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Lip Lock

Page 16

by Susanna Carr

  “Go ahead and change.”

  “Very gentlemanly of you, but I’m fine.” Molly burrowed her head deeper into the pillow. She laced her fingers together and rested them demurely on her stomach.

  “You can’t sleep in that.”

  “Thanks for the advice, but I don’t have anything to sleep in.” And there was no way she would sleep naked. “That bed was warm enough that it didn’t matter.”

  Kyle stalked over to the chest of drawers, grumbling unintelligibly the whole way. He pulled open a drawer and tossed a soft white T-shirt at her.

  Molly caught it. “Thanks.” Maybe he could be nice…

  A heavy blanket suddenly landed on her with a thump.

  “You better not snore.”

  Then again…

  Molly’s teeth chattered and she cautiously opened one eye. Oh, thank goodness! She opened the other eye and breathed a sigh of relief. For a second there she thought she was back in the DIY truck and the island cottage had been a dream.

  Molly sat up and looked around the dark bedroom. She couldn’t see the bedside clock from here. It looked like it was the middle of the night and far away from dawn.

  She untangled her legs from the blanket. It wasn’t doing much good anyway. Kyle had the good comforter. The warm bed.

  She wanted to crawl into the bed.

  And not just for the warmth.

  Molly sighed and lay back down on the pillow. She was staying put. On this hard floor that apparently was the crossroad of two cold drafts.

  It wasn’t like she hadn’t slept on a floor before.

  And she had slept in worse places.

  Molly darted a quick glance at the bed and immediately looked away. She was not going to crawl into that bed. Even though she knew nothing would happen. Kyle had made it perfectly clear.

  “I’m not into women who are looking for ways to hurt me.”

  Molly winced, the words “hurt me” circling in her mind. That statement nearly destroyed her. Double over with searing pain.

  Kyle had seemed so invincible. So strong. She never thought…

  Well, maybe that was the problem. She honestly didn’t think it would harm him if she stayed at his place. If she said she was his unofficial fiancée.

  Not to say that he should be proud and flattered by her declaration, she thought wryly. She didn’t think her lies would affect him.

  But they did. Who knew how much power her lies held, or how they would ripple into other people’s lives. Well, she thought with a slow sigh, she had to make it right. Make good on every white lie and every whopper.

  Where did she start?

  The task was almost too overwhelming. She almost didn’t want to start. But she would.

  There was nothing she could do about the lies she told at work. At least, she didn’t think so. It was difficult to remember what she had lied about.

  Okay, she knew how to handle that problem. If one of her lies slapped her back in the face, she would own up to it and make up for it.

  Molly rolled her eyes in self-disgust. That was so easy for her to think right now. What were the chances something work-related would come up this week?

  What about the lies she told while on the island? Molly chewed on her bottom lip, considering the problem. If she told the truth now, it would hurt Kyle.

  Or was she copping out? Was it easier for her to think it couldn’t be fixed? Couldn’t she find a better solution? Something that would make everyone happy.

  But Kyle said he wanted her to act as the best damn fiancée. Not exactly truthful, but it would temporarily fix the lie she told. Molly rubbed her hand over her forehead. All of this virtue and ethics were confusing her.

  Okay, new rule. And she had to make this one stick. She would act like the best damn fiancée for Kyle. That was the only way—as far as she could tell—to repair the damage her lie caused.

  From this moment on she would only speak the truth. No matter what. Molly winced. That resolution already sounded painful.

  And she was going to be honest with herself. She wanted to be in that bed. With Kyle. And the only reason she wasn’t there was because she was afraid.

  Not because of what might happen.

  But what might not happen.

  She had fallen from Kyle’s good standing. The trade secrets fiasco wasn’t her fault, but maybe it just hurried the process up. Because her world of lies would have unraveled and it would have revealed who she really was.

  She denied herself a taste of Kyle, saying it was because he was her boss. And that was one of the reasons. She wasn’t willing to lose her job over any reason or any guy.

