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Page 4

by Mel Teshco

  She met Amos’ eyes from across the room where he waited, some suited guy taking advantage of his being alone to yammer into his ear. She sucked in an unsteady breath. Her heart beat like a drum in her ears. She couldn’t face Amos, not now, maybe not ever. The whispers had probably already reached his ears, made him ashamed to be with her.

  She swung away, but not before seeing his eyes widen, as though aware of her intent. She didn’t wait around to see his reaction; she was too busy escaping from him… from the crowd.

  Once outside, she ran toward a man who was about to get into his Ferrari. “Wait!” she called out, her voice shrill.

  He turned and she saw that it was Harry, the one and same man who’d taken a liking to her earlier. He smiled, looking genuinely happy to see her. “Changed your mind?”

  She swallowed back the lump in her throat, trying not to notice how raw and exposed her nerves felt, how sensitive to the negative emotions that crawled through her. “I… I just need a lift.”


  “Anywhere but here.”

  “I see.” He opened the passenger door and she climbed inside. “Then, by all means, be my guest.”

  “Tiffany, wait!” Amos shouted.

  Harry grinned and pushed the door shut and she was enveloped in leather and quiet. As Harry climbed into the driver’s seat and started up his car with a roar, she turned to see Amos put his cell phone to his ear, his face taut and his eyes on the car with its tinted windows that hid her.

  Harry pulled the car away from the curb, sending her a quizzical look. “What happened back there? Is everything okay?”

  She looked out the windshield. In her profession, it didn’t pay to develop feelings for a client. It was even worse when the client wanted more than good, old-fashioned sex. “I realized Amos can’t be my client.”

  The other man whistled. “That’s too bad… for him.” He put a hand on her thigh. “But good for me.”

  She pulled free of his touch. The last thing she wanted was another man’s proprietary hands on her. He might be good-looking and rich to boot but, right now, she wanted nothing to do with him. Not when Amos was first and foremost on her mind.

  A supermarket appeared at the end of the block. “Would you mind please dropping me off here?”

  His brow creased as he slid an appreciative glance over her. “You’re hardly going to buy milk looking like that.”

  But he did as she asked anyway. As he pulled into the car park, he handed her his business card and said huskily, “I’ll look forward to seeing you soon.”

  She tucked the card into her purse and climbed out of his car, then watched as he pulled back out into the traffic. Had he already booked her in at the agency? Her belly pitched sickly. She had a feeling he’d pull out all stops and work fast to get what he wanted.

  Retrieving her cell from her clutch bag, she put a call straight to the agency for pickup. Except when Amos’ limousine pulled into the car park beside her, she disconnected the call before Maisey answered, and turned to face the man who made her anxious for all the wrong reasons.

  Amos stepped out of the long car, his eyes snaring hers. “Tiffany, what the hell? Why did you run? What made you so damn scared?”

  Where did she start? The slow simmer of anxiety had been building over the last seven years, exacerbated by a feeling of separation from everyone else. It was as if she was now ceding to her impotence, of never being good enough for anyone but her clients, and not quite keeping her head above water. Then there was Toby’s rejection and her attraction toward Amos. Little wonder she’d surrendered to a full-blown panic attack.

  She swallowed. “I was… drowning,” she admitted in a small voice.

  He swore under his breath, but not because he was angry at her weakness, she knew right away he was grateful for her honesty, for not trying to run away again from the crux of the problem.

  “Come here,” he ordered brusquely, sounding less like a rock god and far more like a sensitive soul who was drawn to her frailties.

  She stepped into his arms with a sigh of capitulation, reveling in his strength and his warmth, his compassionate understanding. “I’m sorry for running,” she murmured against his chest.

  “Not as sorry as I am.”

  She looked up at him with a wobbly smile. “Not the greatest call girl, am I?” If she’d been with any other client, she might well have lost her outstanding reputation along with her agency’s.

