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Beg for Mercy - kindle edition v3

Page 12

by Shannon Dermott

  Maggie and I having planned this in advance, I had clothes in the back of her car. I was spending the night at her house after the party. My mom wasn’t working late and I didn’t want to have the curfew question be raised. Maggie didn’t have a curfew because wisely she had cited to her parents that her two older brothers never had one so why should she. She complainant that their rules were totally sexist had worked.

  We decided to wear Everett sweatshirts over our party girl tops. That way we wouldn’t have to change but simply take the sweatshirts off after the game. We headed out early because the away game was in Bethesda. We were playing one of the W school’s of Montgomery County. Our opponent’s football team was ranked regionally as high as the school was nationally rank scholastically. That meant it would be a tough game. We had about an hour and half drive ahead of us. Maggie offered Paul to ride with us, but he’d declined in a text. I’d expected as much because he still hadn’t spoken to either one of us.

  I tried not to think of the trouble between us. Instead, I caught Maggie up about what happened in Luke’s car and us getting caught by Flynn at lunch and she laughed. All was good. We sang our favorite tunes the rest of the way.

  We won the game divisively so it wasn’t surprising that Luke’s party filled with drunken teenagers. Even Maggie took a drink in hand despite my protest when we walked in. I felt like the only sober person there, when I noticed Jay and Kathy eyeing the crowd from the perch along a wall in the back. They seemed attentively watching everyone and it was almost creepy. The house was already packed. It turned out not to be just a senior party this time, although I wouldn’t say all were invited. I couldn’t even look around really to get a fill of the house. It was hard enough just to maneuver in between the masses of people.

  I was dancing with Luke. He at the very least was on his way to being drunk. I wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but he was different somehow. He’d drank at least two beers since I came and he had a third in his hand. I’d never seen him this way. And he’d shrugged off my question if something was wrong. He’d had drinks at the other party but he hadn’t been drunk. Something was definitely up.

  The makeshift dance floor was plastered wall to wall with people undulating indiscriminately. The music was thumping and Luke’s hands were on me decisively tonight. I wouldn’t say he groped me yet, but his hands were not tame as they’d been at Jay’s party.

  Feeling uncertain as to what to do, I tilted my head at the next song indicating I was through. I scanned the area in search of Maggie. I didn’t see her. I began to move away when I felt Luke’s arm tighten around my waist. He pulled me back into the curve of his body where I seen to fit so well. “Where are you going?”

  I leaned back my head and said loudly, “I need some air.”

  He let go of my waist and took my hand leading me through the crowd. I thought we’d go outside instead I found myself being led me up a curved staircase in the entryway. Out from the back of the house where the party was in full swing, it was slightly quieter. Artwork with cherubs and haloed ancient figures were positioned strategically on the walls. I had a moment to remember that Luke’s father was a pastor which explained the divine theme of the artwork.

  Upstairs, I followed Luke down a long hallway to a closed door. When he opened it, I knew it was his room. I was huge. One side of the room there was an enormous bed that seemed small in the room. In front of the bed was a large flat panel television mounted on the wall. A desk with a bookcase in one corner filled with trophies and metals. Most surprising of all was a small brown leather sofa in front of another television with game systems attached on the other side of the room. What teenager really had this kind of room?

  He closed the door and pulled me to the sofa interrupting me from taking in anymore view of his room. Next thing I knew his previously tentative hands were on me like a predator. He tasted so much like beer I thought I might get tipsy just by kissing him. His hands and mouth were more aggressive than any time before. I tried to catch my breath and shift away, but he wouldn’t let me. I’d begun to feel somewhat afraid.

  Dizzy with sensations, good and bad I was a bit conflicted on what to do. I wasn’t able to move away. He seemed to grow eight hands. What happened to moving things slow? I thought to myself. My eyes flew open when his hand landed firmly on my bra. I saw fire in his eyes that burned into me. An adrenaline rush from the no touching zone allowed me to shove him off of me. He fell on the floor in a drunken heap. “Stop,” I said, catching my breath.

