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Luvin' the Son of a Savage 3

Page 9

by Tina J

  “This bitch.” I said to myself when Brielle walked in with Colby’s sister, and a bunch of their other family members. They sat on the other side of me but up closer.

  I wanted to beat the shit outta Brielle for stopping me from killing Aniya but again; I couldn’t let anyone know I’m here. I noticed her looking back and then smile. Colby stepped in and when he sat next to her, she put her arm on his shoulder. The fucking diamond was humongous and ain’t no way in hell she had on a wedding band. Did he marry her? The ring on his hand only verified my thoughts. I was so mad, I stood and moved quietly out the church.

  When I made it outside, there was Colby’s cousin on the phone. He had his back turned thank goodness because he may have known who I was. I walked away fast and called a cab down the street. The only place I could go to is Jaquan’s. I haven’t heard from him but he taught me how to get inside his house without using the front door.

  I checked my surrounding and snuck through the window like he showed me. I figured he’d be asleep but nope. He wasn’t here and I’m happy because I didn’t feel like fucking him.

  My mind wasn’t right and all I wanted to do is kill everyone. I put my knees to my chest, covered my ears and rocked back and forth until I dosed off.

  “Sleep well?” I thought I heard Colby’s voice but there’s no way. I shut my eyes tight.

  “You can open your eyes. It’s really me.” I felt his breath on my ear and smelled the mint. I opened them and there he was in front of me looking as handsome as ever.

  “What do you what Colby?” I pretended not to be scared.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all Jacinta. I just wanted you to know, I found you.”

  “Ok and...” He laughed and walked away.

  “Aren’t you gonna kill me?” I watched him walk up the stairs and followed. Why? I don’t know when I should’ve been running out the window.

  “Hello Jacinta.” My sister said standing in the doorway. Jax stood next to her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see my sister before she took her last breath.” Callie walked over to me.

  “If you even blink wrong at my girl, I’m gonna break your neck.” Jax spoke with hate in his voice.

  “She won’t babe. You see, Jacinta knows who the Banks family are, and regardless of how long it took to find her, she knew they’d never stop looking. With that being said, she also knows if any of you make a threat, you’ll follow through. Isn’t that right dear sister?” She wiped the tears falling down my face.

  “I always knew you were evil, but I would’ve never thought you’d hurt my niece.”

  “She was in the way Callie. Colby should’ve...”

  “You can’t blame a man who wasn’t around when you put Aniya through that pain.”

  “I love him Callie. Why did he have to cheat on me? This is his fault. If he stayed faithful, I wouldn’t have had all these breakdowns. I wouldn’t have done anything to Aniya.”

  “I know sis. Loving a man is dangerous; especially when you gave him your all.” I nodded.

  “But when he said it was over, you should’ve moved on. If you were having thoughts about my niece, you could’ve called him.”

  “He hated me and...”

  “He never hated you Jacinta. Y’all were together for years and you were the mother of his daughter. Now look.” She stepped back a little.

  “You’ll never see Aniya grow up, attend any parties, graduations or a wedding. All because Colby didn’t want you.” I didn’t say anything and dropped to my knees crying.

  “Last thing Jacinta.” She kneeled down next to me.

  “The minute you die, I will forget you were my sister. No one will ever know you existed, and I hope you and mommy have fun in hell together because both of y’all belong there after what y’all did to Aniya.” I tried to speak, and she stopped me.

  “I don’t care what you say. Mommy knew Colby would kill you, which is why she kept the abuse from him. I hate both of you and me and Abuela both agree that Brielle will be the only mother Aniya knows.”

  “WHAT?” I snapped.

  “Aniya won’t remember how you almost killed her and if we told her you were her mother; she’d ask questions and none of us wanna put her through that.” She stood with the help of Jax.

  “Don’t you dare let Aniya call that bitch her mother. SHE IS MY DAUGHTER. I GAVE BIRTH TO HER.” I ran towards Callie and was yanked back by my hair and thrown on the ground.

  SMACK! SMACK! I felt a hand across my face and looked up to see some woman standing over me.

  “You had my son murdered. Why did you get him involved in your drama? I HATE YOU!” She screamed and started kicking me.

  “It’s time Jacinta.” I turned and saw Colby coming towards me.

  “Please don’t do this. Send me to a mental institution or something.” My yells fell on deaf ears as he drug me out by my feet, down the porch stairs, over the sidewalk and tossed me in a van.


