Book Read Free

Deal with the Devil

Page 14

by Ali Vali

  “Have anyone in mind?”

  “I’ll think about it. Where’d you want to go?”

  Cain pointed at the van behind them. “Someplace fun where I can forget I’m an exotic pet worthy of observation.”

  “Emma does tell tales of some impressive feather rustling when you do your mating dance.”

  “Get out,” she said, teasing, “and we’ll meet you at eight. Feel like steak?”

  “Eight at the Steak Knife. Better make sure you bring cash for some fun later. If you want to attract attention I have a good way to go about it that involves a set of dice.”

  Cain nodded and waved as Remi got out and shut the door. As they started moving again Cain let out the air in her lungs, tired from the large lunch they’d had. “Lou, if anyone calls at the office asking about what we’re up to, give them what they want.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m not losing my mind.” Cain let her head fall back and closed her eyes. “I’m just helping Juan make his first move. If he’s going to make one, I want to see him coming.”


  “Need a ride?” Shelby asked through the open window of her car.

  “My office isn’t that far. I’ll walk since I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way.”

  “How about a ten-minute truce?” She rested her head on the seat back and closed her eyes briefly. “Try to conjure up how you felt about me the last time you were in my house.”

  Muriel opened the door and got in. Shelby turned in the opposite direction of her office. They headed back into the French Quarter and pulled over behind the French Market.

  “What’s on your mind? Or did you have a sudden craving for Loretta’s Pralines?” Muriel asked. She turned in her seat and pressed her back into the door.

  “I want to know what happened.” Shelby took Muriel’s hand. “I can’t stop thinking about you, and I can’t concentrate on anything.”

  “You know what happened. Last night when you stepped into that restaurant should’ve been explanation enough, if I didn’t do a thorough job. Something happened, and with no proof that my family was involved, we were your first stop anyway.” She put her other hand over Shelby’s, squeezed, then pulled away. “Your world doesn’t fit into mine, and no matter how much we want to pretend, it never will.”

  “You want to just give up?”

  When Shelby’s lip trembled slightly Muriel couldn’t resist holding her. “I care too much about you to lie to you. Do you really want to share your life with someone you’d have to censor yourself around? All that’s left is the physical aspect, and you aren’t that kind of girl.”

  “How do you know?” She moved closer into Muriel’s embrace. “If it’s all I can have, I wouldn’t mind.”

  “But I would.” Muriel moved back so she could see Shelby’s face and put her palm against her cheek. “You deserve better than that, and so do I.”

  “Wait a minute.” Shelby took a deep breath. “Stop trying to think for me, and don’t decide things that will change my life. That’s definitely something I’m not looking for in a partner.”

  “I’m not doing that. I’m only trying to be honest and tell you what I want. This isn’t easy, Shelby, but it’ll be ten times harder if we put it off.” She kissed Shelby in the most chaste way she could manage.

  “Things are moving too fast, and I’m having a hard time keeping up with it all.”

  The strange non sequitor made the skin on the back of Muriel’s neck prickle. “Give it a couple of weeks and I’m sure you’ll be fine. It’s not as if we won’t be seeing each other, considering our jobs,” Muriel said as a joke to loosen Shelby up.

  “Do you ever feel everything is being turned upside down and nothing makes sense?”

  “Like I said, give it time and you’ll see I’m right,” Muriel tried again.

  “Give it time is your best advice?” Shelby reached for her hand again and smiled when Muriel didn’t rebuff her. “I’ve lost you, and work is crazy with Anthony going to work for the Luis family.”

  Muriel wanted to call Cain immediately and tell her she was right, but she wasn’t ready to face that humiliation. She wasn’t used to being stupid, but that’s exactly what her attraction to this woman had reduced her to. “I’m sure that isn’t a cause for concern,” she said, trying to keep from screaming. “Your organization puts people undercover all the time. Some go about it more enthusiastically than others.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “That Anthony will probably enjoy this assignment.” It took all her willpower not to add “as much as you enjoyed yours in my bed.”

