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A Crown of Blood and Bone: Paranormal Romance (The Shadow Walkers Saga Book 1)

Page 11

by Sloane Murphy

  "He'll never accept it, he's a Bennett," Bauer says as he appears in the room. "I found your Leviathan mark, Remy."

  "Enough of that," Maddie interrupts. "It can wait until after everyone eats.

  "Yes ma'am," Bauer says with a smile as she clucks at him and he takes a seat at the table. I sit down opposite him, in the seat I've sat in all my life and the others join us, as Maddie lays out a feast before us. How she whipped this up while we were outside fucking around astonishes me. Cooking is not a skill of mine. The eggs, ham, cheeses and pastries make my mouth water, as she adds potatoes and other meats too.

  "Dig in!" she announces and it’s like feeding time at the zoo. Luckily, I grew up like this, so I'm used to practically fighting for my food, but I guess that's part of the fun of eating like this, with the ones you love.

  I stuff my face, despite the donuts earlier, and content sighs and groans ripple around the room as Maddie smiles from her seat.

  "I'm glad that you all enjoyed it." she beams. It's so hard to try and imagine her out killing beasts and kicking ass when she's always seemed like such a homebody to me. She excels at the things I know I never will, she's such a mom. That’s something I don't think I'd be that great at, and considering this life, I'm not sure it's something I'd choose.

  It hits me then, that I don't know if I've ever had children, and I'm not sure that I want to know yet, so I tuck the question away for another time. Maybe once my memories are back, I won't have to ask.

  I stand and start to clear the table, Bauer joins me and helps me load the dishwasher, while the others all talk around the table.

  "So, you found the mark? What does it mean?" I ask quietly, hoping that the others conversation will distract them enough from my question.

  "I did, but I don't know yet, there isn't much information about it, or about being Angel blessed, at least, not that I could find yet. I'll keep looking though."

  "Thanks, Bauer. I appreciate it."

  "Anything for you, Rem. Now you should probably go rest, it might not feel like it right now, but the ritual takes a lot out of you, the next few days are going to suck." He gives me a sad smile and I worry about how much he's not telling me.

  Bauer wasn't wrong. I went up to my old room yesterday afternoon and fell asleep. The strangest dreams haunted me, and when I woke up this morning I felt like death. Genuine death, and fuck my fucking life. I threw up the minute I stood, so that was fun. So much for the all powerful, kick ass Remy Bennett my brothers keep going on about. I feel like shit.

  After the excitement of all that, I shoved some dry toast down my throat, even passing up on coffee and came back to bed. I've tried to go back to sleep for the last few hours but I just can't. The headaches that keep assaulting me are devastating, each time I come out of them, I feel a little different, like I'm a different person, but only kind of. It’s the weirdest sensation. But one upside, I'm remembering things. Like the names of the constellations that make up my birthmarks, or old Angel marks, or whatever the hell it is. I can't remember why I got those specific ones yet, beyond the archer that Creek told me about, but I have the weirdest snippets. I feel so shitty, I haven’t even taken a second to look at my marks, I’ve seen hints over my shoulder, Bauer says its growing, so I’m just going to wait till I don’t feel like my eyes are going to fall out of my head by trying to catch a glimpse myself. Especially with everything hitting me like it is right now.

  I have memories of moments with people I don't know, like the dreams I was having weeks ago. I know that Kain is someone I've worked with a lot, but I also get the feeling he isn't someone I should mention to my family, but I have no idea why. Instinct tells me to keep my mouth shut though, so that's what I'm going to do. Not everything is meant to be shared, my mom used to tell me that when I was younger, and it’s never made more sense to me than it does now.

  I also know that I'm meant to have the sword that Colt tried to give me before, now that my memories are starting to filter through, I feel like I'm missing a limb without it. I've had the sword forever, it’s been with me through everything. That much I know.

