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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

Page 7

by Crystal Daniels

  Shit. After getting mauled by this prick, the only person she’s thinking of is me? Not herself, but me.

  I uncock and lower my weapon.

  “Bella, go inside and find something to tie him up with.”

  She goes to say something, but I cut her off.

  “Woman! Get your sweet ass inside, and do what I said.”

  Reluctantly, she walks inside, and as soon as she does, I turn back to the son of a bitch I’m still holding against the wall.

  “I may not be ending your worthless life, but you’re going to wish I had before the night is through.” I shove him, releasing my grip on his neck.

  Grabbing at the side of the brick wall, he gasps for air. “You won’t get away with this,” he spits out.

  I let out a laugh. “Is this the part where you tell me your daddy is so and so?”

  I give him a few more blows to the ribs, causing him to stumble a few feet before falling to his knees, trying to catch his breath again.

  “I think maybe I’ll let some of my brothers have a little fun with you tonight,” I taunt, walking up behind him.

  Spittle comes flying from his mouth as he starts to plead. “Please...I swear, I won’t bother Bella again. Please.”

  I hate whiners.

  Mason watches, as I pull my gun back out.

  “Shit, man. You said you weren’t going to kill me,” he cries, putting his hands up.

  I look down at him and shrug my shoulders. I proceed to take the butt of the gun, knocking his ass out with a blow to the back of the head. He collapses to the ground as Bella returns holding a couple of rolls of duct tape.

  Her eyes scan from my pistol to the ground where Mason is lying.

  “Logan?” she questions.

  “He’s not dead. Just knocked his ass out.”

  I walk over to her, take her face in my hands and rub the pad of my thumb over the raised whelp on her face, before leaning down and lightly brushing my lips on the mark that fucker left on her cheek.

  Stepping back, I look at her. “I’m sorry he put his dirty hands on you. It won’t be happening again.”

  I take the tape and begin to wrap it around Mason’s wrists and ankles. Once I’ve finished, I pull my phone out to make a call. It only rings once before I hear Gabriel’s voice.


  “Hey, Brother. Got a loose end that needs to be taken care of over here at the bike shop.”

  “I’m across the street. Be there in five,” he declares, hanging up.

  I’m leaving his ass out here, so before I head inside I bend down and tape his mouth, just in case he wakes up.

  Bella is still standing there, watching.

  “Come on, Angel. Let’s get inside.”

  I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her towards the break room. “Let’s get you cleaned up. I’ll make us some coffee.”

  Just before I walk her to the couch she breaks away from my touch and walks over to the kitchen to grab the first aid kit from under the sink.

  Walking back to where I’m standing, she grabs my hand before leading me to the table. The jolt of electricity from the contact is hard for both of us to ignore and she lifts her eyes to mine, letting me know she felt the same thing.

  I can feel her pulse racing as my thumb traces across her wrist.

  With a shy smile, she clears her throat before speaking. “I’m going to clean that cut you have on your arm before anything else.”

  I look down at my arm. “I’m okay, babe. I’ve had worse.”

  Sitting the kit down on the table she opens it and starts pulling out some of the contents, setting them on the table in front of her.

  “I’m sure you have. Please, sit down, Logan. Let me take care of you.”

  Fuck me. I feel a tightening in my chest again. I sit down, extending my arm and Bella begins to lightly dab the antiseptic on the cut with some gauze, cleaning it up. The sting causes me to flinch slightly.

  Lifting her eyes to me, she whispers, “Sorry,” then lowers her head, blowing air across my skin to soothe the burn. Bella looks at me through her long thick lashes. Fuck, there is nothing I can do to hide the effect she has on me.

  “Doesn’t look deep enough for stitches, but I’ll put a few butterfly bandages on to keep the wound closed.”

  Not trusting my voice, I nod. She goes about putting the bandage on, then wraps some gauze around my forearm, before applying some tape.

  “Thank you, beautiful. I haven’t had someone take care of me like that in a long time.”

