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Dragonfire--A Dark Kings Novel

Page 8

by Donna Grant

  He looked away while concern grew that she might actually see the very thing he wanted to keep hidden. The Kings had long been lying to mortals about who they were.

  The silence that stretched between them was uncomfortable. Roman tried to ignore it and focus on the beauty before him, but he could feel Sabina’s gaze on him, watching and waiting. He should’ve known that her Romani blood would eventually detect something.

  “You’re trying very hard to hide something,” she said.

  He raised his eyes to the sky. “Doesna everyone? Camlo said you keep secrets.”

  “Hm. I can’t dispute that.”

  He finally faced her. “Stop trying to use your Sight on me.”

  “Why? Because I won’t like what I see?” she asked pointedly.

  There was a part of him that wanted to find out how she’d react to the discovery that he was a dragon, but the more rational side of him quickly chucked that away. “Because I’m asking you to.”

  “People who don’t want their lives peered into usually have a doozy of a secret. Or have done something criminal.” She cocked her head to the side. “I don’t think the latter applies to you.”

  He raised his brows. “Indeed? Why?”

  “Camlo trusted both you and V immediately. And … even though I didn’t want to trust you, I quickly found that I did. Camlo doesn’t react to others like he did with you and V. That means something to me.”

  Roman briefly shifted his gaze to the house where V was still inside. Something had happened to his friend when he touched Camlo. It could be nothing. Or it could be something huge. Roman had promised V that he’d find his sword this time. He wasn’t going to be the one to ruin V’s chances.

  “I’m no’ a criminal,” Roman said.

  Her smile was soft. “I didn’t think so.”

  “I didna lie when we first met. V and I are searching for something he lost.”

  “What did he lose?”

  Roman hesitated. “Something he greatly values.”

  “Ah. Another secret, then.” There was no anger in her voice or countenance. “I’m intrigued. So, how did V lose this item?”

  “It was stolen.”

  A small frown flashed across her face, but it was quickly gone. “Stolen? Are you after those who took it?”


  Her eyes widened in excitement. “Really? I love a good mystery.”

  He didn’t want to talk about his secrets anymore. Roman had never had a problem with lying before, but for some reason, it left a bitter taste in his mouth this time.

  The squeak of the front door caused both of them to turn their heads toward the house. V filled the doorway, his gaze locked on Sabina.

  Roman frowned as he watched his friend make his way toward them. Sabina’s welcoming smile faded with every step V took. There was an intensity about V that Roman hadn’t seen in a very long time.

  It was a sign that V might be reverting back to his former self, the Dragon King he’d been before his sword was taken. But it could also mean trouble if he were dipping into madness again.

  “V?” Roman said via their link.

  His friend didn’t answer as he stopped before Sabina. V’s blue eyes were brighter than normal. “How far back can you trace your family?”

  “Why?” Sabina asked.

  “Please,” V replied softly. “Tell me what you know.”

  Sabina glanced at Roman and shrugged. “I’m not sure. My gran used to tell me stories of our ancestors, but she never said how far back they went.”

  “What kind of stories?” Roman asked.

  Sabina crossed her arms over her chest like a shield. “Romani stories.”

  V’s chest began rising and falling quickly, but his gaze had moved past Sabina to the mountains.

  “I’m going to check on Camlo,” Sabina said.

  Roman gave her a nod and waited until she walked away before he turned to V. “What was that about?”

  “I told you something happened when Camlo touched me. For a brief moment, I was transported back to when I still had possession of my sword. I was in dragon form deep within the cave. I’d just come from a flight over the mountains. It rained on me.” V’s gaze slid to him. “I felt the water on my scales as if I were still there.”

  Roman studied V and found his eyes clear. It wasn’t madness that V was falling into—but the past. “Then what?”

  “Movements from the men as they climbed up the mountain to my cave. I heard the beating of their hearts, thudding erratically from exertion and fear. And then … nothing.”

  In all the times they had asked V to tell them what happened leading up to his sword being stolen, V had never been able to. This was their first clue, and somehow, it involved Camlo.

  “Do you doubt me?” V asked.

  Roman quickly shook his head. “Nay. I’m shocked and excited that you’ve recalled something.”

  Rage filled V’s blue eyes as he gave a loud snort. “The mixed Druid and Fae magic has kept my memories hidden all this time. Somehow, I managed to strip away a tiny part of it. I kept trying after I woke, but I couldna replicate what I’d done.”

  “Then that means that baffling mix of magic can be fought with dragon magic.”

  V’s lips twisted. “Was it my magic? Or was it Camlo?”

  “You’re putting a lot of stock in a half-Romani man-child.”

  “What would you do in my place?”

  Roman ran a hand down his face. “The same damn thing. So, what now?”

  “I need Camlo to touch me again. Maybe then I’ll learn more.”

  “V, you fainted the last time.”

  “Passed out,” V stated flatly. “A Dragon King doesna faint.”

  Roman rolled his eyes. “Call it what you will, you were unconscious.”

  “But I got some memories back. That’s worth however many times I pass out.”