  I also remembered about obsidian, how it is a Lycans greatest weakness, and that iridium in any form is enough to kill a Dracul, but you're still better taking their heads. Apparently, my film references are completely wrong, because sunlight, garlic, holy water, mirrors, all big myths. They don't sparkle either. They look exactly like humans, except, more ethereal, the only difference is the copper ring around the outside of their irises to give them away. Not exactly the most obvious detail but thank god for Hunter eyesight apparently. I don't remember much about Lycans yet, I'm pretty sure that will come, but the Dracul haunted my dreams last night.

  “How you feeling, Remy?” Colt’s head pokes around the door of my bedroom, letting in a dim light, which still manages to make my eyes water.

  “I’d be better in darkness,” I tell him, pulling the comforter up over my head. I hear his chuckle and a click as the door closes.

  “That better?” he asks and the mattress dips. I pull the comforter back down and find him sat cross legged at the end of my bed. Seeing his hulk at the end of my queen bed is amusing as fuck, because he looks so out of place, but I swallow the laugh, because my head hurts enough as it is.

  “Much, thank you.”

  “How’s your head?” he asks and I sit up properly, I get the feeling he needs to talk, and it’s not often he looks this serious.

  “It’s been better, stuff is starting to come back to me. It’s a bit of a jumbled mess, and I feel more confused than anything, but I could be worse I guess.” I shrug. “Is it always like this?”

  He nods, looking solemn. "Yeah, it sucks ass. I was in bed for a week, but then, my ritual wasn't as dramatic as yours. I didn't get all of my memories, even after the six months, so there's still gaps, but most stuff has been filled in. The important stuff anyway." I smile at him and he shrugs. "I think you might get it all back."


  "Yeah. Being Angel blessed is no joke. It’s like a fairytale to Hunters. A story from generations before us. From the beginning. Of those who managed such feats that they became Angel blessed, with great powers, beyond those of a normal Hunter. And, I mean, you were kinda beyond anyway. If I'm honest, it kind of scares me Remy. It's going to make you an even bigger target, and not just to the other factions. Not all Hunters are what they seem, so just be careful okay? Once it’s safe to fill you in completely, I will. I trust you, you're blood. I know you wouldn't betray us, or the faction. You’ve always been about the greater cause. Just trust me, and outside of the people you know closest, trust no-one. Not even the elders."

  "I'm not scared, Colt, I mean, look at how the mark tried to protect me at the ritual, and something inside me tells me that was just a tiny warning hit. But if it makes you feel better, I'll be careful."

  "Thanks Remy. Bauer asked me to check on you and your mark. Get some pictures." He waves his phone in front of his face. "That okay?"

  "Sure," I nod and move so my back is facing him. I lift my hair out of the way, and close my eyes as the flash lights up the room.

  "So, this is weird, but, can you lift your top." I can practically hear him squirm behind me and I laugh.

  "Colt, it’s just my back, it’s not like we've never been swimming together." I roll my eyes and lift my tank top, his intake of breath makes me pause.

  "It's grown hasn't it?" I sigh.

  "You could say that, yeah." He snaps a few more pictures and I pull my top down. "You need anything else before I head out? I'm hitting the gym with Creek for a bit before our patrol tonight."

  "No, I'm good thank you. Just tell Bauer to let me know what he finds. Oh, and can you send me those pictures? As soon as I can stand the light, I want to take a look." He nods and my phone buzzes on the night stand. "Thanks."

  "Anything for you, little bit. Catch you later."

  "I'm not going anywhere," I sigh and lie back down, wondering what Colt meant ab
out the elders. I close my eyes and decide not to worry about it. God knows I've got enough to worry about right now as it is. My head starts pounding, a low thrum and I know what's coming, so I get comfortable and pray for sleep.

  The branches of the trees whip my face as I tear through the forest, running faster than I ever remember running. I hear them behind me, the rogue Lycans from the nest I found tonight. Of course, I'd insisted on coming alone, one little Lycan nest is nothing, I'm a fucking idiot.

  I pause, holding my breath and focusing on listening to their steps. The thuds of movement become rhythmic, and I realize they've shifted. Mother fuckers.

  I debate climbing the trees, wolves and climbing, not two things that typically go together, but that seems like the easy way out, and Remington Bennett has never taken the easy way out. Never.

