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A Day And Forever: A Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 4

by Mia Madison


  I lifted my head and looked at his chiseled, handsome face. “I feel fantastic,” I said.

  “That’s good. We should probably get going. We’ve been gone a while and your mom might send your dad out to look for us.”

  “But you’re still hard,” I said, wiggling my hips and feeling him throb in response inside me.

  Jack laughed. “You can take care of me later.”


  “Promise,” he said, pulling out of me and sending new shivers of delight as his shaft rolled through my sensitive folds.

  I put my pants on and fixed my shirt while Jack zipped up, his hard-on bulging through his jeans. I had to restrain a sudden urge to pull those jeans down and take him in my mouth again.

  We got up and looked around. The lake area was still mostly empty, though there were a few more people strolling around. None of them were near where we were, which was a relief.

  “Shall we have some of your mom’s pancake?”

  “I’d actually prefer to have more of you. Can we just skip breakfast and go fuck in my room?”

  “Patience, babe,” Jack said, smiling and giving me a big squeeze. “We need to be discreet.”

  “I feel like a teenager sneaking around behind my parent’s back.”

  Jack laughed. “Kate, you are a teenager, and we are sneaking around.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I said, giggling.

  We started the trek up the path to my house, our hands entwined, feeling the warmth of each other’s company, my heart singing along with the chirping of birds in the gentle breeze.

  It was turning out to be a great morning.




  “So what’s your plan for today?” Bob asked, eyeing me over his second cup of steaming hot coffee. The four of us were at the dining table, enjoying Nancy’s pancakes that she had to heat up in the microwave because we took too long. Kate put on a good act, sounding a bit pissed that she had to search through the entire lake area trying to find me.

  I shrugged, struggling hard to not look in Kate’s direction. “I’ll probably work on polishing up the old resume so I can sent it out to some headhunters.”

  “You gonna look for the same job?”

  “Yeah, I don’t really know what else to do.”

  Bob nodded. “You used to write all those stories back when we were kids, remember?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, that was a long time ago.”

  Bob kept his eyes on me. “Gave up on that dream?”

  I hesitated. I had always wanted to write, always wanted to become a writer someday, but I took on the corporate ladder path and never looked back. Now that Bob had mentioned it, I felt the siren song of story creation tugging at me.

  “It was a kid’s dream, Bob,” I said. “I guess I never thought of it as something I could do and comfortably live off.”

  It was Bob’s turn to shrug. “Just curious. Others have made a living with writing. Might be an option now that you’re not paying for that large house and expensive wife.”

  “Bob!” Nancy said, staring at him.

  “It’s fine,” I said, smiling. Bob never really liked Amber, going as far as telling me one time he didn’t think we matched up well. I should have listened to him.

  “No, it’s not fine,” Nancy said. “Bob?”

  The two of them stared at each other for perhaps two seconds, just enough for me to glance over at Kate, my heart thumping as our eyes locked. She looked hot enough to eat, and I found myself growing hard as I entertained the idea of munching on that sweetness between her legs.

  “Alright,” Bob said, sighing. “I’m sorry, Jack. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No problem.”

  Bob finished his coffee. “Anyway, I have to go into town and meet up with some folks. You gonna be okay?”

  “Yeah, don’t worry about me.”

  “Alright,” he said, standing up. “See you guys in a bit.”

  “Just take your time eating, Jack dear,” Nancy said, following Bob, probably to scold him more in private.

  “Thanks, Nancy. Wonderful pancakes.”

  Kate and I looked at each other, smiling. I waited until I heard both of them go into their bedroom and their door closed, then I got up, moved around the table, and gave Kate a deep, long kiss. She moaned, grabbed my hand and guided it down. I slipped under the garter of her tights, my finger tracing the slippery wetness of her slit, hearing her gasp as I slid past her folds.

  “Oh god, Jack, it feels so good,” Kate whispered, her eyes closed, her hands holding on to my arm as I fingered her and kissed her neck. “We need to continue this.”


  Kate moaned and adjusted her seating, giving me a better access so I could sink my finger deeper into her soaked pussy. “Wait until dad leaves,” she said between gasps. “Tell mom you need to… oh god, yes!”

  “Shhh,” I said, my finger making squishing noises between her legs.

  “Sorry. Tell mom… aah fuck… you need to go… to town. To get something. I will drive you.”

  “Okay,” I said, reluctantly pulling my hand out. Kate took my soaked finger in her mouth and tasted herself.

  So fucking hot, I thought, my cock stiff and bulging in my jeans. I gave her a final wet kiss before going back to my chair.

  By the time Nancy returned Kate and I were finishing up our pancakes as if we were two normal people with nothing much to say to each other. Kate got up first, taking her plate to the kitchen and washing it before bounding up to her room.

  I offered to help Nancy wash the dishes but she wouldn’t have it, giving me the same stern look she gave Bob earlier. After refilling my cup with more coffee I stepped outside. It was nice and peaceful, and so different from the hectic city life I had surrounded myself with for so long.

  Do I really want to go back to that life?

