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Race For Love

Page 11

by Nana Malone

  He licked into her mouth, his tongue dancing with hers. All the while, his hands skimmed just over her ribs, pausing at the underside of her breasts. With a shuddering breath, she arched her back, inviting him to touch. To continue lighting her body on fire. To tease her and make her burn like he'd done that morning a couple of weeks ago.

  When he cupped her, the ache between her legs intensified, making her throb. Making her wet. Instinctively, she parted her thighs, and her legs shook. Her hip barely protested the motion.

  With a low deep growl, Derek bent his legs and scooped his hands down over her lower back and her ass. He cupped and lifted her easily, lifting her until she wound her legs around his waist.

  He pressed his body into hers, she shuddered. The return of his palm to her breast made her cry out at the contact. The drenched fly of his jeans pressed up against her and she wiggled her hips, seeking contact that would relieve the pressure.

  Derek continued stroking into her mouth, exploring deep with his tongue, all the while his thumb rolled over her nipple, bringing her closer and closer to the peak of desperation.


  Hot, tight, sweet.

  Derek wanted to fuck her. To slide his cock deep inside her and not come up for air until she'd come around him at least three times. Hell, the way things were going, he might be able to tease a preliminary one out of her now. His brain had long since ceased giving counsel and rational advice. The pent up need was what drove his actions.

  She slid her tongue into his mouth, mimicking his actions and a hot shudder snaked its way down his body. He was going to fucking lose it...standing in the shower, soaking wet and fully clothed. He was going to come. And he was more than happy about that prospect. Scraping his teeth over her bottom lip, he teased her, "Come on, Kiss. I want to feel you let go."

  "Derek. I—"

  Shifting her so her sweet core came in contact with his thigh, he continued to plump her breast. If he tasted them, he'd never stop. They'd be in here for another several hours as he explored every single patch of skin.

  She rocked her hips into his and he bit back a curse. With their position, every shift and roll of her hips brought her thigh sliding against his jean-clad cock.

  She did it again and this time her eyes rolled back into her head. Watching her, fascinated, he gently plucked her nipple with his forefinger and thumb.


  He nuzzled her neck, nipping at the flesh and plucked again, teasing the puckered flesh, desperate to suck on it. He wanted to suck and lick until she broke apart.

  She rocked again and again, her sweet pussy sliding along his thigh, and he wished it was his cock.

  Her small motions were enough to drive him slowly mad. With every cant, she sent a shiver of need through him. Frustration urged him to go faster. To move her how he wanted, to free his fucking cock and stop the tease, to take her up against the wall like he wanted her.

  He gripped her ass tight with both hands, his fingers digging into her flesh. Oh hell yes. The tingling started in the base of his spine and he knew that this was single handedly the hottest thing he'd ever experienced in his life. Kiss owned him right now. Whatever she asked of him, he couldn't refuse her. Not now, not ever. "Kisima." His vision started to blur and he kissed her again, desperate for her taste on his tongue. He wanted her flavor on him while he was coming. One more glide. He was close...So close.

  Kiss dragged her eyes open and met his gaze, an expression of wonder and surprise on her face. "Derek—"

  The sudden ringing of the phone chipped at the cocoon of sexual energy and fire. He ignored it, shutting out the sound. Kiss was his. Finally, this girl, who'd captured his heart by her fire, was going to be— The ringing broke in again. No, God no. He could ignore it. And she was so close. So fucking—another ring.

  "Fuck!" he muttered against her lips, the spell now broken.

  He dragged his lips from hers and she whimpered. He dropped his forehead to hers. "Baby, I'm sorry. I have to get that." He knew they wouldn't be getting back to this moment. His cock screamed in protest and he could tell by the arousal in her eyes that she still hovered on the precipice of ecstasy. But it was too late. Sucking in a deep breath, he released her gently, making sure both her feet touched the tiled floor of the shower.

  Kisima blinked up at him and swayed. Yeah, he knew that feeling. He reached around her and turned off the water before grabbing her another towel from the shelf just outside the shower. He wrapped one around her body.

