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Healed by Fire Artemis Lupine 3

Page 10

by Banks, Catherine

  The hybrids and Apollo disappeared down the beach, disappearing around the turn.

  Achilles squatted down next to Darren and checked his pulse. “He’s dead.”

  I nodded my head. “Apollo killed him.”

  Achilles’ eyebrows raised in shock. “He killed his father?”

  I stood up and shoved my finger in his chest, pushing him backwards. “You knew?! You knew he was my brother!”

  Achilles stumbled back a couple steps and then caught my hands in his. “Yes, but he’s our enemy,” Achilles said softly.

  I pointed to Darren’s dead body. “Apollo saved me from Darren. Now, you tell me everything about him!”

  Theseus trotted up to me in his wolf form and whined. I turned away from Achilles and scratched under his chin. “What is it?”

  He rubbed his head against my hand and then trotted away. I sighed and followed him to find a young halfbreed bleeding from gashes with Koda by his side putting pressure on the wounds. I pushed him away. “Stay still.” I put pressure on the wound and he winced. “It’ll be over soon.”

  The boy nodded his head and then slowed his breathing as I closed my eyes. “By the blood in my veins, the power of the night, I call to the plants and ask for your help.” Little bits of glowing energy danced across the wind towards me and with some focus, I pushed them into the wound. Instantly the bleeding stopped, the internal issues sealed and healed and the skin was blemish free.

  “How many other spells did you learn?!” demanded Victor in a near shout.

  I patted the smiling boy on the head and stood up to face Victor. “Enough for me to be sure that if we can get your father and his whole army on the battlefield, I can obliterate every single vampire there.”

  Victor’s eyes widened in shock before he turned silently away to walk back to the house.

  Theseus rubbed his head against my shoulder and I turned to smile at him. “Yes, I’m alright. No one hurt me.”

  Ares growled and Theseus whined in apology before backing away. I put my hands on my hips and glared at Ares. “He wasn’t being possessive or overstepping bounds. He was acting as any other wolf in a pack would.”

  Ares’ shirt was gone and as he walked towards me the hormones I’d worked so hard to keep in control the past one hundred years surged forward. He inhaled and I knew he could smell my desire. Achilles turned away from us and walked into the house. My emotions warred with me as my desire to mate with Ares and my desire to heal the feelings I’d hurt with Achilles gnawed at me.

  Ares stopped an inch away from me and nipped my chin. “He understands.”

  My body wasn’t responding to any of the commands I gave it, my arms felt like jelly, so I just nodded my head and allowed him to pick me up and dash off to the woods. Ares didn’t stop running until we came to a densely wooded area where a bed of leaves awaited us.

  I looked at it suspiciously. “Had this planned, did you?”

  Ares smiled smugly. “It was only a matter of time before the need overcame your virtues. Besides, I am your mate.”

  He laid me down on the bed of leaves and kissed me fiercely. Everything felt so different than the first time we’d kissed and yet the same. I ran my hands along his sculpted chest and abs and to his muscular back, now slick with sweat from the fight. He nipped my shoulder making me moan, which made him growl.

  I didn’t want to rush our mating, but I couldn’t wait to become one with him again. I pushed him down onto his back and he laughed softly. Though I saw his eyes glint with gold, he let me force him to submit. I stood back and admired him in all his glory. “It’s definitely been too long since I’ve seen you. I’d forgotten how magnificent you are.”

  Ares pulled me down and flipped us over, cushioning my head with his arms. “You almost died again today,” he whispered softly as he kissed his way from my lips to my chin to my throat.

  “No, I wasn’t bleeding to death like all the times before.”

  Ares growled and nipped my chest. “If Apollo hadn’t stopped him, Darren would have skewered you.”

  I arched up as he kissed his way down the center of my chest. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Say that again,” he said with a hint of a growl in his voice.

  I met his eyes and felt tears sliding down my face at the same time I saw tears falling down his to land on my chest. “I’m sorry, Ares.”

