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I Heard A Rumor

Page 15

by Hodges, Cheris

  “If,” Persone mumbled as he shook his head at Robert. He knew that Robert was damaged goods, but he made for great copy and a lot of page views. That was the only reason he indulged his insanity.

  And he had to be three shades of insane if he thought he had a snowball’s chance in hell of being the next mayor of Charlotte. Still, it was fun to watch him try.

  “I see your former friend has seen your tweet. Check out what Liza just posted.” Persone held his phone out to Robert. When he read Liza’s tweet, he fumed.

  “‘The city of Charlotte deserves a leader who isn’t delusional. Team Clemmons.’ That bitch!”

  Persone tapped Robert’s elbow when he saw a security guard coming in their direction. “Chill, man. You’re lucky they’ve let you stay here as long as they have.”

  “What right does she have to continue inserting herself in my political career? She won; she needs to let it go.”

  “Are you sure there wasn’t something going on with you and Liza? You’re still really mad at her, and she wasn’t your fiancée.”

  “Shut up.”

  “It’s a question that a lot of people want to know. What was the real deal with you and Senator Franklin’s wife?”

  “There is no story there. Liza was supposed to be a woman I could trust, someone who had my back, and she’s no better than my damn mother.”

  Persone nodded, knowing there was a story there, but he’d uncover that later. Right now, it looked as if Robert was on the edge of unraveling. That story was going to be huge.

  Robert fired off a tweet back to Liza, “ ‘You should sweep around your own front door. #Stayinyourlane.’”

  “Really, dude?” Persone asked when he read the tweet. “You’re really going to get into a Twitter battle with Liza Palmer?”

  “I’m not battling anyone. I know how these women work, and this is all I need to get Chante to come flying out in a tizzy.”

  “You better hope this doesn’t blow up in your face,” Persone said.

  “It’s not my face that I’m worried about,” he said.

  Chapter 16

  Chante wished she’d ignored her phone. She wished she’d used the last few minutes with Zach to kiss him and make beautiful memories. Instead, she answered the phone and listened to Liza tell her what was going on in the real world.

  “Chante, I hate to even tell you this, but Robert is out here doing it again,” Liza said.

  “Doing what?” Chante asked with a sigh. “He is the last thing . . .”

  “He’s on Twitter talking about how he’s forgiven you and you’ve forgiven him. And what is up with you and Zachary Harrington?”

  “How did . . . Wait, did Robert tweet I’ve forgiven him? Is he insane?”

  “He is trying to make it seem as if you two are back together.”

  “Son of a bitch!”

  Zach glanced at Chante, then stroked her shoulder. “What’s going on?”

  She held up her finger and walked over to the balcony doors. “What am I missing?” Chante asked Liza.

  “Pictures of you and Zachary Harrington popped up on CNN and MSNBC. Then the Charlotte media hopped on it. Have you been watching anything?”

  “No, just the media trucks camped out in the hotel parking lot. Zach is leaving in the morning to straighten things out in New York.”

  “All right, good for him. But what are you going to do?”

  Chante sighed. “I’m going back to Charlotte to start my own law firm.”

  “That is so awesome! I’m going to meet you there and get the story focused on you, not that lying-ass Robert.”

  Chante laughed. “I’m glad you’re on my side,” she said.

  “I think you should’ve done this years ago, personally. So if I can help you make this a success, I’m all for it.”

  “And Jackson’s all right with you leaving him to get into this fray?”

  “Well,” Liza began, “my husband is threatening to delete my Twitter account because he said it’s childish to argue over the Internet.”

  “You’re arguing on social media?”

  “All I did was tweet ‘#Team Clemmons’ and Robert went off.”

  Liza’s laughter made Chante laugh as well. “You are too much.”

  “But I’m done because I don’t want to be a distraction to your new law firm or the fact that Jackson is trying to get some bills passed in Raleigh.”

  “And no more Charlotte Today interviews,” Chante quipped.

  “There you go,” Liza said.

  “I’m over it, but it still stings a little bit. Mostly because I allowed this jackass to make a mockery of our sisterhood and friendship, but I digress. When are you coming to Charlotte?”

  “Jackson and I will be there in the morning. When are you leaving?”

  Chante looked over her shoulder and smiled at Zach, who had been watching her with concern etched on his face. “In the morning,” she said with a sigh.

  “You sound like you don’t want to leave,” Liza noted.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, all right?” Chante said. When she hung up the phone, Chante turned to Zach. “This has been a crazy night.”

  “Tell me about it,” he said as he crossed over to her and drew her into his arms. “I’ m glad you were here with me.”

  “Zach, thanks for this week and . . .”

  “You don’t have to thank me for having the time of my life.” He brushed his lips across hers. “Chante Britt, you are going to take over the world, and I can’t wait to see it happen.”

  She kissed him slowly and smiled. “And maybe you can help me find some property for new law offices.”

  “Do you want to be linked with this notorious Yankee?” Zach quipped. “I’m sure your mother has seen the news coverage and is pretty horrified by now.”

  “I’ve ignored quite a few calls from her, and I can only image what the voice-mail messages say.”

