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Luvin' the Son of a Savage 3

Page 5

by Tina J

  “You’re gonna kill me? The mother of that bastard baby you love so much.”

  “Where are you?” I had to ignore the last comment.

  “None of your business.

  CLICK. The phone hung up and all I could do is pray she fucked up and showed her face.

  I think the only way I’m gonna draw her out is at a funeral; which is gonna involve her mother. It’s too bad because she was a nice woman. However; I lost all respect for her when she allowed Jacinta to hurt my child.

  “We’ll get her.” Mr. Santiago patted my shoulder. I had no idea he was standing there.

  “Brielle is asking for you.” I walked in the room and her mom stepped out.

  “I should’ve never gone to the park knowing Jacinta was lurking.” Brielle let a tear fall.

  “I’m not mad.”

  “But she almost threw her daughter out the window.” I was pissed hearing about the extent my ex went through to get rid of a child she birthed.

  “She almost threw Aniya out the window. Her mother, who is you, would never do no shit like that.” I leaned down and kissed her.

  “Did the doctor check her leg?”

  “Aniya is fine. The doctor said the pain could be from a fall or being banged up.”

  “I had her Colby. I was beating her ass in the car, then Jaquan tried to take me out the backseat. I jumped in the front and sped off. I couldn’t let them take her again.” I wiped her tears.

  “I’m glad you were there.” I sat in the bed with her.

  “Why was Ja there?” I asked.

  “He told me I should’ve left you alone.” I put my arm around her and laid my head on the pillow.

  “I understand if you wanna end this relationship Brielle, but I don’t want you to neglect Aniya if it’s what you choose to do.” I wasn’t ignorant to the possibility of her not wanting to deal with this drama. She lifted her head and turned to me.

  “I’d never let another woman have you.” She moved the sheets, got comfortable on top of me and put my hand on her belly. At four months, she was slowly getting bigger and there’s definitely a glow around her.

  “You and Aniya are my family Colby and I don’t ever want you to assume I’d leave you over things outta your control. I love you too much for that to happen.” I rested my hands on her waist.

  “You do know you’re waking him up?” She moved down a little and smiled.

  “What you doing?” I asked when she undid my jeans, pulled them and my boxers down enough to get my dick out, lifted the gown up and slid down.


  “I’m fine Colby. Ssssss.” I took the gown off, made sure the sheet was covering her and began sucking on her chest as she rode me.

  “Be quiet Brielle.” I laughed. She was beginning to moan loud.

  “I can’t help it. You feel so fucking good.” I moved her hips in circles.

  “Hey Brielle.” She stopped moving when Armonie busted in.

  “Oh shit.” My sister backed up and closed the door.

  “Colby, we have to stop. Oh gawdddd.” I caressed her oversized clit.

  “Monie ain’t gonna let no one come in. And yo ass need to make me cum because I’ll be in this all night.” She leaned in to kiss me and squeezed her muscles together.

  “Mmm hmm. Just like that Brielle.” Her muscles were squeezing the shit outta my dick. I couldn’t hold my nut any longer. I pumped harder under her and released myself inside. Her head fell on my chest.

  “I love you so much baby. Don’t ever ask me to leave you.” I felt tears on my neck.

  “I love you too and I just want you to be happy.” I lifted her off and stood. There was a small sink behind the bed. I wet some paper towels and cleaned us up.

  “I’m very happy with you.” I tossed the paper towels in the trash, put the covers on her and sat on top of them. I didn’t need her tempting me again.



  “Come in.” Colby shouted. I laid on his shoulder and rested my arm across his stomach.

  “Y’all done?” Armonie said walking in with her face turned up.

  “Only because you rushed us.” I joked.

  “Who the hell almost had a heart attack, passes out, wakes up and starts fucking?” I laughed because I still had an IV in my arm and monitors on. I’m sure they went off at the nurse’s station but like her brother said, she won’t allow anyone to come in.

