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Jungle Virgins - Two Book Combo

Page 6

by Robert Lubrican

  It had been a rough morning, so we must forgive her for forgetting to mention Leopoldville as a destination he could take her to. It also never occurred to her to ask to be taken to Tarzan of the Apes. And, she completely missed the fact that he had reacted appropriately to her screamed warning, in addition to saying the word... "No".

  Without a word he turned and walked away from her.

  Chapter 3: The Death Trap

  She followed him through the jungle, part fearful that something would jump out at her and part confident that this boy/man would protect her from anything that happened.

  When she had struggled after him, calling to him, cursing him, he never once turned to look at her, but he never seemed to get farther than fifty or sixty meters in front of her either. She had lugged the briefcase along, unwilling to leave it behind, until her arms hurt so much she had to stop and put it on the ground while she rested.

  But she wouldn't leave it.

  When he saw what was holding them up, he went into the jungle and came back with long, thin leaves of some plant that he wove into a flat rope that he then tied to the straps that held the case closed. Without a word he slung it over his shoulder and the case rode high on his back, leaving his arms and hands free. Then he started off again.

  Penny's wrists hurt, and the blood caked on her torso itched and flaked as she moved. She somehow felt more naked than she was, which was completely, and marveled that her civilized taboo against nudity was so strong.

  She found herself looking at the boy's buttocks as he walked ahead of her. His cheeks flexed and moved as he walked and she realized she thought it was ... beautiful. His back was the same way, though less pronounced. He was like a Greek statue in a museum, come to life. He stopped suddenly and she ran into his back before she could react. Her breasts mashed into his back as her hands grabbed his hips. His head was up... turning... testing the air... listening. She remained very quiet. There was a sudden animal scream from ahead and a sound like cattle perhaps.

  His right hand came down on top of hers, where it touched his hip and he took her hand, leading her off the path, into the more densely packed plants. They came to a tree and he pointed up. There were no branches for her to grab and she shrugged her shoulders helplessly, unconsciously using sign language of a sort.

  He put his hands on the bark and then jumped up, his feet landing a couple of feet below his hands. She couldn't help but notice that his genitals swung low, dangling between his spread legs. Then, like magic, he stood up, his feet somehow gripping the trunk as his hands moved upward and he hopped again. In no time he was fifteen feet up in the tree and she was standing, looking up at him. He walked out on the branch he was standing on as if he were on a city street and gripped a long vine that was hanging

  from above. He pulled it up, made a loop in it and then dropped it down to her. She slipped the loop over her head and under her arms and had barely gripped it when she felt herself lifted off the ground like she was being pulled up by ten men. She stifled a scream by clapping her hand over her mouth. The vine dug cruelly into her arm pits.

  A branch appeared beside her feet and she grabbed for the trunk of the tree, grasping it and getting her feet on something solid. She sobbed with relief as the pressure in her arm pits went away.

  Then his hands were on her holding her sides right beside her breasts as she gasped for air. He was behind her and when she looked over her shoulder she saw him looking to his left. Her eyes followed his and she gasped again as she saw the river, a slow moving width of muddy brown that was alive with crocodiles.

  They were everywhere she looked, on the banks, in the water... everywhere. If he hadn't stopped... if she'd been alone, walking that trail... she'd have walked right into the feeding frenzy that seemed to be going on.

  And it was a feeding frenzy. There was a herd of some kind of bovine creatures that were blundering into the water, trying to cross to the other side, and the crocodiles were making the most of it. Five or six animals were down already and the water around them, red instead of brown, boiled as they were torn to pieces by the voracious crocs. Then, right where the two humans had been standing only moments before, the surviving animals stampeded out of the death trap and into the jungle. Penny felt faint at the idea of anyone trying to keep out of the way of the terrified beasts as they decimated the jungle for fifty meters on either side of the tree they were standing in, and which actually trembled with the passage of the escaping cattle. She turned her head again, to look over her shoulder at the boy, and found his eyes staring straight into hers.

  Something she didn't understand tugged at her and she leaned backwards, toward him. When she did his hands slid forward and cupped her breasts. Penny heard herself sigh and, to her immense surprise, she leaned back harder. When his erection prodded her buttocks she didn't scream or demand that he stop immediately. But her hands came up and held his, as they supported her heavy breasts. He didn't move his hands, but simply let them hold each breast as if it were some soft easily bruised fruit that he

  wanted to be very careful of.

  Then his hands slid out from under hers and he pushed her forward against the trunk of the tree as he turned and fiddled with a vine nearby. When he turned toward her and held open his arms she didn't understand at first, Then he was hugging her, pressing her filthy, blood-caked body against his and making her put her arms around his neck. He lifted her buttocks and she squirmed, resisting, thinking he meant to let her down on his cock, there in the tree.

