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A Crown of Blood and Bone: Paranormal Romance (The Shadow Walkers Saga Book 1)

Page 19

by Sloane Murphy

  "You should sleep," I tell him softly, and he pulls back from me looking into my eyes making my heart flutter.

  "I could say the same about you."

  "I will, once I check on my dad, and my brother." I smile down at him.

  "Fine," he says, pushing his chair back and standing with a groan. I follow him up the stairs, trying my best not to appreciate the man in front of me, when it seems so inappropriate, but fates above, I only have so much strength.

  "Stop checking out my ass," he laughs softly, and I swat it.

  "Shouldn't put it in eye line if you didn't want me to ogle." I match his laugh with my own, smiling at his back.

  He walks down the hall to the bathroom, and with one final glance at him and that ass, I go the opposite way to my dad’s room, the door already ajar.

  I walk into the silent room, and find my dad with more color in his face than he had this morning. I smile, thankful that he seems to be healing quickly. With the bullet matter unknown, we don't know how long it will take for him toheal fully, but I have hope that it won't be long. My dad is a fighter, he won't let something like this keep him down for long.

  I take his hand and just sit with him in the silence for a while, enjoying the peace of being able to be here with him.

  When I feel myself drifting towards sleep, I put his hand back by his side, and make my way to Bauer’s room. I knock, but snores answer me. I sigh, sorry that I missed him, but there is always tomorrow to apologize for being such an ass.

  I head to my room, and don't even bother with the light when I enter. I kick off my chucks and strip down to my tank and panties, undoing the ponytail in my hair, sighing with the relief of it. I slip beneath my sheets before I realize I'm not alone. I hold my breath, but I realize its Creek, and he's already asleep on top of the comforter. He must have been waiting for me.

  It is not the first time he's slept beside me, and I don't want to disturb him, he looks so peaceful so I turn over, and close my eyes, the soft sounds of his breathing lulling me to a deep sleep.


  I wake, the heat stifling. That’s when I remember I'm not alone, Creek is wrapped around me, like my own personal cocoon. I smile, even if uncomfortable from the heat. I try to lift his arm to get up, but he groans and pulls his arms tighter.

  "Go back to sleep," he murmurs, burying his head into my neck. I shiver at the feel of his lips on my skin, goose pimples covering my entire body.

  "Maybe I don't want to sleep," I whisper back to him. He pulls me even closer, and even with the comforter between us, I can feel his hardness digging into my back.

  "Do not tease me, Remy," his voice full of sleep and gravelly makes my pussy clench. I might have said I wasn't ready, implied that it was too soon, but my traitorous heart seems more than ready to move on from Jack, despite the lack of time, recognizing that what I felt for him was not true love. Not like I feel for Creek. For Kain.

  I shift in his arms, turning to face him. He maneuvers so that he is under the sheets with me. I run my hands up his bare chest, feeling the muscles below tense at my touch, then resting my hands there between us. His eyes close at the contact, as he leans his head towards mine, so close I feel his breath on my cheek.

  "What are we doing?" his words so soft, almost a plea. I answer him with a kiss, and his lips devour mine. He moves us, so that he is above me, and kisses me with so much passion it steals my breath. His mouth moves to my neck as he grinds down into me and I bite my lip to stifle the groan that escapes me. His hands move upwards lifting my tank, and I pull up slightly so he can remove it, throwing it to the floor before his hands and lips are back on me.

  "Creek," I gasp, as his lips move down to my breast kissing, licking and sucking, and I know he's marking me. Laying his own claim, in a place few will ever see. His mouth moves to my nipple and I tangle my fingers in his long wild hair.

  His hand moves slowly, softly down to my wetness, and I gasp as his fingers stroke my clit as his mouth sucks on my nipple.

  "Holy shit." I can’t help but grind against his hand at the sensations. His fingers work me into a frenzy, not relenting until I topple over the peak he led me to. He quietens my release with his mouth on mine, swallowing my screams.

