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Sadie's Shadow

Page 2

by Julia Mills

  “No, we are not keeping him. A man is the last thing we want or need.”

  Blowing smoke, the iridescent multi-colored dragon lowered her head and growled, pounding the spaded tip of her tail in anger. Dragging the talons of her left front paw as if she wanted to charge against the confines of Sadie’s mind, the dragon’s low, barely understandable snarl echoed through the dragoness’ consciousness, “Mianach.”

  “He is not yours.”

  “Are you so sure about that, sianach deirfiúr?”

  “Shut up, Phryne, and grab his feet. We are putting an end to this madness once and for all.”

  “As you wish,” her sister snickered.

  If only it were that simple…

  Chapter Two

  “Orion…Orion, wake up. Damn you, wake up!”

  The voice sounded far away but also very adamant that he needed to open his eyes. Floating to the surface, pushing away the last vestiges of sleep, the ancient Guardsman tried to distinguish between his dreams…his nightmares…and his new reality. The feel of a soft cloth upon his brow, strong hands gripping his shoulder, and his dragon pouring white healing magic into his system—forcing the herbs from his veins, allowing him to finally breakthrough the tranquilizer and slowly open his eyes—all assaulted his senses in unison.

  His eyes opened and gradually, after blinking several times, his vision cleared. Closing his eyes and counting to three, sure he was seeing a vision, the dragon cracked open one lid and whispered in awe, “Drago? Is…is that you?”

  Nodding and smiling with his dark eyes shining, the man Orion had called friend, brother, and Commander for the better part of his life, answered, his voice shaking with emotion. “Yes, it is.”

  Helping him sit up, the Guardsman Orion had known as the Assassin, clapped him on the back and continued, “I thought you were lost, but then I should have known. Not only could nothing get the best of you but that you were also planning a grand entrance.”

  Looking around, taking in the white walls and light gray counters, inhaling the scent of disinfectants and medicines and watching others he immediately recognized as dragons and shifters, Orion asked, “Where am I?” Clearing his throat, he added, “How did I get here?”

  His Commander furrowed his brows as he asked, “You do not know?” Then over Orion’s shoulder inquired, “Are you sure there has been no trauma to his head? Anything that would affect his memory?”

  Looking over his shoulder, Orion saw a tall, curvy witch with long strawberry curls and bright green eyes whose scent smelled not only of night blooming jasmine and sage, but also another dragon, one he’d known very well many years ago. Seeing the mating mark on her neck, Orion blurted out, “You are Doxie’s mate? The old bastard is still alive and has been given the gift of one so lovely as you?”

  “Alive and kicking, you sorry son of a lizard,” came a grumbling reply as the tall bearded man with wild hair named Maddox but called the mad dragon because of his permanent state of irritation, wrapped his arms around Orion. Hugging him tightly, his old friend mumbled, “Glad to see you, brother.” Then wrapping his arm around his mate as she walked up beside him, the mad dragon smiled one of the few real smiles Orion had ever seen grace his face and added, “This is Calysta, my mate. Callie, this is Orion, or the Shadow, as we all called him.”

  Smiling despite his confusion, Orion chuckled. “It has been almost a century since anyone called me that,” at the use of his old nickname then taking Maddox’s mate’s outstretched hand he said, “but it is a true pleasure to meet the woman who tamed the mad dragon.”

  Laughing out loud as her mate grumbled, the witch said, “I’m not sure I tamed him, but I do love him an awful lot.”

  “As he loves you even more, from the look of things,” the Shadow replied, trying hard to take it all in while looking for the woman who had shot him, then helped him, then held him captive, and then apparently returned him to his people.