  I couldn’t be sure if it was the beer, him or me that was causing his behavior; but I wasn’t ready for that no matter what the beast inside me wanted. I could feel that demon part of me that yearned to have him near.

  He must have been holding the beer when he fell because the beer now dripped from his face. I wondered how he managed it because his hands had been all over me. He wiped some of it off in a fluid motion before speaking. The look on his face showed the early signs of anger. “What’s wrong Mercy, you want me to beg?” he said, from his place on the floor.

  Stupefied, I didn’t know who’d body snatched my boyfriend. His words stung like a wasp. More so was that brainless reference to my name. I thought he was above using what no one else could seem to resist teasing me with over and over again. But more than that, he was level headed and thoughtful, not some crazed teenage boy who just wanted to get laid. But then again, I hadn’t known him long had I. Maybe it had all been an act.

  Tears burned in my eyes and I felt choked up, “You said,” I started to say.

  “You acted like you wanted it earlier. Are you just a tease?” he mocked.

  Eyebrows raised and open mouthed, I was almost speechless again. “No, how can you say these things,” I stammered.

  He stood, “Funny, I wondered just how you could kiss someone else mere minutes after I kissed you,” he accused.

  My face ripened as if he’d slapped me. “How..,” was the only word I got out.

  He slurred lightly when he said, “Nina told me earlier. Are you denying it?” When I said nothing, he stood swaying slightly. “The hell with this,” he barked and left me in alone in his room.

  I admit it, I cried. I’m not usually a cry baby but this time tears were warranted. Thinking about my options, I could go downstairs and confront Nina. But would I want to start an all out war for her telling the truth. His room seemed to undulate as tears streamed from my eyes. So, I folded myself in my own arms, wrapping myself in a tight ball and let my emotions flow.

  Chapter Fifteen

  elucidate (v.) to clarify, explain

  I didn’t dare leave this room yet fearing everyone would know what happened. Needing an escape plan, I texted Maggie to find out where she was. Why I just didn’t leave on my own was easy answer. I didn’t have a ride and needed to find one. Time past with no response from Maggie. Where the heck was she? I was certain she was lip-locked with Brent somewhere in the house. So, I texted Paul. I hadn’t seen him, but his car had been parked outside when we came. It was a quick text letting him know it was a 911 that we needed to talk. When that went unanswered I knew he was still ignoring me which was becoming quite annoying.

  Stepping out of my own grief, I remembered back to lunch. Paul seemed just as upset as Amber did. Had Nina told Amber about Paul and me, too? I found I no longer liked Nina if I ever did. I didn’t cared about her feelings anymore. In fact I felt vaguely revengeful.

  I couldn’t hide in Luke’s room forever. Or maybe I could. It was quiet up here. Maybe I should stay. He would eventually come back. Then I could explain. Realizing it was foolish to stay, I decided I desperately needed to find Maggie or Paul. I couldn’t hide here anymore. I need to take action. When I stepped out of the room I saw Flynn and Amanda heading down the hallway ahead of me.

  “Flynn,” I called out not caring what a mess I was right now.

  They both turned and stopped to stare at me. I stopped too. He said something softly to Amanda titling his head to th
e side towards the stairs. She narrowed her eyes at me before turning back and heading back to the party alone. He walked over to me. “What’s wrong?”

  I fell into him like we were long lost friends and began a string of words that sounded like one. “NinatoldLukeIkissedPaulandnowhe’smadatme,” I said sobbing.

  I guess he spoke sob-en-ease because he answered, “Ah, I heard about that. What were thinking chicka?” he said using a fake Spanish accent.

  “Ididn’tdoitPaulkissedme,” I blubbered on leaving wet stains on his shirt.

  My emotions would make more sense later. I would realize that PMS was the underlying cause for my emotional breakdown. I may have still cried that day given the circumstances, but I was not one to cry like a baby especially to Flynn of all people. I don’t think I cried this much when I found out I was a succubus. Certainly that event warranted totally breakdown.

