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Jungle Virgins - Two Book Combo

Page 2

by Robert Lubrican

  Jane was terrified. The naked man just stared at her. She screamed and he looked around, like he was looking for something. Then he looked back at her and spoke. "Wu-man".

  She was astonished. He had said "Woman", plain as day. She looked more closely at him. His head was a wash of hair, long, flying every which way, his beard dense. He almost looked like a lion with a human face. But it was a human face. She could see his shoulders and they were definitely human too. Very broad, heavily muscled. Yes, he was immensely strong. Again he pointed and said "Woman".

  For lack of anything else to do she nodded her head and said "Yes. Woman."

  * * *

  Tarzan watched as the woman made her eyes get big, wider, rounder. How did she do that? He knew of no animal who did that. What did that mean? He said his word again, and this time she moved her head in the ape language, saying "All is well" and she repeated his word.

  He knew what the jungle people called him. His name had some mystical meaning to the black ones who gave it to him. He pointed to himself and said "Tarzan" Then he pointed to her and said "Woman".

  * * *

  Jane felt herself go weak when the naked man named himself Tarzan. It was true! He existed! But he was no ape. He was just a man! Well, not just a man. She'd never seen a man like him before. He thought her name was "Woman".

  She pointed to him and said "You, Tarzan" then pointed to herself and said "Me Jane".

  She realized that in pointing she had uncovered her breasts. Then she noticed he wasn't looking at them. He was looking at her face. This was all too odd. She had no cultural basis upon which to act. She knew her nakedness was improper ... except it didn't feel improper, under the circumstances. And she had more than enough to think about without worrying about something she couldn't do anything about anyway. She took her other hand away from her crotch and watched, but he didn't stare at her there either. She was amazed to feel faintly slighted when a man didn't ogle her.

  She saw movement in the tree behind Tarzan. It was a snake! It was a huge snake - a constrictor of some kind and it was lowering its head toward him.

  She started to warn him when he exploded into action.

  * * *

  Tarzan saw the woman name herself "Jane" and then her pupils narrowed quickly. That meant danger and she was looking up, behind him. Only one kind of danger came from above and that was Ra the serpent. His hand streaked to his claw and he moved toward the woman while he moved the claw to his teeth. To defeat Ra one had to keep away from his head. He leapt over the woman, using the flex in the tree limb to leap to another nearby tree. Then, swinging hand over hand he outflanked the snake and came at it from behind. He judged where it's middle was and jumped on it, straddling it. He snatched the claw from his teeth and swung it under the belly of the snake. He stabbed in hard and began to cut it open. He made a four foot incision before the snake began its thrashing. Tarzan hung on, still slashing, trying to cut the snake open. He felt fluid on his hand and knew he was winning. Now Ra tried to fall from the branch, but Tarzan wrapped his legs around the thick body and hung from the branch while he continued to slice and stab. Now he began cutting around the body. He couldn't break Ra's back - he'd almost been killed when he tried that, but Ra hated pain and enough of it could kill the snake. Again and again he struck and finally he was able to hack through the spine. The front half of the snake fell to the ground and thrashed in its death throes. The back half stayed with Tarzan.

  He was pleased. Ra was good eating.

  * * *

  Jane was horrified at what she saw. Tarzan was fast as lightning. He moved like an ape, gracefully and with strength. He had a knife that looked suspiciously like a Bowie Knife from America, almost a hatchet it was so large. And he was vicious.

  The Boa Constrictor never had a chance. From the time he first moved to the time half the snake fell to the ground, Tarzan had spent less than two minutes. And he wasn't even breathing hard. She watched as he came back to the nest with half of the snake. What in the world was he doing? He began to do what she could only believe was butchering the snake's carcass. Deftly he sliced into the thick muscle and cut off strips. He offered one to her.

  She shuddered and shook her head.

  * * *

  Tarzan saw the woman make the ape sign for "Let's move on to better forage" when he handed her some of the succulent snake meat. She didn't take it, and in fact her pale skin took on a greenish tinge.

  Was she like brother chameleon?

  He didn't think so. He ate his portion of the snake and began to wrap the rest up. He'd have to cook it. He'd learned cooking from the black brothers in the villages. It made meat last longer. It was one of the few things he thought they did that was a good idea. But you needed to cook it soon or it would be fit only for brother lion, or the jackals. They'd eat anything. If Jane wanted to move to another forage area, that was fine. He had cooking to do.