  Still his phone rang. He was going to kill whoever the fuck was calling. Even if they were calling about a job. He grabbed her another towel for her hair and gently bent her forward so he could wrap it up for her. Once it was secure, he stepped back. "Let me get you out of here. It's slippery, so please be careful."

  Frowning, her lips parted. "Derek?"

  He knew what she was asking, but he didn't have the heart to give her the answer right now so he chickened out. "I need to get that." He grabbed another towel for himself as he snatched up his phone. He might not have been super enthusiastic about the call, but at least it had stopped him from taking this thing too far. To some place he couldn't come back from.

  "This is Derek." He stalked out of the bathroom without daring to look back. Because if he did, he would be too tempted to stay.

  "Jeez baby brother, what's got you so grouchy?"

  He ground his teeth together. "I am not your baby brother."

  Delilah was silent for two long beats. "First of all watch that tone with me. Then I want you to remember who stopped Dylan from kicking your scrawny ass when you lost his Vince Carter Rookie of the Year trading card. Remember that when you want to cop attitude with me."

  Derek sighed as he put her on speaker then tossed the phone on the bed. "Sorry." It wasn't her fault that he had no fucking control. She hadn't been the one to force him into the shower with Kisima. He'd done that particular piece of brilliance all on his own. Like an idiot. It was hard enough to sleep with Kiss just down the hall. Most days he fought for control when they were working together. She had grit that he couldn't help but respect and she was funny. And she was incredibly brave. And she tasted so fucking good. Fuck. "Sorry Dee. I've just got a lot going on. What's up?"

  He peeled off his soaked shirt and tossed it into the bathroom, where it fell with a splooch sound. Next, he unsnapped his jeans and peeled them down.

  "Are you okay? Because you sound distracted." Her annoyance at him dissipated. That was Dee. Quick fire temper, but she eased up pretty easily.

  Distracted. Yeah, that was one way of putting it. "Yeah, well, I was in the middle of something." He yanked off the jeans and grabbed a towel to scrub viciously at his head.

  She was silent for a beat. "Okay, I'm going to let you go."

  Shit. "No. Sorry. I'm being an asshole. I'm just in a hell of a mood and it has nothing to do with you." Yeah, it was him. All him. His fault.

  "You want to talk about it? Maybe I can help. Have duct tape will travel."

  That was Delilah for you. Ever since they were kids, she had a knack for fixing shit. In the Donovan house everyone knew if you had a problem, you went to Delilah and she'd get you out of it. She always had just the right thing to say and had a way out of every single jam. So maybe it would be a good idea to have some help on this one because he was clearly fucking things up. "I just—"

  "Spill, D3. You were always shitty about keeping a secret."

  What the fuck? "Hey, I can keep a secret."

  "Yeah, but not without it eating at you. Come on, tell me. I can help, I promise."

  "Fine. So you know my new client? The Formula One racer?"

  "Yeah, the one that had that accident?"

  He cleared his throat. "One small problem, the girl...she's...” What the hell was he supposed to say? "There's something about her. I'm having a hard time focusing on the job at hand."

  "Ahh," She said, the understanding dawning. "You like her."

  Somebody give his
sister a cookie. "Yeah, I like her, like her, and maybe she'll even ask me to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Come on, Dee, I need real help here."

  Delilah chuckled. "Okay, settle down. I'm not jabbing at you. I want to know what the actual problem is. So you like her, what's the big deal? I'm assuming if you like her she's pretty and has half a brain so she likes you back."

  "Well, it's a little complicated. Seeing as I'm her trainer. It's messy, and stupid. After the last time, I really need to know better."

  She sighed. "That situation is completely different, D3. Kallie is a vindictive bitch who didn't get her way so she pitched a tantrum."

  He grabbed some boxers and a T-shirt and dressed quickly. "Yeah, but I put myself into that situation. And it's the same thing here, she's my patient, my client. I'm supposed to be taking care of her. Instead I'm—" He stopped short.