  “Thank god for that,” he murmured, then cupped under her chin and added, “Because you’re the sexiest damn call girl I’ve ever laid eyes on… and I’ve seen more than my share.”

  Her smile widened, her heart melting at his words. Maybe if he’d slept with all those escorts she would’ve felt differently. But he hadn’t and, despite her best intentions, she felt… special. Privileged. “Thank you.”

  He bent his head and kissed her, partaking of her mouth like she was the finest wine. His lips were gentle and warm, his tongue grazing hers, the act intimate and persuasive, not unlike his music.

  When he finally drew back, she wasn’t unaware of his thick arousal pressing against her, of the glint of need in his stare. “Let’s go back to my room,” he said huskily.

  Chapter Four


  She nodded, her belly quivering and her breasts hardening with anticipation. Forget that she was his escort who was paid to pleasure him. This once, she wanted to be with him like she’d never wanted to be with another client ever before. She wanted to make it good for him, to ensure he never forgot their time together.

  Twenty minutes later they stepped into the hotel’s elevator. She was aware of his eyes never once leaving her as they ascended to his penthouse suite, the heat in the air between them shimmered like a hot summer’s day.

  She’d never once experienced this heightened sense of awareness, this electrified frisson of need firing through her body and activating every single one of her nerve endings. She’d grown jaded of the sex game; looked at her clients through world-weary glasses until the sex itself had even dulled.

  It’d taken Amos to jolt her senses awake, Amos to make her feel alive again.

  The elevator doors opened and the automated downlights flicked on as he took hold of her hand and led her through the open living room and into his bedroom.

  He turned her to him at the foot of the bed, his free hand brushing some of her hair from her face. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he murmured throatily. “And I want you in my bed again tonight. I want to wake up beside you.”

  Her legs weakened, and she realized he hadn’t touched her intimately yet, but already her thong was moist. If she didn’t know better, she’d truly believe he had feelings for her… strong feelings. But she’d never been a believer in love at first sight. He’d never met her before today and though she’d had a crush on him because of her love of his music, it hardly counted on a personal level.

  Except the intensity of his expression almost had her believing the way he acted with her wasn’t normal behavior. And though it was her job to please him, it was her heart that had her say, “I want that too,” while bricking a wall around that part of her that wished it wasn’t just for this night.

  Relationships weren’t part of her lifestyle, not with her career, and certainly not with her personal life. When survival was all she knew, she’d had little choice but to embrace the sex industry.

  His hands moved to clasp behind her head before he kissed her, his lips already so familiar even as his touch sparked thrilling desire within. She groaned into his mouth, but she couldn’t move, not with him holding her in place. Her lungs filled with his breath. Her lips tingled at his alpha control. At the way he took charge and let her relax and not second-guess her client’s every need.

  When he lowered her onto the bed, she was a willing participant… more than willing. She was feverish for him.

  She toed of her heels before he peeled off her dress and panties. Then he thrus
t off his leather jacket before she helped him drag off his t-shirt and jeans, followed by his boxer briefs.

  She was left panting and hot as he took the handful of seconds needed to slide on a condom. Then she was lost underneath him as his weight pinned her to the bed and his mouth pinned her head to a pillow. She writhed at his pulsating length, lying against her belly, and he groaned before moving down a little, getting into position before he pushed into her and they were as one.

  His growl merged with her hissed breath. And then he was thrusting and she rhythmically moved beneath, counterthrusting until the friction of their flesh burned and their breaths and groans were in unison as they kissed. When they finally pulled apart, his mouth latched onto her breast. She gasped, arching her back as he suckled and laved her sensitized nipple before giving her other breast the same treatment.

  Her whole body tingled by the time he kissed his way back up her neck, lingering on her pulse point, and then catching her mouth with his once again. And all the while he pushed in and out of her, his pace quickening as their urgency built and their need for release burgeoned.

