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Race For Love

Page 17

by Nana Malone

  "Sorry, sweetheart." He cocked his head. "That's how the game is played."

  "Fine, have it your way. Because one way or another, you're going to talk to me."

  Easier said than done though. She had a vague idea of how to dribble but it wasn't pretty. But pretty or not she submitted to the ball some. The only problem was Derek was huge compared to her. And he was in no mood to open up his heart and share with her, so he wasn't trying to lose.

  If she wanted to win she'd have to use the only tool she had her arsenal. Pausing briefly, she dragged her T-shirt over her head, leaving just her sports bra on.

  True to form, Derek's attention wavered. With a hip check, she was able to scoot around him enough to at least aim for a basket. And she almost hit the hoop too. She was just going to ignore that the rebound hit the backboard, ricocheting and almost hit her square in the face.

  They played like this for another few minutes and finally, out of frustration, she threw her whole body into him, knocking him off balance, and lobbed the ball into the air as she went down herself. She held her breath as she watched it fly, fingers and toes crossed. Go in. Go in.

  She'd never been so happy to hear a swooshing noise in all her life. Derek, on the other hand, didn't look nearly as happy.

  He shoved to his feet. Despite his annoyance, he was still gentle with her and picked her up, setting her back on her feet. "Fine, you want to talk, I'll talk."

  "I'm not trying to force you, Derek. I care about you. If I can, I want to help. You've seen me at my worst and you've helped me so much. I'm just trying to do the same for you."

  He ran his hands through his sweaty hair as he paced along the blacktop of the court. When the words finally came, they came in a stream. "I got my appeal letter today and it's been rejected. So that means my basketball career may be over all because I fucked up and slept with the wrong girl."

  Her heart broke for him. "Oh, Derek, I'm so sorry. Is there something I can do? Maybe I can write to them, tell them about how you got me out of the damn chair and pain free. Maybe a press conference. Everyone can see the shape I was in before you came along. You're the sole reason I'm out of that chair. You're the only reason I'm even driving again."

  He blinked rapidly as he nodded. "Thank you. It means a lot that you would do that for me. But they know what I can do. I've done it for dozens of athletes just like you. This is personal. So I'm going after Kallie Wintor with all I've got."

  "Is it okay if I hate her?"

  He nodded and tugged up his T-shirt to wipe his face. Kiss stared. She'd seen him naked tons of times now. But it always struck her a little dumb.

  "Feel free to hate her. In the meantime, I'm fighting her with everything I have."

  Kiss chewed her bottom lip. "I mean, she's clearly playing dirty. We have to fight the same way. Just like when someone taps you on the track, you have to make them regret it, or they think it's okay to do."

  He grinned. "You ready to fight for me, Kiss?"

  "You gave me my life back, so yeah."

  His smile softened as he approached her. "It's okay, wildcat, I've got a plan."

  "Does it involve knocking the bitch on her ass?"

  He grinned. "That it does. You should meet my sister. Once she is done with Kallie Wintor, there will only be pieces left." He picked up the ball. "Want me to show you how to shoot properly?"

  Kiss pursed her lips. "So what you're saying is that my wild throws complete with convulsions is not how it's supposed to be done?"

  "Not exactly." He narrowed his gaze. "How far were you going to go?"

  "Until you talked to me. I've heard tales told of my epic stubbornness."

  His voice was soft. "Thank you. Normally, I sort of retreat into my shell and do my own thing. It's not good for me. I know it. But force of habit, you know? I always err on the side of dealing on my own instead of being vulnerable. It's not always the best way." He shrugged. "Besides, it helps to actually talk about it."

  The warmth that spread inside her couldn't be ignored. She was completely in love with him. And he would break her heart. She bit her lip to keep from blurting out the words. Instead, she said, "How about we grab a shower and I can give you a massage for once."

  "Now you're talking my language."

  "And when we're done, I have a surprise for you." They deserved a night out. And they both needed to get their minds off of everything they were dealing with. Even if it was just for a night.


  Music blared out of the speakers of the Star Fire Club. And all around Kiss and Leah, bodies writhed and sweated as they moved to the beat.

