perfect ass. “Spread your legs for me. There you go,” I grumbled as my cock grew harder. Her panties were so drenched I could see the outline of her pussy lips.

  In all honesty, in made me a little lightheaded. God, she was perfect. I tugged the panties away. “Fuck,” I whispered.

  I’d have to take my time. She was special. She was a unicorn, a goddess, and I would savor every moment with her.

  Like before I slid a single finger down her outer lips, just barely touching the soft, smooth skin. She shivered at my touch, back arching as a tiny moan escaped her. “Not a peep, darling, not one little peep,” I whispered

  Chapter Five


  Oh, god!

  The feeling of his thick, rough finger sliding down my wet lips was electric. I wanted to moan, wanted to gasp or cry out at the sensations he dragged from my body. But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

  And that made it so much sweeter.

  “What a good little sub you are,” he said into my ear, raising prickles of goosebumps down my arms. He reached around, untucked my shirt, scooped my breast out of my bra. “And your fucking tits are magnificent,” he growled low in my ear making me shiver from toes to tips.

  I bit my lip as he twanged my nipple just this side of too hard, sending jolts of hot electric desire down my spine and right into my already drenched pussy.

  I have never wanted anyone so much or so badly in my whole life. I didn’t care that we were kind of in public. I didn’t care that if anyone found out I’d probably lose my job. I didn’t care that I didn’t know him. I had to have him, that’s what I knew and that’s what I cared about.

  No one had ever made me so hot, so wet, so damn fast.

  He slid a finger between my outer lips, slowly stroking the silky, wet folds beneath. He grazed across my clit, just for a moment, and then he went back to teasing, long strokes.

  I swiveled and rocked my hips against him, trying to get more. I wanted to come so badly, and he was teasing me so, so much.

  “Uh-uh. No moving little sub. Stay still, be quiet. Let me enjoy this sweet little pussy exactly how I want.”

  I didn’t think I could stay still AND be quiet. I gritted my teeth, planted my feet and didn’t move.

  “That’s it, you really are the perfect little sub, aren’t you? You won’t need hardly any training at all.” He nipped my ear as he said the words and pressed his enormous cock against my thigh as he unzipped his pants. “Turn around,” he said gruffly, pulling at my hips.

  I did and was met with the largest, most impressive cock I’d ever seen in my life. Not that I’d seen many. My mouth actually watered at the sight of it, so much that I had to swallow.

  He noticed too, a crooked smile spreading across his face as he watched my throat contract. “You like?”

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered. “I like it very much.”

  He smiled again, and lifted me by the waist, setting me on the stack of chairs. “There, we go, that puts you just at the right height.” He picked my legs up, crooked them at the knee and rested them on either side of the chair, splaying me out for his perusal. “For fuck’s sake, Ella. You have the prettiest little pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  I looked down, embarrassed by his scrutiny.

  He got down on his knees and teased me with a fingertip, sliding it down my lips. Then, without warning he and planted his face right in me, licking, sucking, swirling. Doing all the perfect, amazing things that made me want to squirm and squeal and climb the damn walls. Everything he did was exactly right. Until he found something else, and then that was exactly right. He lapped at my lips and clit until I was about to come, then he slid a thick finger inside me.

  “Oh my fucking god,” I whispered as he fingered me from the inside, dragging the pad of his finger across my g-spot. I wiggled on the chair as the pressure and tension built between my legs. I spread my legs wider, tugging at my outer lips so he could get in there even better. I ground my pelvis against his face, knowing I was breaking the rules and not caring one little bit about the punishment. He pressed his free hand against the top of my pussy, keeping me still, and sucked on my clit as he shoved another finger in me.

  And that was it. That pushed me over. I wailed, screaming as I came all over his hand, gushing my hot, sweet juices down over the beautiful upholstered chairs.

  “You’re a fucking geyser,” he said, smiling at the mess I’d made as I shivered with aftershocks.

  I nodded. “I know,” I said thickly.

  “I’ll have to remember that,” he said and stood, huge cock bobbing as he did. “But until then, we have the matter of your punishment to deal with. You did break the rules, Ella.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, lowering my eyes, still shivering from the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.

  “And how would you like to be punished, little sub?”

  “Any way you see fit, sir.”

  A rumbly noise deep in his throat rattled its way passed his lips. “Don’t say things you don’t mean, Ella.”

  I met his heavy gaze. “I never do, sir.”

  “In that case,” he said, “We’ll have to wait on your punishment until I’m properly equipped.”