  Still in his arms he walked me back into Luke’s room. He sat me on the bed which was closer than the gaming area. “Slow down, you’re not making sense.” So maybe he didn’t speak sob-en-ease.

  “I want to go home,” I said after a deep breath.

  “I’ll go find Luke. He’ll take you home,” he said. He didn’t crack a joke which surprised me as much as everything else this night.

  “He’s too drunk to drive me. Will you take me home?” I asked, no longer crying. I felt purged. If I took the time to analyze it, it just wasn’t Luke I was crying over. I was also crying over Paul and maybe even Maggie too. I had no one.

  “I’m going to find him anyway,” he said.

  I looked up through blurry eyes. “He hates me?” I was able to say with just a few tears. I wanted to say more because I hadn’t been able to elucidate up to this point.

  He looked at me and when he didn’t answer I was sure I hit the nail on the head. When he did speak, I felt mildly relived. “He doesn’t hate you. He’s mad but he’ll get over it.”

  “And he’ll get over me.” I said with a certain resolve.

  He leaned down and wrapped me in his arms again and patted my back. I hadn’t expected kindness from Flynn. I didn’t think this day could get any weirder. “Mercy, you need to choose.”

  I pulled back from him, my tears were gone now with a spark of irritation. “I didn’t ask for this. I want Luke,” I said with fortitude. Without thinking, the words plowed out and I had my answer. I really did want him. Well not the drunk Luke from earlier, but the one that held my hand and waited for me to kiss him.

  “Wait here,” he said “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Reluctantly I let him go. I needed someone to fix this. The best person to talk to Luke was his best friend. When he left the room I had a moment of weakness. I stood and walked over to the table in front of the television. There sat Luke’s half empty plastic cup of beer. I picked it up and took a big gulp before I tasted the bitterness that slid down my throat. Geez, how did people drink this? It tasted awful. With a frown and an instant queasy stomach I put the cup back down. I’d hoped the drink would provide liquid courage. There were several people downstairs I needed to confront. First Paul because he started all of this. Next Nina because she was over stepping her way into my life. Finally Maggie, where was my best friend when I desperately needed her. But that one quick drink of drink made my stomach roll. I found myself stretched out on Luke’s bed. It smelled much like him soapy fresh and a summer breeze all rolled into one. I yawned. It was late and where was Flynn? I closed my eyes for a second determined to leave the room and find the three people I needed to talk to once the queasiness past.

  Squinting, I woke up to streaming sunlight that wrapped my face in a warm blanket of light. The brightness blinded me, leaving me only with other senses like that of touch. It alerted me to the fact that an arm was wrapped around me.

  I turned my head away from the light of the window to my right. Best I could to see, it was Luke still sleeping who was embracing me. A wave of relief washed over me. Maybe this meant he’d forgiven me. Flynn, my hero, must have talked to him. I wanted to stay in his warm embrace but a couple of thought crossed my brain in rapid succession. Where was Maggie? I was supposed to spend the night at her house. What time was it? I needed to be home before my mother found out where I wasn’t. I desperately needed my phone. I also needed to pee.

  Wiggling a bit I made it out from under Luke’s arm without waking him. I stood on the floor noticing I didn’t have shoes on. Someone must have taken them off but otherwise I was fully dressed. I looked back to see Luke was also. I headed to the opposite side of the room where two doors stood. With the grandness of this house, I was positive Luke had his own private bathroom.

  I’d begun to pass the small sofa, when I heard a voice and stopped. “Mercy is that you,” Flynn said in crackled voice. His head popped up over the back side of the sofa. It was utterly maddening that he looked so good with bed head.

  “Yes,” I said in almost a whisper.

  Proceeding forward, I headed to the door on the right and Flynn voice pierced the quiet again. “Left door.”

  I moved to open that door and found a bathroom to die for on the other side. The floors were marble, the countertops granite, sunken tub, and glass surrounded shower. Everything looked like something out of Town and Country magazine or a fancy hotel. But nature was calling, so I found the familiar porcelain bowl.