  "You're what, D3?"

  "Nothing. It doesn't matter. My reputation is shit right now because I messed up."

  "And I think you're too hard on yourself." She sighed. "I understand the reason for your rule. But it’s only useful if it works toward your happiness. Look, I know the getting involved with someone at work thing is always tricky, especially given Kallie and your mom, but you seem into this girl."

  His stomach bottomed out. Did everyone in the family know about his mother? "How did you find out?"

  "I've known since we were kids. Mom and Dad were arguing. Mom wanted to hunt her down and force visitation on her or something like that. I know she left Dad for some asshole she worked with. I know it's why you have your rule. And the Kallie thing didn't exactly do anything to change that, but I think maybe this girl is different for you."

  "Dee. It doesn't matter if this is different."

  He could practically see her rolling her eyes. "Look, I give you a lot of shit, but you're a good guy. Any girl would be happy to have you. And yes, she's a client maybe, but if you're both grown-ups and can communicate openly, then there is no real ethical boundary problem."

  "It would be different if she weren't my client and if I wasn't, you know, me. I spent most of my life being a pussy hound. Never letting myself get close to anyone. And now. No matter what I do, I just want to be close to her. It's like she's under my skin. She deserves the kind of guy who's going to stick around. And we all know I'm not him."

  His sister was silent on the other end for several moments. "Maybe you never let yourself be."

  "Come on, Dee. Ever since I was a kid, I'm not the guy who sticks. I'm the flirt, the tramp, the one who's never had a relationship for more than a month. Hell, I think Kisima is my longest relationship with a woman who's not family."

  "Is that her name, Kisima?"

  "Yeah, it means spring in Swahili."

  Her laugh was soft. "Oh boy, you're totally into her."

  He rubbed at the burning patch in the center of his chest. "Is that what that feels like? I don't think I'm a fan. What do I do about it?"

  "Well, here's an idea. Try being honest with her. Tell her how you feel. Ask her out. I mean what's the worst that could happen?"

  That she didn't want him. That she heard about his reputation and decided she could use less of a headache. Or far worse, that she had a thing for him too and would expect him to change. That she would expect better of him. "I don't know, Dee."

  "Just think about it. You don't have anything to lose. Because, if she's really so great, then someone else is going to figure it out and snap her up. Think about how that would feel. I'm going to head to Mia's for a little joint wedding planning, but do me a favor and let me know what happens." Both Dee and their younger sister Mia had recently gotten engaged so the whole family was in a frenzy getting ready for the big day.

  "Yeah, I'll do that." He wasn't telling her shit. Especially since he was firmly in the routine of not telling Kisima a thing. Dee meant well, but in this instance, she was dead wrong. The sooner he placed Kisima in the off-limits range again, the sooner he'd get his head straight.


  The next morning, Kisima stumbled out of the guesthouse, having no idea how to play the whole making out in the shower thing. Cool and calm. Though that was easier said than done when she could still feel Derek's lips on hers. His tongue dipping into her mouth, coaxing hers into teasing play. Good lord the man could kiss.

  No. It had just been too long since she last kissed a guy. It was better she try to believe that, than the alternative. That he was really good at it, and that his lips on hers were like the equivalent of sticking her finger into a socket.

  She jogged over to the gym as quickly as she could. It went against their routine. Normally, he would yell to wake her then meet her at the door with a bowl of granola and yogurt, then they'd walk down to the gym together. After, they'd have a proper breakfast, then some free time before a water workout.

  But the way she figured it, if she was in the gym first, she'd have home court advantage...or something like that. Okay, so maybe she was only prolonging the inevitable, but it didn't matter. This way she'd be able to get through her stretches without his sharp gaze on her every move. It was bad enough she kept playing that kiss over and over again in her mind. She didn't need to exacerbate the ache between her legs by having him watch her all morning.

  This was better. And, added bonus, he'd see her being all nonchalant and she wouldn't swell his ego any more.

  She let herself into the gym and managed to make it through all the stretches before he sauntered in, lips set in a grim line. "You do realize I was worried about you, right?"