  But now she wondered if there had been something more than the fear of losing her job.

  It didn’t matter anymore. He wasn’t interested in her anymore. She ruined that. It was time to stop dancing around it and move on.

  Was she going sleep on the floor for the rest of the week because he didn’t like her? Forget that! If he had a problem sharing a bed, he was more than welcome to the excruciatingly hard and cold floor.

  Molly kicked off the blanket and rose from the floor. She grabbed her pillow and hurried to the bed.

  Doing her best not to wake Kyle, Molly gently raised the corner of the comforter and slowly eased onto the mattress. She found herself holding her breath as she laid her head down on her pillow with agonizingly slowness. Only until she was fully resting on the bed did she slowly exhale.

  Made it. And if she was still in bed when Kyle woke up, she’d deal with his annoyance. At least she’d have had a few hours of solid sleep.

  Molly allowed her eyes to drift shut.

  “Wondered how long you were going to hold out,” Kyle grumbled drowsily.

  Molly’s mouth twitched. Nothing got by this guy.

  Kyle gradually became aware of the sun streaking across the dark sky. Of the enveloping warmth. Of the curves nestled against him.


  He blearily opened one eye and saw the mass of brunette waves pillowing his face. Inhaling the scent that was familiar yet mysterious, he felt the kick in his veins and the buzz in his head.


  He flexed his hand and felt the warm, smooth skin underneath his fingers. Further exploration proved his hand was resting against her midriff. Under her T-shirt.

  Raising his head, Kyle wondered what made her curl against him in the middle of the night. Then he noticed that it was he who gravitated toward her. Worse, his leg was entwined with hers, as his arm wrapped possessively around her waist.

  Smooth move, Ashton. What was all the crap about not being interested?

  Kyle reluctantly removed his hand from her, his fingertips gliding along her warm flesh. His hand trailed along the lace edge of her underwear. Kyle paused before darting his hand away.

  Molly shifted and rolled onto her back. He was thankful for the heavy, thick comforter that surrounded them both. He knew the shirt had ridden up her stomach and exposed the underside of her breasts. His iron control didn’t need a visual.

  He needed to get out of bed. Now, before the need pulled him closer. Before he rested his hand against her and curled against her side.

  His leg bumped against her. Her smooth leg against his rough one offered a teasing sample of what they would be like, skin against skin.

  Don’t go there. You don’t want her.

  That was a lie. He did want her. A lot. Even when she lied to him. Even when he saw her standing in his house, he wanted Molly Connors.

  But he didn’t want the trouble she carried. She was untamable. Chaos.

  She didn’t follow the rules.

  Not that that was a bad thing, but it was something he didn’t have room for in his controlled world. Once upon a time, he was like that. But things changed. Now he had to play by the rules. Why give his enemies an easier target? The risks were too great.

  He studied her face again, finding peace and disquiet. Molly reminded him of his past. Sometimes he missed those wild days.
Those were the days when he was bold and brash and nothing would get in his way. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  When did he lose that feeling? He was on top of his game. Could go anywhere. Do anything.

  And he was playing it safe.

  Except when he was with Molly. Then he felt the lick of wildfire. But it was an illusion. He felt all-powerful when he was with Molly, but it was all a lie.

  And he had to remember that or lose all he fought to acquire.

  Molly stirred awake. She blinked her eyes open. She paused and looked at him before smiling sleepily.

  The quiet pleasure in her expression turned him inside out. His chest ached from the sight.

  But it was all a lie. She was up to something. No one who could lie as fluently as Molly could look that innocent.

  But who cared if it was a lie? There was something magical about the time between being sleep and awake, between night and dawn. Between real and unreal.

  He wasn’t ready to pull away. To wake up.

  Kyle placed his hand boldly on her stomach. He felt the muscles underneath his hand bunch.

  She didn’t move away. His pulse kicked.

  Molly watched him between her lashes. Her chest rose and fell.