  "Oh, my God, Kiss, you clearly have no idea how to do this numb your mind thing. So are we brooding over being in love with one of the two hottest men in here or are you doing the dark and serious brooding thing. Personally I'd rather you were brooding over Derek." Leah hip checked her and Kiss nearly stumbled off the stool.

  "Shit, Leah."

  Her bestie shrugged. "Come on, Kiss. Look, I get it, you've got a lot going on right now. But you can't let it consume you. You have to try to have some fun. A little balance is good for you. Don't overthink it."

  "Is it that obvious?" She didn't drink so she sipped her Nohito. The virgin Mojito wasn't half bad. Kiss looked up and her gaze naturally found Derek as if she were attuned to his frequency. He was at the VIP table with his brother, their heads bent forward as they spoke.

  They could be twins. It was a bit disconcerting. But Dylan wasn't nearly as carefree as his brother was. And his eyes were a pale blue, not the vibrant electric blue of Derek's. But that smile, the thick, dark hair, the body frame, lean, athletic, drool-inducing. It was any wonder she and Leah were still able to hold a reasonable conversation.

  Derek glanced up as if she'd called his name. Narrowed eyes scanned the crowd, then settled on her and heat pricked her skin. He cocked his head and licked his bottom lip. For several whole seconds, they were completely alone. As if he could walk up to her and they could make love on top of the bar and no one would disturb them.

  "That you two are completely in love, yeah." Leah's voice dragged her out of her reverie.

  Shit, was her friend serious? Did everyone know? Worse, did Derek know? "What exactly are you talking about, Leah?" She tried to look away, but he had her locked.

  "This eyes sex you are having right now is everything. You can't take your eyes off of each other. And I've known you since we were kids. I've never seen you like this about any guy. Not even Antonio. And the way he looks at you? Come on. It's like you guys are living your own personal romance novel."

  Kiss forced her glance away and took another sip of her drink. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Oh yes you do. From your reaction, I'm guessing you haven't told him yet?"

  There was no point in lying. Not to Leah anyway. "No. Besides, he's leaving after my race anyway, so it's my own stupid fault for falling in love. I really should have known better."

  Her friend did her shot of Patron. "There you go being all pessimistic again. All your life you've wanted someone to love you enough to stay. You've tried being perfect so that no one will judge you. So that no one will leave you. That man, he loves you. It's written all over his face, but you're going to not tell him and let him walk away? Tell him. The worst he can say is no. But if I'm right and he loves you too, you need to know."

  The idea that he might not love her back terrified her. They'd both gone in with eyes wide open. She was the one who'd gone back on the deal. After his whole situation with Kallie, he might not take it so well. No, she'd keep it to herself and enjoy the time they had left. Even if her heart was breaking just a little bit more every day. "You know what, I'm not going to worry about it right now. Let's go drag the Donovan boys out onto the dance floor."

  Leah tossed back another shot of Patron. "Now you are talking my language."


  Even after Kiss broke their connection, Derek stared at her profile. She'd refused to gi
ve up on him earlier. The only people that had ever done that for him were his family. Even when he'd tried to push her away. He already trusted her more than he trusted most other people in his life. It scared the shit out of him. How the hell was he going to survive when he had to leave?

  "Doesn't she know yet?" Dylan's voice was low and held a hint of bemusement.

  He didn't take his eyes off of Kiss. "Hmm? Know what?"

  "That you love her, dumbass."

  Derek snapped his focus to his brother. How the hell had he known that? "What?"

  Dylan grinned. "I love that you forget it's my job to observe people. I know you, little brother. Your whole focus and attention are on her. It's in how you lean in when she talks, the way you play with her hair. The reassuring looks and pats. This is more than some fling for you. You're distracted. It's obvious, man. How is it not obvious to you?"

  Derek shifted in his seat. It was obvious to him. That was the problem. He loved her, but he wouldn't be sticking around. "You think she can tell?"

  Dylan's chuckle was soft. "No. Not likely. When it comes to shit like feelings, most people are obtuse. Your secret is safe. Unless Leah tells her of course."