  I see questions in her eyes, but she doesn’t ask. I love that about her. Bella just does things, wonderful things for people, and doesn’t require anything in return. She listens without judgment, and she doesn’t push for any more than I’m willing to give.

  I lead her to the couch, sitting her down. “I’m putting on a pot of coffee. I’m also gonna walk into the storefront and grab a t-shirt off the rack for you. I don’t want you sitting around with that torn shirt you’re wearing.”

  Coming back into the break room, I walk over to the sink with a clean washcloth, soaking it under some warm water, before ringing it out and walking back over to Bella.

  I kneel, placing the shirt on the couch and pull her towards me, placing myself between her legs.

  “Let me clean you up.”

  Never breaking eye contact with me, I wait for her to give me the go ahead before placing the warm washcloth to her face to wipe away the dirt and dried tears. The welt is starting to bruise a bit, so I’m careful not to wipe too hard on her cheek. I can feel the tension build at the thought of that prick marking her face this way. Bella senses it and places her hand over mine.

  “I’m okay, Logan.”

  Looking at her, I’m once again hit with a strong urge to kiss her. I never thought I would need more in my life than the club and my brothers. I’ve never felt so unsatisfied with not having more... until now. Until this beautiful woman in front of me made me crave it-crave her.

  Letting my hand fall from her face, I reach over and grab the t-shirt I laid next to her. “Here, put this on while I go grab us both a cup of coffee.”

  She looks down at the shirt, then back to me. “Um, I’ll just go to the bathroom and change.”

  “I’ll keep my back turned until you’re changed. I promise I won’t peek,” I say smiling at her.

  Her face flushes, returning a smile of her own.

  I turn and head towards the counter. I reach up and take two mugs out of the cabinet and proceed to pour the coffee, taking my time, until I hear her softly say.

  “You can turn around now.”

  I turn, with both mugs in my hands, and she is walking to the table. The t-shirt swallows her. An image of her in nothing but my shirt flashes through my mind.

  “Thanks for the shirt, Logan.”

  She sits down, taking the mug I sat in front of her. I sit down, joining her, and we enjoy the silence for a moment before my cell rings.

  Looking at my phone I see it’s Gabriel, swiping the screen I answer. “You find the package out back by the dumpster?”

  “Yeah,” he replies.

  Bella shifts in her chair, intently watching me.

  Not taking my eyes off her, I continue with my phone call. “The fucker jumped Bella tonight. He stays alive, just have some fun with him first. Find out his address, and dump him after you’re done.”

  She visibly relaxes in her chair a bit after hearing what I said to Gabriel and finishes her coffee.

  Gabriel doesn’t ask any questions. He only lets out a huff, before hanging up.

  “Thank you,” Bella whispers, peering at me over the rim of her coffee mug.

  Leaning forward, I do what I’ve wanted to do all night. Hell, for days. I grab her face, brushing my lips against hers, then pull away and peer into those beautiful eyes of hers.

  “Only this one time. He’s alive because you asked, but I won’t do it again, babe.”

  Licking my taste off her
lips, she nods her head. “I understand.”

  “Good. Now, let’s get you home. I’m driving you in your car. I’ll text Reid to pick me up from there. You’re exhausted and don’t need to be behind the wheel tonight.”

  I shoot off a text to Reid with Bella’s address and finish locking up the shop. I lead her to the car, helping her in and buckling her up.

  “Logan, I’m a big girl. I can buckle myself in.”

  “Shut up woman and let me take care of you.”

  I finish latching the buckle before closing the door and walk around, climbing into the driver’s seat. My knees are crammed so far under the steering wheel, it’s painful.

  I hear Bella’s soft giggle beside me as I slide the seat back far enough to get my legs comfortable. I love the sound of her giggle. It makes me smile.

  About twenty minutes later, we’re pulling up in her driveway. I look over to see she’s sound asleep.

  Reid has just pulled in behind us as I’m getting out and making my way to the passenger side to open the door.