  She attempted to steel herself against that look, but it was no use. The moment his electric blue gaze swept over her body, she remembered his hands on her, lifting her up against the tiles and devouring her mouth. Her bones liquefied. Stupid bones. "I left you a note."

  He blinked hard, then glared at her, his exasperation clear. "You left me a note, in the kitchen. I come and get you every single morning. I called for you. When you didn't answer, I thought you'd fallen or something. When I saw you weren't there, I worried."

  A smirk tickled her lips. "What? That I'd run off?" She gestured to her body. "Like I'd be going that fast."

  He, on the other hand, clearly didn't see the funny in all of this. "You're shitting me right?"

  Damn, he was really worried. Shit. "I'm sorry. I just. Was up early and figured I'd get an early start. My friend Leah is coming today, remember? I thought if I was done early I could spend some more time with her. I didn't realize you'd be worried about me." Then she made her fatal error—put her hand on his arm.

  Touching the hot man was a surefire way to kick the fire up in her blood. Rookie fucking mistake. His eyes flared wide as his pupils dilated, and she yanked her hand back.

  Derek folded his arms over his chest and she was reminded again just how small she was compared to him. Anyone walking in from the outside probably couldn't see her in this position as his shoulders completely obscured her. "You sure that's what it is? Or are you freaking out about the kiss."

  Yes. Holy fucking freak-out city. "No. I'm not freaking out. As skilled as you are, it was just a kiss. No big deal. I'm sure you've kissed plenty of people. And so have I." Liar. "It happened. It was like a moment in suspended time. No big deal." Okay, so she was rambling, and talking way too fast. And, oh, yeah, she was definitely flushed. Damn.

  His lips twitched for the first time. "Just a kiss. A moment in what was that?"

  "Suspended time," she offered helpfully. She tried to step around him, but he blocked her path.

  "Suspended time...right." He cocked his head and studied her closely. "So you're saying you didn't feel a thing."

  The hell she didn't. She wasn't dead. "That's right," she lied through her teeth.

  "Uh-huh. Then why are your pupils dilated, and why are you blushing."

  She furrowed her brow. "If you're right about my pupils, it's because your stupid shoulders are blocking out the light. And I'm not blushing, but even if I were, which I'm not, you cer
tainly couldn't see that. My skin's too dark."

  He licked his lips, gently grazing his bottom lip with his teeth before he smirked. “Half my sisters are as brown as you are. I'm used to seeing the flush. But, you know, if you want to pretend that you weren't affected by that kiss, then fine by me." He shrugged. “We can just go on and pretend it never happened if it makes you feel better."

  "Never happened."

  He grinned and he leaned in, closing the distance between their lips. She totally didn't mean to, but she parted them on instinct. His grin just broadened. Asshole. "You keep telling yourself that, princess. But I promise you, it'll happen again, soon. Matter of fact, you'll be begging me to kiss you."

  "You are such a pompous—"

  But he cut her off. "Can we fight about how much you want me later? I thought you wanted to finish early for your friend?"

  She let her teeth clink together. The moment she thought of a really good come back, she was letting it loose. For the time being, she had work to do.


  Two days later, an hour before their pool workout, Derek found her reading under shade in the side garden. "I have a surprise for you." When TJ had mentioned the F1 Car Gala to benefit charity, he'd said it would make Kiss happy. But seeing the suspicion in her gaze, he wasn't so sure about that.

  He'd been taken aback by her response the other day. Sure, he'd been about to give her the “I'm your trainer, this is unethical speech,” but she'd preempted him. And it pissed him off. She'd acted so blasé and unaffected. He knew the sounds she'd been making in his arms. He wanted to hear them again. Needed to hear them again. Maybe Dee was right. This situation was different. Starting with this being the first time he'd wanted someone so bad.

  She frowned up at him. "What kind of surprise? Does it involve burpees or suicides?"

  He shook his head. "You were that little kid always trying to guess your surprise weren't you?"


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