  “It isn’t an assignment, Muriel. He was suspended and he’s retaliating against Agent Hicks.” She paused and sighed for what Muriel took to be effect. “Have you heard anything about him?”

  “I need to retire,” Muriel said, laughing. “Because I’ve gotten so dumb I actually fell for this crap.” She opened the door and narrowed her eyes when Shelby tried to touch her.

  “You think I only wanted to see you to get information out of you? Do you really think that little of me?”

  “Save the indignation, sweetheart.” Muriel stepped out, then leaned her upper body back into the car. “And you’re right to say my advice is crap. I’ll get over this in a flash. Thanks for going out of your way to make it easy for me.” She slammed the door so hard she expected the window to shatter.

  “Fuck,” she said as she started walking in the direction she’d started. Her job had always kept her on the periphery of the family business and she’d accepted her position. That was about to change, though, because now she was willing to do anything to bring these people down. Shelby’s ulterior motives had seen to that.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I want you back at the casino. Sit in your office and don’t talk to anyone no matter what.” Nunzio Luca paced in the sunroom in the back of his house. “Don’t try anything to get your ass out of the crack it’s in—understand?”

  “Just one more chance, Nunzio. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “Richard, your part in this is over. Consider yourself lucky you’ll live to think about your brush with being a wise guy.” Nunzio noticed Kim Stegal, the head of his security, at the back of the room when he turned around. “Try to remember that one simple thing, and stop trying these cute stunts. Your stupidity has cost us plenty already.” He cocked his head toward the door, dismissing him.

  “Do you need anything new on that front?” Kim asked, referring to Richard.

  “Soon.” Nunzio glanced back at her as she headed to his office. “He’s a dumb ass, but until I get his name on the dotted line for the sale of the Capri, he’s a valuable dumb ass. Have somebody good keep an eye on him, though. Richard has a talent for getting himself deeper into shit.”

  Kim pulled her blond hair out of the band that kept it tied back and reordered it. At five-eight she was an inch taller than Nunzio and had gotten her job by proving how persuasive she could be collecting from bad gamblers.

  “I’ll take care of it today.” Kim stopped to pop one of the mints Nunzio kept on his desk into her mouth. “I did hear from Muriel while you were dealing with Richard.”

  “And?” He stopped flipping through the mail and looked up. Kim was good, but she had an annoying habit of making him beg for information.

  “Neither Cain nor Remi are available right now.” She brought her hand up when he took a breath and opened his mouth. “She didn’t give me any idea when Cain would be. I didn’t bother with Remi since I figure the Jatibons aren’t available either.”

  “What’s the fucking problem?” Nunzio punched the top of his desk, then had to shake his hand out. “They were willing to cut this deal a few days ago.”

  Kim nodded. “Cain’s going to wait now. You haven’t dealt with her as much as you have with Remi, but they have a lot in common. A few days ago you had something they wanted. Granted, they negotiated a good deal, but you had the edge. Richard han
ded it back to them on a silver platter.” Kim delivered the explanation with little emotion, a technique she had perfected so he wouldn’t have to bear the blame for anything. “You have to realize you don’t have to sell to them, and they don’t need the deal.”

  “This isn’t like selling my car. If I have to start over with new buyers, my father isn’t going to blame Richard.”

  “Then you wait until Cain and Remi think you’ve stewed long enough.”

  “That isn’t the option I pay you to give me.” He hit the top of his desk again, this time with an open palm. “Convince them it’s not in their interest to wait. I don’t care how you do it—just get it done.”

  “I have your permission to be creative?”

  “As much as you like, but maybe start with Remi. The Jatibons are successful, but they aren’t as organized as Casey. Stephano gave me the lowdown on Cain, and I don’t need any more problems.” He told her what he’d discussed with his father and she nodded again.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Kim said with a laugh, waving her fingers over her shoulder as she walked out.