  Her hands curled around his smooth, big shoulders as tremors of sensations rippled through her, making her writhe. When an orgasm then ripped through her body, she arched her neck, crying out something unintelligible. All she knew for sure was that nothing had ever felt this good. No one had ever given her this much pleasure.

  Amos thrust deep and then exhaled sharply as he too succumbed to orgasm, the cords of his neck jutting out and his eyes glittering brightly. He groaned and then folded over her, pressing kisses to her throat, her jaw, before taking over her mouth.

  “Mm,” he murmured against her lips. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this with you.”

  Her breath shuddered as Amos slipped out of her, disposed of his condom, and moved back to take her in his arms.

  “Thank you,” he murmured.


  “For staying the night here with me.”

  “It’s what you pay me for,” she said sleepily.

  She didn’t have time to think on the stiffening of his arms… his whole body. She was warm and cocooned by his strength, and bliss was stealing through her, thanks to the aftereffects of orgasm.

  Her eyes fluttered closed and she was drifting to sleep when she felt the press of his lips on her scalp. Sleep was dragging her under when she heard Amos’ crooning voice, singing her to sleep.

  She was too far gone to catch the words.


  Tiffany woke to Amos’ arm slung across her torso. She wiggled out of his hold before she climbed out of bed to the weak rays of sunlight filtering through the tinted windows. She blinked before she took a moment to drink in the man sprawled under the covers, fast sleep.

  In repose he was a study of masculine gorgeousness. Even the stubble on his jaw looked perfect against the snowy white sheets and his tanned physique. His ink somehow only added to the overall effect. She just wished he’d lay on his belly so she could take a better look at the images and writing she’d glimpsed when he stepped into the bathroom.

  She twisted away. It was better that she didn’t know. Better that she kept her distance and gathered her shattered defenses around her. Amos made her feel vulnerable. Perhaps it was because it was so soon after thinking herself in love with Toby.

  Thinking herself in love? Her breath hitched. Why was being with Amos making her doubt her feelings for Toby? Like whatever she’d felt had been an empty shell of what real love could be with someone like… this man.

  Repressing a sigh, she pulled on her dress and lacy thong, scooped up her clutch bag and shoes before she walked barefooted out onto the balcony. Retrieving her cellphone she put a call through to the agency for pickup.

  Finishing the call, she dropped her purse, shoes, and phone onto a little, round, glass-topped table and curled her hands around the balcony railing, staring mindlessly at the views of the water and early risers.

  Cars crawled past in already congested lanes, while fitness fanatics jogged or walked below on the sidewalk. A spandex-clad couple powerwalked with a black Labrador straining on its leash.

  Everything seemed so normal, yet all she could think about was the man in the room she didn’t want to leave… and another new client tonight she didn’t want to fuck.

  But then in a perfect world Amos would be her one and only lover. In a perfect life, her father wouldn’t be disabled and hurting. In a perfect reality, she’d be having sex with Amos for the pure joy of it, without the exchange of cash. But such a dream was impossible. She had bills to pay.

  She heard a soft tread behind her before his hands slid around her waist. “Good morning, kitten.”

  She shivered at his warm breath on her scalp and the way his hands seemed to belong around her. “Morning,” she said huskily.

  He drew her around in his arms and she tilted her head back to face him. She’d never felt so small… so vulnerable. She pushed away any and all emotion and focused on the man causing them.

  He was wide awake; sleep had seemingly fallen off him. His eyes searched hers, as though seeking answers he didn’t want to vocalize. “Tell me you weren’t leaving without saying goodbye.”

  She blinked. “Our time is up.”

  His stare darkened. “Is that all I am to you, an hourly rate?”

  She swallowed back a sudden yearning to be anything but his paid fuck. “That’s all you can ever be to me.”

  His jaw tightened. “We could be so much more than that.”

  “No, we can’t.” She didn’t look away. “Tell me you could bear to be with a lover whose life revolves around other men, a lover constantly distracted by thoughts of her next client.”