  * * *

  Jane watched Tarzan wrap the rest of the snake meat in a large leaf and climb down. She scrambled over to the edge of the platform and peered down to see what he was going to do. He was huddled in a clearing, one of few she could see in the dense forest. There was a black spot with the ground cleared away on all sides. It was a fire pit! Something sparkled in his hand. She realized it was a lens from a pair of glasses and he was using it to concentrate sunlight onto a pile of tinder. Soon smoke came from the tinder and he blew it to life. Then he calmly cooked the pieces of snake he'd wrapped up, putting them on the end of a sharpened stick

  When they were done he went to the part of the snake that had fallen to the ground and cut it up too. These pieces he put on a wooden framework that bent into an upside down 'U' that made a sort of cover for the fire pit. He put green branches on the fire and began smoking the meat. Jane's stomach rumbled. She was hungry. And she had to pee. She explored the platform and found the pot by accident, when her foot slid through the grass and struck it. It was made of clay, and had water in it. Other than the knife and lens, it was the first man-made thing she had seen among Tarzan's belongings. She sniffed the water. It smelled fine and she drank some. She looked around. She couldn't stay in this tree forever. Her stomach rumbled again.

  She started climbing down.

  * * *

  Tarzan heard the tree rustle and knew Jane was moving around. He glanced over to see her climbing down. She wasn't very good at climbing. She didn't know where to put her feet and she took forever to get down. She didn't hang and drop either. She climbed all the way down. How odd. She walked over to him. Now that he had a chance to look at her without other things on his mind, he realized that the fur above her sex organ was the same color as her head fur, pale yellow, almost the color of the grain plant some of the villagers raised when it was ready to cut and make into flour. It was lighter than brother lion's pelt, with more yellow in it. His head fur was light like that too, though not as yellow, and the hair around his prod was distinctly brown.

  He watched her as she went to the snake he had cooked in the fire and looked at it. She licked her lips. Maybe she was hungry after all. He offered her a piece and she took it. First she kissed it, then licked her lips. Then she ate like she was hungry.

  * * *

  Jane tasted the snake meat. It was good! It didn't taste like anything she'd ever eaten before. She tried to think of it as "just meat". She realized she was ravenous and stuffed the meat in her mouth. Tarzan handed her another piece and she ate that too. Her bladder cramped. She was going to have to pee soon. She looked around for somewhere to go. Maybe over there, behind those bushes. She went to see.

  * * *

  Tarzan watched Jane eat. She ate a lot. If he kept her he'd have to hunt more. He thought he'd probably just take her to one of the villages and then she could get back to her own people. She was looking around.

  Now what?

  He knew there was no danger near. He saw her looking at the bushes that grew good berries and she started toward them. The berries weren't ri
pe yet and if she ate them her stomach would hurt. Then she'd be noisy and he wouldn't be able to sleep.

  He got up to go stop her.

  * * *

  Jane got on the other side of the bush from Tarzan and squatted. This was going to be messy, but there wasn't anything else she could do.

  She was mid stream, sighing with relief when Tarzan came around the bush.

  * * *

  Tarzan came around the bush and saw Jane marking territory. What did she think she was doing? He growled, low in his throat, a clear warning.

  But wait. She was using all her urine in one place! Surely she wasn't just eliminating. Not this close to the nest. Not right beside a source of food. Now he growled from his middle throat, saying "You have done wrong, young one." Suddenly Jane stood up, her urine still flowing, now running down her legs as she made the sound of a young one in trouble.

  What in the world was going on here?

  * * *

  Jane panicked when Tarzan began to growl at her. He looked so ferocious, snarling at her. She screamed and bolted upright, but she couldn't cut off the flow of urine. She had to go too badly for that. Now it was running down her legs, getting in her shoes! She stood there, peeing and began to cry.

  * * *

  Tarzan stared at the woman. She was crying! He knew about that. It meant she was in pain. He'd cried like that after a fight he'd had with brother crocodile in the river. He winced at the remembered pain of those jaws, the raking teeth. He'd won that fight, but only barely, and only because of his claw. Maybe she was in so much pain she couldn't control herself. He'd have to clean her up and examine her more closely. He reached for her and just managed to grab her wrist before she began to fight him.

  * * *

  Jane was terrified. This savage man was coming at her. He'd seen her in her most absolute private time. She had to get away! She tried to run but he caught her wrist. Now he was trying to drag her away. She leapt on him, scratching, biting, anything to get away.

  * * *

  Tarzan immediately decided that Jane's people must have come from brother Leopard's line. She snarled and growled like a young one, and tried to use her claws and teeth on him. He slapped her once and she fell to the forest floor, limp. He picked her up, slung her over his shoulder, and set out for the falls.

  * * *

  Jane revived when she felt cold water hit her skin.

  "AWWRP" she screeched as she felt tough hands rubbing the cold water all over her body. Tarzan was washing her! She realized she couldn't hear anything because of the thundering of a waterfall not far away. They were in a clear pool of water, about thigh deep. Tarzan had one hand clamped on her left forearm and was running his other hand all over her body! His hand felt huge and hard, like a pumice stone. She shivered as the hand ran over her buttocks and up her back, then around and down her side. She struggled to stand, and get out of the ice cold water. He looked at her, frowning and let go of her arm. Then he used both hands, running one up the outside of her leg and the other up the inside. He went all the way up and she gasped as his hand touched her vaginal lips. But they didn't linger there, moving right back down. Then the other leg got washed and again his hand clearly contacted her vulva. She stood on tiptoes and spread her legs, trying to get away from his hands, but that only opened her up more. Tarzan scooped up a handful of water and splashed it directly on her mons, washing her pubic hair, his fingers cupped, the fingertips mashing into her vulva. Jane squawked, but before she could react his fingers were gone.