  “I know you’re not talking Monie. You and VJ fuck a week after you deliver a baby. Let’s not forget you told me about the club and...”

  “We’re not discussing me tho.” Colby busted out laughing.

  “I stopped by because my husband wants to take me on a vacation.” She took a seat in the chair next to the bed.

  “For what? I hope not to get pregnant.” Colby said and she threw something at him.

  “ANYWAY! It’s our two-year anniversary and we wanna be alone.”

  “What that got to do with us?” Colby asked and Monie rolled her eyes.

  “Legend wants to stay with you. Mommy is keeping the other two.”

  “Of course he can stay. Aniya will have someone to play with.” I smiled and the three of us sat there talking and cracking jokes. Once it got late, VJ picked her up.

  “How long you gonna be here?” Colby asked.

  “I wanna go home now.” I whined.

  “Let me check.” He stepped out the room and returned to tell me the doctor is discharging me tomorrow. He hopped in the bed and we fell asleep. Long as all of us are safe I’m positive I’ll sleep good tonight. Especially, after he made me cum.


  “Hey baby.” I reached for Aniya when we stopped by Colby’s parents to pick her up.

  “How you feeling?” His mom asked and hugged me.

  “I’m ok. Just happy Aniya didn’t suffer.” She nodded and asked me to go in the kitchen with her. I sat at the table with Aniya and handed her the sippy cup.

  “Thank you Brielle.” I looked up at her.


  “For loving my son and grandbaby the way you do.”

  “Umm. Ok.” She pulled the chair out and took a seat across from me.

  “Colby loved Jacinta at some point but I’m not sure he was ever in love with her.”

  “He had to be if he trusted her enough to carry his child.” She smiled.

  “I don’t know if he ever told you but he didn’t want any kids with her. I think the thought crossed his mind but the longer they were together, the feeling faded.”


  “Really. See, Colby mentioned having unprotected sex with her, but he never gave her his kids. He slipped up and it happened.”

  “He doesn’t like to talk about his relationship with her.” I told her the truth. We didn’t speak about it a lot.

  “Would you?” We both shared a laugh.

  “Anyway, he cheated and it aggravated me because she’d call me crying. I told her multiple times to leave and she didn’t. Unfortunately, Jacinta thought doing Colby the way he did her, would work itself out and it may have if the person wasn’t close.”

  “I did know about that.”

  “All it did is push him further into Ciara’s arms.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I know but as you can see, he didn’t want her either.”

  BAM! We looked and Aniya had thrown the sippy cup on the floor. I put her down and let her walk around. I’m amazed at how well she’s doing.

  “Brielle.” She placed my hand in hers.

  “Colby is very much in love with you and I can tell you feel the same.” I blushed.

  “All I ask is for you to continue loving him the way you do. You really bring out the best in him.”

  “And he does the same for me.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to meet my new grand baby.” She rubbed my belly as Colby and his dad walked in.

  My parents strolled in behind, along with Harlow, both of my brothers and my litt
le sister. Armonie yelled coming through the door and Legend ran straight to Colby. Her daughter came to me and Aniya had a fit because I picked her up.

  Haven and Ariel walked in with their two kids and his grandmother. It seemed like the house filled up with people in less than sixty seconds.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked everyone. No one said a word.

  “Brielle.” I turned and saw Colby down on his knee. I almost dropped his niece.

  “Hell no. Don’t be dropping my baby.” VJ shouted and took her out my hand.

  “Colby.” I cried as he smiled.

  “Brielle Santiago, you came into my life by accident. I say accident because of the shit in the library. Had I not been there, we may not have met.” I let a grin creep on my face because I wanted him to be my man that same day.

  “You are an extraordinary woman who has shown tremendous strength when it came to loving me. Sadly, I pushed you away after Jacinta hurt my daughter, but you never left Aniya and I will always love you for that.” I wiped the tears that wouldn’t stop falling.

  “Everything about you is perfect and I wanna be your husband. Will you marry me?” He opened the box to showcase a beautiful square like diamond. It was huge and shiny.