  He flinched. “Were you thinking of another man just now?”

  “It doesn’t matter—”

  “It does.”

  She swallowed. If only Amos knew how little she wanted to be with another client. If only he knew how much she wanted to simply stay here instead.

  Thank god, he knew none of her thoughts. Had nothing to use against her.

  His lips thinned. “So you’re seeing another man tonight?”



  She stiffened, and said flatly, “That’s none of your business.”

  His grip firmed, his nostrils flaring. “I’m making it mine.”

  Amos was a protector not an abuser. Even when he all but vibrated with tension, she trusted in his rationale. He wanted her, but he wouldn’t force her to do his bidding. Her belly twisted, but not in fear. No, it was excitement that left her buzzing and exhilarated. If Amos set his sights on her, an intrinsic part of her just knew he’d do whatever needed to attain her.

  She stepped out of his arms and he released her, if somewhat reluctantly. She sighed. It surely wouldn’t hurt to relent a little when he’d shared so much.

  “My client has a room booked at the Park Hyatt.” She managed a smile, though she felt the sadness leaking through. “Not every man wants to show me off outside the bedroom.”

  He didn’t say a word, but she felt his eyes on her when she stepped toward the glass table and retrieved her clutch purse. Pushing her feet back into the stilettos, she turned to him one last time to say goodbye. He strode to her and crushed her to him, pouring his mouth and body over hers as though stamping her to him so she’d never forget him.

  God, his lips were soft velvet even as his skilled mouth was firm and unyielding. His broad shoulders bunched under her hands and she clung onto him like a limpet who wanted so much more than his kisses alone. She drew in a shaky breath when he finally pulled away.

  Didn’t he realize he was unforgettable?

  His face blazed with passion even as it was set with reserve. “I’ll see you again… soon.”

  If she’d had anything to say, no words could be scraped from her thick throat. Instead, she nodded and whirled away, escaping through his penthouse suite and out to the elevator.

  It wasn’t until the doors slid shut and the elevator started its downward propulsion that she could properly breathe again. Could finally drag back her wayward emotions and lock them away where they belonged.

  She needed, desperately, for some distance from Amos. She dragged out her cell phone with shaky hands. She needed some advice, which meant meeting up with her two best friends from the VIP Desire Agency as soon as humanly possible. Maybe then she could gain some perspective and untangle the chaos of her emotions.

  She only hoped Eloise and Anna had the answers she needed.


  “Natalie, please tell me you’re not still mooning over Toby?”

  For a moment Natalie forgot she was no longer Tiffany, the call girl. For a moment she even forgot Toby had been the man she’d badly wanted in her life.

  She forced a smile and turned to Eloise, focusing on the exotic, dark eyes staring back at her. Little wonder so many men asked for Eloise, or Savannah as she was known in the VIP Desire Agency. She was stunning.

  “To be honest, I was thinking about last night.”

  Eloise’s eyes widened. “Ooh. Don’t leave us in suspense. What happened? Was the client anyone we know?”

  Natalie looked at her other friend, Anna, or Candy as her clients knew her, even as she suddenly wished that Kate and Claire were still a part of her VIP circle of friends. Kate and Claire—Brandy and Scarlet—had not only fallen in love with one of their clients, they’d married them too, and were in the process of living their own happily ever afters.

  Not that she begrudged the two gorgeous women finding their soul mates. She just… yearned for their advice. She wouldn’t dare yearn for what they had now, it was beyond her reach. And wishful thinking wouldn’t bring her anything but heartbreak.

  Anna arched a brow, her hazel eyes alight with amusement. “You can tell us anything. Our lips are sealed, we promise.”

  Natalie smiled. The beautiful Anna had stepped admirably into Kate and Claire’s shoes. And now it was Anna, Eloise, and herself who shopped, dined, and laughed together and occasionally drank too much at bars. They were a trio who turned heads wherever they went, even when not dressed in their sexy escort outfits.


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