  The corporate world provided money and an easy way to get stuff, but it also gave me a ton of misery and stress. It was a vicious cycle, really. I worked hard, got stressed, splurged on meaningless items to make myself feel better in the short term, then got more stressed and the vicious cycle repeated itself over and over until I’d made it into an ironclad habit.

  But what else could I do?

  I remembered Bob giving me his typical “don’t mind me I’m just blabbering… or maybe not” look over breakfast.

  Others have made a living with writing, he had said.

  It was true, of course. I had my own bookcase filled with books of writers I admired. All of them wrote for a living.

  I supposed it was possible. I had learned to be tenacious, and sometimes vicious, with my corporate job. One reason I climbed up the ladder pretty quickly was that I worked hard and didn’t give anyone any bullshit about the amount of work I had to put in. Stuff needed to be done, and I did it. It was as simple as that.

  Could I translate that same bulldog tenacity toward something else? Something like a writing career, perhaps?

  I was pretty sure I could. I just somehow forgot about my old writing dream until Bob brought it up and dusted it off for me.

  I would look into the possibility later. The more pressing need at the moment was finding a way to be with Kate again, and for that to happen I needed to resort to a bit of scheming and deceit.

  Forty minutes later I found Nancy vacuuming in the living room and Kate sitting on the couch, texting on her phone.

  "Hey Nancy," I said over the din of the vacuum.

  "Hey Jack," Nancy said, smiling at me and killing the noise.

  "Is Bob still around?"

  "No, he's gone. Did you need something?"

  “Well,” I said, feeling ridiculous about having to do this charade. “I was hoping to get a ride into town and have him show me where the local library is. I wanted to do some research and maybe borrow a book or two.”

  “I see. Well, he’ll be back around lunchtime, if you don’t mind waiting

  “I can take him,” Kate said, still rooted on her phone, texting with a speed only the younger generation seemed to have mastered. “I’m meeting Melissa for lunch, and I was thinking of getting a book myself.”

  “Oh, there you go!” Nancy said. “The library is one of Kate’s favorite places. She loves to read.”

  “Cool,” I said, amazed at how easily the plan fell into place. “Let me grab my wallet. I might be using the library quite a bit so it might make sense to get a library card.”

  “I need to change,” Kate said, getting up. “Meet you outside in five?”

  “Sure,” I said, glancing at Kate as she walked up to her room and trying hard not to stare at her perfectly shaped ass. “Thanks Nancy. I’ll probably eat lunch somewhere in town.”

  “Try Lucy’s Diner,” Nancy said. “They’ve got one of the best burgers, and their shake is to die for. It’s also walking distance from the library.”

  “Oh, that sounds perfect. See you later, Nancy.”

  “Have fun,” Nancy said before resuming her vacuuming.

  I’m sure I will, I thought, my heart already beating fast in anticipation.





  Kate had changed into a blue summer dress, her dark brown hair bound into a single ponytail.

  "Yup," I said. She looked so damn innocent and hot at the same time I felt myself growing hard just looking at her.

  Kate must have noticed my stare. She raised her eyebrows, as if to say, quit it, my mom could be watching!

  She was probably right too. I didn't bother looking back at the house, but I could feel eyes on my back. Nancy was nice, but I got the impression she watched over everyone like a hawk.

  We got into a newish-looking white Jeep Cherokee with leather seats and all the trimmings of a modern vehicle.

  "Nice car," I said as I sank into the soft leather.

  "Thanks," Kate said. "Dad gave it to me for my eighteenth birthday."

  She started the car, rolled out of the driveway, and quickly picked up speed, her hand and foot deftly working the manual shift and clutch like she'd been doing it for years. I was impressed.

  "Who taught you how to drive stick?"

  "Dad," she said. "I started driving his Mustang when I was fourteen. He insisted I learned on a stick shift, and I've been driving one ever since."

  “Pretty good,” I said, noticing her dress had hiked up quite a bit when she sat down, her bare thighs catching the bright sunlight. "Where are we going?"

  "You'll see," she said, giving me a wickedly naughty glance.

  Within minutes we came to a fork in the road.

  "The town is that way," Kate said, nodding to the right. We took the left and immediately started climbing, the road twisting as we made our way up a mountainside. Twenty minutes later she pulled into a dirt road I didn't even realize was there. She drove another half a mile into the woods before we came to a small clearing. She parked the car and killed the engine.

  "Wow," I said, looking around. We were completely surrounded by tall pines everywhere. "You come here often?"

  "Sometimes," she said. "I found this when I was driving around one time. I had an argument with my dad and I wanted to get away, go somewhere I could be alone. I haven't seen anyone else come here, so I've claimed this as my own secret sanctuary."

  “I like it,” I said, finishing my surveillance and finding myself looking into Kate's large, expressive eyes.

  "You can touch my legs now if you want," she said, her voice raspy.

  I rested my hand on her right leg, causing her to jump slightly. I moved slowly, feeling the smoothness of her skin, making my way to the softness of her inner thigh.

  "Like this?"

  "Yes," she said, her lips trembling slightly.

  "How about this?" I moved higher, my hand slipping fully under the dress.