  I was looking in the mirror when I thought about the candy bar commercial. It was a classic. Some random girl looking in her date’s medicine cabinet, when it came crashing down alerting her date she’d been snooping. I splashed my face with cool water. Then I took some time to gargle plain water hoping to take away some morning breath before heading out. I would have finger brushed my teeth, but the counter space was clear. I wasn’t going to be that girl searching cabinets and getting my hands caught in the cookie jar so to speak. Forgiveness for the unwanted kiss that I’d neglected to tell Luke about before Nina beat me to it was bad enough. I walked out hoping Flynn didn’t think I was snooping.

  Flynn was sitting up now. I fingered through some of my bed head wishing I’d combed through it before I came out. But I remembered that Flynn and I would be housemates soon. He would see me at my worst. So I let it go. I did pull out a hair band out of my pocket and twisted my hair in a pony before joining him on the sofa.

  I sat on the opposite end. Luke was still asleep not thirty feet away. Last thing I needed was for him to get the wrong idea about Flynn and me.

  “Thanks,” I said pointing back at Luke. I hated to notice, but Flynn still looked amazing even first thing in the morning.

  “Yeah, you caused quite a stir last night,” he said. His voice still sounded like he was half asleep.

  Alarm rose in my face, “What happened? Where’s Maggie?” I suddenly remembered my phone.

  “She’s ok. She’s somewhere downstairs probably sleeping.” He yawned.

  The beast inside me stirred. I was starting to recognize the lustful feeling it brought with it. I immediately felt guilty. The succubus continued to uncoil inside me. I exhaled, not knowing I held my breath. Trying to ignore the sudden burst of desire, I asked. “So what happened? How’d you get him back up here?”

  Flynn flashed me his million dollar smile. He huffed. “That proved to be entertaining.” I stared at him hating he was drawing out the details and feeling totally at his mercy. “You owe me,” he added.

  I forced the smile as the succubus tried to assert dominance over me. Thankfully, I felt rested because I could feel the all out war over the animation of my body. Gritting my teeth, I said, “Fine. Just elucidate.” He was not going to let this be easy.

  He looked at me perplexed. I rolled my eyes before I pulled out my phone. I few swipes later I handed him my phone. Taking it, he read the display and gave a little nod. “It’s a little early for that, Webster, don’t you think?” he said handing me back my phone.

  I shoved it back in my pocket saying nothing. I wanted him to tell me what happen. “Come on a
lready,” I said. Then I looked back at the bed to make sure I hadn’t woken Luke. He didn’t stir.

  Drawing a breath, Flynn scanned me from head to foot. I shivered. If he didn’t start speaking and conquer my attention with this line of conversation, I didn’t think I would be able to resist the monster within much longer. The demon was relentless and wanted Flynn bad. “Let’s see. When I left you I found young Luke drunk beyond reason cornered by Nina in the hall.”

  My jaw dropped. That did it. My emotions won this battle. The succubus fell away. That name sent the demon into hiding. Or my anger was too strong for the succubus to conquer.

  “Believe me when I say she was pissed when I took him away. She yelled at me. All hell broke loose after that. Amanda felt I needed to be rescued and yelled back at her. I left them to talk to Luke and explain that you hadn’t initiated contact with Paul.” He exhaled after the long string of words that still dangled from his mouth. I need to find the end of that line because I feared with trepidation what was to follow.

  “He wasn’t pleased with that bit of information and proceeded to hunt Paul with a fury not matched by one not inebriated.”

  I gasped and covered my mouth.

  “Yes, he confronted Paul. The commotion caused others to believe a fight was about to happen. People circled them like a pack of dogs.”

  I coughed out air I didn’t think was left in my lungs.

  “Yeah,” he said and paused for a poignant moment. I nearly screamed for him to finish, but he saw the desperation in my face which spurred him on. “Luckily, I grabbed on to his arm with a vice grip as he hurl a barrage of expletives to Paul about kissing you.”


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