  “Babe, wake up. You’re home.”

  She opens her sleepy eyes and reaches up, touching my face. “Thank you, Logan. For everything.”

  I usher her out of the car and close the door, handing her the keys. I bend down and kiss the top of her head.

  “Goodnight, Angel.”

  “Goodnight, Logan.”

  I watch her walk inside, and close the door before climbing into Reid’s truck, where he’s wearing a goofy fuckin’ grin.

  Looking at him I say, “What?”

  “You didn’t kill someone for that girl tonight,” he states.

  “Yeah,” I respond, folding my arms across my chest.

  Reid stares back ahead. As he takes off he says, “Good.”



  Glancing in the rearview mirror of my car on the way home from work, I look at the fading bruise on my face and run my finger over my skin. It’s been a few days since Mason attacked me at the shop and since then the guys have assured me that he won’t be a problem anymore. My sister happened to be sound asleep that night when Logan dropped me off at home, so she had no clue what had happened until she saw the welt on my face the next morning. She’s been texting me every day since then at least an hour before I leave work to check on me and make sure I’m not alone.

  I’m pulling up to my house and the driveway is full of cars. Lee and his scummy friends are here. Dread settles in my stomach knowing my sister is home alone with them. I forgot that mom had to work late tonight. I know she told him not to come back. Mom kicked him out after their last fight. He’s been gone for several weeks. I bet she doesn’t even know he’s here at the house.

  Parking my car on the street, I jump out and make my way to the house. I can already hear the loud music coming from inside.

  Opening the front door, I’m immediately hit with the stench of cigarettes and sweat. I spot the low life himself, sitting at the kitchen table with three of his friends. I ignore their eyes leering at me as I head straight to mine and Alba’s room.

  I open the door and don’t see her. My heart starts racing and I begin to panic. I feel a light breeze that has me looking to my right, noticing the window is open. Rushing over I look out into the night. That’s when it hits me. She’s at the park. Walking back through the kitchen, I pass Lee making my way to the front door.

  “Where you off to, Bella?” He says with a drunken slur.

  I don’t bother responding to him. That prick is an afterthought. I walk out slamming the door behind me.

  When I arrive at the park, it’s so dark I can hardly see. I dig in my purse for my cell phone to use as a flashlight.

  This is the place Alba comes to feel safe when things get too overwhelming at home. She knows this is the first place I’d look if I needed to find her. I know exactly where she’ll be—the top of the tube slide.

  Climbing the steps of the jungle gym, I make it to the top and see the glow of her flashlight she carries on her keychain. She’s sitting just inside the opening with her legs crossed, the light shining on the book cradled in her lap. I stand there for a minute looking at my little sister. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t have to climb out of the bedroom window and walk to a park at night just to hide because she doesn’t feel safe in her own home.

  She senses me and turns her head.

  “Hey, Bella.”

  “Hi, kiddo.”

  “Lee showed up,” she says.

  “I know, I was just there. You weren’t in the room, so I knew I’d find you here. You know you can call me anytime, even when I’m at work.”

  “I know, Bella, but you just started that new job, and I didn’t want you to get in trouble having to leave early because of me.”

  “Alba, you come first, you hear me? No job is more important than you.”

  “But—” she starts to protest.

  “No buts, Alba. Next time you call me, okay?”

  “Okay, I promise,” she sighs while swiping at a tear that rolls down her cheek.

  “Come here.”

  I sit down beside her. She scoots closer to me, laying her head in my lap for me to stroke her hair.

  “It’s going to be okay, Alba. I’ve got this new job now, and it pays more than the grocery store. I’m able to save money, and soon I’ll be able to afford to get our own place.”

  I’m a little nervous driving into work the next day. My sister has school break coming up in a few weeks, and after what happened last night, I can’t risk leaving her home alone all day knowing Lee could be hanging around. I need to ask Jake if I can bring her into work with me while she’s out of school.