  Still Roman hesitated. He wasn’t sure what kind of connection Camlo had to V, and that troubled him. Because if Camlo, as only half-Romani, could do this to V, what would happen if Sabina touched him?

  His gaze found the siblings with the animals. Sabina turned her head then, their eyes meeting.

  “Somehow, they’re key to this, Roman. You know that,” V stated.

  Roman pulled his gaze from Sabina to look at V. “I know.”

  “You also know that I’m no’ going to leave until I have the answers I seek.”


  “Do you?” V pressed. “Because I saw the way you looked at Sabina as if you wanted to devour her.”

  There were so many things Roman wanted to do to Sabina, but that’s not what they were there for. And he needed to remember that.


  Even from a distance, Sabina could see the storm that raged within Roman. It blazed in his eyes and hung about him like a dark cloud.

  She didn’t know what his conversation entailed with V, but whatever words passed between them, Roman was in full agreement. And she wasn’t sure what that meant for her or Camlo.

  Sabina turned to her brother. “I’m not certain about our guests.”

  Camlo shook his head at her, acting like the adult for the first time. “I am.”

  “How?” she asked, needing to know. “What is it about them that makes you trust so willingly?”

  “You would, too, if you’d seen them.”

  She fought not to lose her patience. “Camlo, tell me what you saw last night.”

  He pointed to Roman and V, who were on their way toward them. Then he pointed at the sky. “Beautiful. Powerful.”

  “What does that mean?” she said with fists clenched in frustration that bordered on exasperation.

  Her brother held out his arms and smiled. As if that were answer enough. She squeezed her eyes closed and bit back the harsh words that would hurt her brother. In his mind, he was telling her exactly what she wanted to know.

  Normally, she could figure such things out, but this time, she coul
dn’t connect the dots. She flexed her fingers as she opened her eyes to find her brother looking over her shoulder.

  Camlo dropped his arms and said, “You’re awake.”

  “I am,” V said from behind her.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Camlo said.

  Sabina shifted as V moved to stand before him. “You didna. Actually, you helped me.”

  At this, she frowned and looked at Roman, who was watching Camlo and V closely. What the hell was going on? Because there was something, and she was on the outside looking in—a position she didn’t enjoy.

  “Really?” Camlo asked, his eyes bright with delight.

  V smiled as he nodded. “Want to help me again?”

  “Whoa,” Sabina said the same time that Camlo eagerly said, “Yes.”

  V turned his penetrating blue eyes to her. “I’m no’ harming him.”

  “Says you,” she argued. “I saw what happened to you the first time, and you want to do it again?”

  “Exactly. It happened to me.” V inhaled deeply and released it. “Ask Camlo if he was hurt.”

  She didn’t need to. If her brother had felt any pain, he would’ve let her know. That didn’t make her feel any better about what was going on, though. Mostly because Roman and V seemed to know what had happened to V when Camlo touched him.

  “Here.” Camlo then held out his hand, waiting for V to take it.

  Sabina stepped between them, facing V and Roman. “I’ve taken great steps to ensure that no one can exploit my brother. For some insane reason, he likes both of you, and, even stranger, I’ve opened my home to you. I’m about to rescind that offer if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”

  “Bina,” Camlo said as he grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. “I told you.”

  “You’ve not told me anything other than you saw them last night.”

  He sighed dramatically. “They’re friends.”

  How did she tell her brother that people lied? That while they might look and act like friends, they really weren’t? Her mind made that argument, but her heart urged her to wait and hear Roman and V out.

  A large hand softly touched her arm. She felt a sizzle of electricity rush through her, and she didn’t have to look to know it was Roman. He had that kind of effect on her.

  “We would never harm either of you,” Roman said.

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “Then tell me what’s going on.”

  Camlo stamped his foot. “I have!”

  Without warning, Camlo reached around her and grabbed V’s arm. Sabina stood between them, and there was no denying that something passed from them and into her. It was … intense and yet gentle. Severe but smooth.

  It enveloped her in a layer of … she had no word for it, but she knew that it was around her so profusely that she thought she might be able to touch it if she tried.

  Suddenly, she was yanked from the bubble and pulled against a hard chest with strong arms wrapped around her. She tried to lift her head, but she had no control over her body. In fact, it felt as if she were floating.

  “Breathe,” Roman whispered in her ear.

  She moved her eyes to the side and saw her brother and V. They stood as still as statues. V’s face was contorted in pain, while Camlo watched him. A moment later, V dropped to his knees. There was a smile on his face before he pitched forward. The only reason he didn’t hit the ground with his face was because Camlo caught him.


  “She’ll be fine in a moment,” Roman answered.

  Camlo grunted. “Too much magic for her.”

  Magic? Magic! What the hell? The fog in her head began to clear, though she was quite comfortable braced against Roman’s firm body.

  “Easy,” Roman whispered against the top of her head. “I feel you stiffening. Everything is all right.”

  “No,” she croaked.

  Still, she didn’t pull away from him. Her mind shouted for her to walk away, but her limbs refused to obey. Despite the confusion and worry, it felt too good to be in his safe, delightfully strong arms.