  Kyle lowered his head, anticipation flooding him as his mouth touched hers.

  Chapter 13

  His mouth touched hers. Seeking, wanting.

  So much for not being able to stand the touch of her. Not that she minded, Molly decided as a hint of a smile played on her lips.

  Kyle gently pressed a small kiss on the edge of her mouth. She felt herself softening under his touch. Responding.

  He deepened the kiss and she parted her lips more. She wanted to know where he’d take her. How far they would go. How much it would change her life. She was ready for a life-changing, mind-altering encounter. As long as it was with Kyle Ashton, she was ready for anything.

  She turned into him. Feeling safe, feeling on the edge. Molly placed her hand on his shoulder. She paused when her hand touched warm skin. Muscle.

  Molly explored the contours of his shoulder and arm. He was muscular like one of those famous stone sculptures. What those artists dreamed as the ideal, Kyle achieved with his body.

  Her fingers pressed into his back. His power, his restraint flexed under her fingertips. Molly traced the length of his spine until she came to the small of his back.

  She cupped the compact planes of his buttocks, pleasure sparking at her pulse points. His flesh was tight and promised strength. Stamina.

  Their kisses grew frantic. Passed the edge of restraint and back again. She felt her mouth redden and swell.

  His large hands cupped her rib cage. Her heart fluttered so wildly, Molly was sure he could feel it under his fingers. She felt fragile under his touch, yet ready for anything.

  His hands skimmed under her breasts. Her nipples tightened and stung. She couldn’t wait for his palms to cover her breasts. She was ready to grab his wrist and guide him when he finally—finally—touched her.

  She arched under him, her soft breasts pressing against his hard chest. Molly sought his mouth, kissing him fiercely as her body ached with pleasure.

  She moved her hands forward, teasing his hips with the brush of her fingers until she found his penis. Molly wrapped her hands around his length. He was hard and smooth and warm.

  She tightened her grip and enjoyed the sound of his groan. Molly felt the violent twitch under her touch. She glided her hands up, one palm after the other.

  Kyle rolled on top of her. He grabbed her hands and raised them over her head. Her knuckles hit the pillow, his hands encircling her wrists, leaving her exposed and vulnerable to his mouth.

  She found it exciting but unnerving. Something wasn’t right in the way he held her. In the way he overwhelmed her. Controlled her.

  She entwined her legs with his. Bucked her hips. Molly wished she was as naked as he was, yet she was grateful for the cotton barrier.

  Kyle trailed his mouth down her neck. She wanted to sink her fingers into his hair. Clasp her hands against his head and direct him to her breasts.

  But she couldn’t move her arms. She tried to pull out of Kyle’s grasp, but her arms didn’t budge. She tried again.

  Kyle’s hold tightened.

  “Come on, Kyle,” she pleaded.

  “No,” he said against her throat.

  “Don’t you trust me?”

  His mouth hovered over her skin. It was for just a second, but it was enough for the answer to hit her upside the head.

  Nothing had changed. He wanted her, but he didn’t trust her. Even in bed.

  It shouldn’t have bothered her so much, but it did. After all, he wanted her. She had proof. It was pressed against her inner thigh.

  But that was it. He was going to take her and get away as fast as he could before she hurt him again.

  Just how good could it possibly be between them if he was holding her down?


  No, no. Molly pushed the tantalizing thought to the side. She might want Kyle, but not like this.

  She wanted him. Wanted him bad. But she wanted him to lose control. Wanted him to give her everything he had. She would accept nothing less.

  “Let go, Kyle.”

  He hesitated. His hands flexed against her wrists as he considered his next move.


  He released her and rolled over. The silence was tense. It pulsated in the room. Matched the ache inside her.

  “Can you blame me?” Kyle whispered.

  Molly closed her eyes. “No.” That was the problem. She understood why he didn’t trust her.

  She sat up and tugged at her T-shirt. Molly looked and saw Kyle lying on his back. His arm was thrown over his eyes.