  He kissed me again and then made love to me until the sun rose above the trees.



  Chapter Fourteen

  Artemis was much different than the first time I’d met her. She was still naïve in many respects, but I could see that whatever she’d been doing the past one hundred years had definitely changed her.

  The most shocking change was her incredible power. I wouldn’t admit it to Ares, but if she and I battled it would be a very intense and catastrophic battle. I would win, but I would be very injured and very drained afterwards.

  I couldn’t outwardly choose sides, but I hoped Artemis continued to only mate with Ares. They belonged together and no matter what Achilles said, the two of them were not soul mates like Ares and Artemis are.

  “Victor?” Koda asked softly, “Are you feeling alright?”

  I shook my head and stood up from the couch I was sitting on. “I need to feed. I’ll return shortly.”

  Koda watched me, not convinced that I was telling the truth and thinking those thoughts loud enough that I would hear even if my focus was elsewhere. I wasn’t telling the truth, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. We had known each other so long that he could tell when I was lying. I was not looking forward to the days when Artemis could read me as well.

  I closed my eyes and focused on my favorite place to feed. The Red Bordello, a house of human’s offering themselves for vampires to feed upon. Using my power I shifted my body from one place to the other.

  A woman screamed and I opened my eyes, smiling. “Hello, ma chéri.”

  “Sir, you startled me,” the doe eyed petite woman said as she released her hold on her bed sheet. She had golden wheat colored hair and eyes the color of dark emeralds. Her negligee was white and she looked so fragile in the large four poster bed.

  The room was bare except for the large bed with extremely fluffy sheets and pillows. This room was where she slept so it was not as ornately decorated as the bedrooms where they entertained vampires when feeding them. I was the only one that I knew of who visited any of the feeders in their personal rooms.

  I stood beside the bed looking down on her. She had aged since the last time I was here and looked to have a bruise under her right eye. I picked her hand up and kissed it softly. “I apologize for startling you.”

  She smiled sweetly at me and then scooted over, patting the bed. “Sit with me a moment.”

  I obliged her and then turned her face to mine. “Who has harmed your lovely face?”

  Most women would have turned away or been ashamed, but not her. She simply smiled and said, “It comes with the territory of being a blood whore.”

  I cringed, hating that term for the humans that offered their blood for vampires. “You are too sweet to be using such vile terms.”

  “You are too kind for being the Prince of Vampires.”

  I smoothed her hair back from her neck and she shuddered in anticipation. “I wish I could stay longer, but I have much on my agenda,” I whispered in her ear as I kissed it softly and then made small tender kisses along her jaw line and to her neck.

  Her jugular vein pulsed faster as I kissed beside it and my fangs lengthened in response. If I was not helping Ares I would take this girl and keep her to myself, but I could not do that now. I would not promise her or even suggest the notion until I could do it. I was not one to go back on my word and I did not want to offer until I was sure I could keep it.

  She ran her hand down my arm and then arched up into me as I kissed her stomach. I pulled the bed sheets down and then found my favorite vein on the inside o
f her leg.

  My fangs extended fully and I bit down, sucking as her blood flowed from the bite. She hissed a moment and then relaxed on her back, enjoying the emotions I was giving her. Every vampire over the age of thirty could manipulate a human’s emotions to make their bite enjoyable. Some used it negatively while others just didn’t use the ability. I preferred to use it, enjoying the smiles on the women’s faces as I fed.

  I finished my feeding and pressed against the bite to ensure it stopped bleeding. “Lie with me until I fall asleep,” she ordered quietly, still high on the feeding.

  I should have said no, but I wasn’t going to be needed until tomorrow, if at all by Ares. She was soft and warm as I laid down beside her and she sighed softly. I stroked her hair and spoke softly to her in French, knowing she couldn’t understand, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

  She snuggled against me and giggled softly. “I always dreamed of sleeping with a prince.”

  “Then go to sleep little Princess. And dream of happier days.”