  And I am the one they call the Shadow…

  Appropriately tagged with the moniker because of his ability to completely disappear from sight in either of his forms, Orion had just regained his special power when his mystery dragoness shot him in the bum. He had been without his inherited ability during his decades of torture at the hands of the monks. These religious zealots who believed they were ridding the world of evil by torturing and killing supernatural beings had been thorough, to say the least, reducing him to little more than a human with their black magic. After being handed off to them over a century ago by the wizards who attacked and captured him and his brethren, the monks kept the Shadow doused in herbs, surrounded by sigils, and imprisoned in a silver-lined dungeon to suppress his and his dragon’s magic.

  He could still feel the fire of the liquid silver being poured into the wounds they had carved into his back over and over again. There was no doubt in his mind the marks remained on his flesh, but he knew his dragon had removed all taint of evil from his blood. Refusing to be sucked into a black hole of nightmares and torture, Orion shoved it all aside and again asked, “Where am I?”

  “You are at the lair of the Blue Thunder Dragons. Ronan’s oldest son, Rian, is now the Head Elder and leader.” Drago gave him a wary look before asking, “That was where you were heading, yes?” When Orion took a second too long to answer, the Assassin added, “What is the last thing you remember?”

  “I was shot by an arrow and passed out then awoke in a cavern that served as some type of storage. My wounds, both new and old, had been bandaged and there was food. I scented a female,” he rushed on, not wanting them to know how much he wanted, no…needed, to know who she was, to finally see her face, to know if what he felt for her was real or simply something manifesting from the trauma he had endured. “But I never saw her. For the next three days, as I recovered and my wound healed, I slept an overly abundant amount of time and every time I did awake, it was to find the same lingering scent, my bandages changed, and something fresh to eat and drink.”

  “She shot you, but you never saw her?” Drago asked, working hard not to smile. “You have always been the one of us least likely to find yourself in the enemy’s sights and not only did someone get the jump on you, but she also took care of you without you seeing her?”

  “Yes.” The Shadow worked hard to keep the irritation he felt out of his voice. It was like the last century had not occurred. He was back with his Commander, Doxie was there, and as usual, they were teasing him about something.

  Frustration was soon replaced with memories. This time, he thought of his savior’s sweet scent and the recognition that she was also dragon before adding, “I was standing against a tree, cloaked and waiting for her to take a shot.” With the memory replaying in his mind, Orion’s mood began to lighten. “The deer she was aiming at moved a half step and the next thing I knew, I felt the sting of her arrow.” He stopped, bracing for what was to come next, sure his brethren would have more fun at his expense. Instead, the Assassin seemed perplexed.

  “And before that?” Drago pressed.

  Clearing his throat before answering, Orion explained, “I spent a century at the hands of a radical sect of Roman monks who inhabit a derelict castle at least two hundred miles from where I was shot.” He looked at his friends, his brethren, those he thought he might never see again, and went on, “I escaped from the catacombs nearly six weeks ago and made my way west on foot. It took much longer than I expected because of how drained both myself and my dragon were.”

  Then thinking of all his other brethren, the Enforcers, dragon kin’s elite fighting Force, he asked, “And what of the others? Are we all that have been spared? Or escaped?”

  “No…” Drago’s words were overshadowed by the bellow of a voice Orion had never thought to hear again.

  “They said you were alive and I called them liars.” Kayne laughed out loud as he sauntered into the clinic with his usual cocky grin and mischief in his eyes. Holding out his hand and pulling the Shadow off the table and into a hug the inst
ant Orion’s hand touched the demi-god’s, Kayne slapped him on the back then held him at arm’s length and teased, “Nice beard, guy. And that hair is a sight. We really need to get you a razor and a shower.”

  Laughing despite the overload of information and emotion he was experiencing, Orion joked, “At least I can tell everyone I was locked in a dungeon.” He winked. “What’s your excuse?”

  The entire group erupted in laughter as Kayne, the son of Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun, gave Orion another hug before stepping back. Looking to Drago as the levity died down, the Shadow couldn’t help but ask hopefully, “Any other brothers going to come waltzing in?”

  “Not today, but I have it on good authority that Angus and his she-wolf, Kyran and his banshee, as well as Quinn and his little elf, will be here within the week. When we found you, I put out the call and have since heard from them all.”