  “Equipped, sir?” I asked, eyes still lowered lashes fluttering.

  He groaned again, this time a bit longer. “Yes, Ella. I’ll need some things from my hotel room. I’ll pick you up after my evening meetings tonight.”

  “Yes, sir.” My heart raced at the thought of seeing him again.

  “Now,” he said leaning over and taking my wrists. “It’s my turn to see what these little hands can do.”

  I grabbed his cock with both hands and stroked it. It felt amazing, soft and velvety, but also so firm and hard. I couldn’t wait to have it inside me.

  “I love how my cock looks in your tiny hands,” he said and thrust himself into my hands.

  “Thank you, sir,” I said softly, trying my best to get him off as fantastically as he had for me.

  “Fuck, yeah, just like that, Ella,” he said when I stroked him in a corkscrew fashion, each hand going different directions. “Yeah, fuck, that’s it, sweetie, just like that.”

  His massive cock seemed to grow even harder and then with a guttural noise, he came, spewing all over my thighs.

  When his breathing returned to normal he leaned in close. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Ella. And we’re going to have so much fun.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said as he laid a kiss on my cheek.

  Chapter Six


  I watched Ella as we cleaned up and put our clothes back in order. Her movements were fluid and graceful as if she’d had formal etiquette training. But the only people who did that nowadays were debutantes, and to my knowledge, there weren’t any living in Delaware.

  Not to mention a debutante would never work as a waitress, regardless of how nice the restaurant was.

  I was going to ask about it when the door to the coat room swung open.

  Fuck. I was sure I locked it.

  The pointy-faced maître d' took in the situation in moments, keys to the coat room swinging at his side. “What is the meaning of this, Ella? What are you doing in here? This is NOT that kind of establishment.”

  To his credit, he never raised his voice or became angry. If he had spoken to her in any way other than respectful, I would have stepped in.

  Strangely, the maître d' only seemed disappointed.r />
  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir,” Ella said looking down at the floor.

  “Ella, I can’t keep you on. You must know that. You’re lucky I don’t call the police for indecency in a public place.”

  “Of course, sir. I’ll just get my things and be on my way.”

  “Yes, I think that’s best.” The thin man straightened his tie and looked up at me. “And you, sir, are no longer welcome in Le Mercure.

  I smiled at the man. “I got what I came for,” I said savoring the maître d's horrified look as the images my words summoned played across his face. The tips of his ear turned red as he did a quick about face and scurried off.

  “What have I done?” Ella leaned against the door frame of the coat closet we just defiled. Rather creatively, I’m not too modest to admit.

  I took her hands in mine and looked deep into her beautiful green eyes. “Nothing we can’t fix, sweet Ella. Go get your things, I’ll take you home.”

  I waited in the back of the town car as Ella gathered her things and presumably, said her goodbyes. When she emerged from the restaurant she looked pale, worry creasing her forehead.

  A backpack full of textbooks, ill-fitting, thrift store clothes, it wasn’t hard to piece together why she was worried. Ella was paying her way through college or trying to at least. And she’d just lost her only source of income. Because of me.

  I took her hand and again peered deep into her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Ella nodded, but I couldn’t tell if she believed me fully.

  She should. Her life was going to change dramatically for the good. I’d make sure she’d never have to worry again. Right after I showed her what a real Dom could make her feel.

  “Take me back to headquarters, James,” I said to my driver. “Then take Ms.—”

  “Ash,” Ella said.

  “Then take Ms. Ash to her home.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Waldorf.”

  “I have a meeting to attend to this evening. But I meant what I said, Ella. I will fix this and I will send the car for you tonight.”

  Ella didn’t respond. She looked out the window as the city blurred by.

  Chapter Seven


  I sat in the backseat of the car, staring, wondering how I’d been so stupid.

  “I will fix this, Ella,” he said as he got out of the car. I looked in his dark eyes and saw that he believed it. He really thought he could fix the mess I was in. It was sweet. I wanted to believe he’d follow through on his word but I’d been promised the world before, and things always seemed to happen to get in the way.

  When my father remarried he promised it would be better. He said by marrying Agnes Tremaine, the notorious black widow of the Upper East Side, things would be different. She was supposed to bring life back into our home. He said not to worry about the rumors that she’d had a hand in killing her previous husbands to get at their money. He said she was gentle and sweet and kind. He said she would like me.

  I was seven. I believed him.

  But that wasn’t the case. Once she was moved in she demanded remodels on the penthouse. New furniture, new bathrooms, even a new kitchen she’d never step foot in.