  “Yes Colby. I want you to be my husband.” He placed the ring on my finger, stood and kissed me with so much passion, it instantly turned me on. We stopped and he lifted my face.

  “I love you Brielle Banks.”

  “I love you too and it has a nice ring to it.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Ma ma.” Colby bent down to pick Aniya up.

  “When you gonna say da da?” He kissed all over her.

  “Ok bitch. You about to be in the Banks family, and I’m in the Santiago family. We about to be lit.” Harlow said hugging and congratulating me.

  “I’m proud of you son.” His father hugged him and his mom couldn’t stop crying.

  “My baby is getting married. I have to get two dresses now.” My mom cried hugging me.

  “Where’s Vanity?” I asked my uncle Tech.

  “I’ll let her tell you. Meanwhile, congratulations niece. I’m proud of you.” He hugged me.

  “I’ll be back babe.” Colby handed me Aniya and walked to the backyard with all the men.

  “Brielle don’t be allowing my great grandson to stay in your pussy all the time.” His grandmother said making me turn red.

  “I’m just saying, that nigga VJ addicted to Armonie. I don’t think he ever gives her coochie a break.”

  “Grams. Don’t be telling my business.” Armonie complained.

  “Girl bye. You about to be on baby number four.” Harlow joked and Monie stormed off.

  “Grams you know she sensitive about VJ.” Mrs. Banks said picking Legend up.

  “You say I need to keep him out of it. You should be asking me to stay off it.”

  “Oh shit now.” I winked and picked my phone up that Aniya threw and saw missed calls from Vanity. I left the notification on for later to remind me to call her.

  I put the phone down and joined everyone in the living room. Well the women anyway.


  “Mrs. Vanity why don’t you like my mom?” Lil Ant asked while he sat in the kitchen waiting for me to finish making breakfast.

  “I don’t have any problems with your mom honey.” I tried my best not to lash out about wanting to kill Sharika.

  At the hospital she made me so mad, I pretended to leave my husband in hopes of her stopping this madness. Of course, Antoine wasn’t tryna hear it, came home and fucked me so good, I went straight to sleep. I didn’t wake up until Mrs. Miller dropped Ant off. She wanted to take Cameron, but my mom had her.

  Anyway, his mom told me how they had to hold my husband back from murdering Sharika in the hospital, along with her aunt. What I can’t understand is when a man says he no longer wants you, why can’t you move on? I feel like if you cherished what y’all had, you’d still be together. In my husband’s case, Sharika definitely didn’t because she never would’ve cheated.

  Then she comes back here, seduces my husband who falls for it with his stupid ass and then gets mad because he fights to keep me in his life.

  I’m not gonna lie; seeing that video hurt me to my soul. I didn’t watch all of it and the little I did, tore me up. I don’t know if it’s because he said her name or that he enjoyed himself. The fact they didn’t wear condoms killed me too. He definitely sent me his STD results test two weeks after, not that I asked for it.

  He also admitted on vacation that he went to her house and forced her to take a plan b pill and returned to make her digest the second one. If she ended up pregnant, I never would’ve taken him back.

  It took me a few months to forgive him but like Harlow said, Antoine is my husband. I did stress if happened again, I won’t forgive him. He claimed to understand, and I hope he did because I’m not playing. My heart was broken and the pain was bad. I never wanna go through that again.

  “Then why did you do that to her face?” Antoine walked in as he asked.

  “What did we tell you about questioning adults?”

  “I know dad. I’m just asking because I thought Mrs. Vanity heard my mom say she was going to try and do bad things to her.”

  “Come again.” Antoine walked up closer.

  “Baby it’s fine.” I stood in between because my husband was so mad, I didn’t want him to yoke Ant up.

  “Vanity, it’s not fine.” He moved back.

  “I don’t give a fuck if she likes you but why is she saying shit in front of him, or saying it at all?”