  “They have found their mates?” Drago nodded as Orion went on, “And you, also.” It wasn’t a question, because the Shadow could feel the happiness that only the other half of one’s soul can bring living within his Commander.

  “Yes, I have found my Alicia. You will be meeting her soon.” Drago’s smile dimmed and there was a hint of sadness as he added, “Unfortunately, I have no news of Uther or Atticus yet, but I remain hopeful. I have to believe one or all of us would know if they had gone onto the Heavens.”

  Patting the Commander on the shoulder, Orion readily agreed. “The belief that at least some of you still remained on this earth is what kept me going for all those years. I am sure it is the same for them. We will all be a united Force once again, of that you can be sure.”

  Calysta appeared before him and after sticking a thermometer in his mouth, turned to his brethren with a hand on her hip and ordered, “You all need to at least wait out in the hall. Niall is going to be back at nightfall and if I haven’t given Orion a complete check-up by then, there will be hell to pay.”

  “You heard the lady. Out, you mangy dragons,” Maddox ordered with a growl before stopping to kiss his witch goodbye then looking at Orion and grinning. “You listen to my mate and she’ll fix you right up.” Patting him on the knee, the mad dragon spun on his heel and exited the room, shutting the door on his way out.

  Waiting until Calysta removed the thermometer and he heard his brethren exit the clinic, Orion asked, “Is the woman who dropped me off still here?”

  Shaking her head, the witch stopped and looked up from the clipboard she was writing on before answering, “There was no woman. I found you laying on the picnic table behind the building, wrapped in a hand-woven woolen blanket, completely unconscious and quite alone.”

  “This morning?”

  “Oh no,” Calysta quickly responded with his wrist between her thumb and two middle fingers as she took his pulse. “I found you night before last. You have been here for almost forty-eight hours.”

  “Do you still have the blanket?”

  Looking perplexed, the witch recorded his pulse and answered with furrowed brows, “Well, yes, but if you’re looking for a scent or a clue, you won’t find it. Both Drago and Maddox have thoroughly examined it and neither can find any evidence of anyone but you ever touching it.”

  “May I try?” Orion was working hard not to yell and scream that he needed to see that blanket, needed to touch it, scent it right that very minute or he might spontaneously combust. He wanted Calysta to understand that it was his only link to the woman he so desperately needed to find…needed to see with his own eyes, that he would do just about anything to get his hands on it.

  Thankfully, Maddox’s mate didn’t need convincing as she nodded, turned, and while heading out the door, called over her shoulder, “Be right back.”

  True to her word, Calysta was back in less than two minutes carrying a large plastic bag containing the same woolen blanket Orion had found himself covered with after being shot. Removing the cover from the sack, the Shadow was nearly intoxicated by the scent of effervescent apple blossoms, female dragon, and heaven that left him wondering how no one else had smelled it.

  Looking up, he caught Calysta smiling at him with a knowing look as she nodded, “They couldn’t scent anything but you sure can, can’t you?”

  Having never been very good with subterfuge, Orion simply nodded. “Yes, I can.” He watched her smile widen and then asked, “Can we keep this between us for just a little while? I need to figure out what I am going to do about it.”

  “Sure, I can use Healer – patient confidentiality, even with Maddox.” She stepped closer and leveled her gaze at him. “But if you go off half-cocked or do something stupid then all bets are off. I’ll sell you out faster than the last tube of Mac’s Lady Danger Red lipstick on Black Friday.”

  “Excuse me, but what is Black Friday? Who is Mac? And I promise I do not wish to wear your lipstick.” Orion was sure there was a code in her speech that he was supposed to understand but feared he was more lost than ever. Then Calysta laughed out loud and he could only sit and wait as she dried the tears from her face and took a deep breath.