  I watched her sleep with a smile on her face and then teleported back to the house.

  “How is she?” Koda asked from the reclining chair.

  I tried to hide my smile, but he saw it and smiled back. “Someday my friend, we will both find females.”

  Koda shook his head. “We both know that we’ve already found them. Sadly we are both unable to have them.”

  I patted his shoulder and whispered, “There are many more to choose from.”

  He scrunched his face and whispered, “How can I look past perfection to see them?”

  Achilles and I were the only ones who knew of Koda’s feelings towards Artemis. And I was probably the only one who knew the true depth of his feelings for her. “You must. Or you shall only wallow in what could have been. There could be a perfect one for you if you would just open your eyes.”

  He shook his head and stood up. “I think I’ll go for another run.”

  “Do not lose yourself in the wolf’s mind for too long.”

  He bared his teeth at me. “I know.”

  I watched him go, trying my hardest to block out his pain and the thoughts in his head. If he got any worse I was going to have to talk to Ares about him.

  He was dangerously close to losing himself to the wolf and it would break Ares to have to kill another of his brothers. I could do it to spare him the pain, but I had to hope he would keep the human side alive.

  I couldn’t judge him for his fascination on one being when I was fascinated on one, and she was human. I shook my head in disgust at myself and walked down to the basement area. The pack looked at me and then went back to their various activities. I walked to my room and lay down to sleep. Or at least to dream of what could have been.



  Chapter Fifteen

  We woke up to the sounds of whispering. Ares growled next to me and wrapped his arms around me protectively. “She’s sleeping,” he whispered.

  “We discussed this, Ares. I know I agreed not to mate with Artemis, but you’re not allowing me time alone with her,” said Achilles.

  Ares growled again as Achilles moved closer. “Back away.”

  “Ares,” Koda said in an exasperated tone. “Stop acting so damn possessive. It’s Achilles we’re talking about, not some random wolf.”

  Ares nuzzled my hair and exhaled. He stayed in that position for two more minutes before finally releasing me and standing up. “I’m sorry.”

  I rolled onto my back and stretched. “What’s going on?” I asked as I feigned naivety, looking from Ares to Koda and then to Achilles.

  “It’s time for breakfast,” said Ares softly, pulling me to my feet and kissing my cheek.

  I kissed his lips and then moved to hug Koda, but my stomach felt weird. I stopped moving and frowned as I tried to determine the problem. I stood perfectly still for thirty seconds as nothing seemed to answer what the weird sensation was. And then my stomach grumbled. I laughed at my ridiculousness and said, “I guess it is breakfast time.” I hugged Koda before stepping into Achilles’ arms. “Good morning.”

  Achilles smiled down at me. “Hello.”

  Ares and Koda took the lead and Achilles placed my hand in his as we headed back towards the house. Ares got dressed and tossed me clothes so I could dress as well before we all went down the stairs to the sub level of the house. The sub level wasn’t what I had expected. I thought it would be wood and dirt and small and dark, but it was none of those things. Large wooden support beams held the sides and upper level from crashing down, but marbled tile and candelabras decorated the area. It was also much bigger than I thought it would be with two hallways leading to at least ten doors and three large main rooms, including a full kitchen.

  The pack was sitting around the outer edge of the living room floor with empty plates in their hands, looking hungry. Victor stood in the center of the room tapping his foot impatiently, but once he caught sight of Ares and me, he just smiled.

  Ares cleared his throat and the room quieted. “You all fought well yesterday and we’re very proud. Now, let’s eat!”

  Five boys from the pack brought in plates of slightly cooked meat and set them down in a large circle in the center of the room. Ares picked up two empty plates and handed me one. I followed him as he took some meat from each of the plates and filled mine as well. Once our plates were full, Achilles and Koda took their turns and then the rest of the room. Ares found an open spot against the wall and we all sat down with Ares beside Victor, me beside Ares, Achilles beside me and then Koda beside Achilles. I ate in silence as I listened to the discussions of the pack around me. They were all discussing the small victory the battle was yesterday and what it could mean for the battle at large.