  He slapped her ass hard with one hand and she yelped as it stung. She wrapped her legs around his waist, preventing her sex from sliding down to where that dangerous penis was.

  The next thing she knew she was flying through the air with dizzying speed ... over the river, full of feeding crocs. She realized he was holding onto a vine and had leapt off the branch ... and that the only thing holding her to him were her arms and legs.

  She sobbed with fear, sure she would fall off, into the river below them. Then she was looking down, over his shoulder, the boy under her as his body went parallel to the ground. His feet hit something solid and, as if they were one person, they flipped upward to a standing position, his feet firmly on the branch of a tree which, ten seconds before, had been across the river from them.

  He stood patiently as her frozen body clung to him. But as the adrenaline in her bloodstream diluted, her muscles couldn't hold on and, little by little, she sagged. She felt her sex slide down his abdomen, until it contacted his rampant cock. She moaned as fear was suddenly and inexplicably replaced with white hot lust as his hard phallus pressed between her vulva and rasped across her clitoris. It was so good to be alive ... so good she wanted to celebrate in a most unthinkable way!

  She snarled, her mind rebelling at the thought that she wanted him... was willing at that moment to surrender her cherished virginity. Her feet fell to the branch and she pushed him away from her.

  The limb they were standing on was perhaps six inches across. She leaned and began to fall immediately.

  Her arms flailed and her scream cut the air as her eyes caught his. She would have sworn that he was tempted to let her fall to her death, based on what she saw in his eyes.

  At the last moment, however, his hand snaked out, faster than she would have thought possible, and he grabbed her wrist. He didn't hug her again, and though she wanted to, she made herself keep from clasping him. Instead she reached for a nearby vine and tried to calm her heartbeat as she stood stiffly on the limb.

  "I'm all right now" she said. Idly she wondered why she spoke to him at all. He obviously didn't understand or speak English. But it made her feel more normal. She felt the residual effects of lust in her body as moisture left her cleft and ran down her left leg. Her nipples felt super sensitive and she wanted to tweak and squeeze them.

  But not in front of this boy.

  Twice more she clutched him, terrified as his strong arms held a vine and they flew, like birds from one tree to the n
ext. Each time she felt hot and flushed as she pressed her naked body to his. She wanted to kiss him, to suck his tongue, to swallow his penis until it shot the thick white balm she knew was in that low hanging sack under it. It was probably because she was so sexually excited that she was able to grip him without falling to her death.

  Once they were well past the dangerous river banks, he led her back down to the ground, and they walked on.

  What seemed like several hours later the naked boy stopped, looked around and sniffed the air. Penny tensed. He didn't do that unless the world was about to come to an end.

  But this time he simply got off the trail and began to pick his way through the jungle until they came to a small runnel that had clear water flowing through it. He stood in the stream and began to wash the blood and grime off his body.

  Penny couldn't wait to join him.

  * * *

  With long sighs of pleasure she splashed cool water on her body, rubbing at the dirt and dried blood. She was embarrassed to feel her nipples spike under the cool water and repeated rubbing to get them clean. She was mildly astonished that she could be so constantly aroused under these dire circumstances, but she undeniably was. And this time, the urge to find some release was too strong. She turned away from the boy. She pinched her nipples hard and felt the spike of pleasure that presaged an orgasm.

  She hoped she could do it quietly.

  She was washing the crusted muck out of her almost white pubic hair, preparing to diddle her clit when she felt his hands on her back. She jumped and took a breath to scream, but bit it off as she realized he was actually helping her bathe. His strong hands splashed her and then slid across her back and shoulders. When they reached her buttocks she tensed again, but he made no attempt to violate her, simply washing her dirty buns clean. Then he did the back of her legs too before stopping. She was at

  once contrite for her animosity toward him as he helped her, and smolderingly angry with him for stopping her from having her orgasm.

  Then it occurred to her that she was clean... and naked. She felt more naked than before.

  She looked over her shoulder bashfully to see him standing with his back to her, arms folded. He was obviously waiting for her to reciprocate. She thought about getting her hands on those muscles. He expected her to touch him.

  So she did.

  She had touched a lot of men in her short life, but she had never run her hands over a man as hard as this one. Everywhere her hands flitted she felt ripples of muscle. Even his ass cheeks, which she had spent so much time staring at in amazed wonder, were hard as rocks. She had the sudden intense urge to turn him around, so she could see his penis. She felt the heat of her own excitement flow into her loins and the absurdity of the situation flushed through her again. She was a civilized woman, for pity's sake!

  She exerted control over what she thought of as her 'baser urges' and stood back. Even if she thought to approach him sexually, he probably wouldn't return her interest. Other than that one mostly hard erection he'd gotten while she was helpless, and another while they were standing above the crocodiles, she'd see no indication that he had any interest in her sexually at all.

