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Now (New Adult Erotic Romance) (The Tryst Series Book 2)

Page 4

by York, Marie

  The guys hand curled around my arm and yanked me back to him. “Hey, sugar, don’t be leaving just yet,” he said.

  “Thanks,” I said. “But it was just a dare. Thanks for being a good sport.”

  “It could be more than a dare.”

  “No, really it was just a dare. I’m going to go back to my girlfriends now.”

  “I think you want to stay right here.”

  His fingers tightened their grip and his other hand smoothed down my back. Of course I picked the one drunken asshole that couldn’t accept it and move on.

  I was drunk and wasn’t thinking clearly. My body froze in shock as his chubby hand grabbed a handful of my ass. Then before I could break free from the ice holding me in place, the guy was pulled off of me and Jaxon’s fist implanted in his face. Jaxon didn’t even flinch or flex his fingers.

  I gasped as the guy slumped to the floor. The veins in Jaxon’s arms bulged. A bunch of the guys’ buddies came out of the woodwork and surrounded us. Cole joined Jaxon in the center, resting his hand on his shoulder. The anger I could see coursing through his body calmed as he turned and noticed the other guys. Jaxon smiled and he and Cole looked as if they were about to take down as many guys as they could when two security guards, each the size of a house, pushed their way to the middle.

  One grabbed Mr. Touchy who was nursing a bloody nose and tossed him outside while the other guard and Gerry rounded up the guys’ friends and escorted them out.

  Jaxon’s hand rested on my shoulder and I glanced up into those beautiful eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I think so.”

  I was wondering why no one escorted Jaxon out when one of the security guards came up to him and patted him on the back.

  “My man. I see you out for the first time ever and you’re already causing trouble. No wonder you stick to your own place,” the guard said.

  “Sorry about that, Paulie.”

  “No problem. Not the first time that guy and his crew have been kicked out of here. Let me buy you a drink.”

  Jaxon pressed his hand to my lower back. “Next time. We were just leaving.”

  “Next time it is,” Paulie said and disappeared into the crowd.

  Jaxon urged me to the back of the bar.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Home,” he said.

  “I don’t have a home,” I mumbled then smacked a hand over my mouth, cursing at myself for being so stupid.

  He stopped walking and gripped my shoulders. “What are you talking about?”

  The truth was on the tip of my tongue but I swallowed it down. There was no way in hell I was about to admit to Jaxon that I was three months behind on my rent and about to be evicted. I couldn’t even bring myself to tell Dee. So I lied. “I don’t have a home here, I meant.”

  “Hotel, home whatever. Your night’s over.”

  “What about the girls?” I asked.

  “Cole has them. You’ll see them in the morning.”

  “I want to say goodbye,” I pouted, but Jaxon did not look amused. I wiggled out of his hold and found Dee and the others.

  “Holy shit, girl,” Rebecca said as I approached. “That was some crazy shit. And who is that tall drink of sexy who rescued you?”

  “That,” I said and pointed behind me to where Jaxon stood cross armed and irked. “Is Jaxon.”

  “Where have you been hiding him?” Faith asked.

  I twirled my finger around in front of them. The alcohol suddenly kicking into overdrive in my system. “I have not been hiding him. He fucked me once and left. He’s been hiding himself.”

  “Well you found him now. Make the best of it,” Rebecca said and kissed me on the cheek.

  I hugged Faith then Tanisha. Dee was slumped over on Cole’s shoulder, and I tapped her hand. She looked up and smiled a big drunk smile. “Lyla, I love you.”

  “I love you,” I said. “Now go home before you get in trouble.”

  “Shh. He can hear you.” Dee poked at Cole’s cheek and we both laughed.

  “And your time is up,” Jaxon said, coming up behind me.

  “He’s no fun,” I tried to whisper to Dee, but it came out a lot louder than I hoped.

  “None at all,” he muttered. “You sure you got them all?” Jaxon asked Cole.