  Father gave her everything she wanted and it wasn’t enough. He worked himself harder and harder to provide for her but she was never happy.

  Then, one day in April just after my sixteenth birthday and in the midst of securing a deal that would finally give us enough of a fortune to keep even “Lady Tremaine” as she forced me to call her, happy, we got the news that Father had died en route to China.

  I left New York that day. Sold the few pieces of nice jewelry Lady Tremaine hadn’t confiscated and bought a ticket for as far away as I could get.

  That’s how I ended up in Delaware. I couldn’t bear to live in the penthouse with that woman any longer.

  My father was a wonderful, kind-hearted man and when he promised that things would be better, he truly meant it. But even he couldn’t keep his promise. I didn’t expect this man to either.

  “Ms. Ash?”

  I jumped in my seat, startled back to reality by the driver’s voice. “Yes?”

  “Where shall I take you, ma’am?

  I gave him my address and started doing the math - how long would the little bit I’d managed to save last if I wasn’t getting any income for a while.

  The driver cleared his throat. “You can trust him,” he said to me in the rear view mirror. “Kase Waldorf doesn’t make promises he can’t keep.”

  I nodded as I tried to hide what hearing my Dom’s name for the first time did to me. I clenched my legs together, determined not to make a mess on the leather upholstery, and stifled the shiver creeping up my back.

  I pressed my head against the window, watching the buildings and trees go by. Kase. Kase Waldorf. Why did his name have such an effect on me? And why did it sound so familiar?

  “Here we are,” the driver said as he parked at the front of my building. He got out of the car and opened my door for me. “Mr. Waldorf usually has late meetings with his Delaware clients. Don’t worry if he doesn’t come for you until close to midnight.”

  I nodded again. “Thank you, sir. Have a nice day.”

  “You too, Ms. Ash.”

  As soon as I got in my apartment I changed out of the damp clothes. Then I stressed cleaned. I don’t mean I washed the dishes and tidied up the clutter. No. That’s how normal people clean. I scrubbed baseboards, reorganized closets, cleaned the oven by hand, and squeegeed the shower. Cleaning was meditative for me. Physical enough to take my mind off my worries, but easy enough I didn’t have to think too hard about it.

  When I’d run out of things to clean I hopped in the shower and tried not to think about all the things I didn’t want to think about. Would he come back like he said? Or was I just a one-off, coat closet conquest?

  I tried to wrangle my thoughts but I failed. The only thing I could think about was seeing Kase again. I didn’t even care if he fixed the mess I was in. I was smart, and a hard worker, I knew I could figure it out on my own. But I needed to see him again, I needed him to look at me with those dark, penetrating eyes. I needed to feel him again.

  I also needed to know why that odd name seemed so familiar to me.

  Chapter Eight


  I hated meetings. I hated coming to this god-awful state for meetings with stupid people who didn’t understand the value of other people’s time. But it was part of the job. As I sat in the over-sized but still too small for me office chair, I tried to focus on the droning presentation. The CFO labored on and on about market value versus cost efficacy issues.

  The fix was simple, and if he’d shut up for a moment and let me explain, I could save us all the torture of a long, unnecessary meeting But I knew his type. He wouldn’t hear any other points of view until his was heard. I got comfortable, leaning back in the chair and let my mind wander to Ella as the billionaire continued to harp on the same point over and over.

  I couldn’t wait to see her again. I couldn’t wait to stare into the beautiful green eyes and here her sweet voice. I couldn’t wait to fuck her senseless. I pictured her perfect pink little pussy and all the things I wanted to do with it, all the ways I wanted to make her come. It took every ounce of self control I had not to spring a giant hard on right at the conference table.

  Eventually, I had to force myself to think of something else.

  I looked at my watch. It was almost eleven. This old fucker had been going on about this for two hours! I sent a discreet text to James, asking if he’d completed the task I’d given him. If he had, I’d interrupt the long-winded CFO and get the fuck out of here.

  Ella was a goddess, and she deserved to have everything she wanted. Tonight, I would show her a taste of what was in store for her. I’d sent James on a mission to find an ball gown and shoes for her. She’d accompany me to the gala I hadn’t planned on attending until the moment I saw her.

>   Actually that wasn’t true. The moment I saw her all I could think about was having her, fucking her until she begged me to stop. My next thought was showing her the night of her life by taking her to the gala at my hotel.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I held my breath as I read James’ words. “All set. She’s squealing as we speak.” I smiled, and stood from the table, drawing everyone’s attention.


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