  I take a deep breath and start running again. I head west to the clearing I found on the way here, knowing that I've got a better chance of surviving if I have space to fight, rather than darting through these god damn trees.

  Howls ring out around me as the wolves notice the shift in my scent. The pounding behind me grows closer and I push harder, this is not my night to die.

  I reach the clearing, completely empty, lit by the glow of the full moon tonight. If Lycans could only shift with a full moon, that would make the rest of the month so much easier.

  "Hunter," the half-shifted man growls as he breaks the tree line.

  "You guys should have just gone on your way, rather than chasing me. That was a stupid idea."

  "You slaughtered our mates!" the woman who just broke the tree line screams.

  "You shouldn't have left the safety of your pack, I guess. Rogue wolves are easier to track. Easier to put down." I shrug, faking the nonchalance I wish I felt.

  I draw the swords from my back, only one of them lethal to the Lycans emerging from the trees, but considering there's six of them, and one of me, I'll take my chances on any injuries. I already took out six of these shit heads, I have no idea how so many rogues banded together. Usually they travel in pairs, or as a four max.

  I spin slowly, making eye contact with each of them, taking note of the markings on those who are half turned, or in their human skin. There are twelve packs on this continent. All lead by the alpha of alphas, Roman Knight. But some of these markings don't belong to the American packs. I don't even recognize some of them, but I can't focus on that right now.

  "We are pack," the first man who spoke growls, his voice more wolf than man. At his words two of the shifted charge towards me at his signal.

  I raise my swords, ready for their attack. They come at me from opposite sides, and I don't even think, I just feel. I raise one blade and drop one knee, as the first jumps for my throat, my blade pierces their chest and I drag downwards to the stomach, blood sprays around me, covering me, but I barely notice it as the other charges straight for me. It knocks into me, throwing me backwards. I groan, as I roll, but end up crouched, as it charges me again, and the half- turned woman runs at me too. I sheath the iridium sword, and pull the gun from my thigh holster.

  "Fuck this shit." I aim and fire, the woman almost looks stunned as the bullet hits her in the heart and she drops as the wolf bites down on my shoulder. I grit my teeth as it locks on. This isn't my first bite, but Jesus Christ does that shit hurt. I swap hands of my gun and shoot the wolf between the eyes. The whine as it releases my shoulder and falls to the floor barely registers as I shoot two others who start toward me.

  "Really? Do you have a death wish?" I shout to the others, but I can tell that the rage, the blood lust has taken them. Fucking rogues.

  "Guns are for the weak, Hunter. And there was me thinking the great and legendary Remington Bennett was more of a Hunter than that," the leader goads but I roll my eyes, feeling the holes on my shoulder starting to close.

  "Guns are for the clever, moron. But if you want to do this the old way, I am more than happy to kill you that way." I smirk and sheath my sword and gun.

  "That ego is going to be the death of you," the other man on the edge of the clearing says quietly, but it still reaches me, like he knew it would and I shrug.

  "I earned my ego, pup."

  "Don't say I didn't warn you," he mutters, and moves quicker than I've ever seen a Lycan move. I duck and feel his fist glance off of my wounded shoulder rather than my face where he was aiming, but I don't manage to escape the second fist to my ribs. I grit my teeth and pull a throwing knife from my hip.

  Fuck this.

  I jab at the Lycan, quick, fatal hits. Throat, thigh, chest. So quick he doesn't register until it’s too late. I feel movement behind me and throw the blade backwards, then I hear the moment it hits it’s mark in the other man’s throat.

  "I tried to warn you. I was even going to let you live. To make better choices, but you fucking morons just couldn't take the out. Couldn't just go back to Roman. Now look at you." I shake my head and wipe some of the blood from my face feeling it smear.

  "You will regret this," the wolf at my feet utters, his breath labored.

  "I don't think I will," I say kneeling down to him and putting my hands on either side of his face. I twist, and the bones snap. Not enough to kill him, but enough to knock him out while he bleeds out. I'm a Hunter, not a sadist.