  “Yup, just get Lyla back.” They shook hands and then Jaxon was steering me toward the back again.

  “The door is over there.” I pointed over my shoulder to the front of the bar.

  “We’re going out the back entrance in case those assholes are still out front.”


  Jaxon held the door for me as I stumbled through. His hand caught me before I went face first to the pavement. “Thanks for rescuing me.”

  “I shouldn’t have had to. Why the hell were you kissing that guy anyway?”

  “It was a dare.”

  “And if they dared you to jump off a bridge would you?”

  “You sound like an old guy.”

  “No, I sound like a responsible adult.”

  “And what, I don’t?”

  “No, you sound like a misbehaved child.”

  “I’ve been a bad girl,” I pouted. “Do you want to spank me?”

  “Get in the damn car, Lyla.” Jaxon swung the passenger door open and wouldn’t even look at me.

  I felt stupid and ashamed and I didn’t say another word as I crawled into the car. The door slammed behind me and I turned to the window so I didn’t have to look at him anymore.

  His door closed and he started the car. I closed my eyes trying to will away the dizzy spells. That last shot was a really bad idea.

  “Are you okay?” Jaxon asked after what felt like a never ending silence.

  “Don’t act like you care,” I spat.

  “I do care,” he said, resting his hand on my knee as he pulled into a space and killed the engine.

  I wanted to believe him. I did. But I couldn’t let one simple thing go.

  “You left,” I said and somehow the look in his eyes told me he knew I wasn’t talking about last night.

  “You left first.”

  I was scared. I panicked. I had just ended one relationship and to jump into something else was ludicrous. But even still I didn’t just leave. “I left a note.”

  “So did I.”

  Frustration seeped into my veins. Just like always we were getting nowhere. “I tried calling you, but your phone was disconnected.”

  “Forgot to pay the bill.”

  “You know what, forget it,” I said and flung the door open. I got out and marched, as well as I could for a drunk in four inch heels, toward the hotel lobby.

  “Lyla, wait.”

  I twirled myself around. “Why? What’s the point? You’re never going to tell me where you went. Where you’ve been for the past two years. Why you’re in Michigan now and why you didn’t want me to know. I get it. Finally I get it. It was just sex. Nothing else. And because of that there’s no reason for me to know anything.”

  “That’s not—”

  I held my hand up and stood my ground. “It was a tryst. A one night stand. We got caught up in that last night, wanting to relive the moment. You just realized it before I did. But if sex is what you want…” I stepped toward him and glanced up through long lashes. “I’m okay with that.” I dragged my finger down his shirt, but before I could get anywhere he stopped my hand.

  “No,” he said, but he might as well have slapped me across the face.

  Sadness coursed through me and tears pricked at my eyes. I equated it to the alcohol and turned around before Jaxon could see any fallen tears.

  With my head as high as I could hold it, I walked into the hotel, alone.


  My stomach was queasy, but the sadness won out. I stumbled into the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. I held onto the back wall and tried to keep myself from collapsing into a drunken mess, but it only reminded me of Jaxon and how amazing his lips
felt pressed to mine as he kissed me up against this very wall.

  I fumbled in my bag for my keys and only dropped them twice. The back of my hand was as good as a tissue as I swiped the tears away.

  The hallway looked impossibly long and I kicked off my heels as I made my way to my door. I put my key to the door, but couldn’t find the hole. All I wanted was to go collapse on my bed and put an end to this night, but this damn key was making it impossible.

  A hand rested on mine and I tried to force the tears away before looking at Jaxon. He took the keys away from me and picked my bag up from the floor. He flipped the top open and fished out my key card.

  “Oh yeah,” I muttered as he pushed the card into the slot and opened my door.

  He reached down and picked up my shoes handing them to me.

  “I didn’t want to have this conversation with you because I know you’re not going to remember any of it in the morning. Which is also why I’m not going to have sex with you.”