  Patting his knee, she chuckled. “I am so sorry, Orion. I forget you’ve been out of circulation for a century or so. I didn’t mean to confuse you. Let me just say, I am glad to know you don’t want to wear my lipstick. You will find out soon enough what Black Friday is and as for who is Mac? It’s a makeup company and therefore, another something you will never be bothered with.” She looked more closely at the scars covering his arms and legs while adding, “What I should’ve said was I’ll keep your secrets as long as you take care of yourself. If you don’t, then I have to tell Maddox and you know as well as I do that it never ends well when he gets involved.”

  He could see why the Universe had paired this beautiful, intelligent, and witty witch with his longtime friend. She was the one person in the world who knew all of Doxie’s faults and saw the real, true man underneath. Nodding, Orion smiled. “I will strive to keep our bargain.”

  “Good.” Calysta walked around the table and began touching the marks on his back with her plastic glove covered fingers.

  Sitting as still as possible, Orion held his breath until the witch asked, “Have you seen these glyphs for yourself?”

  “No,” he shoved aside the dark memories threatening to rise at the reminder and hurried on, “I only felt them as the monks were carving them into my flesh and then adding the silver.”

  “I am so sorry.”

  Her touch was gentle and he could feel her pouring her own special brand of white healing magic into them, which prompted him to add, “They repeated the process five times before they were satisfied that I would be marked forever.”

  He heard her footsteps and the sound of her removing her gloves a few seconds before she appeared back in front of him. Looking him right in the eye, Calysta explained, “They are runes of magic and healing suppression. Because there are so many that mean the same thing, I believe they were trying to render both you and your dragon completely helpless with the hope that one or both of you would expel your magic so that they could steal it.” She made more notes on her clipboard. “I am going to check some of the ancient texts I have at the house and the coven to be sure, but for now, I feel no magic but your own and that of your dragon. You are very strong beings. Thankfully, the monks’ attempts failed.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief as Calysta confirmed what he already knew, Orion held out his hand and as her fingers closed around his, said, “Thank you very much. I truly appreciate all you have done for me.”

  “It was my pleasure.” Putting her pen in her pocket and holding the clipboard close to her chest, she added, “Try to get some rest. The girls will be in with your dinner soon and then my sister Della, who will be your night nurse, will be in with your last dose of healing herbs.” She patted the bed next to his hand and continued, “I have no doubts as soon as Niall sees you in the morning, you’ll be out of here and into a more comfortable bed either at our house or at Drago and Alicia’s.” />
  “That sounds wonderful.” Orion put his legs on the bed and laid back. “I look forward to seeing Niall again. It had been years since I’d seen him before I was taken. I always enjoyed our philosophical conversations.”

  “He is good for that,” Calysta snickered before stopping with her hand on the doorknob and half-turning back toward him. “If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to have Della call us or,” she tapped her temple, “just call Maddox.”

  “My mind speak has still not recovered.” He saw her start to apologize and hurried to add, “Please do not be sorry. You did not know, and I can already feel the old pathways coming back together. I am sure it will return any day now.”

  “I’m still sorry. It was short-sided of me to not have asked that during your examination.” She looked at him. “And I am sure you’re right. You’re healing at a fantastic rate so it’s only time before you’re as good as new.”

  “Thank you again,” he reassured. “Now, go to your mate. If I know Doxie, he is pacing and looking at the clock.”

  Laughing as she exited the room, Calysta agreed, “You know him well.”

  Listening to the sounds of the witch’s footsteps and everyone telling her to have a good night, Orion waited patiently. He ate dinner, met Della, took his medicine, and almost immediately fell asleep where his dreams revolved around the scent of apples and the need to find the elusive woman who haunted his every thought.

  They rushed at him like some sort of disjointed movie, bouncing from one memory to another in vivid, living color. He watched the morning in the woods as an observer just before feeling the sting of the arrow. The cave where he’d been kept flashed before him and he saw himself wake up, surprised to be clean and comfortable, overjoyed to have food at the ready and thanking the Heavens that he was at least semi-free for the first time in more than a century.


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