  He pulls back and looks down at me with a panty melting smile.

  "Morning." he says softly.

  "Morning," I blush. He rolls off of me, and pulls me into him, so my head rests on his chest. I lie there, not knowing what to say, when we just obviously blew past the line I'd tried to draw in the sand to stop anyone getting hurt. To stop things getting even more complicated than they already were.

  "Stop overthinking it, Remy." Creek laughs underneath me. His laugh rumbles through his chest, and I smile at how well he knows me. Maybe it will be okay. Just maybe it will all work out, but for now, I'm going to enjoy this.

  I reach down and cup him, hard as steel beneath my fingers and his sharp intake of breath widens my smile.

  "You don't have to, Remy. That’s not what this was." "Hush," I say, kissing him gently again. I trace my

  fingertips back down his chest, and slip my hand beneath his sweatpants.

  Commando. Interesting.

  I tease the tip of his cock, so hard and so warm beneath my touch, loving the way he feels, how he reacts to me. I slip from his grasp, and pull down his sweatpants, revealing him to me. And holy mother of all that is right with the world. He felt huge beneath the material, but to see it.

  Just wow.

  I move down the bed, sitting between his legs, and lean down, swiping my tongue around the head, stroking him as I do. His breath hitches and he groans as I take him in my mouth, his sounds encouraging me.

  His hand holds my hair and he guides me further down onto him until he reaches the back of my throat, making me gag before letting me up for air. My eyes water, but the shudder than runs through him excites me enough to do it again. I let his hand guide my head down as his hips thrust up, and delight in how lost he seems. I look up at him because I want to see him as he comes undone, I see his hooded eyes full of heat staring back at me like I’m his Queen.

  “Fuck, Remy.” He tries to lift my head, but I keep sucking his thick cock, until he empties himself down my throat with a shout. I swallow and lick my lips, smiling up at him. He sits and pulls me up to him, so I’m straddling him and kisses me again so softly.

  We sit in comfortable silence like that until I hear movement downstairs.

  “I think we woke your brother,” Creek says, and I can feel his awkwardness already.

  “If we did, so be it. I’m pretty sure my brother isn’t a saint.” I shrug, but get up from his lap.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower, want to come wash my back?” I ask with a cheeky wink.

  He groans and rubs a hand down his face. “You little temptress.”

  He looks conflicted, looking to the door, and then back to me. He seems to make up his mind as he leaps from the bed and scoops me up into his arms, making me squeal.

  “I will never get enough of you.”

  This day has been exhausting. After my extremely nice wake up this morning, that I can’t find it in me to regret despite the complications it brings, my day spiraled. Not wanting to leave the house, Bauer had us all running drills and circuits on the land behind the house. I don’t remember the last time I sweated that hard without it being fun.

  My body is now sore, and not in a good way. I slip down onto my sofa with a sigh. Colt text us all earlier to let us know he’d be back tomorrow, with no more information than that, and still no reason as to why it was that he up and left.

  My mind whirrs as my body sinks into the cushions below me. I kick off my shoes and curl up, I know I need to move. There are still things I need to do, especially since only Nate and Maddie have been patrolling since my dad’s accident, but I can’t muster the energy to worry about it.

  My phone vibrates on the table and I groan.

  Please don’t be important. />
  I lift my phone and see Kain’s name. I maybe should have been more discreet, but no-one really pays attention to my phone except for me.

  I miss you, mon amour. Not long until I will see you again, however Roman’s arrival is causing problems. A gift for you, to remind you of me until we meet again. K

  The text makes me smile, even if it doesn’t all make sense. I place my phone back down when the knock sounds against my door. I wonder who the hell that is and stand, opening the door and coming face to face with nothing but air. I look down and see the small black box, again wrapped with violet ribbon. I reach down and claim it, shutting and locking the door behind me.

  My phone buzzes again on the table, but ignore it and look down at the small ring box, my breath shallow. I untie the soft ribbon slowly, drawing it out, unsure if I want whatever is in the box. I lift the lid and gasp at what I find.