  The gurgled breath of the other wolf reaches me and I sigh. I turn and head over to him, removing the blade from his throat, wiping it on my leather pants before tucking it away. He grabs my ankle and his claws tear through my pants and Achilles. I bite my lip to stop from screaming but grab my gun and shoot the mother fucker between the eyes before falling backwards onto my ass.

  "Fuck!" I shout into the silence of the forest. There is no way that is going to heal quickly enough for me to get out of here on my own.

  "You need a hand?" the voice echoes around the clearing and my head droops.

  "And you couldn't weigh in before now?" I bite out. "You know I couldn't."

  "Fucking bullshit faction politics." "It is what it is."

  "Are you going to help me or not?" I clench my teeth as I try to stand and fail.

  "I will, I'm just cherishing this moment, when the great Remington Bennet needs my help." His dark hair reflects the moonlight, and his laugh does things to my body that it has no business doing. He sniffs, scenting the change in me. "Needs more than just my help," he says, practically purring.

  "Roman, I swear to god."

  I wake up in a pool of sweat, panting. What the fuck was that, and why was the alpha of alpha's helping me?


  Four days have passed, and I finally feel like I can breathe again. While my memories are not even close to back, and I'm more confused than I've ever been in my life, I'm keeping everything to myself until I understand more. Like why the hell I was working with Roman Knight, and who the hell Kain is, and how he factors into everything. Other stuff makes more sense, I remember more about what we are, our ways, and it’s strange, because I see the old me in my mind, and it’s like it’s a different person. I don't feel like her, I don't even look like her, except for my eyes.

  Not really. I can tell that it’s me, we look related, but it’s my violet eyes that give it away.

  I shower and dress for the first time in days, and that alone makes me feel a ton better. Heading downstairs, I hear banging in the kitchen, followed by Bauer cussing. I guess he's trying to cook. It never was a skill of his. Of any of ours other than Mom really.

  I laugh when I find him covered in what I'm assuming is egg, from the looks of it. The glass bowl lays on its side at his feet, the rest of the mixture pooling at his feet.

  "Having fun?" I smile, and he looks up and groans. "Barrel of laughs. Can't you see this is my favorite thing?" he mutters as he bends down and picks up the bowl. "How about I clean that up while you change, and we go out for breakfast? Molly's still does the best breakfast stack on this side of the world." I smile, and the smile he gives me in return warms my heart. I haven't always be
en that close to Bauer, but now with some of my memories back, I know that isn't always the case. Sometimes, he's been like the other side of the same coin.

  "I'm glad to see you're feeling better, but yeah that sounds great. We better check to see if the others want to come. If we go to Molly's without them, heads will roll," he laughs and heads upstairs to change while I clean the gloopy mess up.

  Once its dealt with I pour myself a coffee and just enjoy feeling more like myself than I have in a while. The cloud of everything with Jack doesn't seem so dark and heavy anymore, god knows I've dealt with worse heartbreak than that. In this life, and in others. Even if I don't remember what they are, I can feel it. That this isn't going to break me. The weight of all things Hunter weighs down on me, but it also doesn't feel crippling, as if I know that my memories are coming back, and I know I can deal with the burden it brings, like I have a dozen times before.

  I smile into my coffee cup as Colt bounds into the kitchen with a huge grin. I guess it makes more sense now to me why my brothers never moved out of here. Safety in numbers, out in the middle of nowhere so should anything happen, no innocents get caught in the crossfire, but if they think I'm giving up my apartment, they can think again.

  "You're back!" he says as he slides into the chair beside me. "And we're going to Molly's!"

  "You're very excited for this time of day." I laugh.

  "It's Molly's. Of course, I'm excited! I've been gone a long time. There were no Molly's out there. I miss that place hard. I text Creek, he's going to meet us there, I swear he was more excited about that than going on patrol last night," he says shaking his head, before leaning forward, and pulling something out of his back pocket. "Your keys. Your cat is a menace, but he's been fed, watered, let out and let back in. I have the cuts to prove it. Little shit."

  I laugh as he rolls up his sleeves and the faint lines that are obviously from Sushi are almost healed.


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