  I finished my meat and leaned against Achilles who was sipping a glass of wine. He tilted it towards me. “Want some?”

  I clapped a hand over my mouth to keep from throwing up. “No. I don’t drink wine.”

  Ares and Koda laughed loudly. “Now she doesn’t drink wine,” Koda said around his laughter.

  Victor arched an eyebrow in question and Ares said, “One night at Lyngvi she drank enough wine to get drunk and ended up throwing it all up in the toilet a few minutes later. I hadn’t seen a young wolf drink so much in a long time.”

  I blushed and looked down at my hands. “I was upset because all those women were flirting with you and trying to kill me.”

  Achilles snorted. “Werewolves always have so much drama when they’re together.” The pack stilled and looked at him in question. He rolled his eyes. “Full blooded werewolves, not halfbreeds.” The pack started talking and eating again. Achilles exhaled. “Your kind is so sensitive.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Right, because Sidhe are known for their loving demeanors. Oh wait, that’s right, I was supposed to be killed by them!”

  Achilles sighed, but didn’t pick up the argument. I relaxed against him to let him have his time with me near, but reached out my other hand to Ares so I could touch him as well.

  Achilles smiled at me and kissed my cheek softly. I laid my head down on his shoulder and exhaled. This was heaven. I never wanted it to end.

  Once everyone had finished eating, Ares called the pack outside for training, despite my wish to cuddle. The sand was somewhat restrictive for movement, but after running in it for a few miles I started to get the hang of it. I really enjoyed the wind blowing my hair back and the taste of the sea water as it splashed beside me.

  Koda waved me over from farther up the beach and I ran to him, skidding to a stop and spraying sand at him. Koda stood across from me with a wicked smile on his face. “I have a feeling you’re a bit out of practice, darlin’.”

  I rolled my shoulders and stretched my legs. “Perhaps, but even out of practice, I’m more powerful than you.”

  Groups began sparring around us, practicing everything from hand-to-hand combat to dealing with four or more opponents at once.

  Koda rolled his eyes
. “Powers don’t matter in close combat situations. I’ll drop you to the ground and stake you before you can even make a fireball.”

  I laughed and rolled my shoulders. “Bring it.”

  Koda charged forward and was in a half-shift before I noticed his hand was now a paw. I blocked the hit, but he scratched my arm. I gasped in pain and dropped down to kick at his legs. He jumped up and swung at me again. I rolled out of his reach and shot a fireball at him. He growled and patted out the flames on his shirt. I stood up and prepared for his next attack, a smile lifting my lips. Koda’s eyes flickered above my head and I dropped to the ground just as an arm whistled over me. I flipped over to find Ares standing over me, smiling wide.

  I kicked him in the stomach and then rolled between his legs to face them. Ares nodded at Koda and then they both charged me. I jumped up and released my wings, but Ares grabbed my foot and yanked me back down to the earth. I folded in my wings and then punched him in the face as they retracted completely. Koda swung at me and I formed my sword. Ares knocked the sword from my hand and then Koda punched me in the face. I stumbled backwards and growled angrily.

  I felt my skin grow hot as I began to glow and my powers released. “Enough play,” I whispered. I charged forward and swept Koda’s legs out from under him and then punched him in the chest as he fell to the ground. Ares swung at me, but I caught his fist in my hand and punched at him. I however had forgotten that no matter how much more powerful I had become, Ares was much more powerful than me. He grabbed my hand, flipped me on my back and pinned me to the ground. I screamed in rage at being pinned and let my wings extend from my back to toss us up and him off of me. Unfortunately Ares was prepared for this maneuver and held on to me.

  He grabbed a handful of my hair, tilted my head back and placed his teeth, which were now four elongated wolf’s fangs into my throat. “Submit,” he said around my throat. I whined and relaxed in his grip. Ares removed his fangs and kissed my throat. “Thank you.”


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