  A black obsidian wishbone ring, with a pear-shaped amethyst set in its center.

  It’s beautiful. I lift it from the box and slide it onto my index finger, the fit perfect. Such a thoughtful gift, the elements that represent us both. The obsidian for his greatest weakness, and the amethyst for my eyes. I go back to the sofa and pick up my phone to thank him, when I spot another message from him.

  A treasure for my treasure. One I have kept for a millennia and gifted you a dozen times. I hope you like it as much in this life as you have in your others. K

  This ring has been mine for longer than I remember, and that he kept it safe for me makes my heart burst. Such a small thing, but representative of so much. I lie down, my mood suddenly plummeting.

  How on earth will I choose when the time calls for it?

  I take a deep breath, deciding that now is not the time to worry over it. Fate only knows how many other things I have to juggle right now as it is. I head to bed, and leave the window open for Sushi to return when he sees fit.

  I run through the passageways, so dark that I can barely see my hand in front of my face, but I let my instincts guide me. The sound of steel on steel rings out in the distance, and I push harder. If I don’t get there… I don’t want to think of what could happen.

  The air whips past me as I move as fast as my body will carry me, barely a shadow to mortal eyes. That’s when I hear the roar, and I fear I am too late. Lights flicker in the distance, and I know I am close. So close.

  I hurtle forward and crash into the room, finding the two of them locked in battle, their movements so fast, each as strong as the other.

  I cannot let them kill each other; my heart could not take it. I watch, waiting for an opening, to bring an end to the madness, and rush forward, knowing that this will be the end of me in this life but knowing that it is a sacrifice I would make time and again.

  I reach them, and feel the blade pierce my heart. For a second, everything stops, no-one breathes as they realize what has happened.

  “Remy, no!” Creek catches me as my knees fail and falls to his knees with me, cradling me in his arms.

  “What did you do!” Roman roars, pulling at the dark locks of his hair.

  “Stop, please.” My words pierce the air, as blood trickles from my mouth. “Stop this madness. You cannot kill or blame each other. The choice was my own.”

  “I do not understand,” Creek says as Roman paces in front of us before crumbling to the floor on my other side.

  “My mate…” his hushed cries make tears well in my eyes, as Creek’s gaze snaps to Roman.

  “That isn’t possible,” he grits out, before looking back down at me. “Tell me this isn’t true, Remy.”

  He pleads, and I know he doesn’t understand, he couldn’t, and yet I beg him to try with my eyes.

  “Nothing is impossible in our world, Creek,” I say and rest my hand on his cheek as tears stream down his face.

  Roman lifts me from Creek’s arms and cradles me against his chest.

  “Where are the Witches? We must get her to one,” he growls. “Your foolishness and bigoted hatred will be the death of her.”

  “There are none. They fled when your kind came to the town. Her death is on your hands.” Creeks words are laced with venom and I wince.

  “Stop it, please. Just stop. You both live in my heart, and I could not choose, so I chose myself. Either of your deaths would have broken me, but you are both stronger than me. Try, please, to mend the bridges that were burnt by our ancestors. Learn, as I have, the truth of it all.” I try to breathe, but my heart stutters in my chest, failing me.

  “Remy, no,” Creek’s voice breaks as Roman kisses my forehead.

  “Go now, my mate. Suffer no more. I will find you again.”


  The call came in as I was brushing my teeth. The message simple. Get my ass home.

  Fucking pushy asshole men.

  I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. I might have woken up with the red mother saying hello. Regardless, I don't appreciate the summons, the dictation of my movements, especially when I had plans. Those plans included getting real cozy with my couch, the ice cream bucket in my freezer and the latest season of Vampire Diaries. How bloody dare they summon me.

  All because Colt is home. No update on Dad, he's the same. I checked first thing before I made my plans. But nooooo, Colt, the freaking douchebag, stomped all over my plans.

  Am I whining? Hell yes, I am. Am I going to apologize for it? Abso-fucking-lutely not!