  “I’m sorry I broke into your house and stayed.” She found it difficult to say those words out loud. She felt what she said, but it stuck in her throat.

  And she found the pressing need to explain her actions. Molly fought to keep her silence. She wasn’t going to ruin her apology.

  Kyle must have expected to hear excuses. It took a moment before he lifted the crook on his arm and glared suspiciously at her. “Uh-huh,” he said carefully.

  So far, so good. “And I’m sorry I lied about being your fiancée.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “Regretting it already?”

  Molly jumped out of bed and didn’t look at him. “What I regret is getting you stuck in this lie. But I’m going to fix it.”

  “Fix it how?” Concern darkened his voice.

  “I’m going to play the part of your fiancée to the hilt,” she promised.

  “I don’t like the sound of this.”

  “I’m going to give you guys the best Thanksgiving week ever.” She noticed she was holding her hand up as if taking a pledge. Molly hurriedly dropped her hand.

  “There’s no need,” Kyle assured her. “We are going to be working. Just keep yourself scarce and your mouth shut while I negotiate terms with Darrell and Bridget.”

  “Don’t worry, Kyle,” Molly said as she strode into the adjoining bathroom. “You’ll see. I’ll be the best damn fiancée this world has ever seen,” she promised and closed the door behind her.

  The plan was to stay away from Molly, Kyle reminded himself as he scowled at the horizon. So why was he finding every reason to see her? Be around her?

  He could have said it was because he was checking up on her. But so far she’d been doing exactly what she promised.

  Maybe that’s what was freaking him out.

  She hadn’t bolted. She’d been the perfect hostess, setting the tone for the week. What could have been a number-crunching and tense working holiday was turning into a getaway for two couples.

  He watched Molly and Bridget walk along the rocky beach. Molly wasn’t making a run for it. She wasn’t trying to get kicked off the island—which he wouldn’t put past her.

  He leaned back on the deck chair, unable
to keep his eyes off of Molly. It took him a few moments to realize that his cell phone was ringing. Kyle picked it up and looked at the number. He turned it on. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Kyle.” Glenn’s voice came in loud and clear. “You were supposed to call me back yesterday.”

  “Glenn. Sorry, man. I—” He forgot. For the life of him he couldn’t imagine how he managed that. The CFO was supposed to be here today to help him with the negotiations.

  “The ferry is about to dock and I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

  “There’s something you need to know.” He needed to Glenn up to speed fast. “Molly is here.”

  “Molly? Molly who?”

  “Molly Connors,” Kyle informed the chief financial officer. “She used to work for us.”

  “Wait a second. The receptionist?” Glenn yelled into the phone. “She’s there? At the cottage?”


  “So what are you going to do?”

  “Hold on to her.” Those words pricked at him. “Keep an eye out so she doesn’t make a run for it and disappear again.”

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” Glenn said, almost to himself.

  “I know.” Kyle hesitated, knowing he had to tell Glenn, but really didn’t feel like getting into it. “By the way, if anyone asks, Molly and I are engaged.”


  “I’ll explain it to you later. How’s everything at the office?” Glenn didn’t respond. “Are you still there?”

  “Yeah, sorry,” Glenn replied. “I just made eye contact with this hot blonde in a red Mercedes. I’m going to see if I can score.”

  Kyle made a face. “Glenn, you’re here to work.”

  “Wish me luck.”

  As long as it wasn’t someone from work, Kyle didn’t care. He disconnected the call and saw Molly and Bridget walking back up to the house. He decided to meet them halfway.

  As he got closer, he was able to see the glow in Molly’s face. The two women were laughing. Molly tilted her head back and laughed without restraint. The sound, the sight, the beauty of it all, hit in his chest. Slammed at him so hard that he staggered back.

  Molly turned to face him. “Kyle, Bridget was telling me—” She broke off and her smile dimmed. “Is everything all right?”


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