  “And this Robert person, your ex, is causing trouble for you on social media?”

  Chante nodded. “But I think he forgot who my best friend is. Liza Franklin is a social media maven. She’s going to destroy his little plan.”

  “Remind me to stay on your good side. Sounds like you and your people don’t play.”

  Chante winked at him. “Don’t push us against the wall, because when we come out swinging, it is not always pretty.”

  “I’d feel sorry for Robert, but I think he probably deserves what’s coming his way.”

  “Without a doubt.” Chante looked at her watch. “I’m going to pack, and you need to try and get some sleep since your flight is so early.”

  “I’d sleep better with you in my arms,” Zach said. “So why don’t you pack and come back down here so I can get a good night’s sleep.”

  “You know if I get in this bed with you tonight, we’re not going to do much sleeping,” she said.

  “Oh yes we will. Eventually.”

  Chante smiled again. “All right. I’ll be back in about twenty minutes,” she said.

  “I’m timing you,” Zach said as she walked out the door.

  Chante figured that since she was checking out early, she’d head downstairs and return the room key after she gathered her things from her suite. That way when she was ready to go, all she’d have to do was leave. And since her car was parked in the guest deck, she could avoid the media. But maybe they’d be gone by morning. This story had to be losing traction by now, at least when it came to her. She had nothing to do with Zach’s life in New York or his wife’s crimes. And if his sister had uncovered all that stuff about his ex, hopefully the narrative would be moving in a different direction.

  “And this too shall pass,” she whispered as she walked into her suite. While gathering her things, Chante felt excited about going back to Charlotte and reclaiming her life. Nothing was going to stand in her way, and she felt sorry for anyone who tried. After packing, Chante headed down to the lobby to return her key. When the elevator doors opened and she locked
eyes with Robert, her knees went weak. What in the hell is he doing here? she thought angrily as she stepped off the elevator. Robert crossed over to her with a smile on his lips.

  “Chante, darling, I see you’re ready to come home to me,” he said. She looked to her left and saw a man holding up an iPhone.

  “Oh hell no,” she muttered. “Robert, get away from me!”

  “You don’t have to be concerned about your little break with this Harrington guy. I know that was your way of getting back at me for my shortcomings. We’re even, now, baby.”

  “Don’t call me baby, and we are not even. We’re not even an us! I need you to stop telling people we’re together. I loathe you. You are the worst kind of man in the world. A liar. A fraud. You want power, and you don’t care how you get it. You don’t care who you hurt or how dirty you have to play. I’m not in the game with you. I’m pretty sure the people of Charlotte don’t want another scam artist as the mayor of their city. But you are going to keep my name out of your mouth! You’ve done enough to turn my life upside-down, and it’s time for you to stop.”

  “I turned your life upside-down?” Robert asked with a smirk. “And what do you think you and Liza did to me?”

  “Showed people who you really are. Robert, this is tiring, and I’m done.”

  He reached out and grabbed her arm. “We’re not done.”

  She looked down at his hand and counted to three. Then she slapped his hand away. “Touch me again . . .” she growled.

  Robert smirked at her and took a step back. “So you think a man who’s linked to a call-girl ring is a better fit for you? I could’ve given you everything. All men cheat. I’m sure your mother knows about your father’s mistresses.”

  Chante hauled off and slapped him. “Shut up. All men aren’t sorry liars like you. So why don’t you go to hell?”

  Robert held his jaw. “You know that’s assault.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “And you being here is stalking. What in the hell do you want from me?”

  “I want you to be humiliated,” he gritted. “You and Liza systematically destroyed my life. I should be senator, not running for mayor! I asked you to marry me because you had an image that would work for what I was trying to do. You had one job!”

  “Are you kidding me? I thought you loved me, but I was a political tool. So all of what you’re saying is stupid and idiotic. My job was not to stand by you after you slept with a hooker.”

  “Maybe if you weren’t so boring in bed, I wouldn’t have needed to sleep with a hooker!”

  Chante burst out into laughter. “Boring in bed, honey, look in the mirror.”

  “Damn,” Persone exclaimed. Chante and Robert faced him, remembering they were being watched.

  “Shut that camera off,” Robert ordered.

  “No, keep it rolling,” Chante said. “You want a show. You want us to be linked together, and you want people to think I’m endorsing you. Let’s give the world a show.”

  “You and Liza humiliated me!”

  “You’re doing a good job of that all by yourself. I pity you. You want power so badly that you’ve lost your mind. I guess you’re trying to make up for the fact that no woman has ever given a damn about you. Not even your mother.”

  Robert stepped up to her and balled up his fist. Before he made another move, a security guard appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Robert.

  “You’re out of here, dude,” he growled. Chante didn’t feel anything as she watched him being dragged out of the hotel.

  “Chante,” Persone said. “What’s the real deal with you and Zachary Harrington?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Get out of my face.” Turning back to the elevator, Chante couldn’t help but wonder what her spat with Robert would do to her chances of opening her own firm. Of course, the video would go viral. This was the kind of stuff people loved to tweet and post on Facebook.