  I rinse my face and shut off the taps before pulling my mess of hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head.

  They should be thankful I got dressed and put a god damn bra on today. Makeup can suck it.

  I feed Sushi and grab my phone and keys before heading down to my car. The smell of leather when I climb in calms me a little, but I still feel the irritation, like bubbles beneath my skin. I love this car. I close my eyes, rub the steering wheel and take a deep breath, not willing to sacrifice my baby because I'm in a shitty mood and end up rear-ending some asshole on the way over to my dad’s.

  I swear, if they don't have breakfast waiting...

  I put the car in gear and ease out of the spot, cranking the music up so loud I can barely hear myself think. The perfect way to spend this journey. PVRIS fills my car with their haunting melodies, and it’s almost enough to lift my mood, especially with the hint of fall peeking through. The leaves turning to those beautiful browns and reds rather than just green.

  I wind down the road to my dad’s house and turn off into the drive, slowing as my tires crunch on the gravel. By the time I reach the front of the house, I notice the three other cars already parked there. Bauer. Colt. Creek.

  Awesome. A full house.

  I park and take a minute to tamper down the irritation as much as I can. Don't get me wrong, I know without a doubt if they piss me off today, I'm likely to fly off the handle, and considering my new skills, that's not going to end well. So I try the breathing exercise from my new meditation app, and try to visualize the unreasonable rage draining from me.

  After a few minutes, I climb from the car and head inside the house, to more voices than the three I expected to find. I stroll through to the kitchen, and don't find anyone, so make my way back through to the family room, when the voices stop.

  "Holy shit, it’s my Remy girl!" The man, with skin so dark it almost glows, practically runs towards me and lifts me into his arms spinning me in circles. I hold on tight, because what is this madness.

  He lets me down, squeezing me into a hug, before noticing how stiff I am.

  "She's only two months into the awakening, Gabriel,” Colt says behind us.

  "You don't remember me yet?" he asks with a pout, and I shake my head.

  "Nope, sorry." I shrug and take a step back, noticing the other faces in the room. "What’s going on?"

  "What’s going on is my bestest, baddest, bitch doesn't remember me," he huffs. "Rude. Well, I'm Gabriel. Nice to see you again, I guess."

  I laugh at him, because he's outrageous, but ob
viously brilliant.

  "Obviously, I'm the freaking worst. But seriously, what's going on?" I look to Bauer who's stood at the front of the room, wondering why no-one let me know what the hell was going on before I rocked up in here.

  Colt moves his head, motioning to meet him in the backyard, so I leave the room, leaving everyone in there still looking at me like I'm some show clown.

  "What on earth is this, Colt?" I hiss.

  "This is a gathering, because the faction activity in Salem's Bay is getting out of control. These are people our family have trusted for an eon. I thought Dad would be awake by now, that it would be okay to bring them here to help."

  "Is that why you left?" he shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair.

  "No, I left because we have reason to believe that two faction leaders are coming here, and the elders wanted to know why. No one seems to know, and that dick bag Archer is here now too tracing the Lycans. There's too much going on and no-one seems to have a fucking clue why." I gulp at his words but shake off my unease.

  "This is insane, you know that right? I thought I was meant to tread lightly these first six months, so that I don't seize and die in an overabundance of memories or some other crap. And yet, you bring all these people here, people that obviously know me, or at the very least, of me, from their stares, while I'm in the middle of my freaking awakening. Great idea, Colt."

  "I didn't have a choice, Remy. There are too many of them gathering on the outskirts of our city. We needed a force, in case things go bad. Especially with Dad out of action. There aren't enough of us here to go up against these sorts of numbers." he paces on the porch as I lean against the house and I roll my eyes.

  "And what of the elders? Are they concerned about helping us right now? Or are we just disposable to them?" The words are sharper than I intended, but the resentment in them rings true, and I realize I'm getting more of myself back. Colt’s head whips up to meet my gaze and he rubs the back of his neck, picking his words carefully.


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