  I leaned forward and kissed her. It was a long, passionate kiss, our tongues twirling together, tasting each other, her soft moans and my groans playing beautiful music against the backdrop of a lush forest alive with birds. I reached the apex between her legs and discovered she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  “You’re a naughty little girl,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” My finger moved up and down the length of her slit, spreading the wetness around. When my thumb bumped up against her swollen clit she gasped, her body giving a big jerk.

  "Fuck me, Jack," she whispered. "Please fuck me."

  "In the back," I said, nodding toward the rear seats.

  Kate nodded. She got up, squeezed between the two front seats and plopped down. With my large frame, there was no way I could do that kind of maneuvering. I opened my door and got out, noticing the cool air and elevated altitude immediately. I quickly got in the back and shut the door.

  "Damn, it's cold outside," I said, rubbing my hands together.

  “I’ll warm you up.” Kate took off my shirt, reached over and undid my buckle, and unzipped me. She tugged my pants down and pulled them out, grabbed my boxers and removed them as well. For a moment I felt like a teenager in high school all over again, which was the last time I remembered being naked at the back of a car. Then Kate grabbed my cock and took me in her warm mouth, and my past was immediately forgotten.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned.

  Kate bobbed her head up and down, sucking me as if she couldn’t get enough of me. After a while she looked up. “Am I doing it right, Jack?”

  “You’re doing great babe,” I said, and then a thought occurred to me. “Why do you asked?”

  Kate shrugged, licking the underside of my shaft. “Because I’ve never done this with anyone else.”

  I stared at her. “You’re shitting me.”


  “Are you telling me, last night at the bar…?”

  “I was a virgin.”

  “Jesus Christ. No wonder you were so fucking tight. I’m sorry, Kate, I should have been more gentle…”

  “You were great,” Kate said. She undid her front buttons, pulled her dress over her head, and climbed on top of me with nothing on except her bra. Reaching behind her, she guided me toward the opening of her moist labia.

  I grabbed her ass with both hands, spread her cheeks wide, and slowly entered her.

  “Oh my god, Jack,” Kate said, moaning. “You feel so fucking good.”

  “You too, babe,” I said. Her pussy was so tight I could feel her walls squeezing me. I removed her bra, tossed it on the seat next to us, and buried my face between her breasts. Her sweet, fresh scent filled my nostrils and boosted my hardness even more.

  Fuck, I thought, smoldering my face in her softness. I’m in sweet fucking heaven.

  “Let me ride you,” Kate said, her eyes intense, her lips slightly parted.

  I nodded and remained still. Kate planted both feet on the seat on either side of me, held on to my shoulders for support, and gyrated her hips while moving herself up and down my cock.

  “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” I said, grimacing at the intense pleasure she was unleashing on me.

  “No,” she said between moans. “Why?”

  “Because, babe, you’re doing everything perfectly right.”

  She giggled, then gasped when I grabbed her breasts and pinched her nipples hard.

  “You like that, babe? You like some pain?”

  “Yes, Jack.”

  “Keep fucking me. I don’t want you to stop until I say so.”

  Kate nodded.

  “Good.” I took one soft, full breast, squeezed it moderately hard, and nibbled on her raised nipple, grinding it between my teeth and wetting it with my tongue. Her reaction was immediate, her body shuddering, her moan echoing loudly inside the car. She sat on me and stopped for a few seconds to catch her breath. I smacked her on her ass, surprising her. I smacked her hard.

bsp; Kate gasped.

  “What did I tell you, babe?”

  “Don’t stop,” she said, moving again, her knees trembling visibly.

  “That’s right.” I held on to her breast tightly with one hand, my thumb and forefinger keeping a firm pressure on her angry nipple, my other hand going down until I found her swollen clit. I began rubbing it quickly with two fingers.

  “Oh god, no,” she said, trembling, her movements getting erratic. “Oh Jack, I can’t. I’m about to… oh shit, Jack, oh my god no, I’m coming!”

  Kate threw her head back and orgasmed, her body convulsing, her pussy clamping down on my cock so tight I also lost it. I grabbed her hips, thrust myself inside her several times in rapid succession, and groaned as I exploded deep inside her, filling her completely, our entwined bodies shuddering against each other.

  After our tremors trailed off we looked at each other, smiled, and kissed. Kate leaned her head against my chest, her fingers tracing the muscles in my arm. I felt more at peace and contented than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. It was at that moment, as I stared out through the almost completely fogged up windows of her car, when I realized I had completely fallen for this young girl, and that I was willing to give up everything just to be with her.

  The question was, did she feel the same way toward me? She’s young and about to start college. She has her entire life stretched out in front of her, and I was pretty sure she would someday meet someone more her own age, someone who could connect with her in ways I couldn’t even comprehend.

  The thought of her meeting someone else, being with someone else, stabbed through my heart in a way I never thought I could be hurt. I pushed the thought away, buried it, and hugged her tight.

  If I had to let her go, if that was what she wanted, I would do so, even if it broke my heart and damaged me forever. I would remember these precious moments we’ve had together and treasure them until my dying day.

  I just hoped it won’t ever come to that.


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