  Would the legal community hold this against her? “It doesn’t matter,” she muttered as the elevator doors opened. Stepping on, Chante knew that this wasn’t going to be easy, but she hadn’t expected a public fight with Robert to make things even more difficult. She could almost hear her grandmother say that she didn’t have to worry about what other people think.

  “And that’s just what I’m going to do,” she said with a smile.

  When she reached Zach’s suite, she was surprised to see him headed out the door. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?” she asked.

  “I was about to come looking for you. Everything all right?”

  “It will be. Had a small run-in downstairs.”

  “With the media? I thought the hotel was keeping those vultures away?”

  Chante offered him a lopsided grin. “It technically wasn’t the media. Seems as if Robert found his way here and was sitting in the lobby waiting for me.”

  Zach stroked Chante’s cheek and looked her over to see if she had been injured. “Did he hurt you, because I will . . .”

  “Slow down, cowboy,” she said. “If anyone is hurt, it’s Robert. He brought his own personal reporter with him, and the whole thing was caught on video. Knowing that guy, he’s probably already uploaded it.”

  Zach shook his head. “I guess he underestimated how you were going to react to his ambush.”

  “Maybe the old me would’ve just taken it, but I’m done playing the victim while other people use me for their own gain. It’s just like how those partners used me for all these years while I tried to prove my worth to them. I’m enough. I’m enough, and I don’t have to prove anything to anyone.”

  “I wish I had a drink so we could toast right now!” Zach kissed her on the forehead. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

  She smiled. “Sounds great.”

  The next morning, Teresa Flores woke up to headlines of Robert’s breakdown. She couldn’t help but smile. She imagined Nic pulling his hair out because he’d finally met a psychopath he couldn’t mold into a viable candidate. Grabbing her smartphone, she called Taiwon.

  “This is Taiwon,” he said when he answered.

  “Taiwon, your troubles are almost over, but you owe me big-time.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Robert Montgomery’s political dreams died a horrible death this morning. Nic has nothing to hold over your head anymore.”

  “Is that so? Why do I owe you anything, though?”

  Teresa took a deep breath. “You men are so funny. Chante Britt doesn’t deserve anything that’s happening to her.”

  “Here we go with Chante again. What do you people find so special about her?”

  “She is a brilliant woman, and she has worked for your firm for years. Until this crap with Montgomery, she had a stellar reputation and made millions for you and the other men who run that firm. Stop exploiting her talents and making her suffer for what a man she thought she loved did. Make her a partner, and everything Nic had on you disappears.”

  “And if I say no? Hell, what if she says no?”

  “She can say no. You say no, and you’re going to see your secrets go viral. Just do the right thing.” Teresa hung up the phone and headed into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. She was going to need a jolt before she gloated to Nic.

  Chapter 17

  Zach closed his eyes as the plane took off, silently replaying the last few minutes with Chante.

  He’d brushed his fingers across Chante’s cheek as she slept. Peaceful. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Holding her made him feel calm, and he wanted to forget what he’d be facing in a few hours. Leaning into Chante, he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Her eyes fluttered open like the wings of a butterfly taking flight.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said.

  “Umm, what time is it?”

  “A little after four. I was going to let you sleep, but I couldn’t resist kissing you.”

  “So little self-control,” she quipped.

  “I guess real life is right around the corne

  She nodded and eased closer to him. “Will you call me when you get settled in New York?”

  “Of course. You’re going to have to give me your number, though. I’m sure calling the hotel isn’t going to help me.” Zach winked at her, then reached for his phone.

  Chante rattled off her cell-phone number, and he saved it in his address book. “Do you promise to FaceTime me in the nude?” he asked as he returned the phone to the nightstand.

  “Maybe,” she replied, “but only if you do the same. Remind me what I’m missing.”

  He took her hand and placed it on his growing erection. “Are you talking about this?”

  “Among other things,” she said as she stroked his cheek with her other hand. Zach brought his lips down on top of Chante’s with a quick motion, but his kiss was slow and deliberate. She shifted in his arms, her wetness topping his hardness. It was a total struggle for Zach not to dive in. But they’d been reckless too many times, and he needed to protect her.

  For a split second, as he reached for a condom, he wondered what Chante would look like filled with his seed. Would their son look like her and their daughter look like him? Wait, why was he thinking about making a baby with a woman who’d made it clear that she was reclaiming her life in Charlotte and his business was in New York. His redemption would happen there as well. New York was a part of him, and he didn’t see that changing. Then he glanced at Chante. North Carolina might not be that bad . . .

  “What’s with that look?” she asked, then licked his bottom lip.

  “You’re beautiful. And you already know I like staring at you.” Zach quickly slipped the condom on his erection and pulled Chante on top of him. “Ride me, baby.”

  She happily obliged, pulling him in and staring into his eyes. Deep. Intense. She threw her head back and moaned while his fingers teased her nipples.

  “Zach, oh, Zach,” she cried out as he thrust deeper and deeper into her. She tightened her thighs around him, and Zach felt an explosion building in his belly. He wanted to hold back and watch Chante give in to pleasure. He loved the way she smiled as she came and licked her full lips when a second orgasm hit her.


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