  In the short time I’ve been working at Kings, Jake has been nothing but kind, but asking him such a huge favor has me a bit nervous.

  I arrive the same time as Jake, and I see him getting off his bike. Of course, he also has a pink box in his hand. Every morning I’ve worked here he has been stopping at this cute little bakery in town. It opened about six months ago. They have the best pastries. I suspect that his obsession with donuts has something to do with the pretty baker that owns the place.

  “Good morning, Jake.”

  “Mornin’, sweetheart.”

  Walking in, I see Logan and Quinn are already here. They usually come in early to set up for the day.

  “Hey, Prez. What’s with the donuts every day?” Quinn questions, with a knowing smile.

  “I like donuts,” Jake tells him.

  Quinn, being Quinn, wasn’t letting it go.

  “Yeah, they are pretty kickass. In fact, they’re so good, I’m thinking of going to town, so I can personally tell that sexy as hell, redheaded baker exactly how much I enjoy her sweet treats,” He says that last part while wiggling his eyebrows.

  He must have a death wish, because as soon as those words leave his mouth, Jake punches him in the face.

  “You go anywhere near Grace, and I’ll personally rip your goddamn balls off!” Jake declares with fury in his voice.

  I’m standing there, stunned. I look over at Logan, and he’s smiling. Turning my attention back to Quinn, who is now picking himself up off the floor. He’s wiping the blood from his lip with the back of his hand, but also has the biggest damn grin on his face.

  “You son of a bitch!” Jake growls, before stomping off to his office.

  “I can’t believe you did that to him.” I fuss.

  He winks at me and turns back to the bike he was working on.

  I turn, looking back at Logan just as he’s walking off muttering ‘idiot’ under his breath.

  Later, I make my way to Jake’s office. Hopefully, he’s cooled down from this morning and not in a pissed off mood. I see his door closed, so I knock.


  I poke my head in. “Hey Jake, you got a minute?”

  When he sees it’s me, his face softens. “Sure, sweetheart. Whatcha need?”

  I let out a deep sigh. “My sister
is out of school for spring break in a few weeks, and I wanted to ask if I can bring her into work with me during the day that week? I promise she won’t be in the way. You won’t even know she’s here.”

  “Ah, not that I mind her being here, Bella. Isn’t she old enough to be left alone?”

  He’s right. Alba is eighteen, well past the age of needing a babysitter.

  Seeing that I’m reluctant to answer his question, he asks. “Is there a reason why your sister can’t stay home?”

  I avoid looking at him. Wondering... should I tell him about Lee?

  “Bella, look at me.”

  When I do, I see concern on his face.

  “Now, tell me why you can’t leave her at home by herself.”

  I plop down in the chair sitting in front of his desk. “My stepdad, let’s just say he’s not a good man, and he keeps showing up after my mom has told him he’s not welcome. I don’t trust him.” I state.

  By the dark look on his face, I don’t need to say anymore.

  “I’ll tell you what. You bring your sister in with you when she’s out on break. I also want her here every day starting today after school as well. If we’re busy and you’re not able to pick her up, then one of the brothers will. You good with all that?”

  I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I lean over and put my head in my hands, releasing a huge breath. By the time I look back up, Jake has knelt in front of me.

  He looks me straight in the eyes. “You’re not alone any more Bella. You have me, and you have the club.”

  Trying to blink away the tears. I nod. “Thank you.”

  Walking back to the front desk after leaving Jake’s office, I run into Logan.

  “What the hell, Bella? Why the fuck are you crying?”

  “I’m fine,” I sigh. “I promise.”

  “You’re not fuckin’ fine. Tell me why you’re coming out of Jake’s office with tears in your eyes.”

  “I had a minor problem, and Jake was helping me out. That’s all.”

  “What kind of fuckin’ problem. Don’t even think about lying to me, babe,” he growls.

  “I was asking him if I could bring my sister with me to work while her school is on break. I don’t trust our piece of shit stepdad.”


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