  He usually found it comforting when Kim was in such a good mood, but he had too much riding on the outcome to start laughing yet.


  “I had a wonderful day with Dallas Montgomery,” Emma said. She hadn’t gotten a lot done all day, but she thought she’d gained a new friend. “She seems nice and really interested in Remi.”

  “Well, Remi goes on about her a lot.” Cain unbuttoned her shirt and threw it in the hamper. “Dallas might just be the woman who tames the wanderer in her.”

  “I gave Dallas a few pointers on that score today.” Cain’s naked back was too tempting, so Emma gave in and ran the tips of her fingers from her shoulders to the small of her back where Cain’s pants didn’t let her go any farther. “It’s weird, though.”

  “What?” Cain stepped out of the pants next.

  “For someone as accomplished as Dallas, she acts like she’s running from something. She’s kind of skittish.” Before she could return to her exploration, Cain put on a pair of khaki pants and a sweater. “You’re no fun.”

  “I promised Hannah and Hayden chocolate milk and beignets. You don’t want me to break a date, do you?” Cain turned around and lightly pinched Emma’s nipple. When Emma hissed she immediately let go. “Sorry, lass.”

  “It’s not you, just a little sensitive today.” She pressed Cain’s hand flat on her chest and laughed at her hopeful look. “Way too early to tell that, love, and no, I don’t want you to stand the kids up. Mind if I tag along?”

  “That’s like asking if I mind breathing.”

  “You’re so sappy, aren’t you?”

  They loaded into two cars so Lou, Merrick, Mook, and a few others could come. Emma still wasn’t comfortable with that level of protection, but she rarely said anything, knowing she’d never get Cain to bend on the subject. And rightfully so, she’d come to realize.

  Since their return to New Orleans, Cain took this outing with them at least once a week. Emma would laugh the entire time, as Hannah always managed to cover her ever-patient partner in powdered sugar before they were done.

  “Navy sweater, mobster.” Emma plucked at Cain’s top and shook her head. “Not a smart choice.”

  “Those little handprints are going to look good on you too.” Cain patted her backside, referring to her black skirt.

  Hannah led them to a table close to the entrance, wanting to listen to the older gentleman playing a saxophone right outside on the sidewalk. Emma was sure their little girl loved these outings with Cain and Hayden because New Orleans was so different from what she’d known, and Cain indulged her need to explore. Hannah was finally having the childhood she deserved, which hadn’t been possible living with her grandmother.

  “Chocolate milk and donuts, Mom,” Hannah said, her hands on the metal railing and a smile on her face as the street musician played something with more pep.

  Cain ordered for all of them and ran her hand along Hannah’s back, clearly enjoying her enthusiasm. Then the relaxed set to Cain’s mouth evaporated so quickly that Emma followed her line of sight and saw Juan Luis standing there staring at them. From the way his lip was twisted into a snarl, she could tell he was disgusted by what he saw.

  “Cain.” She took hold of Cain’s hand as she stood up. “Leave it alone. Let Lou handle it.”

  “I just want to talk to him, lass,” Cain said, the proof of T-Boy’s information eyeing her from behind Juan. Anthony Curtis was smiling so widely he looked almost idiotic. “Just a talk, I promise.”

  She waved Lou off and stepped out, stopping five feet from Juan and his new employee. “Slumming?” she asked Anthony. “If you’re this hard up for work, I have openings at Emma’s for dishwashers.”

  “Still trying to pretend you have a pair, Casey?” Juan said, finally locking eyes with her. Through the entire exchange up to now Anthony had been staring at Emma. “After seeing your little bastards, though, I’m almost convinced you might not be pretending. Or is it that the slut you—”

  Cain grabbed Juan, spun him around, and slammed his head so forcefully into one of the café’s pillars, it split his lip. He pushed back in what she assumed was an attempt to get away and retaliate, but she easily held him in place.

  “Listen up, because I’m only going to say it once,” she whispered in his ear, driving his head into the pillar again to make him stop squirming. “You do whatever you need done and get out of New Orleans. Come near my family while you’re here and I will kill you.”