  “That’s not true,” I argued.

  He closed his eyes and it was if he was debating to finally let it all out or keep it hidden inside. “Despite what you may think, I do care. Probably too much. Goodnight, Lyla,” he said and kissed my forehead before disappearing into his own room.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning I felt like death, but I couldn’t hide in bed, I had a wedding to get ready for. My memory was a little foggy from the night before, but I knew I was mad at Jaxon. I remembered walking away from him in the parking lot after telling him I knew what we had was just sex and he never denied it. After that everything was a blur. I woke up and wasn’t exactly sure how I got to my room.

  So maybe I wasn’t mad at him, I was really mad at myself for thinking Jaxon Reed was capable of anything other than sex. Why couldn’t I just accept that?

  I would. From that moment on, I promised myself I wouldn’t conjure up any happily ever after’s with Jaxon. Our one night together and our few shared passionate kisses were all that it was with us. Those moments were fleeting and I wanted everlasting.

  I finished showering, threw on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and took a cab to Dee’s.

  “Happy wedding day,” I said as I walked through the living room. The girls were all there, Rebecca, still passed out cold on the couch.

  “The maid of honor is here,” Dee called out, but was too busy having her hair curled to get up, so I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

  “How you feeling?” I asked, hating her for having glowing skin the morning after an all night binger.

  “Fantastic. Cole made me his specialty hangover cure, and I woke up feeling awesome.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Me too,” Rebecca said behind us.

  Faith laughed. “Watch out for the walking dead.”

  “Who wants some champagne?” Tanisha asked and we all groaned.

  The rest of the morning was a whirlwind of hair and makeup and getting into our dresses. Faith zipped up my back and I zipped hers then we took a picture.

  The dresses were a gorgeous deep purple with a single strap. Dee let us wear our hair anyway we chose so I opted for a loose updo that sat on my left side.

  “Here she comes,” Dee’s mom announced and stood just outside of the bedroom with her camera.

  Dee stepped out and tears filled my eyes. She was absolutely stunning. The strapless gown she chose hugged her curves perfectly and the diamond necklace gave her just the right amount of bling without being over the top.

  Most importantly, she looked genuinely happy and because of that, I was too. I smiled and Dee caught my eye then pointed a finger at me.

  “Oh no you don’t. Don’t you start crying.” She fanned her face as her own tears built and we both started to laugh.

  “You look perfect.”

  “Three hours. I better look perfect,” she said and we laughed even harder.

  We all gathered together as the photographer snapped picture after picture, making us stand in a million different poses. Then we were off to the church.

  Dee stood in the back room as the rest of the bridal party met up just outside the church doors. Jaxon was the first person I saw. If he looked good in dark jeans and button up, oh my God he was breathtaking in a tux.

  The thoughts running through my mind were enough to set the church on fire. He was the best man and I wondered why he was even back here.

  “You look beautiful,” he said as he approached.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” I said and looked down at my bouquet. There was no reason for small talk. “Shouldn’t you be up at the front?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. Thanks for checking on me, but it wasn’t necessary.” I didn’t care about the bitchy tone. He made it clear it was just sex and I wasn’t obligated to play nice with him.

  “You don’t remember last night do you?”

  “I remember enough.”

  “Apparently you don’t,” he said then pushed through the doors and walked down the aisle to man his post as best man.

  I had no idea what he was talking about but I pushed it aside. The music started and the wedding began. When it was my turn to walk down the aisle I couldn’t help but notice Jaxon and how his full attention was on me.

  His eyes filled with lust and I had to remind myself I was in a church because that look shot heat to my core.

  I took my place and watched Dee make her way to Cole. I cried as they read their own vows and cheered when they sealed it with a kiss. When they took each other’s hand and headed back up the aisle, I met Jaxon in the middle to follow behind them.

  His biceps strained against his tux jacket as he offered me his arm. I linked mine through it and continued walking.