  She decided that both were a reaction to the danger they had been in. That notion was shattered as he turned around and she saw that he was now fully erect! Clan now, his sexual organ was as magnificent as the rest of him, standing straight out, pale and pink looking. It was the same diameter for it's full length, unlike some she'd seen, which were smaller at the tip than further back. He was uncut, of course, so there might be some definition under the hood, but from what she could see, he would stuff any girl to her limits. She stared at it as if it were some dangerous beast that was sleeping, or tied to something. Then, blushing she raised her eyes to find him looking at exactly what she was looking at.

  She watched in fascinated horror as his hand slowly circled his rigid length and he jacked the foreskin back off the tip, revealing it to her. Yes, there was definition there, with a bulbous head that had a flaring crest behind it and then the diameter dropped to a smaller neck before swelling back out and becoming the shaft.

  And he kept stroking his cock, standing there like it was the most normal thing in the world to do. She stood in the shallow water, frozen. She'd masturbated a few men, but she'd never seen one do it to himself.

  Her vulval vestibule got hot and itchy, so much so that she squatted in the water and then she 'washed' herself while his hand sped up until it was flashing back and forth. She managed to get a couple of good tweaks in on her nipples, and felt her release coming back.

  Then his hand streaked back and stopped. The little slit in the head of his cock opened, and a thick stream of viscous white shot out at least three feet. He aimed it upward, as if playing with it and jerked himself again as a second stream burst out, following the first. Her own efforts were almost rewarded by an orgasm when she lost her balance and fell back in the water with her finger stuck firmly in her fanny. She stared at his penis as three more jerks and three more arcing ropes of sperm finished him off. She jerked her finger out of her body as he opened his eyes and continued to milk his softening penis gently for a while.

  Penny moaned. She had been so close.

  Then, he too squatted in the water and he slapped at the water with his now soft phallus, cleaning it off. He sighed, stood up, looked at Penny and started off, gesturing for her to follow him. Penny realized in a flash of insight that he had become excited, and simply dealt with that excitement in the most expeditious manner.

  It was as if she hadn't even been there.

  As she started off she grumbled to herself about how men always took care of themselves, but never seemed to care about the woman. Not that she was his woman, but still, it seemed all too much of a wham, bam, never mind you, ma'am kind of attitude, and she didn't appreciate it that she was still horny when she had to follow him back onto the jungle path and their journey continued.

  * * *

  Boy glanced up at the canopy of jungle. They wouldn't make it back home by nightfall. They'd need shelter. Predators would smell her for a long distance. She didn't smell like jungle yet. He knew from his studies that it was her diet that he was smelling, and that not even water would wash that odor off of her. Only after she had eaten of the jungle for a month would she begin to blend in. He could deal with the predators, but he wanted to sleep too, and he couldn't do both. There were caves above the river not too far away. It was off his path, but worth it. He'd used one of the caves before. Maybe the rushes he'd put there as a bed last time would still be there. Hopefully nothing dangerous had moved in, and there wouldn't be too much bat guano on them. He glanced at the woman.

  He had to admit he was impressed with this woman, despite her flapping tongue and strange behavior. He admired her courage and her willingness to keep going. Anyone could see she was almost dead on her feet, but she never gave up. It would be good for her to be able to rest too.

  * * *

  Penny was on her last legs, but she wouldn't admit it to this savage boy. When he suddenly changed direction she stumbled past him before jerking to a stop. The path went on ahead of them, but he was turning, going into the jungle.

  "What are you doing?" she yelled at him impatiently. "Where are you going?"

  Boy knew if he answered the woman in her language that she'd never shut up, so he kept silent and just kept going. If she wanted to live she'd follow him. If not, then it would be much more quiet while he slept. He smiled as he heard her crash along behind him. He wanted to look back. She was nice to look at, at least she was when she got cleaned up a little.

  They got to the river and when Boy started wading in to cross Penny screamed.

  "No! The crocodiles! You'll be killed!"

  She also saw that satchel on his back, and the thought of some prehistoric reptile tearing at it made her heart stop.

  Boy stopped, and looked all around, as if he were trying to see the crocodiles she was warning him about.
He already knew she wasn't from the jungle, but anyone knew that crocs had their own territory, and that the whole river wasn't full of them. He waded further out. It wasn't over his head here, but he knew he had to keep the briefcase dry, so he held it over his head and walked, instead of swimming. When he got to the other bank he stopped and turned around.

  He waited.

  Penny was frantic with fear. Her savior was on the other side of the river. Anything could come at her now and she'd be helpless. He didn't act like there was anything dangerous in the river. But the scene of those feasting crocodiles was very clear in her memory. The fear of the unknown behind her was stronger though, and, hesitantly, she put one foot in the water.


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