  She blushed at the same time she realized he was only washing her, and that his movements had nothing to do with sex. She glanced at his penis, and saw it was limp, swinging between his legs. His scrotum had pulled up, tight and round, in the cold water. Then her thoughts were torn asunder as his hands washed her breasts. She felt a ball of warmth explode in her abdomen as his rough hands scraped across her tender nipples - nipples no man had ever touched. The feeling was exquisite and she gasped at the tingles of pleasure she felt. But then his hands moved on. As if she were no more than a rag doll, he gripped her by arm and knee and dunked her in the pool. She came up gasping and choking but then, almost tenderly, he examined every inch of her body. He was obviously looking for something. He checked in her scalp, under her arms, all over her body. He even made her raise one leg and he peered directly at her sex. She blushed again at this, but was so overcome with events that she just did as he directed her to. Then he looked puzzled and stared into her eyes. "You ... pain?" he stuttered.

  "No" she said, puzzled herself.

  His fingers touched from each eye, down each cheek in a dotted pattern. "You ... cry."

  Suddenly Jane felt a rush of warmth for this savage man. He had seen her crying by the bush and thought she was in some pain or injured somewhere. All the events of the past day came rushing down on her and she felt tears starting again. She didn't want him to see them, knew he'd misunderstand again. Instead she moved to him, slid her arms around his muscled bulk, and buried her face in his chest.

  Tarzan didn't understand. There was nothing wrong with the woman. He had checked everywhere and she was uninjured. Then she attacked him, but this time it wasn't really an attack. It was the "I like you" movement. He realized she was warm and soft, even in the cold water. He put his arms around her too. He did like her. She was odd, but she felt good to hold. He began to lead her out of the water. She stumbled and almost fell.

  She was so clumsy! He just picked her up and carried her like a baby.

  Jane felt Tarzan's arms go around her and suddenly she felt safe. She didn't understand, but she sensed he was a decent man. And she couldn't survive by herself. She'd have to teach him some more language and then, when they could talk, there'd be fewer misunderstandings. She felt him pulling her to the bank, but tripped on a rock. In an instant she was cradled in his arms. She let her face turn into his chest and let him carry her. It had been a long day. Her stomach was full. She had been cold, but now was warm and safe. Suddenly, all she wanted was to sleep.

  He stopped at a plant and picked several leaves from it. He popped three into his mouth and chewed, handing her three more. She held them, but didn't eat them. He chewed as he walked and then spat out the chewed leaves. She looked at them and then at him, a question in her eyes. He leaned his face close to hers and breathed into her face. His breath smelled clean and sweet. He nodded at the leaves. She put them in her mouth and chewed. By the time they got to the tree with the platform in it she spat the leaves out. They made her mouth feel clean and fresh.

  Tarzan just slung her over a shoulder and scampered up the tree, like she was no more than a sack of flour. She grunted as he moved, but it wasn't so bad. Then he laid her down in the soft grass. She felt the urge to reach for a blanket to pull over her, but realized that was silly.

  She closed her eyes, and let sleep take her.

  * * *

  Jane woke up. It was dark. It was quiet. No, not quiet. She could hear the falls off in one direction. But otherwise it was very still. She felt Tarzan's body next to hers and realized her back was to his front and a lot of her naked body was touching a lot of his naked body. For some reason she concentrated on her buttocks, and immediately felt his penis pressed against her. Her face felt warm and she realized she was blushing.

  If only her friends could see her now. Naked , cuddled up to the fierce and legendary Tarzan of the Apes. She imagined them being horrified, shocked, and insanely curious all at the same time. It occurred to her that she had a singular opportunity to assuage her own curiosity. She concentrated on the feel of that thick penis pressing against her and felt the surge of heat in her loins again. She realized she was getting damp ... down there. She squirmed, trying to back up against his warmth.

  Her friends would never believe this. She drifted back to sleep.

  * * *

  Tarzan came awake, instantly alert. Jane was moving around. His nose twitched. There was an odor - a new odor - an odor that was strangely exc
iting to him. He sniffed and turned his head, sniffing again, trying to locate the source of this new and interesting odor. He heard Jane's breathing return to sleep rhythm and carefully moved away from her.

  He got to his knees and turned his head this way, then that. He realized the odor was coming from Jane! Now he lowered his head, sniffing, quickly locating the place the smell was coming from. It was her sex organ. There, between her legs, an enticing, delicious scent. He put his nose closer, sniffing the wonderful new smell.


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