  “I’m sorry dad. Mrs. Vanity, I won’t let her hurt you.” He ran over and hugged me. I hated Sharika for putting him in the middle.

  “Ant let me talk to your dad.”

  “I’m hungry.” I smiled.

  “It’ll be done in a few. Turn on cartoons in the living room.” He did like I asked, and I turned to Antoine.

  “Do what you need to before I find her and do it myself.”

  “I was gonna do it but the more shit she’s doing only makes me want her to suffer.” I smirked because I knew where he was going with it.

  “I’m letting Haven torture her.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I walked to the stove and felt him behind me.

  “I know you’re still worried about me stepping out again but I promise, it’ll never happen.” He kissed my neck.

  “It better not or I swear you’ll witness another side of me. You think me kissing that guy is bad...”

  “Tha fuck you say?” He yanked my hair and forced me to look at him. I saw nothing but anger in his eyes.

  “Antoine let go of my hair.”

  “What did you just say?” He gripped it tighter.

  WHAP! I smacked the shit outta him and he let go.

  “First off, it’s one thing to grab my hair during sex but this is not ok.” I pushed him in the chest making him almost fall.

  “Second... you damn right I kissed someone. The same guy I danced with at the club.” I pointed my index finger in his chest.

  “Matter of fact, we went outside and went at it like animals. You know, my legs were wrapped around his waist as he fondled my entire body. It felt good and I wanted to feel what was like to let another man touch me. To let him make love to me just to throw it in your face but you know what?” I turned away and finished the food so lil Ant could eat.

  “I didn’t let him because even though you hurt my soul, I never, ever wanted you to go through the pain I went through. I didn’t want you crying or contemplating suicide like I did. I didn’t want you wondering what you did wrong to make me look elsewhere.” I fixed him and Ant’s plate and put them on the table.

  “And I couldn’t break your spirit, the way you broke mine.” He stood there staring.

  “I forgave you Antoine and I’m willing to stay in this marriage because I truly believe you’re sorry and it won’t happen again. But as God is my witness, if you ever
put your hands on me or yank my hair like that again, I’ll walk outta your life forever.” I made sure the stove was off, called Ant in to eat and stormed out.

  “VANITY!” He shouted but I kept going.

  Once I made it to my room, I fell on the bed crying. Who did he think he was getting upset with me? Better yet, yanking my hair the way he did. I’m sure he’s upset but so what? I didn’t mean to blurt out what went down at the club, but he needed to hear I could do the same.

  After Antoine left the club that night, me and the guy continued dancing. I started drinking and the two of us went outside in the back. With liquor in our system, of course it enticed how horny we were. The kissing started, then him feeling all over me. My body was on fire and I wanted him; yet, I couldn’t allow him access. I loved my husband and regardless of what we were dealing with at the moment, I couldn’t go any further.

  The guy said he understood, kissed me on the cheek and left. Neither of us exchanged phone numbers, nor did I see him in passing. Brielle asked why I didn’t do it and I gave her the same answer. I refused to hurt my husband the way he hurt me. I’d regret it in the morning anyway and was it really worth it?


  “I’m sorry.” I looked up and Antoine was standing there with two dozen roses and three bags from Louis Vuitton. When I left him downstairs this morning, I stayed in the room and ended up dosing off.

  “You can’t buy me.” I walked in the bathroom.

  “I’m not tryna buy you because anything I get; you can purchase yourself.” He said when I came out the bathroom.

  “I never should’ve grabbed your hair. You caught me off guard with the shit you said.” I stood against the dresser.

  “It fucked me up to know someone touched you. To know you wanted to give your body away to hurt me and didn’t, only proved how much you really love me and how bad I fucked up.” He moved over to where I was.

  “Vanity Miller you are the only person who can make me crazy. The only woman I’d kill and die for. And the only woman who made me feel things in my heart, I never knew I could. I love you and I’m sorry for all the heartache I caused.” He pulled the shorts down I had on, removed his sweats and boxers and forced his way in my tunnel.


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