  “What was that, Casey?” Anthony asked, finally coming to Juan’s defense. “Assault in public isn’t usually your style. Want me to call the cops, Mr. Luis?”

  Juan straightened his clothes and pressed the handkerchief Anthony offered him to his lip when Cain let him go. “Fuck off, Curtis. You,” he pointed at Cain, “got lucky today.”

  She grabbed his finger and twisted up so much he screamed and dropped to his knees. When it was clear he wouldn’t resist anymore, she bent over and put her lips close to his ear again. “I don’t have to pretend to be a man as much as you do, hijo de puta.” She laughed and twisted his finger toward his wrist even harder, bringing tears to his eyes. “That’s the correct term, isn’t it? Your father wanted a quick fuck and your mother was quick to spread them, you son of a bitch.” The rage in his eyes bloomed stronger than the pain and she laughed harder. She let him go and stepped back to anticipate his next move. “Oh, yes, you’re not the only one who did a little digging into family trees.”

  “I’m going to kill you for that,” Juan screamed as he lunged at her.

  This time she opened a cut over his left eye when she slammed him into the pillar again. “Today is me being merciful, so remember what I said,” Cain told him. Behind her, two cars screeched to a stop, followed by slamming doors.

  “Anthony, I’m going to have to ask you to come with the agents behind me,” Shelby said, pointing to the second car being driven by Joe Simmons.

  “Cain Casey,” Shelby said next, sounding official, “I’m going to have to ask you to come with us.”

  “Why? Am I under arrest for something?”

  “Just a few questions, but with the assault on this gentleman we just taped I’ve got enough to cuff you. Don’t make me do that in front of your kids.”

  “Emma, head home and call Muriel,” Cain said calmly. Juan had given Shelby and her ilk the opening they’d been wanting. Letting her temper loose was satisfying, but the consequences had just arrived and were the reason she told Hayden over and over why such behavior was never wise, no matter how good it felt. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back home soon.”

  “Mom,” Hayden said, moving close to her.

  “Take care of your mother and your sister. That’s your job until I get back,” Cain said, putting her hand on his shoulder. “I’ll be home soon.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Shelby asked as she held open the back door of the blac
k sedan she’d arrived in.

  “Because Mr. Luis won’t press charges, and you’re just fishing.”

  “Wow.” Shelby slammed the door and got in the front. “Did you consult one of the fortune-tellers before I got here?”

  “No, you’re as easy to read as a Dick and Jane primer.”

  Shelby turned around, not appearing pleased. “Go ahead and enlighten us.”

  “Juan is the nephew of one of the largest drug runners in Mexico, but has the mentality of a gang banger. It’ll be a long time before he achieves the polish Rodolfo has, if ever. He’s not pressing charges for tripping in the street and accepting my assistance because that would make him lose face more than he has already,” Cain said with a shrug, as if it should’ve been obvious. “Hispanic men don’t take kindly to having a woman beat the shit out of them.”

  “And us just fishing?” Claire Lansing asked.

  “That’s the easiest one of all, Agent Lansing.” Cain chuckled like she always did at their shocked expressions when she knew them by name. “If something goes wrong in the city, you guys throw your nets in my direction. You’re just fishing because that’s all you ever do. Call it the law of average behavior.”

  “Don’t you mean the law of averages?” Shelby asked.

  “Unlike you, I always say what I mean. There’s nothing new in your pattern, so your behavior is average, predictable, non-imaginative, and whatever other word you care to apply.”

  “It must be a burden to always be right,” Claire said.

  “The bigger burden would be to always be wrong.” Cain sat back and laughed. “But that’s only a guess. After all the training and money the government’s invested in people like you, I’m sure you know what you’re doing.”

  “It might be wise for you to listen to the part that says you have the right to remain silent,” Shelby said.

  “You haven’t read me my rights, but you’re correct. Who am I to tell you how to do your job?”


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