  Derek dragged a hand through his hair. "I wish someone would have mentioned what this would be like. I don't feel like myself at all. I'm worried about her twenty-four, seven. When she's on the track, I just want to go and watch her because I want to feel closer to her. I have almost as much fun with her out of the bed as we have in bed. It hurts like as son of a bitch when I think about leaving her. I wish I knew what to do about it."

  Dylan shrugged. "Don't look at me, not like I'm the love expert. You're better off asking Mia or Delilah. Or maybe Dad can help. Me, I'm a confirmed bachelor."

  "Fat lot of good you are."

  "I make the observation, I don't have any answers for you. I mean, the job is almost up, right? Do you have a plan after that?"

  "Get something temporary until the next appeal is decided on."

  "Right," his brother said. "So you're not going to tell her how you feel, maybe stick around?"

  Yes. "No. I'm not. It's better this way."

  Dylan just shook his head. You never learn do you?" He inclined his head. "Incoming. And they look like they have mischief on their minds."

  Derek turned his attention back to Kiss and Leah, and the girls were on their way back to the table. Kiss gave him a sly smile and his cock went hard instantly. Damn, why was that so easy?

  When she reached him, she reached out a hand. "Come and dance."

  Leah didn't even bother to ask, she just reached out for Dylan's hand and dragged him up.

  Dylan mock resisted, but Leah wasn't taking no for an answer. Derek smirked as he asked Kiss, "Have you forgotten Donovan men don't dance?"

  She inclined her head toward his brother. "Someone should probably tell that to Dylan."

  Derek scowled at his brother who was pressed up against Leah's ass, grinding with her. And hey, would you look at that? He was almost on beat too. Derek took Kiss's hand, not because he wanted to dance, but because he wanted to hold her. Things had been off since their game that afternoon. He wanted to touch his fill before he had to leave.

  On the dance floor, he let her take charge. His blood rushed as he watched her move. The beat was slow and steady base and even he could manage it. But he was stiff and he knew it. Dancing was not his strong suit, but for Kiss, he could work it out.

  She rolled her hips into him and turned so her ass nestled into his crotch. Oh fuck. His cock woke up with a start and every last drop of blood rushed to his dick. On both the upbeat and the downbeat, she rolled into him and he recognized the motion well enough. It was one she'd used the other night when they'd made love. Popping her booty back into him as she rode his dick, making him painfully hard as she twerked.

  He loved it. He loved her. Leaning in so his lips were directly beside her ear, he said, "It's not nice to tease a starving man."

  She leaned back so her head lay on his shoulder. "You don't have to be starving. I'm all yours."

  Oh. Hell. Yes. His hands slid down her belly, stopping just at the button on her denim skirt. "You're being very naughty, Kiss."

  "Does that mean you plan on giving me a spanking?"

  It wasn't possible, but his cock hardened even more. "Are you asking for one?"

  Her breath hitched. "Maybe."

  "Kisima, you keep talking like that, and I'm going to take you somewhere and fuck you." He needed her so bad. The moment he'd let himself admit that he loved her, all he wanted to do was touch her.

  "You promise?"

  The last remaining rational brain cells put up a fight, but his cock won easily. He slid his glance to his brother who looked plenty preoccupied with Leah. His half-lidded gaze pinned on the tiny brunette with all the attention of a man intent on getting laid that night. Eventually, Dylan dragged his head up and met his gaze.

  Derek inclined his head toward the exit and his brother acknowledged his message. Then Derek turned his attention back to Kiss. "Come with me."

  She stumbled a little in her heels. "Where are we going?"

  "You don't remember me telling you that I was going to fuck you? I'm taking you home to make good on that promise."

  Her eyes went wide. "Oh."

  She hesitated and his cock protested. "You don't want to go home?"

  Kiss sucked in her bottom lip, grazing it with her teeth. "Actually, I have a better idea."

  He blinked in surprise as she dragged him through the crowd. When they reached one of the private VIP booths, she looked around and caught the eye of one of the servers. The pretty brunette grinned at her. "Hey, Kisima."

  "Hey, Crystal. I noticed that the one on the end isn't booked. Do you mind if I borrow it?" Her smile was sheepish.