  “Camlo, can you take V into the house?” Roman asked.

  Her brother chuckled. “He needs more sleep.”

  “Aye, lad, that he does.”

  Sabina closed her eyes. Her perfectly ordered life was being dismantled by everyone, with very little effort.

  Roman’s hand splayed over her back, holding her tight against him. His other hand gently smoothed her hair away from her face. “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m guessing you wish to talk now.”

  The regret in his voice made her smile. She opened her eyes then. “Yes.”

  “This involves your Romani blood.”

  “Did you come to us because of that?”

  Roman hastily replied, “Nay. We didna know anyone was here until we saw Camlo.”

  “But you were searching for something.”

  “We were exploring the entire range of the Carpathians, no’ just this spot.”

  She could hear his heart beating beneath her ear. Strong and steady. Just as he was. Sabina drew in a breath before she stepped back. His hands lingered on her until he let them drop.

  Sabina stared into his green eyes. “What just happened between V and Camlo? Why does my brother continue to say that he saw both of you last night in the sky? What does he know that I don’t?”

  “I’m no’ sure you really want the answers to those questions.”

  Her mouth dropped open in astonishment. “I’m asking the questions because I want to know.”

  “You’ve denied your heritage and the Sight handed down to you from your ancestors.”

  She glared at him, hating that his words held more truth than she wanted to admit. “So?”

  “Tell me, was it just the insults from others that made you reject who you really are?”

  “I know who I am.” How dare he? She was so mad she could spit.

  A blond brow rose on his forehead. “Others may think you are less than because of your Romani blood, but you should be proud of it. It sets you apart.”

  “You speak of something you know nothing about.”

  Roman laughed, though there was no mirth in the sound. “Oh, lass, I know much more than you could possibly understand.”

  “Are you going to give me the answers I want?”

  Eyes turbulent as a violent sea held hers as the seconds ticked by with no response. Then, he finally said, “Fine. You want the truth? Here’s the truth for you, my gypsy. V and I are dragons.”

  With that, he turned on his heel and strode toward the house. Sabina could only watch him go. Dragons. She started to laugh, but then her blood went cold.

  “Oh, my God,” she murmured as the story Gran had told her came back in vivid detail.

  Sabina’s knees went weak as she realized that V was none other than Vlad, the dragon who was the basis of Gran’s story. He was the one who her ancestors had stolen the sword from—and Vlad and Roman were in her country looking for it.

  She grabbed hold of a post next to her so she didn’t fall. Her gaze moved over the various animals, and her face crumbled when it finally dawned on her what Camlo had been trying to tell her. He knew who Roman and V were because of his connection to animals. He’d seen them, had actually witnessed dragons flying in the sky the night before.

  And she’d missed it.

  With her hand on her throat, she dragged in a breath and tried to calm her rapid heartbeat. She was supposed to pass on the story of Vlad to her children, not be the one who came face-to-face with the Dragon King.

  She didn’t know what to do or say. Did she return to the house and act as if nothing had happened? Or did she tell them everything she knew? Her mind was whirling faster and faster.

  Gran had said that Vlad was kind. Why then take his sword? Just because one of her ancestors saw something using her Sight? That was horseshit because their gifts weren’t always right.

sp; Something horrible had happened to V, simply because of one vision. And now it was up to Sabina to sort it all out. Or was it? She could pretend that she knew nothing and let Roman and V go about their search.

  But that was wrong, so very wrong.

  There was a sound behind her. She whirled around to find Camlo. The look on his face was one of a man twice his age. She had sheltered him because his mind wasn’t right, but she was beginning to wonder if he hadn’t been the one protecting her.

  “Do you see them now?” he asked.

  Tears stung her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. “No.”

  “If you believed, you would.” He closed the distance between them and took her hand. “It’s your secret.”


  He nodded. “The story you told Blackie.”

  There were no words. She hadn’t stopped to consider that the story of Vlad and the sword was something her cat would repeat to Camlo. Or had she? She really didn’t know.

  “It’s okay, Bina,” her brother said. “You didn’t think the story was for me.”

  She put a hand to his face. “No, sweetheart. That story is for everyone in our family.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered and lowered her arm. “I’m sorry.”

  He gave her a little shrug and looked away. “Roman and V need us.”

  “I’m not sure we can tell them who we are.”

  Camlo shot her a bewildered look. “They’re going to figure it out as soon as V wakes up.”

  An idea suddenly struck her. “Do you know what happens to V when he touches you?”

  “No, but I wish I did. I wonder if he’d let me ride upon his back.”

  Sabina looked at the house. “Once they know who we are, I’m not sure they’re going to be so nice.”

  “That’s because you don’t know them. Vlad didn’t kill our family back then, and he won’t do it now.”

  She swung her head to her brother. “You do realize that Vlad is the same person the myth of Dracula is from, right?”

  Camlo’s smile was wide as he said, “Yeah.”



  There were so many options. Rhi loved options, and OPI never failed to give her that. She glanced at the bottles in her hand and actually found something to smile about. She couldn’t wait to add the four bottles from the Iceland collection to the others.


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