  “Hey Nay. Yea he’s here?” I heard Brielle speaking on my cell.

  “Babe, your friend is on the phone.” She walked over to me in the kitchen.

  “I don’t have a friend. Why the fuck he calling my phone anyway?”

  “Don’t you snap at me.” She tossed my phone on the counter and started walking away. I ran up behind her.

  “I’m sorry Brielle.” I kissed the side of her neck.

  “I’d never tell you to be friends with him if that’s not what you want, but even after you fought, he’s calling. It’s obvious he wants to tell you something.”

  It’s been a week since I found out my best friend; my other brother was sleeping with my ex side chick. I don’t care who either of them slept with, but he knows better. I’d never sleep with any of the women he shared a bed with. Granted, we had threesomes here and there but sleeping with someone he had wasn’t an option. Drunk or not, it never should’ve happened.

  “Brielle, it’s nothing he can say to change the past.”

  “Exactly but you knew the type of woman Ciara was. I’m not excusing Nay but why expect anything different?” I moved away.

  “Because he was my best friend. You don’t do shit like that to your friend.” I was hurt over the situation and not because of Ciara but more or less over the thoughts of if he’s done it before.

  “Just see what he wants and let me handle the rest.” She smiled and lifted the shirt over her head. My wife never had a problem walking around the house naked and even with my son blowing her up, her body is still beautiful.

  “Look what you did.” I pointed to my dick growing through my shorts.

  “Talk to Nay and I got you.” I walked backwards in the kitchen to grab the phone as she moved towards me in a seductive manner.

  “What you calling my phone for?” I was surprised he stayed on it.

  “Two things...” Nay said. Brielle came closer and slid my shorts and boxers down.

  “One... I fucked up bro and I’m sorry. If you don’t wanna speak to me that’s fine but I found what you were looking for.”

  “Oh yea. What’s that?” I ignored his apology. Brielle ran her hand up and down my body making me even harder.

  “Mmmm, somebody wants me to talk to him.” She smiled and let her tongue glide across the tip. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning.

  “Jacinta is at my parents.”

  “What? I’ll be right there.” I hung up and instead of rushing to get my ex, I allowed my wife to please me right there.

  After we finished and I took a nap, I made my way over to Nay’s crib. He opened the door and I moved straight past him. It was no need to speak or pretend like we were cool because it wasn’t the case.

  I let Jacinta sleep and when she opened her eyes it was funny to see her tryna comprehend me being there. I knew her mother’s funeral would draw her out because she really loved her. It’s unfortunate her death had to happen in the first place.

  Now I’m watching her s
it in my sister’s hotel. I had Jaquan here last week and I didn’t even torture him. He took two shots to the head, and that was it.

  Her eyes scanned the room and each time they landed on me, I smiled. Jax, Callie, Haven, and all my cousins and siblings were in attendance. My wife put up a fight to come and let’s just say, she won. She had me wrapped around her finger and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

  “Are all these people necessary?” Jacinta asked and rolled her eyes.

  “Actually, they are.” Brielle walked over and stood directly in front of her.

  “I hate that I’m pregnant right now because I’d love nothing more than to kill you myself.” My wife spoke with hate in her voice.

  “Yea, Yea. I know.”

  “Bring her to me.” I stood behind Jacinta because I knew what Brielle was about to do and this bitch wasn’t about to jump up.

  “Ma ma. I want juice.” Aniya said reaching out to my wife.

  “I wanted you to see my daughter before you took your last breath.”

  “SHE’S NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!” Jacinta screamed and Aniya jumped.

  “Oh, but she is. You made that choice the first time you tried to take her life. Now she’ll be a big sister and my first born. Isn’t that right Aniya? Mommy loves you so much.” Brielle was rubbing it in.


  “Get my family outta here.” I barked and Haven took them away.

  “Don’t let her back in.” I nodded and waited for Jax and Brayden to bring a table over. We lifted Jacinta up, laid her on it and used metal chains to tie her down. The whole time she was kicking, screaming and yelling out obscenities. You would’ve thought the bitch was possessed.

  Haven walked over with the bucket and blowtorch, and Brayden handed me the small cage with the rats in them. These weren’t your normal small rats. They were the big fat ones that wondered the streets. Both of them were fighting to get out.

  “What are you doing with those?” My sister Monie asked and walked over.

  “You’ll see. You sure you wanna watch? It’s pretty graphic.” I asked and got ready to get rid of this bitch. VJ didn’t want my sister to witness anyone dying but after the shit Jacinta did, he gave her a pass to watch this one time.