  Crystal slid a glance over him and grinned broadly. "Not at all, girl. I can move your table service over there if you like."

  A smile tugged at Kiss's lips. "Uh, no. I just wanted to kiss my man in private."

  The blonde grinned. "Can't say that I blame you," she said with a wink.

  She led them down the section of private circular booths covered entirely by heavy brocade curtains. The occupied ones were marked with rope that read private.

  She opened their booth for them and gestured to the button in the middle of the table. "If you guys need drinks or anything, just holler."

  They had a corner booth and it was fitted with a big screen TV in the corner playing sexy music videos. When Crystal left them alone, Derek pulled Kiss to him. "And just how did you know about this set up?"

  Kiss secured the curtain closed before looping her arms around his neck. "Oh I know things. Have fake ID, will go clubbing. Or rather Leah will drag me out clubbing. I’ve been here once or twice, but I've heard some of the guys mention the private VIP booths. Sometimes they forget that I'm there or that I'm a girl or whatever. So they tell me things I probably shouldn't know about. Like all the clubs that have the best secluded areas. I mean I'm not even twenty-one until September. I really have no business being in a club. Let alone in a private booth about to do naughty things."

  "If I didn't know better, I'd say you planned this whole thing?"

  Kiss clutched a hand to her chest, "Who, me?" She hit one of the buttons on the table. "This feature was of particular interest to me."

  The image on the screen changed from the video to show the two of them. He looked up and noticed the camera. "Kisima Jennings, aren't you full of surprises."

  Derek’s hands shook as he smoothed them over the back of her legs and over the smooth skin of her thighs. She was so beautiful. Every inch of her was perfection. Her strong, lean, toned muscles, her wide, dark eyes, that smart mouth of hers. He was so fucking in love with her. She had no idea.

  Kisima slid her hand into his hair, smoothing the pads of her fingers over his scalp, driving him insane. Her dark eyes bored into his soul, and he would swear she knew what he was thinking, what he was feeling, wh
at he was afraid to tell her.

  "See, I can be spontaneous. With a little forethought and planning, look, spontaneity."

  He chuckled and his hands gripped her ass tight, sculpting her closer against his pulsing election. "Not exactly the meaning of spontaneity, but I'll take it."

  He nuzzled her neck with his nose, inhaling deeply. How does she always smell so fucking good? He kissed along the column of her throat, nipping gently with his teeth, and soothing the tiny aches with the flat of his tongue.

  Kisima threw her head back, allowing him better access, and he took full advantage.

  He sat in the booth and dragged her down over his lap. Sliding a hand in her hair, he fisted it, angling her head and giving him better access to kiss her. Over the last several weeks, she'd managed to burrow into his heart. There was no getting rid of her. He wanted everything with her. The slightest smile from her was enough to make him hard as steel.

  "Derek, I want you to make love to me." Her whisper in the darkness made his whole body go rigid. Had he heard her correctly?

  "Kisima? You do realize we’re in the middle of the club, and anyone can walk into the booth?"

  "I know." She rocked her hips into his, bringing her sweet heat over the length of his erection and he groaned. Why was he saying no?

  Fuck. "Kisima," he breathed. "I want you. So fucking bad."

  "I'm all yours.”

  Even though he had a grip on her ass and his hand in her hair, she was in full control. She was driving the rotation of her hips into his, bringing him so close to the edge of oblivion. She was the one making his blood thick and hot, to the boiling point. And when she leaned down and pressed her lips over his, he knew he would give her what she wanted.

  Her lips were so soft and sweeter than summer melon. At first he sipped at her lips, drawing a response from her, teasing just a little. But then she made that sexy little sound at the back of her throat, and his control snapped. She may have started the kiss, but he finished it.

  Taking over, he angled her head just so and slid his tongue into her waiting mouth. He stroked her tongue, sliding his against it, showing her how he would take her, possess her. Kissing her was like heaven. He could do nothing but kiss her all day and be perfectly content, but as it was, with every dip of his tongue, she pulled her hips into him. With every rock of her hips, she brought her sweet, slick core against the rigid length of his erection pushing against his jeans.


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