  He leaned over his lips just brushing my ear. “Can I have the first dance?” he asked.


  He looked at me, but didn’t have an answer. We got to the end of the aisle and parted ways.


  The reception was full of dancing and drinking, but since I had my fair share the night before, I steered clear of the bar. I caught Jaxon staring at me too many times to count, but he hadn’t approached me since I walked away from him.

  The DJ put on a slow song and Jaxon finally made his way over to me. “Dance with me,” he said.

  “Why?” I asked again.

  He ran a finger down my cheek and rested his hand under my chin, urging me to look at him. “Because I want you to and I know you want to.”

  “You don’t know what I want,” I said.

  He pressed a kiss to my neck, shooting chills up my spine. “I think I do.”

  Two could play this game. I grazed my lips up his jaw until they were next to his ear. “Then let’s cut the bullshit and fuck already.”

  “That’s not what I want,” Jaxon said and what was left of my heart nose dived into the floor.

  He didn’t even want to have sex with me. Then why wouldn’t he just leave me alone? “Of course not,” I sputtered. “Then there’s really no point for the dance.”

  “Just shut up and dance with me.” He grabbed my hand and didn’t give me a chance to take off. He pulled me onto the dance floor and wrapped my hand around his waist.

  I hated how much I loved being pressed against his hardness. How amazing he smelled and how regardless of the many times he bailed on me, all I wanted was to succumb to the passion and feel him inside of me.

  His hands hovered just above my ass and that was even more of a turn on than if he actually crossed the line and went for it. I all but threw myself at him just now and last night and he rejected me. I couldn’t do this anymore. I wanted him too much to pretend I didn’t.

  The song ended and without a word I walked away from him.

  Chapter 10

  I stayed to the end of the wedding, doing my best to avoid Jaxon. Every time I saw him, I went the other way. When the party died down, I found Dee and Cole and said
goodbye with a promise to stop by in the morning before I left.

  Back in my room, I kicked off my shoes and went to get out of my dress when I realized I couldn’t reach the damn zipper. No matter how hard I tried and no matter how many ways I contorted my body, I couldn’t reach it.

  So against my better judgment, I knocked on Jaxon’s door. The door swung open and I gaped at the chiseled chest in front of me. All Jaxon had on was his tux pants. I bit my lip at the sight then got myself together.

  “I know this is going to sound like a line, but I promise you it isn’t.” I pointed to my back. “I can’t reach my zipper. Can you help me?”

  “Sure, but not here in the hallway. Come on.” He didn’t bother throwing a shirt on as we headed back over to my room. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. The door closed behind us and I turned to the side, facing the wall.

  Jaxon tugged at the zipper and very slowly inched it down. His warm hand landed on my shoulder, causing a ripple of tingles down my thighs. I felt his head rest on the back of mine then his lips on my neck.

  “Damn it, Lyla,” he growled against my skin, then pushed me up against the wall. His mouth came down on my shoulder, dragging his tongue up my neck. He yanked the zipper the rest of the way down and shoved the dress strap off.

  His hands cupped my breasts, and I moaned as the material fell away from me. “I’ve wanted to be inside of you all weekend,” he said then plunged his hand into my thong. His finger found my clit instantly and he rubbed the swollen nub until I arched my back into him. He slid two fingers up and down my slit before pushing inside of me. “Mmm, you’re dripping.”

  I moaned in response.

  He stroked in and out of me, bringing me to the edge, but every time I felt as if I was going to fall off he pulled his fingers out then slowly started up again. “Does that feel good?”

  “So good.”

  His other hand reached up kneading my breast before he pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I threw my head back against his shoulder, and he captured my mouth with his, thrusting his tongue against mine.

  I could taste the slightest bit of Jack, but what I really wanted to taste was him. I reached behind me for his zipper, but he grabbed my hand and pinned it up against the wall.


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