  Brayden held the bucket as I dumped the two rats in and quickly turned it over on Jacinta’s stomach. Jax walked over with a cinderblock to place on top. I took the blowtorch from Haven, started it and stared at my ex.

  “This is for all the pain you caused. Tell your mother I said hello.”

  “COLBY PLEASE DON’T.” I put the goggles on and put the torch on the bucket. Brayden held the cinderblock on top to keep it from falling.

  “AHHHHHHH! THEY’RE EATING ME COLBY. PLEASE STOP!” All you heard was Jacinta screaming and the rats screeching underneath.

  I made sure the bucket was so hot, nothing could survive under. Blood began to pour outta her body and you could smell the rats being fried from the heat.

  “Oh my God.” Armonie vomited on the floor and Callie had her head down. Harlow and Vanity both had a grin on their face. I guess they would, being they’re the ones who killed their man’s ex.

  I waited a few minutes before lifting the bucket and to say the sight was disgusting, it really was.

  I had this guy who loved dealing with dead bodies wrap her up in barb wire. Jacinta’s will be thrown in the river and once she swells, her body will explode and become fish food. It’s the least I can do for all the hurt she instilled on my daughter.

  After finishing up with Jacinta, I grabbed my wife and daughter and drove to my parents. My mom wanted to celebrate Brielle officially becoming Aniya’s mom. She has been anyway, but it became legal on paper last week. Everyone showed up behind us and that’s when the party really started.

  “I love you Brielle Banks and thank you a million times for loving me and Aniya the way you do.” We were outside getting fresh air. It was so many people; you could barely move.

  “I love you too and I’d do it all again for you and her.”

  “I know you would.” I kissed her and before we could get into it, Aniya came outside. My daughter had been through so much in this short amount of time, but I’m happy Brielle and my family helped out in making her better.

  “Da da.”

  “FINALLY!” She reached for me and Brielle caught an attitude. I was happy as hell because it took her forever to say it.

  “Let’s go inside.” I took her hand and we walked in as happy as ever. No one was ever gonna bother us again.

  The End…


  One year later…

  My son Legacy was born shortly after killing my ex, weighing nine pounds six ounces and I must say, he came out looking exactly like me. I named him Legacy because all of us will have one and he’ll be the man of the family one day. It may not make sense to you, but it makes perfect sense to me and his mother.

  Aniya is walking better than ever, and she has no learning disabilities from the drowning as of right now. She is on the right track for a three-year-old and I couldn’t be happier.

  My ex best friend Nay tried countless times to get me to forgive him and eventually, I had to because he started messing with Brielle’s younger sister. We were at functions all the time and my wife said, to let it go. I did miss our friendship but its gonna take a while for us to get where we used to be. Aniya still loves her godfather to death and I’d never break that relationship up no matter what he and I had going on.

  Vanity and Antoine had their second child and I swear, the nigga was like a slave to her. He was so scared she’d dip out on him, he did whatever she wanted. We had to get her, to make him come out for drinks, that’s how bad it was. I’d probably be the same way if I was in the situation too.

  Marco and Harlow were a whole other story. We couldn’t go nowhere without them tryna fuck. I mean we could be out eating as a family and those two would dip off in the parking lot and come back with their clothes fucked up and everything. Talking about they’re still in the honeymoon phase. Mind you they were married a month after I killed Jacinta. Honeymoon my ass. They just perverts.

  Overall, things worked out like they were supposed to, and I wouldn’t change a thing; except Jacinta hurting my daughter. Oh, as far as Ciara goes, Marco handled her after she tried to kick my wife. I haven’t seen her around and I never asked questions. PEACE!

  Thank you all for making this series and the others a success. You have no idea how much you constantly motivate me to continue writing.

  I wrote this because even though this is fiction, they’re so many women in the world trying hard to conceive and then, you have the women hurting their children because a man doesn’t want them or other reasons. Kids are always the innocent victims and a lot never survive.

  If you or someone you know is pregnant and don’t want their child or showing signs of abusing children, please let someone know. POSTPARTUM, DEPRESSION AND MENTAL HEALTH IS REAL IN ALL COMMUNITIES.

  You can even make anonymous calls, but we have to stop turning a blind eye. Sometimes the signs are there, and we may or may not see them. We have to protect the children because they are the future.

  Love you all and get ready for the next series because its guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.

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